Ed Psych 321: Exam 1 Practice Questions

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In 1960, the average age of marriage for women was _____; today it is _____. A. 20; 27 B. 26; 20 C. 30; 27 D. 20; 20


The ability to see beyond what is directly observable and reason in terms of what might be possible is called: A. theory of mind B. hypothetical thinking C. imaginary audience D. formal operations


Compared to the situation 50 or 60 years ago, today's transition to adulthood is: A. short and smooth. B. short and rocky. C. long and disorderly. D. long and smooth.


Popularized about 50 years ago, this expression refers to young people in a more frivolous and lighthearted manner than the term adolescent. A. youngster B. youth C. teenager D. punk


Adolescents develop the ability to think about social issues, a concept more generally referred to as A. socialization B. social cognition C. abstract reasoning D. metacognition


Before industrialization, the term youth referred to: A. all children B. ages 12-14 C. ages 10-18 D. ages 3-12


Changes in social definition also bring changes in: A. adolescents' identities. B. responsibilities. C. changes in relationships with others. D. All of these are correct.


Which statement regarding increases in cognitive abilities is false? A. Increases in cognitive abilities are due to growth in the size of the brain. B. Pruning of the synapses leads to increases in cognitive abilities. C. Changes in levels of neurotransmitters reduce sensitivity to reward, leading to an increase in sensation seeking. D. Maturation of the prefrontal cortex allows for complex activities such as planning, decision making, goal setting, and metacognition.


A measure of an individual's body fat, ratio of weight to height, used to gauge overweight and obesity is called A. basal metabolism rate B. body mass index C. secular trend D. feedback loop


Which group is most at risk for obesity? A. late maturing black girls B. early maturing black girls C. early maturing white boys D. early maturing white girls


Which of the following statements about the timing and tempo of sexual maturation is true? A. in the U.S. and in all other countries, menarche typically occurs around age 12 B. the duration of puberty varies widely, from 1.5 to 6 years in girls and 2 to 5 years in boys C. adolescents who begin puberty early are also those who complete it early D. adolescents who begin puberty earlier usually grow to be taller adults


Who coined the term adolescent egocentrism? A. piaget B. elkind C. binet D. sternberg


Scientists now believe that the transition from concrete operational thought to formal operational thought occurs A. very suddenly and evenly across all domains of functioning B. at the same age, regardless of environment C. very gradually and unevenly across domains of functioning D. the change is barely noticeable


The ability to think about one's own thoughts is called A. hypothetical thinking B. egocentric logic C. metacognition D. social cognition


The first ejaculation of seminal fluid that occurs is A. biologically predetermined B. genetically inherited C. often determined culturally D. a major embarrassment for boys


The term puberty refers to the period during which A. an individual is between the ages of 12 and 15 B. an individual's endocrine system creates new hormones C. an individual becomes capable of sexual reproduction D. an individual stops growing


According to the textbook, today, about _____ of American adolescents are from ethnic minority groups; and, by the end of this century, it is estimated that nearly _____ of American adolescents will be non-White. A. 45%; 1/3 B. 10%; 2/3 C. 10%; 1/3 D. 45%; 2/3


Among American adolescents, the most frequently mentioned criterion for being an adult is________; among Inuit adolescents in the Canadian Arctic, the most important is ________. A. getting married; accepting responsibility for oneself B. moving in with a prospective mate; supporting oneself financially C. accepting responsibility for oneself; the establishment of a marriage-like relationship D. being able to support oneself financially; becoming a parent


Are adults, or adolescents, more likely to think of themselves as invulnerable? A. adults B. adolescents C. both are likely D. neither group thinks of themselves as invulnerable


Behavioral decision theory heavily draws on _______, and is a rational process in which individuals ________ A. psychoanalytic theory; are forced to think about the root of their behaviors B. information-processing theory; naturally advance in cognition skills C. economics; calculate costs and benefits D. behaviorism; make choices based on rewards and punishment


Of the following, the biggest threat to adolescents' health is A. infectious disease B. chronic illness C. cardiovascular disease D. risky behaviors


According to the textbook, the sex differences in athletic performance during early adolescence results from all of the following except A. self-confidence B. body fat C. hormones D. diet and exercise


Avram is considered a later maturing boy. A year after pubertal onset, we would expect Avram to show all of the following advantages over his early maturing peers, except A. greater athletic ability B. more intellectual curiosity C. greater exploratory behavior D. higher levels of social initiative


Based on the research addressing ethnic differences in the timing and rate of pubertal maturation, which American girl would be expected to be the earliest to mature? A. Brandy, a middle-income black adolescent B. Miranda, a middle income mexican adolescent C. Emily, a middle income white adolescent D. Kimberly, a middle income asian adolescent


Dr. Davis is interested in how puberty affects adjustment. He studies a group of 100 junior high school students over the course of three years. He is conducting what kind of study? A. longitudinal B. cross sectional C. cross sequential D. secular


During adolescence, individuals' IQ scores _____, whereas their mental abilities _____. A. remain stable; increase B. remain stable; decrease C. increase; remain stable D. decrease; remain stable


Joey enjoys the devil's advocate and is always stirring up discussions with his contrary positions. This ability is one aspect of A. hypothetical thinking B. social cognition C. mutual perspective taking D. impression formation


One type of structural change in the brain has to do with changes in the levels of grey and white matter in the brain. Which of the following statement is true? A. grey matter decreases while white matter increases B. grey matter increases while white matter decreases C. both grey and white matter decrease D. both grey and white matter increase


The status of adolescents as full-time students arose as a result of: A. the Industrial Revolution. B. increases in scientific knowledge. C. political changes resulting from the Civil War. D. the advent of technical careers.


Typically, the social redefinition of young people occurs in groups of peers who are approximately the same age, known as: A. cohorts. B. age groups. C. longitudinal groups. D. quincea-era groups.


Up until about eight weeks after conception, the human brain is ________ until it is exposed to certain hormones. A. feminine B. masculine C. asexual D. dormant


Which of the following is not associated with transition difficulties in adolescence? A. spending a lot of time with peers B. being a member of a minority group C. living in poverty D. the absence of affluent neighbors


Which of the following is probably true for Ashley, an early maturing girl who was short and stocky as a child? A. after puberty, she will be shorter and heavier than her late-maturing peers B. after puberty, she will be shorter and thinner than her late maturing peers C. after puberty, she will be taller and heavier than her late maturing peers D. after puberty, she will be taller and thinner than her late maturing peers


Which of the following is true about obesity? A. to be considered obese, a person's body mass index must fall at or above the 95th percentile for their age and gender B. 40% of American adolescents are obese C. the rate of obesity has quadrupled worldwide since 2005 D. obesity is solely caused by a low basal metabolic rate


Who of the following individuals is likely to believe that it is always wrong to exclude others? A. gwendolyn, who is trying to decide who to invite to her 9th birthday B. amy, who is a member of high status peer group at her high school C. tina, an adolescent who has a sophisticated understanding of peer group dynamics D. carl, a senior on the high school football team


According to the textbook, in non-Western cultures, there is huge discrepancy in the extension of privileges to males and females. In general, girls' behavior is more _____, whereas boys are given more ____. A. subject to the control of adults; responsibilities B. subject to the control of adults; freedom and autonomy C. likely to be regulated by community standards; family-level rules D. likely to be watched and scrutinized; privacy


According to the textbook, the main contributor to the increased rate of automobile accidents among teenagers is A. driving under the infuence B. driving with other teenagers in the car C. texting while driving D. talking on the phone, esp. having an emotional conversation


Adolescents who score higher than their peers on an IQ test will probably: A. score lower than their peers on their next IQ test B. continue to score higher than their peers on future IQ tests C. score the same as their peers on their next IQ test D. you cannot predict a prediction based on the instability of intelligence


Charles feels older than most of the other kids in his grade. He is more likely to engage in all of the following activities except: A. spending more time with opposite-sex peers. B. greater achievement in school. C. feeling more autonomous. D. engaging in problem behavior.


Compared to 100 years ago, the adolescent period has been _____ and the transition into adulthood _____. A. shortened; abbreviated B. lengthened; prolonged C. shortened; more continuous D. lengthened; abbreviated


Dr. Brown argues that adolescents can solve problems better than younger children because they can store more information in memory and because they have more effective strategies. Dr. Brown's view is most consistent with which of the following perspectives? A. triarchic theory of intelligence B. information-processing perspective C. psychometric theory D. Piagetian perspective


Individuals who were adolescents in the late 1950s and 1960s are known as members of the: A. Leave It to Beaver generation. B. baby-boom generation C. ."Free Love" generation. D. Great Depression generation.


One aspect of brain maturation that is associated with increases in the speed of neural impulses and improvements in information transmission is: A. formal operational thought. B. myelination. C. metacognition. D. information-processing gains


Studies have shown that prepubertal girls who expect menstruation to be uncomfortable report A. milder menstrual symptoms than their peers B. more severe menstrual symptoms than their peers C. about the same level of menstrual symptoms as their peers D. experiencing menarche sooner than their peers


Today, adolescence has been redefined as a time of _____, rather than _____. A. participation; preparation B. preparation; participation C. working; schooling D. apprenticeship; autonomy


Which group of individuals is likely to describe themselves as individuals who are in many ways more mature than adolescents, but not as mature as adults? A. teenagers B. college students C. individuals in their 20s D. emancipated minors


Which of the following female sex characteristics is usually the last to develop? A. menarche B. regular ovulation C. development of the nipples of the breasts D. growth of pubic hair


Which of the following statements about intelligence in adolescence is true? A. there is very little debate regarding what exactly intelligence is B. the higher an individual's IQ, the smaller the number of same-aged peers who perform equally or better C. scientists have not reported any sig. correlations between aspects of IQ performance and synaptic pruning in the brain D. an IQ test is the only way to assess intelligence in adolescence


Who of the following is probably a child (and not an adolescent)? A. jeanette, someone who can easily describe her thought process B. christine, someone who tends to think about things one aspect at a time C. bryan, who tends to questions everything, just for the sake of argument D. brandon, someone who entertains many possibilities before making the final decision


Evaluations of mentoring programs have indicated that: A. mentoring is a sufficient program to meet the needs of at-risk youth. B. the success of mentoring depends on the amount of financial support for the program. C. the success of the mentoring program depends on characteristics of the mentor, the mentee, and the relationship between the two. D. mentoring tends to be more successful when the mentor involves the adolescent in 1 to 2 specific activities.


Jeffrey Arnett, the psychologist who created the term emerging adulthood, believes that the developmental period between adolescence and adulthood (emerging adulthood): A. exists in all cultures. B. exists in almost every culture. C. exists in very few cultures. D. exists wherever there is a large discrepancy between the rich and the poor.


Molly's breasts are beginning to develop, she is beginning to grow pubic hair, and her body is growing rapidly. This change is brought about by the secretion of ____________ by the _____________. A. estrogen only; testes B. androgens only; ovaries C. estrogen and androgens; ovaries D. estrogen and androgens; testes


Nadia is an early maturing girl. Compared to her late maturing peers, which of the following statements is most likely to be true for Nadia? A. Nadia is less likely to suffer from social anxiety B. Nadia is less likely to be popular with girls C. Nadia is more likely to be popular with boys D. Nadia is less likely to be the victim of rumors and gossip


One discrepancy in the way that society treats adolescents is that courts have ruled that teenagers have the right to obtain ________; however, the courts have also upheld laws forbidding adolescence to obtain _____. A. cigarettes; contraceptives B. vulgar magazines; contraceptives C. contraceptives; cigarettes or vulgar magazines D. vulgar magazines; cigarettes


Relocation studies that have randomly chosen poor families to either stay where they are living or move to a more advantaged neighborhood have found: A. that those from high-poverty neighborhoods who move to more advantaged neighborhoods have better outcomes than those who were originally from medium or low-poverty neighborhoods. B. that relocation may be more beneficial for boys than girls. C. mixed results. D. adolescents who moved to a better area had better psychological and behavioral outcomes compared to those who stayed in poor neighborhoods.


Social scientists believe that the transition from adolescence into adulthood in contemporary society is: A. too rocky. B. too vague. C. too long. D. All of these responses are true.


The improvements in organizational strategies seen in adolescence include all but: A. increasing use of mnemonic devices. B. becoming more flexible with strategy use. C. increasing speed of information processing. D. becoming more efficient with strategy use.


Which of the following research findings supports the hypothesis that, "under conditions of low collective efficacy, social problems are contagious"? A. adolescents who associate with delinquent peers are more likely to be drawn into criminal and delinquent activity. B. Adolescents who live in neighborhoods with high rates of teenage childbearing are exposed to large numbers of peers who are relatively more tolerant of this behavior, which affects their own attitudes toward premarital childbearing. C. Both statements support the hypothesis. D. Neither of these statements supports the hypothesis.


Which of the following statements about obesity is not true? A. the adolescent obesity epidemic will cost the U.S. more than $250 billion B. adolescent obesity has been especially dramatic among Black females C. adolescent obesity is limited to the U.S. D. obesity is the most serious health problem of American adolescents


Which of the following statements about social cognition is false? A. Adolescents have a more differentiated and more nuanced understanding of social norms. B. Adolescents are more able than children to step outside themselves and see things from other vantage points. C. Adolescents are less likely to see that social rules are subjective. D. Adolescents are more likely to believe that there are some situations under which it may be appropriate to limit the rights of certain people.


All of the following are ways that scientists study brain maturation except: A. using DTI technology to see the ways in which various regions of the brain are connected. B. using fMRI equipment to examine patterns of activity in various regions of the brain while individuals are performing a variety of tasks. C. electroencephalography technology to measure event-related potentials in response to different stimuli or events. D. using fMRI technology to measure event-related potential in response to different stimuli or events.


Chris and his parents had an argument because they did not want him to go to a New Year'sEve party across town. A few days after the argument, Chris's anger subsided because he realized his parents were worried about his safety. Which cognitive process did Chris most likely use to reach this conclusion? A. implicit personality theory B. deductive reasoning C. response inhibition D. theory of mind


Compared to childhood, reward seeking and sensation seeking during adolescence A. are equally as high during childhood and adolescence B. are lower during adolescence than childhood C. are caused by biological forces during adolescence while it is typically caused by environmental factors in childhood D. are higher during adolescence than childhood


Dr. Martino argues that development proceeds in stages and that each stage is marked by fairly consistent behavior. Then, as the child's biological development progresses and new experiences are acquired, a shift occurs and development breaks through to the next level. Dr. Martino's view is most consistent with that expressed by A. Triarchic theory of intelligence B. information processing perspectives C. psychometric theory D. piagetian perspective


For Sally's 13th birthday, her mother has agreed to let her get her ears pierced. In traditional societies, this type of body ritual may be equated to: A. epiphysis. B. extrusion. C. voodoo. D. scarification.


How does poverty adversely affect the behavior and development of adolescents? A. Social problems are contagious and can spread from one adolescent to another. B. Poverty in neighborhoods breeds social isolation. C. Adolescents growing up in poverty are more likely to be exposed to violence. D. All of these are true.


Juan is 4.5 years old. His language skills are excellent, but his thinking skills demonstrate limitations such as egocentrism. What Piagetian stage of thought would you suspect he is in? A. formal operational B. sensorimotor C. concrete operational D. preoperational


Mike, an early maturer, is more likely to _______ than bob, a later maturer. A. experience pseudomaturity B. suffer greater consequences if bullied by peers C. experiment with drugs and alcohol D. all of these are correct


Non-White adolescents are relatively more likely than White adolescents to experience all of the following except A. to be murdered B. to be physically inactive C. suffer from chronic illness D. anorexia nervosa


One reason for the difference in the body shapes of the sexes is A. the timing of the growth spurt B. that females tend to be more "left-brained" and males more "right-brained" C. differences in the sizes of the hypothalamus D. the difference in the amount and distribution of body fat


Over the past century, the onset of puberty has been coming at an earlier age. This has been referred to as the A. cross sectional trend B. endocrine trend C. menarche trend D. secular trend


The biological changes that take place during puberty can cause changes in adolescents behavior in all of the way ways, except A. directly B. by affecting the adolescent's self image C. by affecting the reactions of others to the adolescent D. all of these are ways in which biological changes occurring in puberty can cause changes in adolescents' behavior


Which of the following can delay the onset of puberty? A. stress B. nutritional deficiencies C. excessive exercise D. all of these are correct


Which of the following was not offered by the textbook as an explanation for the sex differences in the impact of early and late maturation? A. the cultural desirability of thin body types B. the development readiness hypothesis C. the maturational deviance hypothesis D. genetic makeup


Which of the following would not be considered an initiation ceremony? A. graduating from high school B. a quinceaera C. a Bat Mitzvah D. obtaining a driver's license


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