Ecological Succession HL Bio

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All alien species are always invasive


Look at this kite graph and determine which species is best adapted to a sandy environment.

Fucus serratus

Cuckoo and warbler: A cuckoo may lay its eggs in a warbler's nest. The cuckoo's young will displace the warbler's young and will be raised by the warbler. Is the warbler


Cuckoo and warbler: A cuckoo may lay its eggs in a warbler's nest. The cuckoo's young will displace the warbler's young and will be raised by the warbler. Is the cuckoo


Oxpecker and zebras: Oxpeckers are a type of small bird that land on zebras and eat ticks and other parasites that live on the zebra's skin. The Oxpeckers get food and the zebras get pests removed.Is the Oxpecker:


Oxpecker and zebras: Oxpeckers are a type of small bird that land on zebras and eat ticks and other parasites that live on the zebra's skin. The Oxpeckers get food and the zebras get pests removed.Is the Zebra


A plant is: I. an autotroph II. a heterotroph III. a primary producer IV. a primary consumer

I and III

toxins building up in body of organisms is called


Introducing a natural predator to reduce the numbers of an alien species is

biological control

a consequence of competition between species is...

both species occupy smaller realized niches

A bird building their nest in a tree.


A whale and barnacles.


Which biome has many trees that do not change much seasonally?

coniferous forest

Which biome has trees that produce seeds in cones?

coniferous forest

Organisms that feed on decaying matter are called


Which biome has organisms with special adaptations to a hot, dry climate



divisions of the biosphere defined by its vegetation and community structure

Which organisms would most likely be the pioneer organisms on a newly formed volcanic island?



one species acts as a host to another


one species benefits and the other is relatively unaffected by the relationship

If I see a parade of elephants, what level of organization did I observe?


All the individuals of a given species in a specific area or region at a certain time


The community of a pond is made up of all the

populations of fish, insects & other living things

What do toads eat?

predaceous insects

Secondary consumers eat

primary consumers

What do you call a species that colonizes an uninhabited area and that starts a process of succession

Pioneer plants

Which is the best definition of the niche of an organism?

where it lives, how it feeds & species interactions

Which organism is both a tertiary and a quintenary consumer?


Organisms that make their own food are called _____


Small mites living on your skin, eating dead skin cells. You don't even notice.


What do the arrows represent in the diagram?

flow of nutrients

List 3 abiotic factors that determine a species range.

1. light 2. atmosphere 3. temperature

A species whose effect on biological diversity is disproportionate to their own abundance is

A keystone species

Where were cane toads introduced to in an effort to control pest?


What was the name of Rachel Carson's book?

Silent Spring

What biome is A?


Why were cane toads brought into Australia?

To control beetles in sugar cane fields

What biome is C?

tropical rainforest

Label #1

zone of intolerance

Calculate the Biotic Index for Site B here. Round your answer to 2 decimal places


Plastic has accumulated in marine environments and is now causing problems for wildlife. Some marine birds have become entangled in plastic debris and some have been harmed by ingesting it. The table shows the extent of the problem worldwide in different groups of birds. Calculate the number of species of grebe with problems due to entanglement.


You collected the following macroinvertebrates from Myakka River. Calculate the biotic index of the river.


A scientist wants to determine the effect of a town on a stream. She samples macroinvertebrates from site A which is upstream from the town and site B which is downstream from the town. Below is her samples


While doing a population study Snook in Sarasota bay, you capture 231 Snook and mark them. After releasing the Snook and waiting a couple days you go back out and capture 189 Snook of which 82 of them have a mark. Estimate the population size of Snook in the bay to the nearest whole number.


Which biome is pine needles laying on the floor the main store?


Which of the following sequences MOST likely represents ecological succession on a recently abandoned farm



A ____ is a group of populations living together and interacting with each other in an area

What is DDT?

A colorless/odorless chemical pesticide

Which of these types of environments is MOST LIKELY to experience the arrival of pioneer species?

A newly formed volcanic island

Which of the following is an issue with discarded plastics?

Animals mistake plastic for a food source

Where were cane toads introduced to?


Which stage represents a pioneer community?



Biome at low elevations with warm temperatures and very high moisture. The forest is extremely productive, with high primary productivity


Biome that is cool in winter and hot in the summer. There is rich topsoil which will allow grasses, small shrubs and some trees to flourish. Animals include prairie dogs, foxes, and small mammals

Plastic has accumulated in marine environments and is now causing problems for wildlife. Some marine birds have become entangled in plastic debris and some have been harmed by ingesting it. The table shows the extent of the problem worldwide in different groups of birds. Identify the group with the greatest number of species with problems due to ingestion of plastics


Which biome has the fasted rate of nutrient transfer between stores?


Which method could have been used in this study to measure the numbers of sea urchins

Capture-recapture method

Where are cane toads native to?

Central America

What type of habitat would follow shrubs during ecological succession?

Coniferous forest

Primary succession occurs when a land area is formed. This may occur following a volcanic eruption, when new sand is deposited on a beach, or when a glacier retreats. The first plants attach to rocks and break them down to produce soil. Over time, grasses and flowers are replaced by shrubs and trees. Which graph illustrates the relationship between number of species and time in an area where primary succession is occurring?


Distinguish between the distribution of D. tigrina and that of D. coronata

D. tigrina lives higher in the tree than D. coronata

What are some consequences of DDT use

DDT causes birds to lay fragile eggs that break DDT builds up in ecosystems effecting plant and animal life DDT could cause cancer High exposure to DDT could cause infertility and/or birth defects

What type of habitat is considered a climax community?

Deciduous forest

What type of habitat would follow a coniferous forest during ecological succession?

Deciduous forest

What biome is B?



Dr. Paine removed these from the intertidal area. As a result, mussels took over and crowded out other species.

If the frog was removed from this food web, which species' populations would increase

Dragonfly and pond fly

Which stage would best represent a climax community?


The water quality in site A is

Fairly Poor

A cow is: I. a primary consumer II. a heterotroph III. an herbivore IV. a producer

I, II, and III

Which factors does the Simpson's Index take into account? I. Biotic index II. Species richness III. Species gender IV. Species evenness

II and IV

How might an introduced species threaten biodiversity?

It may compete with native species for resources.

Which statement concerning the climax stage of an ecological succession is correct?

It persists until the environment changes

What marine birds are drastically affected by discarded plastic in the ocean?

Laysan albatross

After a volcanic eruption has covered an area with lava, place the following is the most likely order of succession in the repopulation of the area.

Lichens and Mosses Annual Weeds Grasses Shrubs Pine Trees Hardwood Forest

Which is the factor which is most scarce in relation to an organism's needs?

Limiting factors

DDT is controversially used to deal with what disease?


Algae growing on the fur of a sloth, giving it camouflage


An endemic species is

Native to an area

Which is true?

Nutrients are cycled through ecosystems.

Where are cane toads endemic to?


Cuckoo and warbler: A cuckoo may lay its eggs in a warbler's nest. The cuckoo's young will displace the warbler's young and will be raised by the warbler. What type of symbiotic relationship is this?


Which of the following is a biotic limiting factor?


What is a major limiting biotic factor for animal succession in each stage?

Plant species

Dragonfly nymphs spend their early stages clinging to submerged plants. Then, they climb to the surface, shed their skins, and fly away as dragonflies. Which pond is best suited for dragonflies?

Pond A

Black bass and bluegill make their nests on sandy bottoms. In which pond would you find them?

Pond B

Golden shiner and mud minnows lay their eggs on Chara (green algae). In which pond would you find them?

Pond C

Some mussels require a sandy bottom in order to maintain an upright position. In which pond will they die out?

Pond C, Pond D, Pond A

In which pond will gill breathing snails be replaced by lung breathing snails that climb to the surface to breathe?

Pond D

Some amphibians and crayfish can withstand periods of dryness by burying themselves in mud. In which pond would they survive?

Pond D

Place the ponds in order from the youngest to the oldest

Pond D Pond A Pond C Pond B

What is the water quality in Myakka River?


What law states that two species cannot survive indefinitely in the same habitat if their niches are identical?

Principle of Competitive Exclusion

What principle/law is this diagram showing?

Principle of competitive exclusion

This ecologist wrote a controversial book warning Americans about the evil spell, that could plague the nation due to the use of the chemical DDT.

Rachel Carson

What site has the most species richness?

Site A

Which site has the most species evenness?

Site B

Which species are in the 2nd trophic level on this food web?

Starfish, sardine fish, and shrimps

Which species would be considered an indicator species?


_______ is defined as the replacement of one type of community by another at a single location over a period of time


Sea otters eat sea urchins. Hypothesis what would happen if the sea otters were removed from the environment

The sea urchin population would explode. The sea urchins would eat the algae, reducing biodiversity.

What will happen to the black bass and blue gill as the floor of the ponds fills with organic debris?

Their populations will drop and eventually will disappear from this pond

There are 3 components within an ecosystem that store nutrients.


What is one benefit of DDT?

Using DDT decreases the amount of malaria cases, saving human lives

The water quality in site B is:

Very Poor

What type of habitat would follow lichens and mosses during ecological succession

Weeds and grasses

primary succession

______ _______ begins when plants begin growing on a previously barren and lifeless area

deciduous forest

a biome that has relatively mild summers and cold winters. You would expect to find oaks, beeches, and hickory trees, as well as wolves, deer, and bears.


a change or the process of change by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment.


a method of sampling a type of organism along a straight line

secondary succession

a new group of organisms takes over following a natural or artificial upheaval of the area


a position or role taken by a kind of organism within its community


a species on which other species in an ecosystem largely depend, such that if it were removed the ecosystem would change drastically.

Spatial habitat

a species' ____ is simply the location that it lives in


a substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life.

Which of the following describes soil and temperature in an ecosystem?

abiotic factors

Which of the following is NOT a biotic factor in an ecosystem?


A species introduced by humans is called:

an alien species


an animal or plant on or in which a parasite or commensal organism lives.

In a pond, which change would most likely lead to terrestrial succession?

an increase in sediment, fallen leaves, and tree limbs accumulating on the bottom of the pond


an organism that hunts and eats other organisms


an organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense.

The speed of water is an important abiotic factor in a freshwater ecosystem because

animals must adapt so they are not washed away.

What is biomass

any type of animal or plant material

zone of intolerance

area outside of the range where an organism can exist


biome at low elevations with warm temperatures and little precipitation. Plants and animals have very specific adaptations that enable them to survive in this extremely hot and dry biome

temperate forest

biome at lower elevations, where temperatures are warmer and more water is available. Plants and animals in this forest must be adapted for a wide range of conditions. Many trees in this forest will lose their leaves in the winter to reduce water loss


biome that is high in elevation with less cold temperatures and slightly more rainfall than the tundra. Animals have heavy coats of fur in the winter and lose some of their fur in the summer

How would you determine if something is a keystone species or not?

by conducting a removal experiment

The stable stage that is established in an area as a result of the process of ecological succession is known as the

climax community

Orchids growing in tall tropical trees, the trees are not harmed by the orchids get sunlight


All the different populations in a specific area or region at a certain time


All the different species of an ecosystem are referred to as the:


Several years after some ground was cleared, grasses began to grow in an area. After 10 years, small bushes replaced the grasses. This pattern of plant growth is known as

ecological succession

If I see a waterfall surrounded by trees that have large leaves, and monkeys hiding from the rain; what level of organization did I witness?


One or more communities and the abiotic environment, water, sunlight, oxygen, temperature, soil


The sequence of who eats whom in a biological community

food chain

The network of all the inter-related food chains in a biological community

food web

Which organism is both a secondary and tertiary consumer?


Complete the food chain

grass, lion

The amount of organic matter produced by plants expressed as energy per unit area per unit time

gross production

net production

gross production minus the energy lost through respiration

Where an organism lives to obtain food, water, shelter & other things needed for survival


An organism is resistant to a chemical if it

has a gene that protects it from the chemical

Organisms that only eat plants are called _______.


An organism that gets its energy by eating other organisms.


A major abiotic factor that affects freshwater ecosystems is

how quickly water moves

Which animal has modified ecosystems more than any other animal and has had the greatest negative impact on world ecosystems?


cane toad

introduced to Australia as a biological control for sugar cane beetles. It failed.

Cane Toads in Australia would best be described as



involving interaction between 2 different organisms living in close physical association

gross production

is the total amount of energy trapped in the organic matter produced by plants per area per time

The impact of an alien specie is usually only significant if...

it spreads rapidly

______factors affect the distribution of species in a community



limiting factors due to one or more other living species


limiting factors that are not created by something that is alive


most of the nutrients in the desert are located here


most of the nutrients in the rainforest are located here


most of the nutrients in the taiga are located here

Oxpecker and zebras: Oxpeckers are a type of small bird that land on zebras and eat ticks and other parasites that live on the zebra's skin. The Oxpeckers get food and the zebras get pests removed What kind of symbiotic relationship is this?


The ants protecting the acacia tree and tree provides food for the ants.


The hermit crab carrying the sea anemone on its back.


Which of the following is the correct equation for finding net production?

net production = gross production + respiration

The role an organism(s) serves in its environment, how it gets food, how it interacts


predator prey

one species that is a prey animal for another


organisms that occupy the first trophic level


overused pesticide that nearly caused the extinction of many birds of prey and caused human illness

A tapeworm living in a 12th grade student's intestines.


A tick living on a dog


Head lice living on a human scalp


Primary consumers eat

primary producers

Which trophic level in a food web would accumulate the LEAST amount of a toxin, such as methylmercury or DDT?

primary producers

A volcanic island is being created. Which type of succession will this island go through

primary succession

Glaciers melting to reveal rock

primary succession

Starts with bare rock and dirt must be created before plants then animals can live there

primary succession

Takes millions of year to happen

primary succession

Organisms that make their own food are called:


A meat-eater that eats tertiary consumers.

quaternary consumer

In which biome of Africa would you find lions, giraffes, and elephants?


Which biome has clumps of trees and seasonal rains


Which biome has scattered clumps of trees and seasonal rains. It has many grasses and few trees?


A person who eats a chicken that ate grain is a:

secondary consumer

Grassland changes into a forest

secondary succession

Hurricane destroys the land and everything grows back

secondary succession


single-celled algae that have a mutualistic relationship with coral

Complete the food chain

snail, crow

Which organism is only a secondary consumer?


Lava from an underwater volcano piles up over many years. Eventually, the pile of lava sticks up above the ocean surface, forming a new island. To show that succession is occurring on the island, it would be MOST helpful for a scientist to measure changes in —

soil depth

What is permafrost?

soil that is always frozen

Which of the following BEST describes a population?

some of the same species in the same area at the same time

A group of similar organisms that can reproduce with each other


competitive exclusion principle

states that if two species share the same ecological niche, one of the two species will outcompete the other


symbiosis that is beneficial to both organisms involved.

The eastern portion of the United States is dominated by what biome?

temperate forest

Which biome has grass, but few trees due to fires, droughts and grazing?

temperate grasslands

realized niche

term used for a niche in reality, takes into account the interactions of other organisms including humans

fundamental niche

term used for a niche without any limitation from other organisms

A meat-eater that eats secondary consumers

tertiary consumer

Which of the following is an abiotic factor in a biome?

the average temperature

If mussels were removed and excluded, the barnacles soon occupy a larger area. This shows

the barnacles occupy their realized niche in the picture

limiting factor

the factor or factors that determines whether a species can inhabit an area

What do the arrows in a food chain represent?

the flow of energy in an ecosystem


the invasive alien plant species that is growing out of control in the south eastern USA

Which of the following is a biotic factor in a biome?

the kinds of grasses


the process by which chemical substances become more concentrated at each trophic level

Most of the nutrients in a tropical rain forest are found in plants, so

the rain forest soil is poor in nutrients.

climax community

the stable, predictable community that will result because of ecological succession

The energy for most ecosystems comes from:

the sun

limits of tolerance

the upper and lower limits to the range of particular environmental factors (e.g. light, temperature, availability of water) within which an organism can survive

Why were cane toads introduced to a new country?

they were introduced as a biological control for beetles that ate sugar cane


this biome is high in elevation with low temperatures and precipitation. plants and animals that live here are adapted to a cold, dry environment

Which biome has greatest diversity of plants and animals?

tropical rain forest

Humans inadvertently promoted the evolution of insects that are resistant to insecticides by

trying to control pests with chemicals

Which biome has permafrost?


Which two biomes are the most similar with regard to rainfall?

tundra and desert


two species competing for the same resource


water and ____ are the 2 most important abiotic limiting factors

One important abiotic factor in marine ecosystems is the

water depth

Label #2

zone of stress

The range of values of an abiotic factor that an organism can survive but are not optimal

zone of stress

zone of stress

zone where small numbers can survive these difficult conditions

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