Ecology Exam 1 IUPUI

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What is Leaf Area Index (LAI)?

A dimensionless measure of the amount of leaf cover

What is a rain shadow?

A dry area on the downwind side of a mountain

When does an El niño year happen?

Every 4-7 years and around christmas

It ranges across?

Every type of science

What unit is population level?


What are some consequences of an El Niño?

Increased rainfall in Southern America and drought and fires in East Africa

Ecology is the science of?

Interactions and relationships

Eugene P. Odum once said?

The study of the structure and function of nature

Interactions between plants and animals

animal ecology

ecosystem and natural resource and preservation and restoration

applied ecology

the role of natural selection in adaptations and speciation

evolutionary ecology

Survival and reproduction. The unit of natural selection


how organisms are physiologically adapted to their environment

physiological ecology

Interactions between plants and the environment.

plant ecology

When a rise in sea surface temperature and a drastic decline in primary productivity.

The results of an El Niño year

For direct sunlight, the albedo of snow and ice is?


What percent of earth's surface is water?


How much is radiated TO the surface of the earth?


For direct sunlight, the albedo of forests are?


Of the solar radiation that reaches the earths atmosphere ___% is absorbed by the surface of the earth.


Inputs: 147 Units

51 + 96

What percent of solar radiation reaches earth's atmosphere?


What would the temperature be if there were no greehouse gases?


How much human-made carbon dioxide contributes to the greenhouse effect?

1/2 (50%)

How much is radiated BY earths surface?


What temperature does the greenhouse effect keep the earth's average atmosphere?


What percent of solar radiation is absorbed by the clouds and atmosphere?


For direct sunlight, the albedo of water surface is?


How much water vapor contributes to the greenhouse effect?

3/4 (75%)

Outputs: 147 Units

30 + 117

How much solar radiation reflects off the clouds, atmosphere and surface of the earth? (returns back to space)


What is the range of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere?


The fraction of incident radiation that is reflected by a surface or body is called?


What is the most important human-made (anthropogenic) green house gas?

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

What are the 4 most important greenhouse gases?


Who pointed out that regions of the world with similar climates supported vegetation that was similar in form. Also concluded that the form and function of plants within a region reflected the constraints imposed by the physical environments.

Carl Ludwig Willenow and Heinrich Alexander von Humbolt

Who was Johannes Warming's famous student?

Christensen Raukiaer

Ernest Haeckel

Coined the term Ecology

What provided the mechanisms for understand the link between organisms and their environment?

Darwin: Natural Selections and Mendel: Genetics

What is it called when the temperature at which saturation VP is achieved for given water content in the air?

Dew Point Temperature

Energy flux and cycling of nutrients


What is it called when there is a disruption of the normal ocean-atmosphere system in the tropical Pacific Ocean?

El Niño

What does ENSO stand for?

El Niño Southern Oscillation

When trade winds relax in the central and western Pacific leading to a depression of the thermocline in the eastern Pacific, and an elevation of the thermocline in the west.

El Niño formation

Eugene P. Odum (1913-2002)

Father of modern ecology

What is albedo used for?

Finding the amount of light that goes into the earth

Who discovered an el niño and where?

Fishermen off the coast of South America

An LAI of 4 is?

Given area of ground covered by 4 times that area of leaves


Greek; Household or home

Who studied in his garden the transmittion of characteristics from one generation of pea plants to another? He is also considered the father of genetics.

Gregor Mendel

Who studied succession of plants on the Indiana sand dunes and established plant succession as one central concept of modern ecology?

Henry Cowles

Who studied tropical forests in brazil and wrote the first book on plant ecology "Plantesamfund"? The book had a tremendous influence on the early development of ecology.

Johannes Warming

What is the opposite of an El Niño?

La Niña

What refers to a period when ocean temperatures are cooler across the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean?

La Niña

What is Iz=Io x e^-k*LAI

Lambert-Beer Extinction Law

What is the unit for humidity?

Mpa (megapascal)

Ecology is a ____________________ discipline.


What unit is individual level?

Natural selection

What equation should be used to find ground area of a circle? (If you know the radius)

Pi x R^2

What are Molecular and cellular, individual, population, community, ecosystem, and biosphere?

Organizational levels

Who wrote "Silent Spring" and did more than anyone else to bring environmental problems to the attention of the public? They found that chemical poisons and pollutants are recycled through the environment.

Rachel Carson

Curent VP/Saturation VP x 100 = ?

Relative humidity

Natural history and plant geography. The distribution of plants.

Root of ecology

What is the pressure that water vapor exerts with the air is moisture saturated?

Saturation (VP)

What are three examples of surfaces that absorb solar radiation?

Snow, water, ground

A seesaw of air pressures on the eastern and western halves of the Pacific

Southern Oscillation (SO)

What is the equation for LAI

Total leaf area (m2)/Ground area (m2) = LAI

Ecology studies the interactions of organisms and with their biotic and abiotic environments.


What causes El Niño and Southern Oscillation?

Underwater earthquakes

Why is sea surface temperature 8ºC higher in the west than in South America?

Upwelling of cold water from deeper levels

The amount of pressure water vapor exerts independent of the dry air is called?

Vapor Pressure (VP)

What is Saturation VP - Current VP equal to?

Vapor Pressure Deficit

With a persistent high-pressure zone and a low pressure zone, above the ocean surface, the wind circulation is complete. The convection of air is called?

Walker Circulation

What are some consequences of a La Niña?

Warmer winters in the Southeastern United States and colder than normal winters from the Great Lakes to the Pacific Northwest

What is the most important greenhouse gas?

Water vapor (H2O)

Is the green house effect essential for life?


The atmosphere above the WESTERN South Pacific is dominated by what?

a low-pressure zone

The atmosphere above the EASTERN South Pacific is dominated by what?

a persistent high-pressure zone

What causes the pressure to drive the trade winds from the east to the west along the equator?

a persistent high-pressure zone and a low-pressure zone

the ecological and evolutionary basis for animal behavior

behavioral ecology

What does ecology study?

biological discipline

the global ecosystem, the sum of all the planet's ecosystems


What does moisture saturated mean?

can hold no more water

the nature and use of chemical substances produced by plants and animals

chemical ecology

What are the two groups of photosynthetic pigments?

chlorophylls and carotenoids

Interactions among populations


LAI stands for?

cumulative leaf area index above z

There is no universal definition of ecology. (Closest thing) The study of interactions of living organisms and their interactions with non-living environments.


energy flow and the cycling of chemicals among the various biotic and abiotic components in an ecosystem.

ecosystem ecology

WHat is the water content in the air in terms of vapor pressure?


How are water molecules held together?

hydrogen bonds

where is 75% of earths fresh water located?

ice caps and glaciers

k stands for?

light extinction coefficient

Iz stands for?

light reaching any vertical position z in the canopy

Io stands for?

radiation incident at the top of the canopy

restoring damaged ecosystems

restoration ecology

scientific discipline devoted to the study of ecological systems using theoretical methods such as simple conceptual models, mathematical models, computational simulations, and advanced data analysis.

theoretical ecology

the link between the physical and social dimensions of cities

urban ecology

What is the condition of the atmosphere at a given time in a given place?


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