EJPME II Module 4 Pretest
An operation is a sequence of tactical actions with a common purpose or unifying theme. What may they entail?
Carrying on combat, including movement, supply, attack, defense, and maneuvers needed to achieve the objective of any battle or campaign.
Land-based forces gravitate toward a control mindset endemic of a higher headquarters model. This demonstrates which key element to remember when working with other services?
Centralized vs. decentralized approach
Select the answer that matches the following definition. This type of command is established on a geographical or functional area, with a mission that is limited and specific.
Joint Task Force
Differences between the Services in career paths leading up to a joint assignment may surprise new staff Service members in joint assignments. This demonstrates which key element to remember when working with other services?
Prior experience working with senior officers vs. little or none
Select the answer that matches the following definition. This purpose of joint operations is to project power in areas in which access and freedom to operate are challenged
Project power despite anti-access/area denial challenges
Select the answer that matches the following definition. This purpose of joint operations is to conduct a sustainable pace of presence operations abroad, including rotational deployments and bilateral and multilateral training exercises
Provide a stabilizing presence
_____ includes restoring essential civil services, counterinsurgency, and humanitarian crises, while embarking on other supporting missions and tasks.
Relief and reconstruction
_____ are the broad and enduring purposes for which the Services and the Combatant commands (or CCMDs) were established by law.
The _____ is the principal assistant to the President in all matters relating to the DoD.
A functional Component Command has many favorable factors associated with it, including reduced span of control, integrated planning, unity of effort, and _____.
control over the scheme of maneuver
The purpose of a(n) _____ action is to seize, retain, and exploit the initiative