Economics book 7 unit 3
"But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an ( )."
A chapter 13 bankruptcy filing is called a ( )
A chapter 13 proceeding that requires the debtor to make planned payments to creditors for up to five years
Sherman antitrust act of 1890
Anti monopoly act; awarded victims of a monopoly three times the amount his business lost
Debtor surrenders nonexempt property to creditors, but pays debts that haven't been forgiven
Deregulated Investor Owned Utilities are known as ( )
technological advance
Growth through successful scientific research and strength
Jesus taught financial responsibility to the government. The passage is found in ( ) 17:27.
bankruptcy court
Legal proceedings that deal with the concerns of those who declared insolvency are held in a ( )
bankruptcy court
Legal proceedings that deal with the concerns of those who have declared insolvency
Realigning or adjusting to meet new qualifications or needs
The Airline Deregulated Act was put into effect in ( )
The California customer. instead of being held to paying the one price that a utility would force them to pay, now has their choice between Pacific Gas and Electric, San Diego Gas and Electric, Southern California Edison, and ( ) other utilities throughout the state.
The act of being declared legally insolvent
The dropping or relaxing of restrictions and limits
The exhortation by Paul in Romans ( ):8 is to "owe no man anything," meaning simply that continual debt is not pleasing to the Lord.
purchasing, technological advances
The purpose of deregulated is to open the doors of competition to more business in order to offer consumers greater choice in ( ) services or products, to lower rates, and to encourage ( ) through competition.
Title II
The section of the U.S. code that deals with the rules and procedures of bankruptcy
Those that are in support of something are called its ( )
personal liability
a debtor must fulfill the monetary obligations from his personal fiances
mega merger
a huge union of large corporations or utilities
unsecured debt
a promise or obligation to pay to another a certain amount of money which has no collateral
central points of business
price setting standard
guidelines for controlling costs and expenditures by the consumer
one who owes money, goods, or services to another
secured debt
promise to pay to another a certain amount of money which has collateral that the creditor may seize
the right to take, sell, or hold property as security or payment of a debt
those that are in support of something
work done for others