EDUC 125 Exam Review Part 1- Ch 1-6

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Approximately what percent of American schools are classified as rural?


Approximately what percentage of teachers in 2006 held master's degrees?

About 50%

According to Maslow, which of the following is considered a higher-order need?

Aesthetic needs

Alternative paths to teacher preparation include

Teach for America

Parental reasons for homeschooling include all of the following except

all of the above are parental reasons for homeschooling

Which of the following is a traditional path to teacher preparation?

bachelor's degree fifth-year program master of arts in teaching

Advocates of school choice believe all of the following except

choice exacerbates inequities

The type of assessment that indicates levels of student mastery of a subject is referred to as

criterion referenced

Varying instruction based on the needs of students is

differentiation of instruction

Ms. Wade uses demonstration of counting, sorting, writing numbers, and choosing correct symbols. She also uses manipulatives heavily in her teaching. Which grade level is Ms. Wade most likely teaching?

early childhood

Which statement is true about high expectations?

high expectations don't necessarily mean the same expectations for all students

Which type of rubric uses a single scale for an entire project?

holistic rubric

Race to the Top is an example of

national education improvement initiative

A climate of respect is fostered when teachers really listen to what students have to say, also known as

student voice

An assessment that measures what it is intended to measure is


Students working independently, with teacher feedback, is called

guided practice

The reason that most teachers give for choosing to teach is that they

had a desire to work with young people

All of the following describe purposes of the TIMSS except

provides a basis for state-to-state comparisons

All of the following are ways of meeting the basic need for power except

providing opportunities to get food, water, and fresh air

Guidelines for school districts engaging in corporal punishment include all of the following except

providing the student with an alternative to corporal punishment

Ms. Summers arranges her students so that she can approach each student quickly and easily without having to negotiate narrow pathways. Ms. Summers understands the element of


Infusing the curriculum with reading and writing is often referred to as

reading and writing across the curriculum

A strong sense of fairness, a desire to help those less fortunate, and experiencing roller-coaster emotions are all character development characteristics of which of the following childhood stages?

Middle school

Responsiblities of a new teacher

are basically the same as those of experienced teachers

Ms. Gomez witnesses a student verbally and physically assaulting another teacher. Ms. Gomez should

ask for help from a building administrator

Effective monitoring of student progress during an instructional unit is an important component of which type of assessment?


Miss Crenshaw tends to call on her female students more often than her male students. She also tends to give more positive feedback and praise to her female students. Miss Crenshaw is demonstrating

gender bias

The fair and balanced treatment of boys and girls is known as

gender equity

Mr. Johnson is the varsity football coach at Carver High School. He believes that girls are too emotional and fragile to play football on his team. Mr. Johnson is engaging in

gender stereotyping

The characteristic of a full profession that does not tend to describe the teaching profession is that it

grants higher-than-average financial rewards

Tanya is a middle school student. Her strengths include goal setting and self-monitoring. She tends to act as a mediator, and uses self-reflection and self-discipline. According to Gardner, which of the following is most likely Tanya's strongest disposition?


All of the following are true of the consequence of suspension except

it always leads to expulsion for some length of time

Which of the following does not describe kindergarten?

it is mandatory in all 50 states

Mr. Hooper divides his seventh-grade social studies class into cooperative learning groups. He then asks each group to research a specific Native American tribe. Each group will then be responsible for teaching the class about their tribe. This is an example of which instructional strategy?


All of the following are examples of nonverbal unobtrusive interventions except

leading a class discussion about why a particular behavior is inappropriate

Which of the following accurately describes school choice?

letting parents and students decide which schools meet their needs -for any choice plan you need information and transportation -public-to-public -ESEA -voucher

Weekly and unit plans should be designed within the context of

long-range plans

Mr. Jackson makes a deliberate effort at the beginning of each school year to learn his students' names and personal information quickly. Which of Glasser's five basic needs is Mr. Jackson meeting?

love and belonging

Anna is a talented dancer, and hopes to dance professionally in the future. She is interested in a high school that would provide specialized training for her, while providing the state-mandated graduation requirements. Which of the following would most likely be the most reasonable school venue for Anna?

magnet school

Barry writes on his desk during math class. He is asked to clean the desks in the classroom during a school-required detention. This is an example of

matching consequences to behavior

Which of the following is not one of the four purposes of assessment, according to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics?

meeting NCLB requirements

Mrs. Jones decides not to include a unit about evolution in her science class because she is concerned that it is too controversial. This is an example of

null curriculum

Which of the following best describes the four kinds of curricula?

null, formal, informal, extracurriculum

Concise statements about what students are expected to learn and be able to do are called


Ms. Hall's social studies class is acting out the battle at Gettysburg. This is an example of which instructional strategy?


Which of the following does not describe a purpose of rubrics?

rubrics provide less paperwork and require less effort for teachers

The results of teh National Assessment of Education Progress are reported by all of the following except


According to the text, which term best describes the atmosphere where the learning experiences, as well as adult and student behaviors and attitudes, influence learning?

school culture

All of the following are examples of extrinsic incentives except


Which of the following situations best demonstrates the concept of processing?

sending a student out of the classroom for the purpose of reflection and planning

The goals of multicultural education include all of the following except

the assimilation of minority cultures into the majority culture

The level at which a child can almost but not completely grasp a concept or perform a task successfully is called the

zone of proximal development

According to the Chicago Public Schools, service-learning has these three components

prepare, act, reflect

According to the text, which of the following best describes the purpose of public schools?

preservation of our democratic way of life

All of the following are benefits of standardized testing except

pressure from high-stakes tests can undermine productivity

Which of the following best describes administrative reasons for grading?

promotion, graduation, honors, eligibility

All of the following are steps to use when correcting students except

publically correct the student so that others will learn from his or her example

All of the following characteristics describe the cognitive development of middle school students except

realism plays a more active role in decision making

Which of the following best describes a summative assessment?

a social studies post-test

Ms. Myers uses a ticket system in her classroom to reward appropriate behavior. Students can trade tickets for extra recess or movie time. She uses

a token economy

During a math lesson, Mr. Jeffries calls the name of a student who is off task. Mr. Jeffries is using

a verbal unobtrusive intervention

According to your text, most teachers come from which racial group?


Which of the following services might be offered by a full-service school?

.-meeting students' needs (academic and nonacademic) -increasing family stability through parent education -creating safe haven -providing role models for all family members -providing easy access to physical and psychological needs

The NAEP is administered annually to a sampling of students in which grade level?


Approximately what percentage of American families live below the poverty line?


Approximately what percentage of adults in America are functionally illiterate?


Gabriel has a positive, overconfident self-concept. His self-concept is influenced heavily by family and society, and most of his emotional times are with his family. Gabriel is most likely in which stage of childhood?

Early childhood

Janice's physical development is characterized by a steady growth in height and weight and an improvement in dexterity. She is also significantly taller than some of her classmates. Janice is most likely in which childhood stage?

Elementary school

Joshua is capable of empathy towards people he doesn't know. Socially, he tends to group with other boys, and he is increasingly concerned with making and keeping friends. Joshua is most likely in which stage of childhood?

Elementary school

Joanna has the capacity for adult-like thought. Her reasoning ability is maturing, and she has the capability for abstract reasoning. Joanna is most likely in which stage of childhood?

High school

What determines the classroom management guidelines for students with special needs?


Ms. Smith teaches in a mixed-age classroom. Her activities allow for self-pacing, and she generally allows her students to act independently and to make choices about their learning activities. Which of the following approaches does Ms. Smith most likely follow?


The following are examples of professional education associations except


Which state/region had the highest average teacher salary during 2013?

New York

Which of the following requires that teachers be highly qualified?

No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

The organization that annually gauges public opinions about education is

Phi Delta Kappa

Academic rigor is an important component of facilitating learning because it means

The content of what we teach is meaningful and our high expectations for student learning

Which of the following is often used as a vehicle for professional development?


Mr. Davies includes his students in the process of establishing expectations for his classroom. This is an example of

a democratic classroom

According to P21, characteristics teachers possess who lead students to success include all of the following except

autonomous planner

The delivery of instruction in two languages is called

bilingual education

Effective teachers

come figuratively "in all shapes and sizes"

According to Patricia Phelps, the required commitments for teaching professionalism include all of the following except

commitment to perfection

Mrs. Jackson uses grades as a way to inform parents about student achievement. This is an example of which purpose of grading?


Ms. Rodriguez teaches high school. Her schedule this year includes Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Trigonometry, and Geometry. Which of the following structures most closely describes her teaching situation?


Mr. Gomez teaches middle school mathematics. Before beginning a unit of study, he gives his students a pretest. Which form of assessment is Mr. Gomez using?


All of the following are ways to develop student-teacher relationships except

discussing student issues with colleagues

Jason and his classmates play a game of "Around the World" using multiplication flash cards. This is an example of which instructional strategy?

drill and practice

Pre-reading strategies, the meaning of numbers, and other basic concepts are topics most likely taught at which grade level?

early childhood

Which of the following best describes the characteristics of an effective school?

effective schools are those that meet the learning needs of the students who attend them

Curriculum can generally be defined as

everything that students experience in school

Regarding private schools in the United States, which of the followng statements is true

homeschooling provides a specific, one-on-one instructional environment

Which of the following teaching strategies is most appropriate for middle school instruction?

homework to practice and review concepts

Which of the following is not a step in backward design?

identify new vocabulary

According to Gardner's theory of learning styles, which of the following best describes the bodily-kinesthetic disposition?

inclination for activities requiring strength, speed, and flexibility

When teachers differentiate instruction, they do all of the following except

incorporate music and movement into every lesson

All of the following are among the top 8 reasons teachers gave for choosing the profession except

influence of students

As part of their team teaching, Mr. Johns, Mrs. Cooper, and Ms. Lincoln present a unit on Ancient Rome. Each teacher focuses on the contributions of the Romans to their subject matter, as well as participates in activities that relate to the topic. This is an example of

interdisciplinary instruction

Approximately what percentage of Americans who practice a religion align with Christianity?

over 90%

Mr. Fererra plans the school year using a document that dictates the timing of content coverage. He is most likely using a

pacing guide

Jack and Sam are happily playing in the kitchen center at school. They are sharing the same space, but are not communicating. Which of the following types of play are Jack and Sam demonstrating?

parallel play

The students at Pine Street School participate in a program where students are trained as go-betweens to help other students work through their differences. This is an example of

peer mediation

Mr. Thomas has brought in couches, chairs, rugs, plants, and curtains for his second-grade classroom. Which element of a productive classroom is Mr. Thomas providing?

physical space

Which of the following groups has an impact on the culture of a school?

students teachers administrators

All of the following describe positive reasons to loop except

students benefit from a variety of teachers through their schooling years

Lana lives in a medium-sized town located on the fringe of Chicago. She has access to numerous retail stores and services. Which of the principal settings of public schools does Lana most likely attend?


Jon, an elementary school student, enjoys arts and crafts. He prefers manipulatives when being introduced to a topic. Jon's learning style is probably


Which of the following examples demonstrates teachers who are affecting their schools in a positive way?

teachers collaborating on lesson plans and classroom management strategies

The role of reflection in the teaching profession involves

teachers: -think about what they do -how they do it -and the consequences of their actions and inactions. looking at what can make their teaching more effective

Building classroom community includes all of the following except

teaching and enforcing classroom procedures

The group that has emerged as the most influential source of information about characteristics of teachers and learners in the new century is

the Partnership for 21st Century Skills

Ms. Jackson is the administrator at an effective urban middle school. According to the Effective Schools Movement, all of the following tenets will be obvious in her school except

the instructional staff focuses primarily on improving standardized test scores

Which of the following statements best describes the potential for changing a school's culture?

the school culture can change given time and the desire to change

Instruction can generally be defined as

the strategies used to convey the curriculum and achieve the desired end result of student learning

All of the following describe students from low-SES settings except

they may be organized and determined to complete assignments

Characteristics of effective teachers as described by students include all of the following except

they require little or no homework

Robert is interested in becoming a mechanic after high school. He is not interested in attending a four-year college, and would prefer to leave school prepared for a position in a local garage. Which of the following types of high school would best meet Robert's needs?


What is the basic difference between volunteerism and service-learning?

volunteerism is giving time and effort; service-learning is giving time and service, with an added learning component

Content standards are best described as

what students should know and be able to do at specific grade levels

Mr. Jackson's students often describe him as "having eyes on the back of his head." His students know that he is aware of what is going on in the classroom at all times. This concept is known as


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