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after life

(in some religions) life after death.


A group organized by rank


A reed that grows along the banks of the Nile River in Egypt. From it was produced a coarse, paperlike writing medium used by the Egyptians and many other peoples in the ancient Mediterranean and Middle East.


A ruler of ancient Egypt


An ancient Egyptian writing system in which pictures were used to represent ideas and sounds

Black Land

Egyptians called the land khemet, because the river flooding left behind silt that was so fertile that it looked black.

Eastern Desert

The desert to the east of the Nile

Lower Egypt

The northern region of ancient Egypt, named so because it was located downriver with the Nile's flow.

Upper Egypt

The southern region of ancient Egypt, named so because it was located upriver with the Nile's flow.

Nile River

The world's longest river, which flows northward through East Africa into the Mediterranean Sea, the "lifeblood" of Egypt

Red Land

What ancient Egyptians called the deserts.


a low triangular area where a river divides before entering a larger body of water


a person who works at a job that requires manual or artistic skill


chief government official who supervised the business of government in ancient Egypt


from another country


people from rich and powerful families


people who worked the land or served the nobles


rapids along a river, such as those along the Nile in Egypt. They blocked the river and prevented transportation.

Sahara Desert

the largest desert in the world, covering most of northern Africa


the preservation of dead bodies by embalming and wrapping them in cloth

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