EDSP 454 FINAL Dr. Anderson CSULB

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instructional Conversations

3. Instructional Conversation Teacher role changes to a facilitator Curriculum emphasizes use of Common Core More student participation, viewpoints, ideas. Student's past knowledge & experience are used Few yes/no responses, lots of opinions Some teacher guided practice, but mostly student independent practice to learn concept

to increase comprehension we must :

90% say and do 70% say 50% hear and see 30% see 20% hear 10% read

Abraham Maslow - Hierarchy of Needs. A Theory of Human Motivation, 1943

Abraham Maslow - Hierarchy of Needs. A Theory of Human Motivation, 1943 Personal_needs are the primary influences of an individual's behavior, actions, motivations and priorities. Motivated behavior results from pleasant or unpleasant tension and experiences. The goal of a behavior is to reduce tension by satisfying_ the need.

Echevarria & Graves - Chapter 1 Slides 2-13- 16-26-29-32

National Assessment Education Process (NAEP) Report Card - Reading, 2017 4th grade National average score in reading 221 4th grade California average _215__ which ranks Calif #_43_ out of 50 states --------------------------------------------------------------8th grade national average in reading 265 8th grade California average 263___ which ranks Calif. #__37__ out of 50 states Top rank states: Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Hampshire

Learning strategy

Series of steps that are repeated to solve a problem of complete a task. this is not a curriculum but rather a tool used for curriculum to improve student content knowledge

Anderson 3- English Learners with Disabilities slides 3-9

Special Education is... Special education (SPED) is governed by federal law, the _Indivivuals_ with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). SPED is "specifically _designed_ instruction, at no cost to parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability." SPED provides additional services, staff support, programs, specialized placements or environments to ensure that all students' educational needs are met from age _3-22_ or until they graduate from high school, whichever happens first. California Education Code for EL Students with Disabilities School districts are required to implement programs and services to ensure that ELs and those with disabilities become __fluent_ in English and achieve academic success in school. In California the English Language Proficiency Assessment Competencies (ELPAC) determines ELs language proficiency. Teachers are required to have an EL authorization, at CSULB its embedded in the SPED credential. 2018-19 California School Funding Sources California public schools received $97.2 billion from three sources: ____58.8_% state ___32.3 % property taxes and other local sources 8.9% federal These funding shares _vary__ across school districts There are 6.2 million K-12 students __8_% attend about 9,000 regular schools in 1,026 school districts __11 % attend about 1,228 charter schools which are publicly funded but not subject to some state regulations. Over 1/2 of public school students are economically disadvantaged and 1/4 are ELs https://www.ppic.org/publication/financing-californias-public-schools/ Education Spending Per Student, 2016 *California $_11,495_for each general education (GENED) student $_19,770_ for each SPED student www.governing.com/gov-data/education-data/state-education-spending-per-pupil-data.html *LAUSD $ 11,798_for each GENED student $_20,073_ for each SPED student Who Are English Language Learners with Disabilities? Nationwide ELs with disabilities represent an increasingly larger portion of the K-12 student population. In 2015, nearly 713,000 ELs were identified with disabilities-this is __14.7_% of the total EL population in K-12 Educational Program Considerations As teachers its essential to understand the ramification of educating ELs with disabilities as both circumstances represent different challenges and needs. The three ELs categories are NEP, LEP and RFP. There are 14 _federally_ recognized disabilities categories. Frequency of Disabilities Among ELs - Nationwide Nearly half (_49.7 %) of ELs have a Specific Learning Disability (SLD) which affects their ability to read, write, listen, speak, reason or do math: dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, auditory processing disorders, nonverbal learning, brain injury, aphasia. SLD __does not_include learning problems that result from visual, hearing or motor disabilities, emotional disturbances, environmental, cultural or economic disadvantages.

Echevarria/Graves, Chapter 4-Affective Issues slides 2-7

Steve Krashen - Stages of Natural Approach, 1987 •The Stages of Natural Approach suggested there are affective filter, _social-emotional__ issues associated with the success or failure of acquiring a second language. •A high affective filter causes _stress__, anxiety, a lack of self-confidence that may result in failure in acquiring a second language. •A low affective filter facilitates risk-taking_, motivation and success. Affective filters can be raised or lowered by the environment and the interactions between persons. Three factors: 1. Motivation - the willingness_ to do something. It helps explain the success or failure of virtually any task. 2. Self-esteem - an evaluation a person makes on one's self to the extent one believes their _potential_, significance, success and worthiness. 3. _Anxiety -the feeling of uneasiness, self-doubt frustration, apprehension or worry which can cause substandard performances.

EL Instruction

Teachers must integrate direct and instructional conversation to... stimulate interest in all curriculum areas make instruction mentally challenging generate more student engagment

teaching methods

Teaching Methods Teaching method is based on a pedagogy step by step teaching on how students learn. according to academic research there is no single best teaching method therefore you should apply the most appropriate method on a case by case basis.

Kuder 13- Assessing Language and Communication slides 3-4, 7-8, 11, 13-23

Terminology Assessment...is the process of gathering data; the way instructors measure their teaching and student learning. (e.g. San Diego Quick) An assessment that has "true" application must have _reliability_ - the degree to which an assessment has stable and consistent results. _validity__- the extent on how well a test measures what it is purported to measure. __test_...administering a particular set of questions to check quality, performance, or reliability of an individual or group in order to obtain a score to check (e.g. a final exam, a physical fitness test.) _evaluation__...an systematic instrument to determine a person's merit, worth or significance in specific skill set (e.g. a school district's teacher evaluation; to determine if a child is eligible for special education services.)

Kuder 16- Culture slides 5-12

Terminology Assimilation - is the cultural adaptation by which an individual develops a new cultural identity and becomes in __all_ways_the members of the dominant culture. Assimilation can be spontaneous or forced e.g. militarily or politically. When a person's culture from a minority group is indistinguishable from others, it's called "_full______ assimilation." Acculturation - is the transmission of cultural patterns, values and customs to a majority society. People may _retain_ some original customs, traditions and beliefs while adapting voluntarily_ to the new culture. Full acculturations takes _3_ generations. A generation can range from 20-30 years depending on the nation. Amalgamation refers to a _blending_ of cultures, rather than one group eliminating another (acculturation) or one group mixing itself into another (assimilation). Culture diversity - the cultural _variety_ and differences in: ethnic, gender, race, social and economic groups in the world, a society or institution. Culture diversity, multi-cultural and cultural pluralism are interchangeable terms. Culture is a complex__whole_ of knowledge, language, thoughts, beliefs, values communications, arts, morale, laws, customs, institutions and the habits of a racial, ethnic, religious, social and political groups that is acquired as a member of society and passed on to future generations." (E. B. Taylor, an 18th Century English anthropologist). California Law. Any pupil whose primary language is other than English and who has not previously been identified as an EL by a California public school must be assessed to determine the language/s spoken in the home of each student with a ________ __________ Survey (HLS) to be answered by the parent/caregiver.

The Hierarchy of Personal Needs

The Hierarchy of Personal Needs Level 1: _Physical_Needs...the most basic human needs are: air, hunger, thirst, rest, exercise, shelter and procreation . Level 2: Need for Safety...to have protection, well-being, safety and security. Level 3: Need for _belonging...to develop friendships, family acceptance, love and a sense of belonging. Level 4: Need for _positive_ Self Esteem...to feel good about yourself: status, recognition, independence, achievement, competence, self-confidence, responsibility and service. Level 5: Need for Self-Actualization...realizing your potential, personal growth skills and talents.

Learning Styles

The different ways people naturally think and learn (visual , auditory, kinesthetic) everyone has a dominant learning style


aid in student understanding presenting a lesson which appeals to student instrests break down complex tasks into easier ones


clarifies lesson through demonstration such as direct teaching and guided practice as well as independent practice

Students learn best by

creating more participation in a lesson by: actively doing tasks actively receiving and participating

Types of instruction

direct - lectures, drills, practice, compare contrast. teacher models the lesson. there are specific facts, answers, information. Uses many examples and visual prompts

Students learn best when:

doing the real thing lesson stimulate a real experiance do a dramatic presentation participating in class dicussion watching a demonstration looking at an exhibit watching amovie looking at pics hearing/reading words


experimental environment for new concepts to be learned. : showing the student real object he/she may be learning about, visual, powerpoint, picture words

Experimental Learning

field trips, surveys experiments, observations, role playing, simulations, games, etc. independant Studies: computer assisted instruction, activity packet, homework, reports, learning centers, correspondence lessons. Interactive Instruction: debates, panels, tutorial groups, cooperative learning group

Indirect Instruction

primarily student centered and include instructional strategies such as research project group work, writing refections problem solving.

teaching strategy

structured outline with achievable instructional goals and objectives. It ensures specific learning will be acquired minimizes student errors in learning new concepts


student depends on teacher for all learning. teacher is fully responsible for what is taught how its learned and the evaluations students are told what is expected to be learned at the next level. content is sequenced in logical steps. student is motivated by grades and external pressures.


the art and science of teaching adults student learning is self directed and motivated


the art and science of teaching ones self the student is interdependant Learn from new experiences and manage their learning. the students knows how to learn and be creative in new and old situations.

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