Ecuadorian Second Semester

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Role of missionaries on Hawaii - US expansion

"Missionaries on Hawaii were a part of the US political reasons for expansion. With time, Hawaiian Islands became an important station for China's trade. Missionaries who are people sent for religious reasons, among merchants and sailors settled in the islands throughout mid century. Because of this people going into Hawaii, the non-native population increased, making their commercial potential reach the US, sugar plantations and stories of the islands'. Later, this gave evidence to a claim stating that commerce follows the missionary. "Explain how does this affect enconomy, include the importance of sugar

Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla

(1753 - 1811): Padre Miguel was a Mexican priest who was a key character in the first Mexican revolution. He was part of September 16, 1810, Grito de Dolores. In other words, he influenced a lot on in the Mexican revolution but he was defeated by the French who in that time had the control of Mexico. Furthermore, he was captured by the French and killed in 1811.

Bernardo O´Higgins

(1778 - 1842), was son of an Irish-born governor and a wealthy creole. He had a very good education in Peru, in Spain and finally in England. In England he met with Francisco Miranda with whom later on he joined the South American independence from Spain. He worked with San Martín from Argetnina and crossed borders taking over Santiago. He is known as a South American revolutionary leader and first Chilean head of state. At last he was named Supreme Director of Chile. He ended his life participating in peruvian politics.


A policy of extending a country´s power and influence through diplomacy and military force. The "age of imperialism" on the U.S was a time when they and other world powers rapidly expanded territory. The U.S believed they had a mission to spread liberty and democracy. Examples of imperialism: Hawaii in 1898; U.S gained possession and control of the Hawaiian islands. Some people proposed imperialism. This person was known as the America Anti-imperialist League. They believed that it conflicted with the American ideal of Republicans and "consent of the governed."

Saladeros and exports

A saladero is a slaughterhouse where meat is cured by being salted and dried. This meat was exported to buyers worldwide. This became a very important product which statrted attracting various investors like Juan Manuel de Rosas.

Rapid change in Latin America - a generation

After the world wars the economy, culture and society of Latin America went through a rapid change. To begin, the economy of Latin American countries prospered for a short amount of time because of the demand of raw materials. Soon this will also cause the downfall of their economies. During this times Latin American countries had very unstable economies. The countries found themselves in economic trouble because they were significantly indebted to foreing banks.

Santa Anna and his rule

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna was a Mexican politician and general who fought to defend royalist new Spain and later fought aigainsts Spain´s attempts to recover Mexico. During Santa Anna´s pesidency , texas declared its independence form Mexico , so the loss of the texas territory was partly Santa Anna´s fault. This lead the to the anexaatoin of Texas to the United States.

Independence of Brazil

Brazil's independence was unique as it was the only moevement to to be bloodless. In 1807 Napoleon's armies invaded Portugal and wanted to close down ports fto british shpping. As thesetroops approached Lisbon the King and the royal family escaped to Brazil, their largest colony. The King and the court ruled Portugal from Brazil for 14 years and in 1815 when Napoleon was defeated the king went back to Portugal and wanted to make Brazil a colony again but Dom Pedro his son stayed in Brazil and the people did not want for this colonization to happen so 8,000 Brazilians signed a petition for Dom Pedro to rule. In 1822 Dom Pedro agreed and on september 7th of the same year he declared Brazil independent.

Buffalo - the role and uses of it for indigenous people and settlers

Buffalo had a main impact in the US history, for the American Indians, and settlers. American Indians depended on the hunt of buffalo to survive, they used every part of the animal. For natives, hunting the buffalo was part of their traditions and way of life. They hunted the buffalo in small quantities and respected honored the animal. They hunted them with bow and arrow. The expansion to the west began with the building of the railroad this created a demand for buffalo skin. The settler started to hunt the buffalo in large quantities, and the number of buffalo decreased near extinsion.


Caudillos were powerfull people after the Latin American independence that were filled with power. These people were known for being selfish and would compete for who had more power, not for what people wanted. At the beggining people wanted them to be in charge of the country but, what they sought for made people change their minds about them. The Caudillos would just want to be in charge so that they would have more power, they did not have any interest in Changing the country.

Spanish American War

Conflict between Spanish and America this event occured on 1898 this event ended the Spanish colonial rule in the America and US gain territories on the western pacific . Some of yhe terretories gained by th US were Puerto Rico , the Pjilippins, and Cuba. US was inspired because they had invested a lot in Cuba. They were also inspired because they wanted to protect American land from Europeans. United States won the war .

Rule of Dom Pedro

Dom Pedro, most known as the libetator was the King of Portugal and founder of the Brazilian empire making him the first emperor of Brazil. Pedro came with his family to Brazil after the colonization of Napoleon on the americas.

Country where Dr. José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia ruled

Dr. Jose Gaspar de Francia, "El Supremo", was a caudillo that ruled in Asunción, Paraguay between 1814 and 1840. He began to rule as a tyrant and ruled with populism. In 1840 he ended his ruling and left Paraguay without any help and unhappy. It was isolated of South America and was a colonial preserve of the Jesuits.

Lack of resources on the plains of US - house construction for Homesteaders

During the 1800s, US settles migrated to the west, believing that it would be a land with new opportuntities and resources. When they got there they realized that the land was nothing like their ideals, it was a dry plain and had no resources. They later found gold and silver mines, making more and more settles decide to move there to find these minerals. New Merchants started building towns and the railroad, leading to a new civilization.

Policy of New Economic order in Latin America

During the late 19th century, the newly independent nations of Latin America redirected the economic focus. Countries focused their economies on the export of raw materials. The nations moved passed the era of slavery with the introduction of new technologies for the extraction and processing of raw materials. The countries were highly dependent on foreign investment and their international partners as the United States. Latin American countries imported manufactured goods.


Economic theory: Exports > imports. The way to be a strong nation is by getting as much wealth as possible. The more you have the less everyone has. Great Britain said that they will leave colonies alone as long as they used Great Britain money.

Rule of Eloy Alfaro

Eloy Alfaro was as the main figure in the Liberal Revolution. He shared his power with Leonidas Plaza Gutierrez. Alfaro was totally different to Moreno, these differences were better seen from their historical juxtaposition.

Colonization of Canada

France and the British colonized Canada and the Britsh were not happy nor truat the french colonies. These were divided into two colonies; the upper canada and the lower canada. Canada was colonized around 1700's and they become a nation on the end of 1800's.

French and Indian War

French Indian war was a period of struggle between Britain and France. It was caused when France expanded into the Ohio River valley, bringing conflict to British colonies. Eventually the British declared war in 1756. This war lasted form 1756 until 1763. This war gained its name when French settlers would support France in any military confrontation. British was struggling at home so they had a deep lack of interest during this war so France just kept winning with the support of the natives.

Rule of García Moreno

Gabriel García Moreno was a revolutionary from Guayaquil. The initial involvement of Garcia Moreno in Ecuador's history began when he joined a revolutionary movement with Juan Jose Flores that overthrew the government that was leading the country into internal and external conflicts. He took charge in office between 1860-1875 having a religious-directed government. During his time in rule, the Central Bank of Ecuador was created that helped the country to minimize debts to private bakers and Ecuador's economy was turned to the world market with the consolidation of haciendas and an agro-export model.

Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia

Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia was a dictator of Paraguay who left the nation isolated; he became one of the main/principal leaders of the independence movement. The Congress proclaimed him a perpetual dictator in 1816. Under his government, the country became practically self-sufficient, since contact with the outside world was very limited, except for a modest trade with Brazil through Itapúa. He managed to strengthen national independence and is seen as the father of Paraguayan nationality.

Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua were divided into republics after its recent independence from Spain.

Guatemala, El Salvador, Hounduras i couldnt find this information

Beginning in 1810, Mexico experiences a revolt that leads to the spark for the nation's independence movement.

In 1810 mexico came through a tie of inestability. It was in that time tha an independence movemet sparked within the mexicans. After many revolts and riots, Jose Miguel Hidalgo took the courage to found a independence movemet. As th independence movemnt advanced it tok with it more people. Jose Miguel Hidalgo died and Jose Maria Morelos took ovr teindependence movement and fiished it.

Pearl Harbor

In 1876, the king of Hawaii, David Kalakava, travleled to the US in order to negotiate a traty to trade sugar on a tax-free basis. Since almost all Hawaiian sugar plantations were in US control, the planters begans to demand for a greater role in Hawaiian politics. In exchange for renewing the sugar treaty, the US demanded that Pearl Harbor became an American territory as a fueling station for the American ships in the Pacific; this was called the Bayonet Constitution. The King rejected this proposal because he through his nation would lose its sovereignity where consequently, the Hawaiian League, a secret organization, was created that was conformed of US planters, missionaries, and businessmen who joined forces to obligate the Hawaiian king to accept the proposed constitution granting the US and European foreigners theri right to vote and changing Hawaii into a decision-making nation. In November 1887, the legislature signed a treaty with the US to allow the construction of a naval base at Pearl Harbor which allowed for military facilities to rapidly and massively expand and also allowed for the Samoan Islands to become a rear stagina area for American offensives in the future.

Berlin Treaty

In 1889, during the imperialism in Samoa, the United States, Britain, and Germany tried to settle their differences regarding their power in the islands. They agreed on the Berlin Treaty which created a neutral Samoa, independent subject of powers. This attempt failed and lead Samoa into civil wars during the 1890's. Afterwards, the theree powers (United States, Germany, and Britain), replaced the Berlin Treaty with the Tripartite Pact which divided Samoa between Germany and the U.S.

Spanish treatment of Cubans and Spanish American War

In 1898, the Spanish Treatment of Cubans and Spanish American war is when in the United States gained control of Cuba. The U.S. intervened on Cuba and the surrounding islands. The US made Spain sign a treaty of peace giving the United States control of the islands of Cuba. But later on, Cuba became an independent territory and never became a US territory. During the time Spain controled the islands of Cuba, they oppresed the Cuban society and what they did is that they made the cuban society to overwork and also they had many relations to the term of what is religion but most priests they supported the Spanish and their ideas.

Yellow journalism, Pulitzer and Hearst

In the 1890's news were sensationalized to attract readers. This tactic known as yellow journalism was used to sell more papers as Joseph Pulitzer and William Hearst was competing for papers. This news increased the circulation of newspapers across the United States and influenced readers beliefs. For example, during the Spanish American War, the influence this news had on the people motivated them to demand action against Spain in Cuba after the USS Maine explosion, eventually leading the United States to declare war and free Cuba with the Treaty of Paris. Newspapers became a driving force with the tactics used by two newspaper moguls, Joseph Pulitzer and William Hearst; they gained a lot of money and power over the people.

Search and seizure - United States

In the search and seizure we can see how during 1700 and 1800 we can see how the Enlightment has become very important because many colonies had understood the importance of freedom and patriotism. But also during this time many counties sufer from oppression and this caused trouble on gaining freedom. For example during the Haitian revolution there were slaves who were forced to work on plantations and still fought during the revolution. Also something very important is that behind the movements there is a good leader with outstanding skills like Toussiant Louverture that gave Haiti indepence and freedom after many problems.

Jean-Jacques Dessalines

Jean-Jacques Dessalines was a key figure in the Haitian revolution. After the death of Toussaint, the original leader of the Haitian revolution, Dessalines bacame the new leader in achieving independence wich​ he was able to achieve it in 1803.

Mexico declares its independence-ence from Spain. Gold was discovered in Western U:S sparking the construction of the railroad which led to the expansion of new towns and settlements across the nation.

Miguel Hidalgo promised independence in Mexico before the end of 1810. After events such as "Grito de Dolores" called on Indians, mestizos, and creoles to take up arms against Spain. When Miguel Hidalgo was executed, Jose María Morelos took leadership of the Mexican Revolution and in 1821 Mexico wins independence. During the construction of the railroad, the mine workers found gold resources in mines. The discovery of gold in the Western Hemisphere led to the construction of the railroad which would provide big benefits. Gold found sould favor the economy of the territory, and the railroad favored the expansion of US as it allowed communication and trade between Western settlers.

New Spain

New Spain was known as Viceroyalty of New Spain or Mexico. Spain created this viceroyalty to govern its conquered lands in the New World, more specifically in Mexico. Creoles lead the revolutionary movemnet....

Independence of Ecuador

On August 10 1809 - Junta Suprema and Gobierno Presidencial are created but fail to achieve independence. On the 9th October 1820- Independence movements initiate where criollos and people from Guayaquil led by Olmedo rebel and kick off loyalists. 24 May 1822- Batalla de Pichincha: battle between patriots led by Antonio José de Sucre and loyalists led by Melchor Aymerich in the Pichincha volcano. With this, Quito and Ecuador gains its independence from Spain.

Mestizos, Creoles, Peninsulares

Peninsulares were Spanish born people that lived in the New World. They were the ruling class that controlled the people in the area. Creoles were those born in the Americas but descended solely from Spaniards, they were excluded from any political roles or positions of power. The mestizos were people with one Spanish parent and one indigenous parent. They could not have any high power position and had less opportunities.

Independence of Ecuador and its years as an early republic

Primer grito de independencia in 1809 this is when it started. After some years provincia libre de Guayaquil by José Joaquim de olmedo. Finally the war was won in may 24 1822, and it is remembered as the Batalla de Pichincha. Ecuador declared independence in 1830 with the primera Carta Magna 1830 and Juan José Flores became the first president.

Rule of Liliuokalani

Queen Liliuokalani was removed from power on January 17, 1893, by the United States. She was prisoned five years in her palace and was threatened to sign a document that confirmed the end of the monarchy in Hawaii. Queen Liliuokalani is an example of an example of the destruction of Hawaii's culture. It also represents the manipulation that countries faced under U.S control. She was the first Hawaiian queen.Finally, she knitted a calendar describing her days in prison. While she was in jail, she wrote about her poetry about her reality under U.S manipulation. However, she is remembered because she ecountered nationality for her country.

Sanford Dole and US expansion on Hawaii

Sanford dole was the Provisional government leader, he decided to create the independent nation of Hawaii and declared himself as president. Hawaii was annexated by the US on 1900 and its first governor was Sanford Dole.

Origins of Simón Bolívar

Simon Bolivar(1783-1830) born in Venezuela into a wealthy Creole family. Bolivar's fight for independence started with many defeats when he and his volunteer army of revolutions lost various wars against Spanish. He was sent into exile 2 times. In 1819 Bolivar with the company of 2000 soldiers march through current day Columbia into the Spanish army in Bogota by surprise and defeated the Spanish for forces. in 1821 Bolivar achieved independence for Venezuela subsequently traveled to Ecuador In there he met Jose san martin and from there together they will lead future independence movements the George Washington for South America.

Trail of Tears

The Trail of Tears was a terrible event, in which Native Amercans were forced to make a journey from the Cherokee Nation to Oklahoma as part of the Inidian Removal Act. Throughout the journey, natives lived in horrible conditions and in fact many of them died. This was done under the Presidency of Andrew Jackson in 1838. It was one of the Most painful periods in the history Of Americans that ended with more than 11000 lives.

Chinese migrant workers and the construction of the railroad

The Chinese migrant workers and the construction of the railroad began in 1848, when the US needed people to work on the rail road expansion. Chinese migrants were bought to the US to be exploded by the Americans. The expansion of the rail road was bery necesarry so they could become a more powerfull nation, and this is why they came to the US to gain jobs and start a better life. The Chinese people came to the US to gain a better life and jobs as well, but instead they were oppressed with a very small amount of money, and people took advantage of the fact that they were willing todo anything for a good or better life.

Hawaiian multi-racial society

The Hawaiian multi-racial society was when China, Japan, the U.S, and England conquered Hawaii making it a multi-racial community. This was an important factor because thanks to hawaii being a multi-racial community, the bayonet constitution of Hawaii allowed the U.S and European migrants to vote, which weakened the Hawaiian monarchy. Also, missionaries started to migrate to Hawaii and spread Christianity

Louisiana Purchase

The Louisiana Purchase was a deal of land made between the USA and France. The USA gained 827,000 square miles of land for 15 million. This piece of land was used for more states in the US. This was beneficial to France as they gained money while there were in time of crisis. Louisiana terrirtory belonged to the French, but after the French and Indian War they had to give it away. It was a huge step for the U.S since it allowed the expansion of the states and encouraged western farmers to depend on the port of New Orleans to ship their goods.

Construction of Panama Canal

The Panama Canal was constructed in 1904, it was in England's, America's and Frances best interest to build the structure. It cost 120 million United States dollars after it was completed ten years later during 1914. Besides the benefit it provided for Panama, ensuring independence, The Panama Canal connected Latin America by shortening extremely long journeys.

Eloy Alfaro evicts President Salazar from power and takes control as Ecuador's new President.

The Roman catholic church had a lot of power during the nineteenth century but Eloy Alfaro wanted to change that with the Radical Liberal Party. He is the central figure of liberal revolution. People were in agrement that Eloy Alfaro takes power from the church because they wanted a central goverment and they wanted a separation between the goverment and the religion.

Spanish American War

The Spanish American war was the period of time in which the Spanish and the Americans fought for power over Cuba. This war was initially caused by the conditions in which the Spanish made the Cubans live in, including hunger, living in concentration camps, among other inhumane conditions. But the conditions in which the Cubans lived in was not the original cuse to the war, it generated a great outrage from American citizens, but the main reason to the start of the Spanish American war was the explosion of the USS Maine, the USS Maine was an American ship, that represented the pride and power of their nation, when an explosion in the ship occurred in 1898, the Americans imediately believed that it was caused by the Spanish, which generated the start of the Spanish American war. This war caused the creation of many iconic symbols or era's in the United States, such as the Rough Riders, Yellow Journalism, among others. The Spanish American war ultimately ended in the expulsion or vanishing of the Spansih from all land they owned in all of the Americas.

Territories in that the US did NOT gain direct control of after the Spanish American War

The US did not have direct control over all Latin American countries. Instead they had different oportunities to expand their economy, this way they made a lot of trading with the latin american countries this basically means that they controlled the whole trading system, it depended on them the economy. Examples of this relationships is Cuba, the Panama canal, the Dominican Republic, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, etc. So in conclusion, they all were dependent of the US but the US did not have a direct control.

Effects of Spanish American World - expansion of US

The US expansion has an impact on the Spanish American World, because the United States toook over many Latin American countries, such and Puerto Rico, Cuba and a part of Mexico (Texas). For some countries, this was beneficial because it gave them a better economy and it provided European allies. But for others like Mexico, it was a terrible outcome because the US took away a very big piece of land.

How US expansion on Hawaii affected the power of US militarily

The US expansion on Hawaii affected the military power of the US since with their occupation and later annexation of Hawaii. The US military gain grate military power since they now had part of their forces stationed in Pearl Harbor which meant that they could now invade parts of Asia.

US expansion to Texas and California

The US expansion to California an Texas happened mainly because of the numerous amounts of cows that lived in those areas. Because of the cattle that existed in that area many people known as the cowboys established in Texas to win more money through the cattle market. After this men the railroad was expanded to Texas to carry the dead cattle and numerous cities soon grew.

What did actions such as U.S. involvement in the Open Door policy of US - gaining overseas markets and sources of raw materials

The United States grew very fast towards a global power. They were able to get markets due to a type of trade. While they extracted raw materials from other countries in Latin America they created manufactured goods to sell back. Lots of migrants and lower income people worked in factories for a little wage but a lot of work. They sold a lot of goods for commodity prices earning big amount of money.

Effects of barbed wire

The barbed wire was an invention by a western person, This invention was due to the livestock running away. He invented a wire, were he put sharped spikes. This was used in order for the cattles not to escape and also it was used to keep cowboys out, for them not to steal the lifestock. The effects were that this invention was sold a lot especially on the western side of the Americas, and also that this helped the farmers keep their livestock secure so they gained more profit from it.

British and French colonization of Canada

The confederation of the British North American colonies into the Dominion of Canada happened on July 1,1867. In 1840 the Act of Union combined the Upper and Lower Canada into a single colony. They were dissatisfied with these arrangements. They wanted their own government to better serve and protect the French Canadian majority. The Act of Union had an intention of assimilating the French Canadians into the English Canandian culture. In 1884 there was the Quebec Conference were delegates were prepared in some cases to eager, to develop a detailed plan for confederation. It adopted 72 revolutions which became the basis for confederation. Another discussion included the agreement to split the Canadas, perserving a French speaking prvidence (Quebec) that would be able to guarantee French language,culture and religion. Moreover, Canadians negotiated the powers and structures of federal government then were granted self government in the British North American Act.

Countries that belonged to Gran Colombia

The countries that belonged to the Gran Colombia are Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador anEd Panama. In those times Panama was not a independent country yet it was part of Venezuela. The Gran Colombia was founded by Simón Bolívar in 1819 with the vision of uniting South America. The Gran Colombia ended due to the fact the U.S.A advocated the separation of it because they wanted to build the Panama Canal.

Discovery of gold in the US

The discovery of gold in the Us happened in 1848, mostly in the west land, also known as the "bad land" due to its horrid living conditions. The US was trying to get people to move westward during the westward migration, this was due to many advantages of people living in the west gave the government. The main people who moved west were Europe, Chinese and mexican migrants as well as easterners. In order to ensure the west would actually grow the US government had to build a railroad and killed most of the buffalos in the west in order to end all native culture and kill all natives who occupied the land. Overall the gold rush was a part of the west migration in which people moved to the west in hopes of finding gold and being rich.

Effects of Spanish American War

The efffects of the Spanish American war include the implementation of Imperialism, the US becomes a global superpower and the lost of all the Spanish colonies. Thanks to this war, the Unites States was able to gain several new territiories that belonged to the Spanish. The war which was declared april 24, was finally won by the US, this meant that now Cuba and its exports were owned by the US. Seemingly during that time, the Maine ship wich was sent by US exploded, leading to beieve that Spanish caused the explotion. Additionally thanks to the Spanish American war, US president Theodore Roosevelt first volunteer calvary the "Rough Riders"

Explosion of USS Maine - causes and effects

The explosion of the USS Maine was the explosion of a North American ship near Cuba. This made the United States declare a war that would make Spain retreat from South America. There are 2 theories to its explosion. The first one argues that it was attacked by Spanish soldiers, which made the ship explode. The seco theory argues that it was due to mechanical problems, like the heat inside the ship combined with the inflamable weapons. Th effects were that the US took this as a act of war and declared war on Spain. This led to the newspaper industry to grow due to the amount of news and yellow journalism starts.

Free Province of Guayaquil - What was it and who proclaimed it

The free province of Guayaquil was the first province of Ecuador to be freed from the Spanish crown. The nation was created by criollos and people from guayaquil that rebelled and expluse authorities devoted to the kings in October 1820. It was proclaimed by Jose Joaquin Olmedo.

The US interests in the Pacific Islands become reality, as whaling and deep water harbors become increasingly important.

The galapagos Islands where conqured by the united states they had to oust Queen Liliuokalani. the US wanted Hawaii becouse they were vital for their economy first of all the sugar intrurty was vital for hawaii and the whaling industry was important becouse hawaii was perfect for it becouse it was a volcanic islands and harbors could easyly fit in the islands.

Declaración de la Junta Suprema

The junta suprema was when in 1809 the most influencial families of Quito got together to discuss how to overthrow the Spanish. This occured in Manuela Saenz house. they formed the revolution that lead to the Primer grito de independencia that failed. Then they reunited again and let the country to its independence.

Monarchy in Brazil

The monarchy started in Portugal and when they felt threten, they went to their colony Brazil. The revolution stoped the King and Queen went back to Portugal but left their sun in Brazil. The Portugal monarchy wanted to take control over Brazil again but the Brazilians did not want to, they sign the petition for the king sun to stay in Brazil stay in government.

Policy of New Economic order in Latin America

The new economy in Latin America had many industrial revolutions. World market grow, the common products were wheat, corn, wool, meat, and metals. Argentina reach individual income

The construction and importance of the Panama Canal

The purpose of the Panama Canal was to connect the Atlantic and the Pacific ocean. The canal could not be built until Panama achieved independence from Gran Colombia. A group Panamanian businessmen, French agents of the Panama Canal Company, and United States Army officers, joined together and gained independence in 1903. Ir took over 10 years to finish it. After the construction was done, riots invaded the republic and US troops settled down in order to provide order and Panama ceased to be a U.S. protectorate. In todays society, the Canal has a huge impact of the countries well-being due to the fact that it provides 33% of their economy.

Role of railroad in US Westward expansion and standard time

The railroad was built in order to the cinnect the US cities from Eastern coast with the Western coast besides the Great Plains. . It took an average of 15 years to contruct the railroad and it was vital fot the expansion of the country. Furthermore, standard time in time zones was instituted in the construction of the railroads.

Rough Riders fight in Cuba, Guam and Puerto Rico become part of the US, Sinking of the USS Maine, Liberation of Cuba

The rough riders are a group of cowboys, ivy league members that where put together by Roosvelt. They were the forces that went to Cuba and fight. Thanks to the treaty of Paris Puerto Rico and Guam became part of the territory of the US, this all after the spanish amerian war of 1898. After a failure on a coal storage on the USS maine a series of events broke free because the US deided to blame Spain saying they threw a bomb. This started to create conflicts between Spain and the US and ended up in a war. Th Cubans wanted independence so the decided to aquire help from the US. With this Jose Marti their leader helped them to revolutionze. With this Cuba reached independence.

Trail of Tears

The trail of tears was a very sad moment in the history of the United States, It was a moment were the indigenous native americans were expelled from their land in a detrimental trail were people suffered, and were ravaged by sickness and disease, many even died. They were re-ubicated in another place that was not their territory and forced to adapt to it even if there were no conditions for it. Migration started early 1800, with some people moving voluntarily and the official indian removal act was issued in 1830. In the indian removal act, the US military moved the whole indians and relocated them, the trail in which they migrated through is now known as the trail of tears. They were obligated to move from cheeroke nation to present day oklahoma in deplorable coonditions.

The Quebec Conference is held, one of the steps in creating the Canadian Confederation.

Thirty-three delegates got together in Quebec Coity to develop a detailed plan for confederation. After two weeks of discussions and voting the dlegates came up with 72 resolutions that became the basis for confederation. They focused mainly on the compostion of the federal parliament. As a result of the conference, The House of Commons would be chosen by the population, the senate would represent the provinces and the senators would be elected by the Governor-General. In addition, they came up with agreements about the split of the Canadas, the preservation of a French-speaking province and approval of the eve of confederation by the Catholic Church.

United States and trade relationships after Spanish independence in Latin America

United States trade relationships with Latin American countries after Spanish indepence has improved much more, now there is not as much problems as before. As the US increases in power they often rely on foreign aid so the bonds have strengthened. As the years go on there are many organizations about trade between the US and Latin America such as NAFTA and the WTO. Finally the Latin American countires are now free so they can trade whoever they want to without an European power.

Rough Riders

a group of cowboys and IVY league students. It was commended by Theodore Roosevelt in order to help Cuba fight against Spanish forces. They also participated in the Spanish-American War as they believed they were divinely sent to help their neighbors in need. They were a key element of this and many other wars in U.S. history. They eventually accomplished a miriad of things, such as: freeing Cuba from Spanish forces, ending the Spanish rule and causing SPain to lose the remaining control they had in America.

Louisiana Purchase

occured in 1803. It was a land deal between the USA and France in which the USA giained 827,000 square miles of land west of mississippi river for $15 million. Since this meant that the US had more territory, this meant that more states would be created. Western farmers depended on the New Orleans port to transport their gods.

The U.S. government signed bilateral economic treaties with Mexico, Colombia, the British West Indies, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and Cuba.

these trade agreement was beneficial for both sides since north america got ram material that was not easy to get and the now developing south america got to boost their economy opening thousands of new msrkets that brught new goods to the public. these is importan becaue it is shown that a small tem work from two continents got to do greate thing, and imaging what a total team work would get the hole world do. When the US signed the economic treaties this was beneficial for both parties, as Benjamin said North America had access to valuable goods that South America had in abundance and South America boosted its economy. The central markets established were a win for the government and people.

Monroe Doctrine

was a United States policy which opposed to European colonization in the Americas. It stated that any European country who intend take control over a independent country in North or South America, it would be seen as amnifestation of unfriendly disposition against the US. It also noted that the US would not interfiere in current European colonies. the Monoroe Doctorine affected other countries thoughtout the Centrury. Countries like Mexico, Venezuela and Cuba. In addition, in the 20th century president Roosevelt added expanded the doctorine and it became known as the Rossevelt Corollary.


was a practice that directly affected the US navy. It was one of the main causes that lead to the war of 1812. This practice consisted of British armed gangs invading US merchant ships because of their lack of qualified seamen. Between 1793 and 1812 the British impressed more than 15,000 US sailors to complement their fleet during their Napoleonic Wars with France. "


was basically a contract through which an Indian was forced to perform agricultural work for life and hereditary. This was created so that no Indian would receive a salary or in some cases they received a minimum. Concertaje would be given to many Indians since birth and was hereditary.

Gabriel García Moreno

was born in Guayaquil on 24, 1821. He is known for joining a revolitonaty movement that overthrew the goverment with aid of Juan Jose Flores. He sized power over the Ecuadorian republic in 1860 and stepped into office in 1861. He served twice as president, was killed during second term and had church oriented government.

Eloy Alfaro

was born on June 25th, 1842 in Montecristi, Ecuador and was the central figure of the Liberal Revolution. Alfaro was president of Ecuador from 1895 to 1901. He constructed a railroad linking Quito and Guayaquil, this brought industry and economic prosperity. He is also responsible of separating the church from the state.

Trail of Tears

was caused by president Andrew Jackson, as he sent 7,000 troops to remove Cherokees out of their land. The people died because of exhaustion, cold, hunger, disease, etc. The Indian Removal Act was a law that Jackson imposed to remove the Cherokees. The Cherokees were forcibly removed May 28, 1830. The Cherokees did not protest in a violent way, on the other hand, they were very peaceful the whole time. They benefited Europeans as they traded with the English, but the Europeans wanted their gold and decided to take their land. The Indian removal act said that it was US territory and that they had to move to Oklahoma (where they had dry, unfertile land, which had various plagues, and had natural disasters).

Indian Removal Act

was considered one of the greatest mistake the US government commited. This act was proposed because of the desire of expansion of territory and the ambition for gold found in the Cherokee land. Ross party appealed the Act in court but the court disapproved the letter presented by the Ross party. Finally by 1830 the Indian Removal Act was approved giving the Cherokee people 2 years to leave. This created the trail of tears in which more than 6,000 Indians died. In addition, this caused many changes in the Native Americans way of living.

Bayonet Constitution of Hawaii

was signed by King David Kalakua by oppression of the US government. He was forced by US representatives to sign with a gun to his head. The US used this Constitution to annex Hawaii into their territory, and so they could take over the important sugar industry they owned. This Constitution also limited the rule of the Kingdom of Hawaii of their own country, and reserved them the right to vote, ending the rule of native Hawaiians. The signature of the Constitution meant the territory of Hawaii and the natives who owned it had lost their land, culture, and even rights were lost; Hawaiian natives had to hide in the shadows of the new legislative government forever, and so did the long bloodline of royalty in the islands.

Manifest Destiny

was the desire of the United States to expand from it's boundaries to the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. People supported this ideal because they thought that they had more moral justification. The expansion was a success with the westward migration and had positive effects including the annexation of California and Texas from the Mexicans. There were beneficial factors but the expansion caused the destruction and abuse of Native American Land.

Industrial revolution

was the transition to new manufacturing processes. This included the use of machines, chemical use and iron production. Major causes were the developement of trade and the rise of business.


were a key figure in ecuadorian history that worked and managed land or haciendas. They were indegienous that worked in their masters land for several days. In payment for the use of their plots. A form of exploitation that left deep traces.


were indigenous people who were forced to work on haciendas for the benefit of Spanish colonies. This could have been through some kind of contract were indigenous are tied to the land they work on. This mostly benefited the Spanish since they got the best out of this deal.

Homestead Act

when the ex president Abraham Lincoln gave 160 acres of public land to them. In exchange they needed to pay or live 5 consecutive years brfore they recieve the total ownership of the land. This occured on may 20, 1862.The Homestead Act was when president Abraham Lincoln singed a law on 1862 on the United States. This act give western migration people free land.

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