EIWS Common Core

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CW definition

continuous wave, non-pulsing radar signal; determines velocity, can't determine range


conveys information over a carrier wave by varying its frequency


cyber command - worldwide


date time group; a time stamp used in naval messages to help track and reference individual message traffic, has two parts: 1. 6 digits DDHHHH, 2. single letter zone suffix, & month and year. ZMMMYY


drug enforcement administration


duration of time between the leading and trailing edge of the same pulse

2nd fleet

east coast to mid Atlantic

heat stress

effect of excessive heat on body; inability of body to get rid of excess fast enough to maintain internal temp to balance (heat exhaustion, heat stroke)

purpose of EKMS

electronic key management system give basic guidelines for handling COMSEC material, ie two person integrity


defense connect online; web-based virtual meeting room

purpose of DCS

defense courier service; provides safe transport of sensitive/classified material and equipment by authorized DoD personnel

mission of DISA

defense information system agency Engineers and provides C2 capabilities and an infrastructure to continuously operate and assure a global net - centric enterprises in direct support to various levels


defense intel agency


defense message system, there are two types

unsuccessful activity attempt

deliberate attempts to gain unauthorized access to DoD system, defeated by normal defensive mechanisms. Attacker FAILS to gain access to system


deliberate radiation, re-radiation or reflection of EM energy for the purpose of preventing an enemy's effective use of the EM spectrum

purpose of EAP

emergency action plan - provide the protection of classified information in a way that will minimize the risk of personal injury or loss of life SCI destroyed first

high-level language

enables a programmer to write program that are more or less independent of a particular computer


energy is transmitted to and reflects from reflecting object (operating frequency)

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enlisted qual, specialty codes, special skills, awards

spectrum management

ensure various combatant units and AORs practice goof RF hygiene. basically knowing advantages and disadvantages when utilizing RF spectrum for communications

denial of service

denies, degrades, or disrupts normal functionality of a system or network

two departments the were combined to form ONI

department library and office of intelligence

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dependency application/record of emergency data

purpose of mobile detachment

deploy in support of a tasked requirement


dept of energy


dept of homeland security


dept of state


dept of transportation


describes a situation where there is no apparent hostile activity against computer networks


describes an increased risk of attack on computer networks


describes when a risk has been identified


describes when an attack has taken place but the network defense sys isn't at its highest alertness


describes when attacks are taking place and a computer network defense system is at maximum alertness

sky condition

description of the appearance of the sky

how to store HAZMAT

designated HAZMAT locker (yellow with red writing), controlled by qualified POC

air search

detect and determine position, course and speed of targets; max range can exceed 300mi, used as early warning devices

service pack

a collection of updates, fixes and/or enhancements to a software program delivered in the form of a single installable package

web risk assessment

a risk assessment conducted on all DoN web sites to identify and report OPSEC vulnerabilities

tropical cyclones conditions of readiness

a. COR 5 - destructive weather (winds > 50 knots) is not anticipated w/in the next 96 hours. b. COR 4 - possible threat of destructive winds indicated w/in 72 hours. Review hazardous and destructive weather implementation plans notice c. COR 3 - destructive winds possible w/in 48 hours. Take preliminary precautions d. COR 2 - destructive winds anticipated w/in 24 hours. Take precautions that will permit establishment of state of readiness on short e. COR 1 - destructive winds occurring or anticipated w/in 12 hours. Take final precautions as prescribed

astronomical data types

a. Nautical Almanac - provides U.S. Navy w/a convenient form of astronomical data used for celestial navigation; book contains Greenwich hour angle & declination of sun, moon, & navigational planets; rise & set times of sun & moon for a range of latitudes; and other data. Available 9 months in advance b. Astronomical Almanac - contains precise ephemerides of sun, moon, planets, satellites, data for eclipses, & other astronomical phenomena

criteria and weather conditions assc with each of the following warning

a. Small craft - warning for harbor & inland waters warning for winds (33 knots or less) of concern to small craft b. Gale - warning for harbor, inland waters, and ocean areas for winds 34 - 47 knots c. Storm - warning for harbor, inland waters, and ocean areas for winds > 48 knots d. Local wind advisory - normally issued every 12 hours e. High seas - issued every 12 hours when forecasts show significant wave heights in ocean area of Northern Hemisphere equal or exceed 12 ft f. Severe thunderstorms/tornado - severe thunderstorms (gusts to 50 knots or greater) are forecast for warning area/tornadoes have been sighted or detected by RADAR in or near warning area g. Thunderstorm - when thunderstorms are forecast to impact the warning area h. Hurricane/typhoon - warning for land, harbor, inland waters, and ocean areas for winds > 64 knots i. Extreme temperature - heat index and wind chill are reflected in all forecasts/travel advisories until likelihood ceases j. Heavy snow - may be issued for snow, mixed, or freezing precipitation, wind chill, or anything that could impact ops k. Flash flood - heavy rainfall may result in, or has produced, flash flooding I. Hazardous surf - warning issued for coastal areas, harbor, and inland waters when abnormally high tides are forecast to impact ops m. Tsunami - earthquakes can cause tsunamis in the Pacific n. Earthquake

effects of atmospheric conditions on electromagnetic propagation

a. Standard refraction - influence of temp, moisture, & pressure; index of refraction decreases w/ altitude (wave will bend downward from a straight line) b. Super - refraction - when N - gradient decreases from - 24 to - 48 N - units per 1000 ft, a super refractive condition exists; vertical distribution of temp, moisture & pressure causes radar waves to bend more toward earth's surface than under normal conditions c. Sub - refraction - occurs when N - units show no change or increase with height. Sub refractive conditions cause radar waves to be refracted upward & away from earth's surface d. Trapping - if super - refractive gradient continues to decrease past critical gradient, radius of curvature for wave becomes smaller than that of earth's. It then becomes trapped between two areas: the earth's surface or upper boundary of another layer. Trapping can significantly extend radar ranges

D-day landing

2 years of planning; allied ships & landing craft had to navigate minefields, tides, weather, & other obstacles. 1200 Navy ships & 4100 landing craft. Germans were fooled into believing that Allied Forces would land elsewhere

Bletchley Park

Also known as Station X, is an estate located in the town of Bletchley, in Buckinghamshire, England. During WWII, Bletchley Park was the site of the United Kingdom's main decryption establishment, the Government Code and Cypher School. Ciphers and codes of several Axis countries were decrypted there, most importantly ciphers generated by the German Enigma and Lorenz machines. The high-level intelligence produced at Bletchley Park, codenamed Ultra, provided crucial assistance to the Allied war effort and is credited by some with having shortened the war by two years.

battle of midway (IW history)

Broken Japanese codes allowed the U.S. to position carriers for victory. The U.S. breaking of the Japanese naval code was the key element to victory.

CWAY Program

CWAY is a long range force shaping tool that aids in leveling rating manning between overmanned and undermanned ratings, while managing the quality of reenlistment applicants by controlling the authority for reenlistment.

on-the-roof gang

Enlisted radio operators were specially trained at a unique school located on the roof of the old Navy Department Building. This group of operators laid the cornerstone of Naval Cryptology.

the purpose of the navy drug screening program

Establishes a valid and reliable means of inspecting a command's personnel to assess the command's readiness to carry out its assigned mission; deterrent against drug use

purple code

Japanese Cipher Machine; Used by Japanese Diplomatic agencies. The cipher was broken by a team from the US Army Signals Intelligence Service.

landing at inchon

Landing at Inchon Seven days before the main attack on Incheon, a joint CIA-military intelligence reconnaissance effort, placed a team in Incheon. The group relayed intelligence back to U.S. forces. With the help of locals, they gathered information about tides, mudflats,, seawalls and enemy fortifications. The mission's most important contribution was the restarting of a lighthouse on Palmi-do

Officer accession programs that were available to enlisted personnel

Limited Duty Officer Warrant Officer MECP STA - 21 OCS Naval Academy


accredited area, room, groups of rooms, buildings or installations where SCI may be stored, used discussed and/or processed


accredited facility where SCI may be stored, used, discussed and/or processed determined for a limited time to meet tactical, emergency, or immediate operational requirements

privilege escalation

act of exploiting a bug or design flaw in a software application to gain access to resources that are protected form by an application or user


activity manpower document - the single official statement of funded and unfunded requirments (manpower authorizations or b/a) for each UIC


activity security checklist - used at the end of the day to ensure the classified material are secured properly and provides for accountability, retained for at least 90dys

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admin remarks serves as chronological record of significant misc entries not provided elsewhere


administrative control, admin responsibility to the forces assigned to a specific task, mission or region


advance digital network system: connect navy shipboard networks to other ship and shore networks for transferring IP data

ARPANET and when it was developed

advanced research products agency network


afloat units


aggregate traffic from multiple access routers to a major enterprise location

wind chill

air tem felt on exposed skin due to wind, usually lower that air temp


air warfare, action required to destroy or reduce enemy's air missile threat. includes use of interceptors, bombers, SAMs, AAMs and EA


all forms of water, liquid or solid that falls from clouds to the ground


allows transmission in two directions simultaneously (telephone)

the functionality of PKI

an arrangement that binds public keys with respective user identifies by means of a certificate authority. user ID must be unique within each domain

elevation angle

angle between the horizontal plane and LOS (altitude)


angle measured clockwise from true north in the horizontal plane

azimuth angle

angular measurement in the horizontal plane in a clockwise direction

buffer overflow

anomaly where a process stores data in a buffer outside the memory the programmer set aside for it


anti sub warfare-destruction and neutralization of enemy subs, aircraft , surface and other subs


antiterrorism force protection - defensive measure used to reduce the vulnerability of individuals and property to terrorists acts


any material that will pose hazards to human health or environment due to quantity or concentration

wind direction/speed

direction from which wind blowing; rate of of motion of air on unit of time; can be measured in it of ways but most common mph and temp

SSO Navy

director, security and corporate services, overseas SSO operations

risk associated with trojan

appears legit, but performs some illicit activity when run; used to locate password info; destroy data on hard drive

OSI model

application presentation session transport network data link physical

TCP/IP model

application transport internet network interface

purpose of TSO

authorization from appropriate authority to start, change or discontinue circuits, trunks, link, or systems


automatd messages store and forward system, UNIX based; relays messages to other command outside the immediate AOR


automated message handling system; provides simple message drafting coordinatin, releas or outgoing messages, an internal distro and delivery function for incoming messages


bandwidth, the space within the RF spectrum that signal occupies, expressed in HZ


broadcast system; provide highly reliable and secure system got worldwide delivery of operation, tactical, and admin messages/fleet sub broadcast system and minimum essential emergency communication network


can only transfer in a single direction (radio)

hazard severity codes

cat 1 cat 2 cat 3 cat 4

4th fleet

central and south America


central command - Tampa


central intel agency

security rules and procedures for magnetic and electronic media

classified material must be marked with the highest level of classification stored on device and any special control notices that apply to the information


essential elements of friendly information

define EEFI

established to identify specific items of info in which if acquired, by an adversary would degrade the security of military ops, special projects (position, capabilities, operations, electronic warfare, personnel, comsec)

essential element of freedom

established to identify specific terms of info which is acquired by an adversary would degrade the sevurity of military ops, special projects, etc

fitness report

evaluations for officers


events that are potentially malicious or anomalous activity deemed suspicious and warrant/are undergoing further review

describe the purpose and categories of a SITREP

OPREP - 3 Navy Unit SITREP OPREP - 3 Navy Blue OPREP - 3 Pinnacle

Hanan Island EP-3incident

On April 1, 2001, a mid-air collision between a US Navy EP-3E surveillance aircraft and a J-8II interceptor fighter jet resulted in an international dispute between the United States and China. 24 crewmembers were detained and interrogated by the Chinese authorities. They were interrogated at all hours, and so suffered from lack of sleep. The 24 crew-members were detained until April 11.

purpose of emergency destruction procedures

Prevent uncleared personnel from access to classified material in case of emergency, such as fire, natural disaster, civil disturbance, terrorist activities, or enemy attack. Destroy classified material to means where it cannot be re - constructed!

Nat'l security act of 1947

Signed by President Truman in 1947 Established the CIA War Department and Navy Department merged into DoD under SECDEF Created Department of the Air Force

six programs for brilliant on the basics

Sponsorship Assign a Mentorship Indoc Leadership (Career Development Boards) Ombudsmen Recognition

attack on USS STARK

The Attacks on the USS STARK In 1987 during the Iran-Iraq war, an Iraqi jet fighter fired missiles at the USS Stark; killing 37, wounding 21. It is the only successful anti-ship missile attack on a U.S. Navy warship. The board of inquiry cited lapse of training requirements and lax procedures.

capture of the USS PUEBLO

The Capture of USS PUEBLO January 23, 1968, USS Pueblo is an ELINT and SIGINT Banner-class technical research ship (Navy intelligence) which was boarded and captured by the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK). North Korea claimed the vessel had strayed into their territorial waters, and U.S. claimed that shipped remained in international waters. Pueblo is still held by DPRK today; officially remains a commissioned vessel of the US Navy. It is located in DPRK's Wonsan Harbor and used as a museum ship. It is the only US ship currently being held captive.

what is the DLPT?

The Defense Language Proficiency Test is a group of foreign language tests intended to assess the general language proficiency of native English speakers in a specific foreign language

the importance of the IG

The Inspector General (IG) serves as principle advisor to SECDEF on all audit & criminal investigative matters relating to prevention & detection of fraud, waste, and abuse in programs & operations of the Department of Defense.

the Navajo code talkers

The Navajo Code Talkers Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Peleliu, Iwo Jima: the Navajo code talkers took part in every assault the U.S. Marines conducted in the Pacific from 1942 to 1945. Code talkers transmitted messages over military telephone and radio nets using their native language during WWII; a code that the Japanese never broke..

EC-121 Shoot

The USN EC-121 was on a SIGINT recon mission and was shot down by North Korean Aircraft over the Sea of Japan; killing all (31) aboard. The EC-121 was under orders not to come closer than 50 miles to the coast.

identify the events that should be reported to the SSO

Unexplained affluence or excessive indebtedness Alcohol Abuse Illegal or improper drug use/involvement Apparent mental or emotional disorder(s) Criminal Conduct Personal Conduct Non Compliance with security regulations Misuse of technology systems Foreign influence/close and personal association with foreign nationals Foreign citizenship or foreign monetary interest Unofficial Foreign Travel Sexual behavior that is criminal or reflects a lack of judgment or discretion Involvement in activities or sympathetic association with persons which/who unlawfully practice or advocate overthrow or alteration of the U.S. Government by unconstitutional means


(Authority to Operate) formal declaration by DAA that Info System is approved to operate in a particular security mode using a prescribed set of safeguards


(Bus/Star/Ring/Mesh) - System Architecture (4 Types listed below) Bus - set of clients are connected via a shared communications line, called a bus Star - All devices are connected to a central hub Ring - network in which each node connects to exactly two other nodes, forming a ring Mesh - network in which all components are connected to every component


(Comms Tasking Order) - DoD - wide instruction that promulgates mandatory changes in standing instructions on how comms are handled

continuous wave below

(Continuous Wave)**(BELOW) - Unmodulated frequency (i.e. tone) that does not carry additional modulated intelligence and is transmitted for use in some radio transmissions such as Morse code or radio beacons, (associated transmission - OOK - on/off keying).


(Cryptologic Carry - On Program); provides carry - on Cryptologic exploitation capability by augmenting existing SSES capabilities and capabilities where no SSES exists


(Designated Approving Authority) official w/ authority to formally assume responsibility for operating a system at an acceptable level of risk


(Enlisted Distribution Verification Report) monthly statement of an activity's enlisted personnel account; announces present and future manning status of an activity and is a permanent historical record of the activity's enlisted personnel account; 12 Sections


(Info Assurance Vulnerability Bulletin) - an announcement of a medium risk computer software or system vulnerability in the form of a bulletin


(Info Assurance Vulnerability Technical Advisory) - announcement of a low risk computer software or system vulnerability in the form of an advisory


(Interim Authority To Operate) - temporary authorization granted by DAA, or SCO, for an IS to process classified info in its operational environment based on preliminary results of a security evaluation of the system. Can be granted for up to 180 days, and if necessary an extension can be granted for additional 180 days.


(Joint Deployable Intelligence Support System) Provides' a family of hardware and software capabilities to allow connectivity and interoperability with intelligence systems supporting forces, in garrison, and deployed during peace, crisis, and war.

military deception

(MILDEC) Guides an enemy into making mistakes by presenting false information, images, or statements to deliberately mislead adversary military decision makers with regard to friendly military capabilities, thereby causing adversary to take (or fail to take) specific actions that will contribute to success of friendly military operations


(Navy Integrated Environmental Support Subsystem) Set of meteorology and oceanography forecast, database, and decision aid tools tailored for specific platforms and uses.


(Operational Security) is defined as process of identifying information that is critical to friendly operations and which could enable adversaries to attack operational vulnerabilities

VPN Concentrator

(Virtual Private Network) - Built for creating remote access VPNs w/ high availability, performance and scalability.

psychological ops

) (Now known as MISO) Planned operations to convey selected information (selective truths) to targeted foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, & ultimately behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals


- Common connection point for devices in a network


- Configured to permit or deny computer applications upon a set of rules. Blocks unauthorized access while permitting authorized communications


- Globally interconnected end - to - end set of information capabilities for collecting processing, storing, disseminating, and managing info on demand to the warfighter, policy makers, and support personnel. Interoperable with ONENET DISN (Defense Information System Network) DOD enterprise network for providing data, video, and voice services

Proxy Server

- Internet server that controls client access to the internet


- Main computer that's connected to other computers, provides data services via a network Application Server. Specialized server in a client network that runs only specific applications within that network

WAP (Wireless Access Protocol)

- Open international standard for application - layer network communications in a wireless communication environment


- Physical device that joins multiple wired or wireless networks together

advantages and disadvantages of space

- Potential to provide systematic and focused coverage of AOIs - supports full range of military intelligence activities including l&W, current intelligence, OOB, targeting, & combat assessments - imagery is also used to conduct mission planning and rehearsal Disadvantages: - Access limitations and a predictable over flight schedule - Variety of atmospheric disturbances; fog, smoke, precipitation, & clouds, affect ability to image or detect: 1) adversary activity 2) missile launches 3) battle damage - Other limiting factors include: priority conflict, tasking, processing, low U of assets

Back - up

- Process of backing up refers to making copies of data so that additional copies may be used to restore the original after a data loss event.

Repeater .

- Regenerate incoming electrical, wireless or optical signals. Attempt to preserve signal integrity & extend the distance over which data can safely travel


- Same as HUB but smarter. Only forwards packets to intended recipient port


- Upper Sideband in amplitude modulated signals. The Upper Sideband is the intelligence/data carrying section of a signal located adjacent to and higher in frequency than the Center Frequency(CF).

configuration management

- identifies, controls, accounts for, & audits all changes to site or IS during its design, development, & operational lifecycle

root level intrusion

- unauthorized (administrative) privileged access to a DoD system; includes access to info or unauthorized access to account credentials that could be used to perform admin functions

battle of guadalcanal

-13-15nov42 5 Sullivan brothers were killed when the USS JUNEAU was torpedoed

when was ONI established and by whom

-1982 by SECNAV William H Hunt

when and why the sailor's creed was developed

-1993 -instill clear understanding of navy virtues in every recruit, and was later amended by admiral boorda to encompass all ranks

battle of leyte gulf

-23oct44 -final blow to the Japanese navy -largest naval battle in WWII

battle of midway

-3-5jun42 -turning point in the pacific

battle of normandy

-6jun44 -largest amphibious assault in world history

battle of coral sea

-7-8MAY1942 -first CV vs. CV battle fought by aircraft

difference between a US citizen and US person with regards to US intelligence Oversight A US person is

-A citizen of the U.S. -An alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence -An unincorporated association w/ a substantial # of members who are either a or b -A corporation that is incorporated in the U.S.

IDC ratings


Responsibilities of the following

-Commander in Chief (President) -Secretary of Defense -Secretary of the Navy -Chief of Naval Operations -Fleet Commander -Type Commander

procedures for preparing hard copy classisfied material for the transportation via:

-DCS -hand carry

components of a standard naval message

-FL/2 - Message Header -FL/4 - Classification -FL/5 - DTG -FL/6 - From -FL/7 - To -FL/8 - INFO -FL/12 - Subject, Classification, Body

3 types of integrated broadcast systems

-IBS I: integrated, system interactive -IBS S: simplex, used to transmit and receive data to and from broadcast -IBS N: network, only receiving information

5 step planning process

-Identify Critical Info -Conduct Threat Assessment -Conduct Vulnerability Analysis -Conduct Risk Assessment -Apply Countermeasures

role of the following

-Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy -Fleet Master Chief -Force Master Chief -Command Master Chief

primary service provided by METOC teams

-Mine Warfare UUV Platoon -Naval Oceanography ASW Team (NOAT) -Strike Group Oceanography Team (SGOT) -Mobile Environmental Team (MET) -Fleet Survey Team (FST)

6 steps of intelligence

-Planning and Direction -Collection -Processing and Exploitation -Analysis and Production -Dissemination and Integration -Evaluation and Feedback

message precedences

-R Routine 6 hours; for messages of all types. -P Priority 3 hours; Essential info for operations in progress; highest precedence for admin messages. -O Immediate 30 min. Messages relating to situations that gravely affect the national forces. -Z Flash 10 minutes or less ASAP extreme urgency, reserved for initial enemy contact. -W Flash Override. 10 minutes or less Overrides all other codes.

9 categories of computer incidents

-Root Level Intrusion -User Level Intrusion -Denial of Service -Malicious Logic -Unsuccessful Activity Attempt -Non - Compliance Activity -Reconnaissance -Investigating -Explained Anomaly


-Six-Day War between Israel and several Arab nations-USS Liberty was ordered to proceed to the eastern Mediterranean to perform an electronic intelligence collection mission. Due to concerns about her safety as she approached her patrol area, several messages were sent to Liberty to increase her allowable closest point of approach (CPA) to Egypt's and Israel's coasts. Unfortunately, due to ineffective message handling and routing, the CPA change messages were not received until after the attack. Isreali Air Force jet fighter aircraft and motor torpedo boats of the Israeli Navy attacked USS Liberty in international waters. Attack killed 34 and injured 170 crew members.

layers of routing

-access -distribution -core

when and why the core values were developed

-adopted in 1992 -service-wide effort yo strengthen the navy as a values community


-alpha -bravo -Charlie -delta

who can be the CSN

-an officer or civilian employee (GS-11) or higher -US citizen -competed an SSBI - favorably adjudicated

five attributes to IA

-confidentiality -availability -non-repudiation -authentication -integrity

3 examples of intelligence briefs

-deployment -debriefings -aircrew briefs -post briefings

RADM Grace Hooper's contributions to the navy

-first female admiral -coined the term debugging for fixing computer glitches conceptualized and led the development of COBIL (modern programming language)

4 reportable mishap items

-government damage -on duty civilian/off duty military injury -work related injury that requires care beyond first aid -any other incident of interest

military customs and courtesies

-hand salute -saluting the ensign -dipping the ensign -gun salute (21=POTUS foreign heads, 17=admiral, 15=vice admiral, 13=rear admiral, 11=commodore

discuss NCA

-nat'l command authority, a term used by the military and gov't -power to authorize the use of military forces -power to authorize nuclear weapons -also refer to communications with the CO of the combatant commands to put forces to action

items prohibited in SCIF

-personally owned photo, video, audio and recording equipment. personally owned computers and associated media

the qualities the characterize a Navy/marine Corps team as instruments to support nat'l policy

-readiness -flexibility -self-sustainability -mobility

general characteristics for PPE

-respirators -hand protection -foot protection -eye protection -face protection -skin/body protection -hearing protection

what 3 classes of ships existed at the inception of the navy

-ships of the line -frigates -sloops of war

3 categories of intelligence

-strategic -operational -tactical

3 levels of war

-strategic -operational -tactical

when should safe combinations be changed

-when lock is initially placed -Person that no longer requires access knows code -Combination compromise -Combination is out of service -Maintenance was performed on lock -When designated by the CSA/SIO or owner of the safe

Application Server

. Specialized server in a client network that runs only specific applications within that network

levels of INFOCON

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

how many subcategories of mishap probability

4 subcat A subcat B subcat C subcat D

how many RAC are there

5 -critical -serious -moderate -minor -negligible

how long can the CO administratively suspend access before the DONCAF revoke a clearance


purpose of COMMPLAN

A COMMPLAN is a tool for RADIO, CIC, and Bridge personnel. It gives a true picture of what Communication Circuits are required and indicated where and when they are needed throughout specific underway period. It lists all communication requirements, in detail. They are tailored to the tactical scenario, and consider Communications information from various source documents, such as Fleet commanders, Numbered fleet commanders, instructions, SOFA agreements etc

mishap timelines

A:8 hours. all reports must be reported within 30dys


Accreditation of an IS; official management decision to operate an IS in a specified environment. The accreditation statement is the DAA's acceptance of responsibility for the appropriateness of IS security as implemented.

red team

Activity is an unannounced assessment of security & readiness by an unfamiliar team of operators with no awareness or support from assessed target. The function of individuals engaged in this activity is to provide a unique understanding from a threat actor's point of view in a less contrived circumstance than through exercises, role playing, or announced assessments.


Africa command - Stuttgart, Germany

DoN www security policy

All DoN sites must have a clearly articulated purpose, approved by commander, and support command's core competency mission. Only contain unclassified material approved for public release; No OPSEC Violations

how and in what order material is destroyed during emergency destruction

All material/equipment shall be destroyed by any reasonable means available: burning, shredding, smashing, degaussing, magnets, jettison, etc. Priority 1 - All cryptographic equipment and documents Priority 2 - All operational SCI codeword material which might divulge targets and successes, documents dealing with US SCI activities and documents, TOP SECRET material, and other sensitive material Priority 3 - Less sensitive administrative SCI material and collateral classified material not included above (everything else)


Also known as the "modulating wave" in radio modulation, the carrier wave is the radio frequency which facilitates the transmission of intelligence across a medium. Also referred to as fundamental frequency or transmitter frequency

ISR mission requirements and fundamentals

An ISR CONOPS should be developed in conjunction w/ operational planning to facilitate optimum utilization of all available ISR assets. The CONOPS should be based on the collection strategy and ISR execution planning and should address how all available ISR assets and associated tasking, processing, exploitation and dissemination infrastructure will be used to answer the intel requirement

components and functions of the command OPSEC program

An effective OPSEC program has the full support of its chain of command. Command emphasis includes an OPSEC officer, appointed in writing by the commanding officer, and an OPSEC team charged with the responsibility of ensuring the command and family members maintain an acute OPSEC awareness.

impacts of environmental conditions in warfare areas

Anti - submarine Warfare ops - variances in temp, salinity, & pressure will significantly affect travel & comms of subs & all ops with them Naval Special Warfare ops - target area environmental conditions include terrain restrictions, time of day, adverse weather, seasonal & temp effects. These conditions may camouflage or conceal targets, reduce visibility, etc. Mine Warfare ops - several METOC considerations: Surface winds - if too strong, can op be effective Wave action - affects underwater visibility, burial & movement of mines, accuracy of navigation, divers, etc Prevailing visibility - if obstructions to visibility are present, navigation, mine - hunting and sweep effectiveness is decreased Hours of daylight - airborne mine - hunting, minesweeping, and EOD diver ops are primarily conducted during daylight hours Tides - should be self explanatory Air Defense ogs - j Info Warfare ops - accurate weather info can increase the probability of success and enables friendly forces to exploit weather - induced limitations of enemy forces and systems. Can also assist in forecasting the electro - optical environment f. Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief ops - identifying METOC conditions in order to successfully identify areas where forces can and may go, how to get supplies/materials to the right places, and the environmental impacts to ops planning g. Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear Warfare - consider requirements to move and decontaminate personnel, vehicles, and equipment in support of evacuation, redeployment, or any movement from a contaminated site h. Strike Warfare - variances in temp, salinity, & pressure will significantly affect travel & comms of strike units, & all ops associated w/ them


Assurance of identity of a message sender or receiver. Authentication is the security measure designed to establish the validity of a transmission, message, or originator, or a means of verifying an individual's authorization to receive specific categories of information


Assurance of timely, reliable access to data and information systems by authorized users. Availability focused IA controls protect against degraded capabilities and denial of service conditions.


Assurance that information is not disclosed to unauthorized persons, processes, or devices. It includes both protection of operational information and protection of IA - related system information such as password or configuration files.


Assurance that information is not modified by unauthorized parties or in an unauthorized manner. Integrity supports the assurance that information is not accidentally or maliciously manipulated, altered, or corrupted. Additionally, integrity implies the ability to detect when information has been altered


Assurance that the sender of data is provided with proof of delivery and the recipient is provided with proof of the sender's identity, so neither can later deny having processed the data



nat'l level intel org


who has overall control and access to the SCIF



COMSEC Material Report acquisition transfer of secure comms devices


Certification is the comprehensive evaluation of the technical and non - technical security features of an IS and other safeguards, made as part of and in support of accreditation process, to establish extent to which a particular design and implementation meet a specified set of security requirements.


Classified Info Nondisclosure Agreement (DD1847 - 1 SO Non - disclosure agreement) - a contractual agreement b/w the U.S. Gov't and a cleared employee that must be executed as a condition of access to classified info

purpose of EMCON

Condition set for specific purpose of reducing or limiting the electronic signature of the Ship for a specific reason. There are 4 EMCON Conditions: A - Radio Silence B - Hide from Satellites C - To reduce targeting signature for adversaries' D - Essential equipment is authorized

mine warfare platoon

Consist of Remote Environmental Monitoring Units (REMUS), Conducting oceanographic surveys designed to integrate new sensors into current programs

explain and state the responsibilities of the DONCAF

Department of the Navy Central Adjudication Facility - Responsible for determining who within the DON is eligible to hold a security clearance, to have access to SCI, or to be assigned to sensitive duties

why does the US only use ".mil" email addresses on gov't systems?

DoD has exclusive use of the ".mil" domain, which provides increased security

comm capabilities for transmissions bands

ELF 3 Hz - 30 Hz SLF 30 Hz - 300 Hz ULF 300 Hz - 3 KHz VLF 3 KHz - 30 KHz LF 30 KHz - 300 KHz MF 300 KHz - 3 MHz HF 3 MHz - 30 MHz VHF 30 MHz - 300 MHz UHF 300 MHz - 3 GHz SHF 3 GHz - 30 GHz EHF 30 GHz - 300 GHz

State the name of the first computer and where it was located

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)created in 1943 UPENN


Electronic Warfare) is defined by DOD as any military action involving the direction or control of electromagnetic spectrum energy to deceive or attack the enemy.


European command - Stuttgart Germany

seven principles of naval logistics

FEARSSS -flexibility -economy -attainability -responsiveness -sustainability -survivability -simplicity

system security plan

Formal document that fully describes planned security tasks required to meet system or network security requirements

the purpose of COMSPOT

GENSER message that reports any unusual comms difficulties. submitted at immediate precedence after 30min of outage and as often as necessary to restore comms

precise time in the following

GPS - uses a minimum of 4 visible satellites, able to determine the times sent & the satellite positions corresponding to these times sent Geo - location - uses time difference of arrival to determine location

capabilities of environmental satellites

Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) - operated by U.S. National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Info Service (NESDIS), supports weather forecasting, severe storm tracking, and meteorology research. The National Weather Service uses the GOES system for its U.S. weather monitoring and forecasting ops. Four GOES satellites currently available. Polar Operational Environmental Satellite (POES) - operates a constellation of weather satellites in polar orbits around Earth. Spacecraft provided by NASA and European Space Agency. Data from POES support broad range of environmental monitoring apps including climate research & prediction, global sea surface temp measurements, search & rescue, and many others Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) - /77on/torsmeteoro/og/co(, oceanographic, and solar - terrestrial physics for the U.S. DoD. They provide cloud cover imagery from polar orbits (sun - synchronous) & relay important weather & climate data to warfighters for more effective military ops The National Polar - orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) - was to be U.S. next - generation satellite system (White House announced it dissolved) Was a replacement for both DMSP and POES series. NOW separate lines of polar - orbiting satellites to serve military & civilian users to be pursued instead with a performance period to Feb 2015 Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) - yoinf space mission between NASA & Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency to monitor & study tropical rainfall. Launched from Japan in '97

the diffrrence between IPv4 and IPv6

IPv6 has vastly larger address space than IPv4. IPv6 uses 128 bit address IPv4 uses only 32bits


Info Assurance Vulnerability Alert) - an announcement of a high risk computer software or system vulnerability in form of an alert. Provides corrective actions

purpose of JPAS

Joint Personnel Adjudication System - The DoD managed, official personnel security migration database/system. Provides "real - time" information regarding clearance, access, eligibility and investigative status to authorized DoD security personnel and other interfacing organizations.

the first CIO/DNI

LT theodorus bailey mason, founder of the first head of the ONI


Low Earth Orbit - Altitudes between 150 and 800 miles above earth's surface Semi - synchronous orbit: The purpose of satellites in this orbit is to allow a user to receive signals from multiple satellites at any time. Navigation and some area communications satellites use this orbit Sun - synchronous orbit: Takes advantage of precession of orbital plane caused by earth not being a perfect sphere. If a satellite's orbital period is synchronized w/ rotation of earth, it will pass over same point on earth's surface at same local time, at a regular interval Highly Elliptical Orbit - Highly eccentric elliptical orbit slows down at apogee in Northern Hemisphere & whips through perigee in Southern Hemisphere; provides comms in Northern Hemisphere for nearly 75% of satellite's orbital period; shifted 180 degrees to cover Southern Hemisphere Geosynchronous Orbit - Average altitude of 19,300 nm; will have period of approx one day (meaning satellites remain over same area of earth) Polar Orbit - Used extensively by imagery satellites due to ability to pass over entire surface of earth throughout several days


Lower Sideband in amplitude modulated signals. The Lower Sideband is the intelligence/data carrying section of a signal located adjacent to and lower in frequency than the Center Frequency(CF). The Lower Sideband is the inverse (mirror) of the Upper Sideband

basic relationship of METOC and geospatial intel

METOC data is considered an intelligence layer of GEOINTinfo base. METOC conditions can affect other GEOINT activities, both in planning and ongoing ops, so it's critical to joint ops

6th fleet


thermal layers w/in the ocean

Mixed layer - layer in which active turbulence has homogenized some range of depths. The top 2.5 m of ocean holds as much heat as entire atmosphere above it, thus is very important for determining temp range in oceanic and coastal regions Thermocline - thin but distinct layer in large body of water; temp changes more rapid w/ depth than it does in the layers above or below. Characterized by a negative sound speed gradient, making it important in submarine warfare because it can reflect active sonar and other acoustic signals Deep layer - lowest layer in the ocean, at a depth of 1000 fathoms (1800 m) or more. Little or no light penetrates this area of the ocean and most organisms rely on falling organic matter produced in photic zone for subsistence

the DoD escort policy

Movement of all visitors shall be controlled to ensure that access to classified information is deliberate and consistent with the purpose of the visit All persons must be escorted by qualified and cleared personnel throughout their visit

mercury 3

NASA's first unmanned spaceflight program

fleet level intel org



NTD (Navy Telecommunications Directive) - a widely disseminated naval msg giving an order or direction about a certain IT function that needs to be complied w/

military satellite comm systems

Navy UHF Follow-on - replace aging FLTSATs, features higher power transmitters, & designed to improve service, reliability, & dependability Defense Satellite Communications System (DSCS) provides worldwide, jam - resistant, secure, voice & high data rate communications for C2, crises management, & intelligence data transfer service. Also provides comms among CINCs & their component forces GBS (Global Broadcast Service) uses high - powered transponders to provide HDR wideband simplex broadcast signals into 1 - meter or smaller antennas & receiver suites; became operational in '99 WGS - designed to provide high - capacity communications to U.S. military forces & satellites will eventually replace DSCS (b)


OCONUS navy locations

difference between OPELINT and TECHELINT

OPELINT - operationally relevant info (location, movement, tactics),& activity of foreign non - comms emitters & associated weapon systems TECHELINT - tech aspects of foreign non - comms emitters (signal characteristics, modes, function, capabilities, vulnerabilities, & technology

instruction for mishap reporting


responsibilities of the command OPSECO

OPSEC Officers advise commander on all OPSEC related matters & manage organization's OPSEC program. In addition, they provide OPSEC input to information operations planning and develop, maintain, and monitor the execution of the organization's OPSEC program

how the ocean surface, subsurface and littoral impacts the environment

Ocean Surface: Relative sea state is a major factor in determining the feasibility of naval operations and functionality of maritime weapons platforms. Ocean Subsurface: Crucial to conduct submarine, anti - submarine and mining operations. Depth, saline, and water temperature at different depths significantly affect sonar operations. Shallow waters are ideal for ocean bottom mines, but impact undersea sensors & weapons systems. Deep water allows for better maneuvering for submarines & has less impact on undersea sensors & weapons. Littoral: Characteristics such as littoral gradient, composition coastal terrain features and transportation infrastructure, tides & current are critical factors in planning and conducting naval operations

types of METOC products available

Oceanography Portal (NOP) The products are Storm warnings, Command information, and detailed forecast information for specific areas (ex. west pacific, southwest pacific). Buoy information, Atmospheric Models, Radar pictures, Ocean Models, navigation hazards and Climatology reports

OPSEC definition

Operations Security (OPSEC) is a process that identifies critical information to determine if friendly actions can be observed by adversary intelligence systems, determines if information obtained by adversaries could be interpreted to be useful to them, and then executes selected measures that eliminate or reduce adversary exploitation of friendly critical information

purpose of OTAT/OTAR

Over - the - Air - Rekey (OTAR) The process of remotely updating a distant end station key by overwriting the currently stored traffic key w/ new electronic key Over - the - Air - Transfer (OTAT) A single, simultaneous (AK) or sequential (MK) transfer of electronic key

theater level intel org


difference between a security violation and practice dangerous to security

Practice Dangerous to Security - A failure to comply with security regulations that causes a potential compromise of classified information Security Violation - A compromise of classified information to persons not authorized to receive it or a serious failure to comply with security regulation and is likely to result in compromise

strike group oceanography team

Provide meteorological & oceanographic products & services in direct support of Numbered Fleet/Navy Component Commanders, deploying Carrier & Expeditionary Strike Group Commanders, assigned units, & other US & Joint forces as directed.

blue team

Provides special technical expertise to system/security administrators & managers to assist command personnel in defensive actions. Blue team trusted agents provide assistance in identifying Red team attacks & serve as safety observers to ensure that safety is not comprised. *lt's a team to specifically constructed for inter - deployment Training cycle charged with assisting in the protection of targeted assets & conducting training to local personnel*


Reporting vehicle used to notify President and the national Security Council of critical information, such as an attack on US Vessel or territory, Threat to US Assets, Terrorist Attack, or l& W of Terrorist Attack etc; sent at the highest message precedence by most rapid means possible within 10 min.

duties and responsibilities of the IAM

Responsible for establishing, implementing, & maintaining DoD info system IA program. - Must be designated in Writing - Should not be a Collateral Duty - US Citizen - Hold highest clearance of highest classification of IS responsible for - Attend DAA Training

security features involved wen preforming cross-domain transfers

Scan all info storage media and e - mail attachments introduced prior to its use on any SCI system. If media cannot be scanned, it's considered high risk and can't be used on SCI system w/out approval from Service Certifying Organization (SCO

space situational awareness

Situational Awareness key component for space control; foundation for accomplishing all other space control tasks ensures space ops and spaceflight safety - implements international treaties & agreements - protects space capabilities - protects military ops & national interests


Space - based radio positioning systems that provide 24/7 3 - dimensional position, velocity & time info to suitably equip users on/near earth's surface

space mission areas

Space Force Enhancement - operations increase joint force effectiveness by increasing combat potential of that force. Five enhancement missions: ISR, missile warning, environmental monitoring, satellite communications, and PNT. Space Support - includes space lift ops (launching satellites), satellite ops, & reconstitution of space forces Space Control - provides freedom of action in space & denies adversary; consists of offensive & defensive space control situation control. Space Force Application - Defines as combat ops in, thru, &from space, to influence outcome of conflict by holding terrestrial targets at risk

purpose of OPTASK comms

Standardized msgs used to convey operational instructions or intentions, pass operational info to tactical commanders at sea, report operational info b/w commanders, or notify organizations of impending and actual ops of units engaged in maritime warfare


TEMPEST is an unclassified codename referring to investigations and studies of compromising emanations (CE). Compromising emanations are defined as unintentional intelligence - bearing signals which, if intercepted and analyzed, disclose the information transmitted, received, handled, or otherwise processed by any information - processing equipment

effects and significance of parameters on transmission of sound in seawater

Temperature - most important; primary controller of sound speed & direction in upper 300 m (1,000 ft) of seawater Pressure - effect on sound speed is a function of depth. Pressure increases with depth and sound speed increases with higher pressure. The dominant controller below 300 m Salinity - effect is slight in open ocean because salinity values are nearly constant. The affect of salinity on sound speed is greatest where there is a significant influx of fresh water or surface evaporation creates high salinity

space environment and how they affect communications

The Sun - the biggest effect on space environment, fueled by nuclear fusion. Two by - products of fusion process that impact space systems are: Electromagnetic radiation & Electrically charged particles Solar Wind - electrically charged particles that stream continuously from sun form Solar Wind. Travels at one million mph, carrying various particles from sun. Interaction with Earth's magnetic field produces a cavity known as Earth's Magnetosphere. This degrades radar performance including ballistic missile warning radar. It can also affect satellites at altitudes to 600 miles Solar Cycle - solar activity is cyclic in nature, following 11 - year cycle called solar cycle. Generally there's a 4 - year rise to a solar maximum followed by a gradual 7 - year decline to solar minimum Van Allen Radiation Belts - The outer & inner Van Allen Radiation Belts are two concentric, donut - shaped regions of stable, trapped charged particles. These radiation belts can have serious impact on satellite ops Atmospheric Drag - energy deposited in earth's upper atmosphere by charged particle bombardment heats atmosphere, causing it to expand outward over a period of time; produces more frictional drag on a satellite

cat three

The hazard may cause minor injury, illness, property damage, damage to national, service or command interests or degradation to efficient use of assets

OPSEC considerations regarding public affairs

The public affairs officer participates in OPSEC planning to provide assessments on the possible negative effects of media coverage and all other public release of information by members of the command and for coordination of OPSEC measures & public affairs ground rules to minimize those effects

intelligence oversight and the publication that governs it

The supervision of Intel Agencies and making them accountable for their actions Executive Order 12333 DoD Regulation 5240.1 - R NSA Policy 1 - 23 USSID SP0018

what are the procedures for sanitizing the area

Two - step process Removing data from media & removing all classified labels, markings & activity logs Removing all classified material from view, so it's not visible to uncleared persons

difference between USC title 10 and USC title 50

USC Title 10: Outlines role of armed forces in US Code; provides legal basis for roles, missions, & organizations of each service as well as DOD. USC Title 50: Outlines the role of War and National Defense in the United States Code. (For Foreign Intelligence Surveillance

first navy ship named after an enlisted man

USS OSMAND INGRAM he was the first enlisted man killed in WWI when the USS CASSIN was torpedoed

explain vault recert and recurring inspections

Vault recertification and recurring inspections are conducted to ensure SCIFs are meeting ICD 705 standards. SCI security officials will conduct self - inspections of SCIFs at least annually. Other inspections based on threat, physical modifications, etc.

six areas of naval doctrine

WIPLOC -warfare -intelligence -planning -logistics -operations -command and control


codeword is used to alert that there is an intruder on the voice network

function if an intelligence fusion cell

collects and examines info from all available sources and intel disciplines to derive as complete of an assessment as possible


collects, analyzes and disseminates info to intel community


collects, analyzes, exploits and disseminates electronic intel


combatant command, command with broad continuing mission under a single commander and composed of significant components of two or more naval commands

define RAC

combines the elements if hazard severity and mishap probability


comm cut/limited; severs ship, command or tactical squad from outside word, as precautionary tactic when sensitive mission, event will be or already is taking place (restricted outgoing email, phones)


command cyber readiness inspection - a formal inspection process to hold commanders accountable for their respective security posture


command, control, communication, computers, and intel surveillance reconnaissance

define CCIR

commander critical info requirement feeds important time-sensitive info to commanders to make decisions that could dramatically affect the fight


communications security - protect communicatons measures and controls taken to deny authorized persons information derived from telecommunications


composed of different interconnected computer networks and covers an unlimited geographical area (internet/google)


computer network covering a small physical area (home office)


computer security - information security as applied to computers and networks

network enumeration

computing activity in which usernames and info on groups, shares of services of networked computers are retrieved to later exploit

air mass

extensive body of air throughout which the horizontal temp and mosisture characteristics are similar cold/ward/occluded front


federal bureau of investigation

Apollo 11

first ever manned lunar landing


first orbital test flight of space shuttle

gemini 3

first two person space flight


fleet command, parent command for all nacal units subordinate to a specific fleet


for simultaneous transmission of two ore more signals over a carrier wave

what is the FDO and their responsibilities

foreign disclosure official, approves the disclosure of classified and controlled unclassified military info to the foreign representatives, anything related to official interaction with foreigners

radio waves

form of radiant energy that can neither be seen not felt. electromagnetic wave generated by a transmitter


general readiness - increased general threat of possible terrorist activity

purpose of the PAO

handles inquiries from the media and general public on behalf of the command

cat 1

hazard may cause death, loss of facility or asset and result in grave damage to national interest

cat four

hazard presents minimal threat to personnel safety or health property, national, service command interests ot efficient use of assets


hazardous electromagnetic radiation to fuels


hazardous electromagnetic radiation to ordinance


hazardous electromagnetic radiation to personnel

how does naval oceonagraphy support the information dominance mission?

head of this community serves on a flag panel that oversees corps issues; provides oversight of al info dominance corps activities

who can give the order the order to initiate emergency destruction

highest ranking person on station for SCI (CO/SIO)


identify hazards assess hazards make risk decision implement controls supervise

risk associated with phishing

illegal process of attempting to acquire sensitive info such as usernames, passwords and credit card info


implement rigorous grading criteria


impressing intel upon a transmission medium/removal of intel from a transmission medium

define IA

information operations that protect and define data and info systems by ensuring their availability, integrity, authenticatin, confidentiality, and non-repudiation using the 5 attributes


information security - ensures info is not compromised, protecting information and info systems from authorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification or destruction


information warfare, actions taken to achieve superiority over adversary by influencing info based process systems and computer networks


inserting noise or data onto freq

malicious logic

installation of software designed and/or deployed by adversaries w/ malicious intentions of gaining access to resources or info w/out consent or knowledge of user


int'l maritime satellite, commercial satellite system used to provide voice and data IP comms from sea (vonage)


integrated broadcast system; integrated several existing systems into a single system of broadcast allowing receipt of data via a single server

the purpose of ICD Systems

intel community directives - principle means that the DNI provides guidance policy and direction to the IC


intentional insertions of EM into transmission paths in any manner


intentional transmission of signals designed to deceive users of navigational aids

half duplex

involves shared transmission medium; can be used for comms in each direction but can't proceed simultaneously (walkie talkies)


joint forces command - Norfolk

define JIPOE

joint intelligence preparation of operational environment: (Formerly IPBE) Analytical process used by joint intel organizations to produce intel assessments, estimates, & other intel products in support of joint commander's decision making process


joint worldwide intel comms system

two main space launch facilities

kennedy space center, fl vendenberg afb, ca


known terrorist threat made - incident occurs


large computer network; spans city large or campus large

cold front

leading edge of advancing cold air mass under running and displacing warmer air in path, precipitation generally at or behind front

warm front

leading edge of advancing warm air mass that is replacing a retreating relatively colder air mass

subcat A

likely to occur immediately or within a short period of time. expected to occur frequently


linguistics support to intel community

system security authorization agreement

living document that represents formal agreement b/w DAA, Certification Authority, Program Manager, and user rep


located between surface to earth to about 3.7mi at north pole or south pole and 11.2mi at the equator. almost all weather conditions occur here and greatly affect radio waves


located between the troposphere and ionosphere, almost constant temperature and little water vapor present. little to no eefect on radio waves


located upward from about 31.1mi to about 250mi; contains 4 cloud-like layers of electrically charged ions which enable radio waves to be propagated to great distances around earth; layer D,E,F1,F2; most omportant for long distance point-to-point comm

assembly language

low level programming language using the human readable instructions of CPU


maintenance support to intel related community

SQL injection attack

malicious code is inserted into strings; later passed to an instance of SGL server for parsing and execution

purpose of MOC

maritime operations center: provides critical support in execution of the nation's maritime strategy, giving commanders processes, enabled interoperable, networked systems, to enhance maritime capabilities. there are 8 MOCs across globe

what an MSDS is and the information it provides

material safety data sheets lists specific information and precaux for various substances

cat two

may cause severe injury, illness property damage, damage to national service interests or degradation to efficient assets

subcat C

may occur in time, can reasonably be expected to occur some time to an individual

purpose of red cross message

message delivered 24/7/365 to military at any duty statin. used by family members to notify service members of emergency or other important event

dictionary attack

method of breaking into a password - protected computer by entering every word in dictionary as a password

5th fleet

middle east to include the Persian gulf


movement thru a medium (light rays)


must meet the applicable physical standards for the highest levels if storage required and the SCIF or T-SCIF must meet the appropriate alarm response force reaction time for the level of storage/use


nat'l aeronautics and space administration

mission of NASIC

nat'l air and space intel center produces foreign aerospace intel via surveillance and reconnaissance


nat'l geospatial intel agency


nat'l recon office


nav/marine corps intranet conus/shore stations

the mission of NCDOC

navy cyber defense operations command; provides 224/7 protection to the Navy's cyber systems


network covering broad area


non-secure internet protocol router networl




northern command - Peterson AFB, CO


number of cycles that occur in one sec, usually in herttz



oldest intelligence organization of the US Navy

office of naval intelligence (ONI)


office of the director nat'l intel


officer distributions control report officers versions of EDVR

tracking phase

once target located, radar system automatically flows target motions


operational control responsible for a given task, mission or region

the role of an intel watch floor

order of battle analysis, identification of adversary COGs, analysis of adversary command, control, communications, and computers (C4), targeting supports, collection management, and maintenance of a 24hr watch


pacific command - Oahu


personnel - ensuring there is no unauthorized access to SCIFs or classified info


plain language address; used to denote the command short title and sometime geiographic location used in message addressing


point on the orbit closest to the center of the earth


point on the orbit farthest from the center of the earth

non-compliance activity

potentially exposes DoD systems to increased risk as a result of action/inaction of authorized users

atmospheric pressure

pressure exerted by atmosphere at a given point

define PIR

priority intelligence requirement are requirements stated as priority for intel support that commanders need to understand adversary or environment

mishap probability

probability that a hazard will result in a mishap or loss

subcat B

probably will occur in time, expected to occur several times


program designed to perform a specific function directly for the user


provide a collapsed backbone interconnecting distro tier routers from multiple buildings of a campus or large enterprise

the mission of the fleet intel office and its two subordinate commands

provide intel necessary to plan, build, train, equip and maintain naval forces. the nat'l maritime intel center consists of ONI, USCG intel coordination center, NIOC, and detachments of USMC intel activity and NCIS


provide tech support to the intel and information systems


provided a 2400 baud full duplex, interface, over satellite link with mobile platforms for receipt and transmission of GENSER message traffic

concurrent report

provides a record of significant performance that was not directly observable by the regular reporting senior

naval oceanography ASW team

provides environmental support to ASW forces worldwide at various fleet and COCOM echelons

purpose of HAZREP message

provides means for unity discovering hazardous condition or experiencing near-mishap alert (COMNAVSAFECENT and HQMC) when appropriate


provides network related intel support to intel community


provides web-based messaging capability that allows users to send and receive DMS messages using a web browser or via email


pulse repetition freq, rate at which pulses are transmitted inverse or PRI


pulse repetition nterval, duration of time from the leading edge of one pulse to the leading edge of another

designation phase

radar is directed to general location of desired target

acquisition phase

radar system searched small volume of space in a prearranged pattern until target is located


random action measure

fleet survey team

rapid response team capable of performing quick turnaround hydrographic surveys anywhere in the world


real time procedure that brings the immediate attention of the circuit operators the fact that an EEFI disclosure has occurred


relates to precise measurements and explanations of positions of stars and other celestial bodies


relays tech info to various levels of the intel community

risk associated with backdoor

remote admin utility that allows a user access and control it over a network. usually able to gain control of a system because it exploits undocumented processes in the system code

how the RC integrates with the AC

reserve component is placed under the command of the local or aligned active component, used to relieve the stress on the active duty OPTEMPO

the purpose of FES

responsible for installation, removal and maintenance and repair of cryptologic direct support element electronic equipment, both surface and subsurface combatants

duties and responsibilities of the SSO

responsible for maintaining the security of the SCI material and providing advice to the CO or OIC on al matters pertaining to SCI

operating system

responsible for management and coordination of activities and sharing of resources of computer. acts as a host for computing applications run on machine

duties and responsibilities of a CSM

responsible for the administrations of the command;'s information and personnel security programs

impact of walker espionage

retired warrant officer john walker spied for the Russians from 1968-1985 which allowed the soviet union to make significant gains in naval warfare


risk assessment code


secure internet protocol network

purpose of SAER

security access eligibility report, used to report to DONCAF for any information that might affect someone's continued eligibility for access to SCI


security container checksheet (container open/close form)


security container envelope - used to record safe and door lock combos


seeks to gather info used to characterize DoD systems, apps, networks, and users that may be useful in formulating an attack

risk associated with worm

self-replicating virus; does not alter files but resides in active memory and duplicates inteslf. causes system to slow or halt completely

define SCI

sensitive compartment information - classified info concerning or derived from intel sources, methods or analytical processes and required to be handled w/in a formal access control system


service member's group life insurance electin snd certification


small office/home office (SOHO) routers located at the customer sites, optimized for low cost

risk associated with virus

software program, script, or macro designed to inflect destroy or cause other problems with computer or softeare programs


somewhat predictable threat - increased or more predicatble threat of terrorist activity


southern command - Miami


special fare, distinguished by unique objectives, weapons, and forces and characterized by Principally offensive; high physical and political risk directed at high - value, critical, and often perishable targets Principally politico - military in nature; frequently covert or clandestine


special ops command - Tampa

critical information

specific facts about friendly intentions, capabilities, and activities needed by adversaries to plan and act effectively against friendly mission accomplishments


specific target known and declared or terrorist event has occurred - applies to immediate area where terrorist attack has occurred

joint spectrum interfacing resolution

standardizes techniques and procedures for spectrum interference resolution throughout the DoD


strategic command - offutt AFB, NE


strike warfare, destruction or neutralization of enemy land-based targets with conventional or nuclear missiles

duties and responsibilities of the ESO

supervise the administration of the training office and training aids

purpose of naval intelligence

support the commander in identifying critical vulnerabilities, support planning, execution of ops, and protecting the force


surface warfare, destruction neutralization of enemy surface combatatants and merchants

explained anomaly

suspicious events that are determined to be non - malicious activity and do not fit criteria for any other categories (MISC)


systemativ movmentof a radar beam to cover a definite pattern or area in space


task element - division of TU


task force - subdivision of a fleet


task group - division of a TF


task unit - division of TG

what conditions led to the formation of the US Navy

taxation without representation led to the unrest and revolt of the 13 colonies


technique used in electronic communications, most frequently for transmitting information via a radio carrier wave

ambient air

temp of surroundings and will be the same as room temp indoors


temperature or moisture conditions in atmosphere that allow a greater bending of radio waves which greatly extend the radio wave horizon; phenomenon where a signal propagates along the boundary of two dissimilar air masses


testing process used to evaluate the network infrastructure, software, and users in order to identify known weaknesses

Apollo 17

the 7th and final lunar landing mission

computer network operations

the capability to defend, attack, disrupt and exploit computer networks

maritime domain awareness

the effective understanding of anything associated with the maritime domain that could impact the security, safety, economy, or environment


the physical distance of a wave, cycle (one 360deg cycle) the distance from crest to crest of the next or any similar points on adjacent wave

risk management

the process allows IT managers to balance the operational and economic costs of protective measures and achieve gains in mission capability by protecting the IT systems and data that support their organizations' missions


the space within the radio frequency spectrum that a signal occupies, expressed in Hz

mobile environmental team

they carry all equipment needed to accomplish their forecast mission t ships at sea or shore commands forward

what's the need for access lists, required documentation logs and two-person integrity

to ensure only properly authoraized personnel access classified material, annotate when documents were accessed for the accountability and the ensure material remains uncompromised during transit

mission of the navy

to maintain and equip combat ready naval forces capable of winning wars and deterring aggression and maintain freedom of the seas

what is the goal of the Navy's hearing conservation program

to prevent hearing loss for all sailors

eval report

to rank enlisted personnel amongst peer for promotin and duty assignment purposes

responsibilities of the TSCO

top secret control officer; responsible for the safe keeping/storage of TS material w/in a command


top secret cover sheet

what are some risks of improperly labeled and stored HAZMAT

toxic fumes, burns, external/internal damage

purpose of DNS

translates domain names into the numerical identifiers associated with networking


transportation command - scott's AFB, IL

social engineering

tricking a user into giving access to sensitive information, thereby bypassing most or all protection


type command, and admin CoC which various ships report to the appropriate forward area commanders

relative humidity

type of humidity that considers ratio of actual vapor pressure of air to saturation vapor pressure of air to saturation vapor pressure, usually expressed in percentage

user level intrusion

unauthorized non - privileged access to DoD system. System is compromised w/ malicious code that provides remote interactive control


universal time code; Greenwich mean time (GMT) (ZULU)- 24hr timescale. time zones worldwide are expressed as positive or negative offsets from UTC

subcat D

unlike to occur

purpose of direct support assets

used for short duration requirements that require specialists not normally included in a ship's PCS complement; 1 mission prep, 2 mission sup mgmt., 3 mission post analysis

brute force attack

used to break an encryption or authentication system by trying all possibilities. usually takes half as many tries as there are possibilites

purpose for the navy correspondence manual

used to create uniform standards for the management and preparation of correspondence

surface search

used to detect presence of surface craft and low flying aircraft/navigational aid coastal waters and poor weather conditions


used to make risk decisions

fire control

usually produce a very narrow circular beam has three phases designation, acquisition phase, tracking

purpose of TSR

valid, approved and funded request to activate, discontinue or change existing telecommunications services


video teleconference, provides audio and video communications

the difference between vulnerability and threat

vulnerability is the actual weakness in an info system that could be exploited by someone or something, a threat is circumstance or event with potential to adversely impact organizational ops via unauthorized access, disclosure, etc


wave that changes direction when passing from one medium into another


weather info

3rd fleet

west coast to IDL

7th fleet

west of IDL to Pakistan

10th fleet

worldwide of cyber responsibility

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