EDF 200 Reading Quizzes

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"Mexican Education" Question 1: True or False? Alejandro Jimenez recounts specific positive experiences from 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 7th grade.


"What Keeps Teachers Going?" Question 5: True or False? The students in Ms. Yearwood's class were devastated by the response from the managing editor of the Boston Herald.

False, They were satisfied but wished for more.

"How Do I Stay in a Profession that Is Trying to Push Me Out?" Question 5: True or False? John Terry feels that "the obstacles that prevent teachers from being great teachers-- or even being teachers at all" are insurmountable.

False, they are able to overcome just like he did

"The Case Against Teaching as Delivery of the Curriculum" Question 2: In a series of analogies, Kim compares teachers who merely deliver the pre-set curriculum to being a waiter rather than the _____.


"Creating Classrooms for Equity and Social Justice" Question 1: The authors of this essay suggest that classrooms should be "places of _____."


"What Keeps Teachers Going?" Question 1: What is Nieto's stance about "leaving [your] values at the door" as a teacher?

you can't leave them at the door

GLSEN School Climate Survey Question 1: According to the National School Climate Survey (2019), what percentage of students heard "gay" being used in a negative way at school?


"Letter to a Young Teacher" Question 1: Featherstone tells us that his grandmother cared about her students' academics as well as their physical well-being and health. What example does he mention twice to highlight his grandmother's concern for her students' health?

His grandmother checked to make sure they brushed their teeth.

"Letter to a Young Teacher" Question 4: Featherstone uses the following metaphor to discuss a problem that his grandmother saw with a certain approach to teaching: "They get slices of the animal but not the whole live hog"? What is the modern/colloquial term or phrase to describe her concern? Hint: Read the context clues around this metaphor to understand her concern.

Schools have "dumbed down" (or over-simplified) the curriculum.

"Name" Question 1: Hiwot Adilow fills her poem "Name" with metaphors (direct comparisons that do not use "like" or "as"). She asserts that her name is which of the following? Choose 4.

-lullaby -poem -boat -preserved connections

According to the Ted Talk, how many reported standardized tests were taken by students in big-city American high schools between kindergarten and 12th grade?

112 tests

The speaker (Thomas Curran) says, "Over the last ____ years, we have seen perfectionism rise at an alarming rate."

25 years

"Unconscious Bias" Question 3: Which of the following does Fiarman suggest could be a result of unconscious bias?

Disproportionate punishment

"12 Suggestions for New Teachers" Question 1: True or False? Miller believes that some subjects can be connected to "students' lives, communities, and cultures."


"Little Kids Big Ideas" Question 1: The editors/writers of this article suggest that it's okay when you don't know the answer to students' complex, worldly questions; these inquiries provide chances for the teacher, student, and class to explore and learn about something together.


"Heather's Moms Got Married" Question 1: What event was designed at the elementary school where Mary Cowhey taught to help make all families "feel welcome"?

Free professional family portraits were taken at Open House and then displayed in the school lobby

"Start Flipping Your Pennies" Question 2: Nic Clement wrote, "[Mr. Serrell] was the most _________ teacher I have ever known."


"How Do I Stay in a Profession that Is Trying to Push Me Out?" Question 3: What was the focus of the collaboration effort between the teachers and the group at the local university?

They were working together to create educational resources with a focus on human rights and identity.

"Creating Classrooms for Equity and Social Justice" Question 3: Which of the subheadings mentions "projects, role plays, simulations, [and] mock trials"?

participatory, experiential

"Meeting Mr. P. Again" Question 1: Both Mr. P. and the author (Dr. Joe Wegwert) would agree that their principals were afraid of what three things? (Choose only 3.)

Creativity Unscripted moments Controversy

"How Do I Stay in a Profession that Is Trying to Push Me Out?" Question 2: How did John Terry feel when he was spending extra time on school-related work and networking (beyond the regular school day)?

supported; hopeful

"The Case Against Teaching as Delivery of the Curriculum" Question 5: Kim argues that "the function of school in a democratic society is" to do what THREE things?

-schools should prepare student to make their own choices and consider consequences -school should educate students to be informed and active participants -schools should prepare students to participate in critical conversation

According to the research findings of the speaker, what "lingering" feelings do perfectionists often describe? Check two.

Dissatisfaction and discontentment

"A Message from a Black Mom to Her Son" Question 2: What did Dyan Watson hear in school, repeatedly, that was "supposed to be a compliment"?

"your not like other black people"

Which of the following benefits have been attributed to small K-3 class sizes through research? Check FOUR.

-Better academic achievement through 8th grade -Lower criminal conviction rates and lower maximum sentence rates -Better graduation rates -Lower teen birthrates and lower teen fatherhood rates

"Letter to a Young Teacher" Question 3: According to the text, which old superstitions/beliefs did her grandmother disagree with? Choose only two.

-Unfairness is part of life; there's never enough for everyone. -Inequality is fundamental and normal.

"Unconscious Bias" Question 5: Which of the following strategies are mentioned in the article to help educators confront and/or avoid bias? Choose five.

-use flowcharts for classroom and administrative disciplinary action -make decisions collaboratively with input from range of stakeholders -use blind calling systems like popsicle sticks -ask a colleague to observe for specific behavior in your classroom -replace negative associations with positive ones

"Creating Classrooms for Equity and Social Justice" Question 2: The authors of this essay argue that you don't need "magic" to be a great teacher; instead, you need ____, ____, and ____? Choose three.

-vision -support -resources

"A Message from a Black Mom to Her Son" Question 3: Watson hopes her son's teachers "will do the work necessary to [eliminate]racist [practices] in [themselves] and those around them."

...eliminate racist practices in themselves...

"Unconscious Bias" Question 1: True or False? Beverly Daniel Tatum compares the way we "absorb bias" to the way we "breathe smog" to show that most people do it intentionally and with pleasure.


"The Case Against Teaching as Delivery of the Curriculum" Question 3: What TWO criticisms does Kim say are often thrown upon teachers who create curriculum, adjust based on teachable moments, and make room for students' interests and voices?

- they are called time-wasted -their method is viewed as counter-productive

According to the speaker, there is ______ evidence that perfectionists are more successful


GLSEN School Climate Survey Question 7: True or False? According to the National School Climate Survey (2019), students in rural/small towns faced "more hostile school climates" than students at suburban/urban schools.


The authors assert that since 2002 and the implementation of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), the federal government has under-funded states and schools by upwards of $54 billion.


According to Figure 1, what is the most basic need for children/families before we will be able to attain a"self-actualized society"?

affordable housing in stable neighborhoods

Thomas Curran speaks about the current trend of showing off our affluence, lives, and lifestyles via social media. Then, he makes the assertion that, "The _________ of perfection is far more important than the reality."


Fill-in-the-blank: "Effective teaching requires teachers to be able to assess what students are taking from instruction and adapt their instruction to meet the _______ needs of students."


GLSEN School Climate Survey Question 3: Based on the National School Climate Survey (2019), which of the following effects of victimization were discovered? Check all the apply.

- Lower self-esteem and higher levels of depression - More likely to be absent - Less likely to pursue post-secondary education programs - Lower grades and academic performance (GPA) - More likely to receive discipline at school

What does Thomas Curran suggest that caregivers or parents do to help combat perfectionism? Mark two.

- offer unconditional support - avoid taking on their children's successes and failures as their own

"Letter to a Young Teacher" Question 7: In his summation, Featherstone asserts that teachers and students ultimately need the same things. Check all that apply.

-Identity -interests -culture -voice

"Start Flipping Your Pennies" Question 1: What role(s) did Mr. Serrell serve at the school that the author (Nic Clement) attended? Check all that apply.

-Math teacher -Drivers' Ed Teacher -Basketball coach -Cross Country Coach -Track & Field Coach

"Honor Their Names" Question 1: Christensen explains that names are deeply connected with "families, languages, and cultures." What should teachers do to make sure that names are honored in classrooms? Check all that apply.

-Say and use student names regularly. -Create phonemic translations as reminders-to-self about correct pronunciation.

"12 Suggestions for New Teachers" Question 2: Miller suggests/advises new teachers do which of the following? Choose 3.

-Seek ideas and insight from colleagues and support staff daily -Make contact with parents for positive reasons -Teach and encourage bilingual students to code-switch -IDK Avoid direct instruction (or lectures) at all cost (no matter the length) IDK

"Letter to a Young Teacher" Question 6: Featherstone gives a detailed characterization of Mr. Gradgrind in the novel Hard Times by Charles Dickens. Based on his description, which of the following beliefs would Mr. Gradgrind likely hold about modern schools?

-We should measure and count our students by letter grades and test scores. -We should use education to control children/adolescents (NOT to empower them). -We should allow administrators to choose and micromanage curriculum. -We should cut art programs because they are "extras" that matter less.

"What Keeps Teachers Going?" Question 2: According to Jerome Bruner, which of the following questions should teachers ask themselves? Choose three.

-What brought me to teaching? -What are my blind spots? -How do I see myself in the work I do?

"Unconscious Bias" Question 4: Which of the following strategies does Fiarman suggest to "increase awareness and normalize talking about bias?" Choose three.

-modeling how to monitor for bias -explicitly naming bias in self and others -direct teaching about bias

After an extensive research project, they made a projection that by 2050, ____ of young people will report clinical levels of perfectionism.


When this article was published, roughly how many children in the United States lived in poverty?

13 million

"Heather's Moms Got Married" Question 2: Mary Cowhey points out an important truth: "Teachers may not know ____________ if they have a child with gay or lesbian parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, or family friends." CLUE: The fill-in-the-blank answer is two words long.

By Looking

"Meeting Mr. P. Again" Question 2: What is a "critical risk" to take as a teacher in public schools according to the author, Dr. Wegwert?

Critical Teaching or Unteaching

"Those Who Can Teach" Question 1: True or False? According to Ryan and the research presented in Chapter 3 of Those Who Can Teach, male students have more overall interactions with teachers in elementary school only; male students also receive more criticism and less praise.


The authors believe that schools are entirely capable of solving the dropout problem and closing the achievement gap if teachers are just committed and care enough.


The authors suggest that "incremental change" will solve issues of inequity in schools.


"A Message from a Black Mom to Her Son" Question 5: True or False? Dyan Watson's 5th grade band teacher encouraged her to pursue her passion and continue the legacy of the great musicians in her family.

False, the teacher told her music wasn't for her

"How Do I Stay in a Profession that Is Trying to Push Me Out?" Question 1: What change did John Terry make to his curriculum when he started feeling fatigued?

He looked back at his original inspiration to teach and create materials that aligned with his own passions.

"How Do I Stay in a Profession that Is Trying to Push Me Out?" Question 4: Which of the following was NOT one of the ways John Terry got involved politically?

He participated in a state-wide walk out to demand better funding for education

"Meeting Mr. P. Again" Question 3: What did Dr. Wegwert see as Mr. P. walked away after their meeting?

He saw Mr. P. raise both arms into the air in triumph(knowing that he had made a difference.)

GLSEN School Climate Survey Question 4: The National School Climate Survey (2019) defines an "inclusive curriculum" as one that includes "positive representations about LGBTQ people, ______, and events."


"Letter to a Young Teacher" Question 5: We must acknowledge (as a criticism) that Featherstone's grandmother taught in an era when the curriculum/canon/culture presented were all ________.


"A Message from a Black Mom to Her Son" Question 1: When Dyan Watson was in school, she "never saw Black people in [her] textbooks unless they were in shackles or standings with Martin Luther King Jr." What sort of curricula/materials does she hope that her son studies at school?

Materials where Black people are portrayed in ordinary and extraordinary ways.

"What Keeps Teachers Going?" Question 3: Nieto suggests that sharing "racial and cultural identity" openly with students can keep teachers feeling connected and energized; other teachers, she says, bring "________ or sociocultural autobiographies into their classrooms."


"Taking Teacher Quality Seriously" Question 1: What do the acronyms PGS and CT stand for in the article?

Professional Growth System; Consulting Teachers

GLSEN School Climate Survey Question 6: According to the National School Climate Survey (2019), which region of the United States was the most likely to have LGBT-related resources available at school?

The Northeast

"Letter to a Young Teacher" Question 2: According to Featherstone, what was the "dream" of educators like Horace Mann and her grandmother?

To offer every child the same quality of education regardless of their family's income (or social class).

"A Message from a Black Mom to Her Son" Question 4: True or False? Caleb's mother (Dyan Watson, the author) became a teacher because of a positive school experience in kindergarten.


"Taking Teacher Quality Seriously" Question 2: True or False? The Montgomery County (Maryland) Public Schools created a collaborative approach to teacher evaluation that has been used for over 10 years to successfully remove ineffective, poorly-performing teachers from the classroom while supporting the development of effective teachers.


GLSEN School Climate Survey Question #5: True or False? Students who had seen a Safe Space sticker or poster in their school were more likely to identify school staff who were supportive of LGBTQ students.


GLSEN School Climate Survey Question 2: True or False? According to the National School Climate Survey (2019), more than 50% of the students had heard homophobic remarks from teachers or other school staff and more than 65% heard negative remarks about gender expression from teachers or other school staff.


"The Case Against Teaching as Delivery of the Curriculum" Question 4: Towards the end of the article, Kim asserts that teachers who feel so tightly bound to the curriculum have essentially traded (or given up) _______ for efficiency.


"What Keeps Teachers Going?" Question 4: Nieto asserts that it is "__________ for individuals who have felt invisible, alienated, forgotten, or harmed in even a small way to become teachers."

fairly common

"Unconscious Bias" Question 2: Fiarman suggests that educators (people, in general) harbor unconscious preferences "on the basis of ______, race, sexual orientation, [and] other aspects of identity."


Of the three elements from Curran's research, they found that "socially-prescribed perfectionism . . . saw the largest ______ by far" meaning that many young people today feel that others impose unattainable expectations on them.


The authors are grateful ("indebted") to the researchers that have proven the benefit of _______,

pre-kindergarten (pre-k) program

"Little Kids Big Ideas" Question 2: Kids, today, hear snippets of political conversations and tensions at very early ages, and they come to school with an array of questions and perceptions. According to the editors/writers, teachers should be trying to "cultivate" and "_____" a "culture of empathy"?


The anecdote about John shows that "perfectionism is never about perfecting _________ or perfecting ________ ." Instead, it's really about trying to perfect "an imperfect self."

things; tasks

"The Case Against Teaching as Delivery of the Curriculum" Question 1: True or False? Youngjoo Kim argues that the art of teaching involves more than delivering a pre-set curriculum; in fact, Kim demands that teachers must be willing to flow with the class in different, unplanned directions to develop critical thinkers who see what is being learned as being connected with their own lives.


Curran regrets that, in our society, we often "connect our wealth, our status, and our image with our innate personal _____."


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