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The exposition is the solution to the conflict.


Under whom was Scrooge an apprentice?


narrative poem

tells a story


that mean the opposite of their literal meaning

What do Huck and Tom find when they return to the cave in Chapter 33?

a treasure chest


a word that expresses an emotion or sudden feeling


a word that joins words, phrases, or clauses:


the "emotional setting" of a scene or scenes in a novel

How does Tom persuade Huck to stay "respectable" and live with the Widow Douglas?

He creates "Tom Sawyer's Gang" of "distinguished" robbers.

What happens to Injun Joe?

He gets trapped in the cave and starves to death.

what is the pronoun antecendent agreement

agree with the antecedent (the word to which they refer) in number, gender, and person


an exaggerated statement or description

expresses something that is contrary to reality

ask a question

The Ghost of Christmas Present has two children under his robe, Want and Ignorance. Which literary device is Dickens using here?


What does Tom write and then say to Becky Thatcher (Chapters 6 and 7)?

"I love you."

How does Tom respond to the church service in Chapter 5?

He is bored and gets distracted by something else.


Poem from Japan with seventeen syllables: five, seven, and five.


a pair of rhyming lines


a stanza containing four lines

What is the topic of the story?

one word thing that a story is about

Point of View

the eyes through which an author narrates the events of a story


the use of hints and clues to suggest what will happen later in a plot

What is the name of Cratchit's little son?

tiny tim

The scene in the graveyard is considered the climax of this story. Remember that the climax is the turning point of the story, where the conflict begins to be resolved. What statement does Scrooge make that depicts this climax?

"I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year."

Which of these quotes from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is an example of tone?

"The glaring insincerity of these sermons was not sufficient to compass the banishment of the fashion from the schools, and it is not sufficient today."


5 lines and have an AABBA rhyme scheme (lines 1, 2, and 5 rhyme with each other; lines 3 and 4 rhyme with each other).

What words does the search group find traced on the cave walls?


"I am sorry for him. I couldn't be angry with him if I tried." Why does Fred say this about his Uncle Scrooge? Why does he feel pity for Scrooge?

Because Scrooge has cut himself off from the people around him who could show him love

Where was the first place Scrooge went with the Ghost of Christmas Present?

Bob Cratchit's house

In Stave IV, after seeing the dead man's covered body, Scrooge says, "If there is any person in the town, who feels emotion caused by this man's death,...show that person to me...". Whom does the Spirit show to Scrooge?

Caroline and her husband (who owed money to Scrooge)

Individual vs. Individual

Characters in the novel struggling with another character or group of characters

Individual vs. Nature

Characters must battle for survival against nature (snowstorm, wild animals, etc.)

Individual vs. Technology

Characters struggle against some kind of technology

Individual vs. Society

Characters struggle against the values of society and do not conform to the expectations of their peer group(s)

Individual vs. Supernatural

Characters struggle with something in the spiritual or supernatural realm

Why are character choices important in good literature?

Choices reveal the characters' values, their priorities, and their true character.

When they leave the Cratchit house, the Spirit and Scrooge end up in a graveyard. Scrooge is told to look upon a tombstone. Whose name is written on it?

Ebenezer Scrooge

How does Scrooge's visit to his nephew affect Scrooge?

He becomes light of heart.

How does Tom bypass whitewashing the fence for Aunt Polly (Chapter 2)?

He convinces other boys that they want to do it for him.

Scrooge is terrified at the possibilities of what his life may become and makes the following statement: "Men's courses will foreshadow certain ends, to which, if persevered in, they must lead...but if the courses be departed from, the ends will change. Say it is thus with what you show me!" According to Scrooge's statement, for what is he hoping?

He is hoping that he can receive forgiveness and be saved.

Aunt Polly is worried that Tom is not his normal rebellious self. What is upsetting him (found in Chapters 11-12)? Check all that apply.

He knows who really murdered Doctor Robinson. Becky Thatcher is ignoring him.

As Scrooge walks down the street on Christmas morning, he sees the men who came to his office looking for a donation for the poor. What does Scrooge do that surprises these men?

He offers a substantial donation.

Which joke does Scrooge play on Bob Cratchit the day after Christmas?

He pretends to be angry that Bob is late.

How does Tom "rescue" Becky Thatcher at school in Chapter 20?

He takes the blame for the teacher's torn book.

Whom does Tom encounter as he looks for a cave exit?

Injun Joe

When Scrooge went home for the night, what was unusual about his door knocker?

It appeared to have Marley's face in it.

Who does the town throw in jail for the murder of Doctor Robinson?

Muff Potter

In Chapter 8, Tom and his friends are playing a game based on which story?

Robin Hood

Some characters remain the same for the entire course of the story; they do not change their motivations or personalities either positively or negatively. This kind of character is called a ______ character.


what is the subject verb agreement

Subjects and verbs must AGREE with one another in number (singular or plural). Thus, if a subject is singular, its verb must also be singular; if a subject is plural, its verb must also be plural.

Second person POV

The narration is from the perspective of "you" "You walked back down the path, feeling rejected."

First person POV

The narrator is a character within the story "I walked back down the path, feeling rejected."

Third person objective POV

The narrator is an outside observer Only actions and words, no inner monologue "Sarah walked back down the path."

the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters in the story

The narrator writes from all characters' perspectives "Sarah walked back down the path, feeling rejected. James watched with a heavy heart from the door."

Third person limited POV

The narrator writes from one character's perspective "Sarah walked back down the path, feeling rejected."


The time and place of a story

The Ghost takes Scrooge to a pawn shop where unclaimed items are sold. What is happening in this shop that is so vile to Scrooge?

They are selling clothing and blankets that belonged to a dead man.

How do Tom, Huck, and Joe reveal to the town that they are still alive?

They attend their own funeral.

What was the relationship between Scrooge and Marley?

They were business partners.

Marley's ghost is portrayed in the film with the following elements from Dickens's novel EXCEPT ______________________________________________.

a transparent body

Which of the following events show the individual vs. nature form of conflict in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer? Choose all that apply.

Tom and Becky get lost in the caves. Tom, Huck, and Joe face a terrible storm.

Which is the main plot in Tom Sawyer?

Tom and Injun Joe

When the sugar bowl breaks, what does Aunt Polly wrongly assume (Chapter 3)?

Tom broke the bowl and Sid is innocent.

Who is Becky Thatcher?

Tom's crush

Huck Finn is a dynamic character.


In a novel, the point of view is like a lens on a camera. It changes how we see the story, how much we see, and how clearly we see it.


The climax is the part of the story where the conflict creates a turning point in the story.


what does either/nor/or have to do with the subject verb agreement

Whenever you see OR or NOR, be sure to check to see whether the subject closest to the verb is singular or plural!

On whom does Injun Joe try to take revenge before the Welshman stops him?

Widow Douglas

What prize does Tom win in Sunday school?

a Bible

Red Herring

a diversion intended to distract attention from the real clues

what is a phrase

a group of related words that does not have a subject and a verb.

what is a clause

a group of related words that has both a subject and a verb


a pattern of strong (stressed) and weak (unstressed) syllables

What happens in the town while Tom is sick with the measles in Chapter 22?

a religious revival

What is the "No. 2" to which Injun Joe refers and that Huck and Tom find in Chapter 28?

a room in an inn


a scene in a movie, novel, etc., set in a time earlier than the main story.


a short, pointed message that is placed on a gravestone to commemorate someone who has died

How does Tom behave toward Becky while they are lost in the cave?

caringly and selflessly

What is the theme of the story?

central message

How are colons used?

comes right before a list, can't come after verbs or after prepositions

How are semicolons used?

connect two simple sentences (independent clauses) without a coordinating conjunction


count, or "measure," the number of feet.

Which emotion is being displayed by those the Spirit shows to Scrooge immediately after he says, "If there is any person in the town, who feels emotion caused by this man's death...show that person to me"?

delight and relief

what is a fragment?

does not include a subject, complete verb, or a complete idea.

A ______ character does change during the course of the story, often as a result of an event or another character within the story.



each time this pattern is repeated


expresses something that is contrary to reality

Individual vs. individual, individual vs. nature, individual vs. technology, individual vs. society, and individual vs. supernatural are all what kind of conflict?

external conflicts

how are parenthesis used

extra info to a sentence--perhaps to explain a bit--without drawing too much attention to the extra info

At the end of Chapter 14, the boys are happy that they are hurting people back home, people who think they have drowned.


Injun Joe is a dynamic character.


Mood is the author's/narrator's attitude toward the events in the story.


The Ghost of Christmas Future, the third spirit, is depicted completely differently in the two genres (film and novel).


Twain is never critical of religious people and practices in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.


What big thing does Tom say he would do with his treasure spoil in Chapter 25?

get married


gives a command or makes a request.

Tom's inner conflict in the novel is between _______________________________________________.

his desire to care for others and his desire to be selfish

what catigorizes a run on sentence

includes sentence parts that are crammed together without the correct connecting word and/or punctuation


is a figure of speech that applies human characteristics to nonhuman objects.


is important because it tells when something took place.

Free verse

is poetry that breaks the rules: it does not have a regular rhyme scheme or a consistent rhythm/meter.


is something physical and real that represents an idea or theme.


is the repeated use of sounds, words, or ideas for effect and emphasis.


is the use of a word whose sound suggests its meaning.


is when the first letter (or sound) of nearby words is the same.

The Fair Play Mystery

it's written in a way that the audience has a "fair play" (fair chance) at solving the mystery alongside the detective!

The novel begins with ___________ death.

jacob marley

The storyline that stretches throughout the whole book and involves the main characters is called the __________.

main plot


makes a comparison without using "like" or "as." The meaning is implied by substituting a descriptive word or phrase for the literal term.

Belle states that a "golden" idol has replaced her in Scrooge's heart. What is this idol?


Scrooge visits his ____________, Fred, on Christmas Day.


After the visit from the third Ghost, Scrooge says, " I don't know what day of the month it is!...I don't know how long I've been among the Spirits." How long did it take the Ghosts to take Scrooge on his journey?

one night

Which scene was not included in the novel but added to the film?

poor homeless family in the sewer


recurring sounds at the end of the last word in two or more lines of poetry

How are commas used?

separate words, phrases, and clauses so that our ideas are communicated clearly.


something that could/can/will happen if something else happens.


states a fact

A "mini plot" that develops separately from the major storyline is called a _____________.



the author's/narrator's attitude or emotions

According to Marley, what SHOULD have been his focus in life?

the common welfare of mankind

The point of view in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is _______________________________.

third-person limited

Why is the Cratchit family so quiet and still when the Spirit takes Scrooge to see their tender emotions?

tiny tim died

Satire mocks something or someone ________________________________________________.

to expose and correct foolishness

As Scrooge leaves his house on Christmas morning, he notices the doorknocker again. Why do you think Dickens draws attention to this seemingly unimportant object?

to show how Scrooge's perspective on the little things has changed

In Chapters 14-16, when the boys run away on their pirate adventure, which character acts as the leader of the group?


Even when a scene seems like it does not fit with the rest of the novel, we can still find value in it.


Rising action is the part of the story that begins to build the conflict.


Scrooge's major internal struggle has been resolved by the end of the novel.


The setting and events of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer are inspired by Twain's upbringing in Hannibal, Missouri.


True or False: Tom helps the prisoner by passing "comforts" through the jail cell window.


What is a comma splice?

two independent clauses connected by only a comma


uses "like" or "as" to compare two things


uses descriptive language to paint a picture for the reader. Imagery appeals to the reader's senses: sight (the most common), smell, sound, taste, and touch.

According to Tom in Chapter 3, "work consists of" what?

whatever a body is obliged to do

what is the tense agreement?

you have to make sure the tence of the subject and verb match

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