Educ 2301 Chapter 7 & 8 Study guide

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Repairing lights & air conditioners

When teachers and principals have remedy antiquated building, they give higher priority to ____

Pickering v. Board of education

A teacher right to freedom of speech as a citizen, regarding matters of public concern is protected due to the holding in ______ (case)

It can't be blamed on the school system

Why have many courts rejected educational malpractice lawsuits?

The public wants to see academic progress for their tax dollars

A call for accountability in financing of schools mean that

Zero - Tolerance policy

A child who is expelled for brining a penknife to school is probably feeling the _____

Report to principal or consoler

Gina teaches at the middle grade. Joey is her student. She has notice that joey comes to school wearing the same clothes.....

Foundation Program

States have used different program to to equalize funding. In the____program, the state provides funds to ensure that each student receive a minimal level of educational services.

Educational Outcome

The Abbott cases in New Jersey contributed to a new line of litigation focusing on ____

It extended the reach of Title IX so that students could sue schools for monetary damage if they were sexually harassed

The Supreme Court Case Franklin v. Gwinnett County Public School was important

Categorical Grants

The federal funds directed at specific categories and targeted educational needs of schools are known as_____

Guerrilla Marketing

The marketing technique that involves selling things in unconventional and unexpected places is known as_____


The states with perhaps the purest example of adequate education approach is______

Personal Income Tax

The_____is collected through payroll deductions,money deducted even before one receives salary

Property Tax

To raise money for schools, colonial towns and districts assessed a(n)_____

Non-Verbal (dress, hair) symbolic (performance)

What are examples of student expression protected under first amendment?

Planning school activities

What are the responsibilities of the chief state school officer?

The Core attributes of moral individuals should be reinforced in the school curriculum and culture

What argument is used to support character education program?

Serrano vs. Priest

What court case led to the advent of Robin Hood reformers?

They guarantee that every students receives an efficient, sound or through education

What does the adequate educational guarantees pertaining to the educational clauses present in the constitution of different states?

There should be a separation of church state

What is the U.S Supreme court's position on the "separation of church & state"?

A Parent like responsibly to protect children & to respond concerns about their health & safety

What is the term in loco parentis?

Requires school officials to hand down specific, consistent,and harsh punishment

What is zero - tolerance policy

Is a comprehensive federal law that prohibits discrimination on bais or sex

What title IX of the education Amendments (1972)?

The court stated that preserving local control was a legitimate reason to use property tax

What was the outcome of the San Antonio v. Rodriguez (1973) ruling of the Supreme Court?

It struck down the state's financial system as unconstitutional

What was the significance of the Serrano v. Priest (1971) ruling of the California Supreme Court?

There is substantial disruption of educational process

When a teacher's private life is called into question by the courts, a governing principle that determines whether or not the teacher may be dismissed is often based on whether


Who Is most likely to be considered part of the "hidden school government"?

State department of education

Who conducts the educational research and development?

Robin Hood Reformers

Activists who took funds from wealthy districts and redistributed the monies to the poorer districts were called_____

quid pro quo sexual harassment

Alyssa was a senior at (LHS)

Teacher will review research & writing skills at the beginning of each term in every class where a paper, presentation, or project will be assigned

A new principal is concerned with the increasing incidents of cheating and plagiarism occurring in her school....

Has both ethical Responsibility & legal responsibility to report the suspect abuse

A teaher who suspects that a child is the victim of child abuse what _____

Has a functionary style

According to Donald McCarty and Charles Ramsey, authors of The School Managers: Power and Conflict in American Public Education..........

The student must have the chance to tell his/her side of the story

According to fourteenth Amendment, a suspension of a student for indiscipline or misbehavior is entitled to what?

Ensure the right of parent to access educational Records

Accurate statement about the Buckley Amendment

No, because fair us play

Andy was teaching a unit on Tennyson in his British Literature class,and he came across an essay...

14th Amendement

Cases such as Goss v. Lopez that deal with the proper procedures involving the discipling & suspension of students would fall under what amendment

Self- Gratification

Commercialism promotes

They believe an individual circumstances are merely obstacles to be overcome

Describe the attitude of Americans toward inequities in school funding?

They are the most powerful education officer in the school district

Identify the responsibilities of the school superintendents

Municipal Overburden

In Funding schools, urban areas struggle the most, suffering not only from lower property values but also from the need to use those limited resources to fund more police officers, hospitals, subways,and other services than their suburban counterparts. This phenomenon is known as______

"What made you decided to major in early childhood in college"

Molly is a recent college graduate, who is giving interview for a job at the same elementary school.....

Trustee Representatives

Most school board members view themselves as_____


Paul Pratfall was a young teacher who meant well, but could be easily led off-

Being in the backseat when it comes to educational change & reform

School boards are often criticized for_____


School boards determine educational policy, and their majority of their member tend to be _____

Prohibited in over half of states, but in practice are rarely prosecuted

School teachers who participate in strikes are_____

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