EDUC Final

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Which of the following was NOT found in the McClain (1983) research study on test-taking:

"C" students were more likely to skip difficult questions

Larry is using a cognitive strategy to combat test and performance anxiety. Which of the following statements is he making?

"I did study and do know this material, I just need to breathe and move onto the next question".

Which of the following grade point averages is typically the minimum needed to be considered in "good academic standing"?


When writing an essay answer, you should spend approximately ____ of the time you have on the planning stage.


A positive mindset refers to:

A resiliency factor where one is hopeful or optimistic about the future.

When is the best time to evaluate options?

After you've explored and identified many options.

"Time traps" are:

An activity that takes up a lot of time.

Which of the following statements is true?

Beginning with a strong opening and engaging your audience members are important aspects of an effective presentation.

The Read-Recite-Review technique promoted with McDaniel, Howard and Einstein(2009) is effective because:

It emphasizes learning rather than just reading. & It encourages students to add an additional step of reciting where students put the concepts being learned into their own words. & Students must be engaged with the material more than once.

Students are most likely to:

Overestimate their performance.

According to research, your relationship with your high school friends is most important during:

The first few weeks of the semester

The ____ value places a higher value on group versus individual needs.


A business manager is most likely high in which of Holland's interest areas?


June began her presentation by sharing an inspiring story. This is called a:


According to the research conducted by Radford et al. (2010), what percentage of students receive a certificate or degree within 6 years of starting college


The well know psychologist, Seligman's labeled a concept called learned helplessness which refers to:

A cognitive state where you believe that negative consequences are inevitable, meaning that you cannot prevent them from happening.

Which type of loan is the best if it is available to you?

A subsidized loan because interest doesn't accrue while you are a student.

Self-efficacy is a term that:

A term that refers to your beliefs about your ability to effectively perform a task.

" Spaced Practice" is an approach to learning that involves:

A way to space out your study sessions, studying a little each day instead of a lot on any one day.

When studying the five personality characteristics, you remember the word OCEAN. Each personality characteristic begins with a letter from this word. The memory strategy you are using is called:

Acronym mnemonic

Your friend Tru wants to take notes while reading. Which of the following would you tell her to do?

After reading a small section, close the book and take notes on that section.

Which of the following has been associated with alcohol consumption?

All of these were associated with alcohol consumption

Some critical steps in revising a paper include:

Allowing time to pass before starting the review process. & Reviewing the expectations of your professor. & Looking for a strong thesis statement; making sure that you have included supporting details and examples.

When you e-mail your professor,

Always use a salutation such as Dear Professor Smith & Indicate your course code including section number in the subject line and body of the e-mail & Spell and grammar check your e-mail before sending it

An important consideration in learning about money management is to consider the emotion-logic connection which says that:

As our emotions go up about something we want to buy, our logic generally goes down.

The last step in the decision making process is to:

Assess whether your choice supported your goal and was effective.

According to the role of attribution students who have learning goals as a mindset vs. ability based goals generally:

Attribute their failure and successes to factors that they can change such as study habits.

__________________ theory refers to how we interpret our successes and failures.


The secret to combat procrastination is to:

Break large tasks down into manageable chunks.

If you get a zero on an assignment that is worth 25% of your final grade, what is the highest final grade you can earn in that class?


What is considered the basic building block for all relationships?


Strategies to narrowing down your topic include:

Completing a literature search to look at sub-topics & Focusing on specific populations, like college students, children, the elderly. & Work with your professor or college librarian to help you select a topic.

Which statement is most true about conflict in relationships?

Conflict is a natural part of relationships but communication skills can help you deal with the conflict productively.

Toni is dreading a group project she has to do with her classmates because she is often the one who does all of the work. What would you suggest to her?

Creating ground rules and group roles help groups work together productively.

Stress is unavoidable in our lives, however, there are many effective tools to help deal with stress including:

Eating right, exercising and getting a good night's sleep.

Which of the following statements is most accurate?

Establishing clear guidelines from the start helps the group function more effectively.

Which of the following is not a good example of a self-reflective technique?

Explaining a concept to a friend. & Using flashcards. & meeting with your professor

The memory process of retrieval refers to:

Finding information or memories that were previously stored.

Which of the following statements is true about single-tasking it?

Focusing on one task at a time is more productive than multi-tasking. & Removing distractions is a good way to help focus on one task at a time. & Writing down a task you are thinking about will help you re-focus your energy on your current task.

Mindsets that emphasize a lack of control will likely:

Get in your way of achieving your goals and being successful in College. & Is an area that research has found to be negatively connected to student success & Generally indicate that you believe that there is not a connection between your efforts and your success.

A student who exhibits learned helplessness will likely:

Give up and withdraw from courses

For a college student, which statement best describes the role of parents?

Good parental relationships are important, especially while adjusting to college.

Which of the following is NOT a good example of a self-reflective question to use while completing homework?

How well do I understand the assignment? & How effective do I think I will be at this assignment? & How well is my approach to this assignment working?

Which of the following statements best captures someone with high academic self-efficacy?

I believe I can get a good grade on this assignment.

According to Holland's Career Theory:

Individuals who find a working environment that matches their personal interests will likely be satisfied with their career choice.

According to research, it is most productive to attribute successes and failures to factors that are:

Internal and changeable

Which of the following is true about having relationships with others from diverse backgrounds and disabilities during your college years?

It is a wonderful way to enrich your college experience and increase your critical thinking skills.

Which of the following statements about career choice is true?

It is best for college students to actively explore career options, especially during the first year, before making a commitment to a career choice

The research on learned optimism shows that:

It is possible to intervene and increase optimism, leading to increased happiness in life.

Progressive relaxation involves:

Learning a tense and relax system of all muscle groups in your body.

Your friend Dale is creating a Power Point presentation for his class. Based on what you learned from the text, what would you tell him?

Limit the use of words and use visual images where possible.

Which of the following note-taking methods is the least effective?


Based on the findings of Dickinson and O'Connell (1990), what advice would you give your friend if she wanted to maximize her study time?

Link concepts to one another and put the information into your own words.

It is possible to increase your sense of self-efficacy by:

Listening to positive messages from others. & Having the courage to take risks to try new things. & Identifying goals that are within your reach.

Which of the following statements best supports the role of friends in college?

Making new friends at college can be very helpful because they will understand what you are going through and can help with the stress and adjustment to college.

Which of the following is an example of learned helplessness?

Marissa exerted a lot of effort on her assignments but would usually get a failing grade. She has now given up and expects failure.

According to research, which one of the following students would be most likely to perform the best in college?

Mary who believes she failed the exam because she didn't study enough.

A "mistakes are for learning mindset" says that:

Mistakes are an opportunity for learning and are often our most powerful teachers. & Mistakes are not the end of the world and are often helpful learning tools. & There are only two types of mistakes that should be avoided, those that cause harm to yourself or someone else and the same mistake.

Challenging thoughts is a powerful stress management tool because:

Much of our stress is often caused by our interpretations of the events in our life and changing these interpretations can reduce stress.

Creating links between concepts via a hierarchical structure is an example of:


Professors typically prefer that you get your information for research papers from:

Peer reviewed journals

Why do students who complete quizzes perform better academically?

Performance on quizzes provides important feedback on study habits and can provide students with an opportunity to learn from their mistakes. & Quizzes typically focuses on small amounts of information, forcing students to study in chunks instead of cramming for an exam.

The research of Menzel and Carrell (1994) found that:

Practicing is the key to success for giving an effective presentation. Effective practice reduces anxiety, allows you to get your timing down and appear more confident.

When it comes to academic help, what is one of the best resources?


Which statement best characterizes the role of faculty?

Research has shown that faculty- student connections are linked to student success and more positive self-concepts.

Which of the following mistakes is the best one to make?

Sam fails a practice quiz that does not count toward his grade.

According to Klomegah (2007), which of the following was found to be most connected to student success?

Self-efficacy or the belief in your ability to complete tasks successfully.

Real listening, often referred to as active listening involves:

Sending non-verbal messages like maintaining eye contact and nodding to show that you are truly listening. & Engaging in single tasking behavior. & Giving your full attention to the person speaking.

During her presentation, Lauren paused and then repeated what she had just said. Which best explains why she did this?

She was probably trying to emphasize an important point.

Which of the following statements about short term goals is true?

Short term goals can pave the way toward achieving your long term goals.

The decision making model involves:

Six steps that includes identifying goals, gather information, exploring options, evaluating options, deciding and taking action and assessing the choice.

What was the key finding from the Perry et al. (2010) research study?

Students who attended a training session on attributing success and failure to controllable factors performed better than those show did not attend this training.

Research has shown that learned helplessness is a powerful predictor of academic performance in college because:

Students who have a learned helplessness mindset typically exert less effort on academic tasks because they tend not to see their behavior as being connected to consequences.

Which statement best describes the research findings of Gurung (2005) who investigated study environment?

Students who study with friends around and music on perform more poorly than students who study without these distracters.

According to the Kulm and Cramer (2006) study, which of the following statements is true about the relationship between working and student success in college

Students who worked spent less time studying and had lower GPAs.

According to the Happenstance Theory,:

Talking to others and actively exploring your interests is the most important step to career decision making.

The "Golden Rule" of public speaking is:

Tell the audience what you are going to say, saying it, and telling the audience what you have just told them.

According to attribution theory, if you have failed a test and have an internal factor style then you probably believe:

That you need to work harder to get ready for the next exam, and if you change your behavior as a student your grade will likely change.

According to attribution theory, if you have failed a test and have an internal factor style then you probably believe:

That you need to work harder to get ready for the next exam, that if you change your behavior as a student your grade will likely change

Academic resilience is a term that refers to:

The ability to persevere despite negative academic experiences. & The ability to bounce back even if you have been in an embarrassing or humiliating situation in the classroom. & The ability to overcome roadblocks and academic difficulties to meet with success.

Alcohol abuse has the potential to develop into substance abuse at an alarmingly fast rate and can potentially lead to:

The beginning of an addiction that could potentially lead to other risky behaviors such as casual sex.

When reviewing your work, it is best to first focus on:

The big picture, considering the document as a whole

Which of the following is a contract that you have with the college?

The college catalog

Learned optimism, an outgrowth of Seligman's work refers to

The idea that we can learn to change our thinking patterns and be optimistic and expect positive consequences.

Which of the following statements about note-taking is supported by research?

The matrix method is the most effective note-taking method.

Which of the following statement best describes the Cornell Method of note-taking?

The notes are primarily taken on the right hand side of the page and then examples or important points are listed on the left hand side of the page and a summary is on the bottom.

Short term and long term memory is connected to:

The second memory process of storage.

Most decisions we make do not have a right or wrong answer because:

There are typically several good options that need to be considered.& Decisions are personal and need to be consistent with an individual's goals. & Personal, family and cultural values play an important role in decision making.

Take home and online exams can be very different than in-class exams because:

They may actually be more difficult as your instructor's expectations may be higher.

When an individual believes that their actions impact consequences:

They probably have an internal locus of control.

According to the research conducted by Nelson and Knight (2010), it is a good idea to ____ before taking a test.

Think about a successful experience

Setting goals in college requires that students:

Think in terms of goals being specific and measureable and challenging yet realistic.

An example of elaboration, a memory technique, is when you:

Try to find connections between information you already know and information you are trying to learn.

Your friend Desiree wants to encode information more effectively. What advice would you give her?

Try to use at least two sensory approaches such as auditory and visual when encoding information.

When engaging in academic self-regulation:

Use external data when available but when it is is not, use your own judgment.

Cheating can be defined as

Using non-approved materials or resources when completing an assignment or exam

Changing answers in testing is:

Usually a good idea, especially if you have a good reason for changing the answer.

Which of the following statements about career decision making is true?

Values and knowing what is important to you is a driving force in career decision making.

Which of the following statements about forgetting is true?

We forget information we learned quickly, especially if we are not actively using the information.

Some strategies that you may use to determine what to write in your notes includes:

When an instructor gives a clue such as saying "This is important". & Watching what an instructor writes on the board or spends a good deal of time covering. & Noting when information about concepts is repeated and several examples are provided.

Chunking is an important and powerful memory strategy. An example of chunking is:

When you try and organize information, especially making outlines or other hierarchical strategies.

Having a good support system in college probably means that you:

Will adjust well to college, stay in school and have better mental health.

Goals and decisions are related because:

Your goals should guide you as you make decisions. & Keeping your goals front and center will help you make effective decisions that match what you hope to accomplish. & Making a decision without consideration of your goals may prohibit you from achieving your goals.

Which section of a peer reviewed journal article provides you with a summary of the study?


Informational interviews serve many positive functions for college students including:

all are true

Tracking your spending patterns as a college student is valuable because:

all are true

A person with a high score in ____ would be the least likely to prefer a career with lots of structure, repetition, and limited independence.


Which of the following was not found by Kulm and Cramer (2006) to be negatively impacted by working?


Which of the following is a great way to find out about a career and network at the same time?

conducting an information interview

According to the research conducted by Bohnert and Ross (2010), social networking sites like Facebook may impact:


To avoid plagiarism, you should cite all of the following except:

general knowledge

Krumboltz, a social learning psychologist, believes most people enter careers based on:


Which is the best study environment?


Self-regulation involves which of the following:

making changes as needed, monitoring progress, setting goals

Which of the following is considered a scholarly source and worthy of inclusion for a college level assignment?

peer reviewed journals

One of the best ways to deal with performance anxiety is to:

prepare well

Who can serve as an important part of your support system?

professors, family, friends

If students are expecting an essay exam, they will:

put forth greater effort

Which of the following is not typically a good strategy to reach out to a professor?

text your professor

Multiple intelligences is a way of

thinking of your personal strengths and abilities.

Academic decisions in college relate to:

when & how long student decides to study and the way student studies

Developmental courses:

Are remedial courses that help build academic skills.

When is the best time to find out about tutoring support available at your college?

At the start of the semester

Which of the following is a good strategy to use when preparing to take notes in class?

Bringing note taking materials to class. & Review the syllabus and any course announcements so you will know what is going to be discussed. & Read the corresponding chapter, taking notes while you read.

When it comes to goals, what is the role of monitoring progress?

Building in "check -ups" into your calendar allows you opportunities to self-monitor and self-regulate your learning, making it more likely that you will achieve your goal.

When you take notes during class, it is important that you:

Capture the key points and examples.

According to the research study conducted by Howard and Jones (2000), students had higher levels of all of the following EXCEPT ____ after completing a student success course.

Career Decision

What is the first step of writing a good essay response?

Carefully reading the question.

When choosing a topic, what is the most common mistake made by college students?

Choosing a topic that is too broad

Your friend Mary paraphrased from a book that she read. To avoid plagiarism, she should:

Cite the source in the body of the text and on the Reference page.

Your friend Sal has circles all over his notebook with many lines connecting the circles. What note-taking method is he using?

Concept map

What are the advantages of getting involved with a club or campus activity?

Connection to other students and faculty advisor & Opportunity to learn and practice teamwork and leadership skills & Looks good on a resume

When making your college schedule, it is important to:

Consider course difficulty level and your other responsibilities.

Which of the following is good advice about registering for the next semester?

Consult with an advisor about course options & Register early to get the best options & Assume you will pass your courses and register for the next level of courses

Mnemonics are memory strategies that act as a tool to aid in recall. Examples may include:

Creating sentences like "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally". & The use of Acronyms. & The use of Acrostics or sentences.

Which of the following is NOT discussed by your author as being a good reason to write on your exam?

Doodling to relieve anxiety.

You are studying for a quiz in psychology. When you come across the term observational learning, you think about the time that you learned from watching your brother get rewarded for a great report card. This is an example of:


You are studying for an upcoming test in your biology class. Which method would help you effectively store the key words in your memory?

Elaboration & Rehearsal, & Organizing or Chunking

Which of the following statements is true about academic stress management?

Exercising, eating right and getting a good night's sleep can help reduce anxiety related to academic performance.

What is the first step you should take when trying to find out information about college policies?

Go to the college website.

Long term goals are goals that:

Goals that can take some time to achieve, six months or longer.

According to the research conducted by McClain (1983), "A" students were more likely to:

Guess the answer before looking at the options

Most future employers will be impressed if a student:

Has a strong cumulative grade point average when they graduate.

Time logs or diaries can often help college students develop good time management skills by:

Helping students to understand what is and isn't working with their current time management system. & Actively encouraging students to develop a study plan and increasing time on academic tasks by being proactive. & Having a more realistic understanding of how long it actually takes to complete a task, like reading.

How did the high performers and low performers differ in the Dickinson and O'Connell (1990) study?

High performers spent significantly more time studying and using the organizing strategy.

Encoding, one of the parts of memory processes refers to:

How you get memories into your memory systems.

Based on the research conducted by Bowman et al. (2010),

Instant messaging while reading resulted in students taking much longer to read the material.

Which of the following statements is true about the role of intelligence in student success?

Intelligence is a predictor of student success & Intelligence is not the only predictor of success in college

Anticipating answers before looking at multiple choice options is a good idea because:

It forces you to focus on the question. & "A" students are more likely to use this strategy. & You will be less likely to fall victim to distracter items.

What does the research say about getting involved with clubs or activities on campus?

It is a good idea to get involved in campus activities during your first semester.

Time logs or diaries are a useful exercise for students to do because:

It is a helpful way to identify time traps. & It is a helpful way to identify time traps. & It can help us analyze how much time we devote to academic tasks. & It is a great way to visually capture how we currently spend our time and look for ways to improve our time management.

It is important to take notes during all of the following learning activities except:

It is important to take notes during all of these learning activities.

Which of the following statements about reading college textbooks is true?

It is necessary to become an active reader, using techniques such as note-taking or the 3R method.

Mark has the following goal: I will do well this semester. Why is this goal ineffective?

It is not measurable and specific.

Tips for reducing anxiety and improving performance include:

Keeping a positive mindset before the test by thinking about your successful experiences. & Writing down at least one of your success experiences. & Keeping it in perspective by knowing how much the test or assignment counts towards your final grade.

This week, you must learn 15 new terms in your sociology class. To use the technique of chunking, you would need to:

Look for themes or ways to put the terms into different categories.

Which of the following is NOT an effective strategy to evaluate a website?

Looking at whether it is on the top of the list in the results of a Google search.

Two of the most common styles to cite sources are:


Most college students are expected to self-regulate their learning, which means:

Monitoring progress toward goals and assignment completion without the day to day reminders of their faculty.

Which of the following statements about long term memory is true?

Most of our general knowledge is stored in long term memory.

Which of the following statements about encoding memories is true?

Multi-sensory learning (i.e. using auditory and visual strategies) can improve memory encoding and learning.

If a math course is a co-requisite to a business course, this means that you

Must take the math course before or at the same time as the business course.

If your professor provides you with a copy of the Power Point slides, you should:

Print out the slides and write down more specific information, especially examples.

Which of the following would be considered plagiarism?

Putting your name on the work of someone else & Changing a few words in the sentence so you didn't copy it word for word & Paraphrasing without citing source

To demonstrate your active involvement in the course, which of the following is the best type of question to ask?

Questions that focus on clarifying concepts learned

To get the most out of class time:

Read the chapter and other assigned readings prior to class. & Complete all written assignments prior to class. & Ask questions to clarify and expand on what you have learned.

In the research study conducted by McDaniel, Howard, and Einstein (2009), which reading method took the least amount of time?


In short term memory most people usually have the capacity to:

Remember approximately 5 to 9 items at a time.

According to the research conducted by Knight and McKelvie (1986), you should:

Review your notes

Which of the following is not an effective way to show your professor that you are interested and involved during class?

Simply sit back and listen. Don't take notes so you can take all of the information in without distractions.

Which of the following statements is true? (ch 4)

Students prefer multiple choice but perform equally well on multiple choice and essay exams.

According to the journal article by Morisano, Hirsch, Petersen, Pil and Shore (2010), the importance of students setting goals and success in college is:

Students who have clear goals are more likely to meet with success in college.

An important finding was made by Szafran (2001) in relation to student success:

Students who registered for more courses performed better than students who took fewer courses.

In the research study on study guides that was conducted by Dickson, Miller, and Devoley (2005), it was found that

Students who used the study guides performed better on the tests than students who did not. & Students perceived the study guides to be helpful. & Students who completed some of the study guide did just as well as students who completed most of it.

Which of the following statements is true?

Subgoals can help you achieve your larger goals by setting up steps to help you achieve your short and long term goals.

Multi-tasking is:

Switching quickly and efficiently between tasks

Which of the following statements is most accurate?

Talking to your family and friends about the expectations and demands in college will increase the likelihood that they will respond to your needs.

In a confidential counseling session, you can expect that:

You will meet with a professional counselor. & You will be treated with respect. & The information that you disclose will be not be shared with others unless safety is at risk.

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