Elbow & Radioulnar Joint

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Anterior Muscles

Biceps Brachii Brachialis Brachioradialis Pronator Teres


Brachialis is a pure elbow flexor because it pulls directly on the ____, which does not rotate

triceps brachii

___ __ is strongly activated during parallel bar dips, push ups (when hands are placed together), all resisted elbow extension exercises in upright and supine position, close grip bench pressing

long head

___ ___ of triceps is activated when maximal levels of resistance are encountered


___ movements performed against resistance strengthens the Biceps Brachii compound movements such as chin ups, lat pull downs and rowing motions require bicep brachii involvement when forearm is in supination

Hammer curls

____ ___ are an effective strengthening exercise for the brachioradialis

Elbow Joint

articulation of the distal humerus, proximal end of ulna and radius

Anterior Wrist Muscles

Pronator Quadratus

flexion extension

elbow joint movement patterns ____ ____

Triceps Brachii Long Head action

extension and adduction of the humers

Triceps Brachii action

extension of the elbow

eccentric contraction

if triceps brachii function is lost, elbow extension could still be achieved through ___ __ of elbow flexors

Triceps Brachii Long Head Origin

infraglenoid tubercle of scapula


is fully activated regardless of whether the forearm is supination, or pronation, or b/w

Pronator Quadratus

is most active when forearm pronation is occuring simultaneously with elbow extension

Anconeus Origin

lateral condyle of humerus

Supinator Origin

lateral epicondyle of humerus and adjacent posterior portion of the ulna

pronator quadratus

loosening a screw with a screwdriver with right hand involves the ___ ___

Pronator Teres Insertion

middle 1/3 of the lateral surface of radius

humerus ulna

most of the elbow motions involve movements between the the articular surfaces of the ___ and ___

Anconeus Insertion

olecranon process and upper 1/4 of posterior ulna

Triceps Brachii Insertion

olecranon process of the ulna

Brachioradialis Insertion

Styloid process of radius on lateral surface at distal end

Elbow joint

classified as ginglymus or hinge joint (moves in only one direction)

Brachialis Insertion

coronoid process of ulna

Brachialis Origin

distal 1/2 of humeral shaft

Pronator Quadratus Insertion

distal 1/4 of anterior radius

Pronator Quadratus Origin

distal 1/4 of anterior ulna

Triceps Brachii Medial Head Origin

distal 2/3 of the posterior surface of humerus

Brachioradialis Origin

distal 2/3 of the supracondylar (lateral condyloid) ridge of humerus

Pronator Teres Origin

distal medial condyloid ridge of humerus and medial side of proximal ulna

Pronator Teres Action

pronation of forearm and weak flexion of elbow

Pronator Quadratus Action

pronation of the forearm

ulnar nerve

provides sensory distribution to the medial aspect of hand and is susceptible to compression against the humerus during hard elbow contact

pronation supination

radioulnar movement patterns ___ ___


referred to as the workhorse of elbow flexion

Supinator Action

supination of the forearm

triceps brachii

the anconeus works with the ____ ___ to extend the elbow

synovial membrane

the anconeus's chief function is to pull the ___ __ of the elbow joint out of the way of advancing olecranon process during elbow extension

prime mover

the biceps brachii is a __ __ for supination, especially when elbow is flexed

2 joint

the biceps brachii is a ___ ___ muscle because both heads cross the elbow and shoulder joints


the biceps brachii is primarily an elbow flexor, most specifically when the forearm is in _____ (has to deal with line of pull)


the brachialis has the _____ cross-sectional size of all elbow flexors, and therefore has the greatest force generation potential


the brachioradialis is an elbow flexor but its most effective line of pull is with the forearm ____ between Pronation and supination i.e. thumbs up

anterior posterior radial collateral ulnar collateral

the capsule that encloses both radioulnar joints are lined by synovial membrane and are stengthened by these ligaments:

Biceps Brachii Short Head Origin

the coracoid process of the scapula


the distal end of radius is ____ than the distal end of ulna


the glenohumeral joints move in synergy to support _____ movements

Supinator Insertion

the lateral surface of the proximal radius just below the head

pronate supinate

the muscles that ____ and ____ the radioulnar joint have proximal attachments on the scapula, humerus, and ulna and distal attachment on radius

scapula humerus

the muscles that flex and extend elbow have proximal attachments on the ___ and ___ and distal attachments on ulna and radius

0 150

the optimal range of motion of the elbow joint is from ___ degreese of extension to ____ degrees of flexion


the pronator quadratus is the ____ pronator of the forearm the pronator teres only becomes involved during rapid or forceful pronation motions


the pronator teres is ___ than the pronator quadratus


the proximal end of ulna is ____ than the proximal end of radius

annular ligament

the radial head spins in the radial notch of the ulna and is supported by the ____ ____ at the proximal radioulnar joint


the radioulnar joint is classified as a ___ joint or pivot-type

Biceps Brachii Long Head Origin

the supraglenoid tubercle of scapula above the superior lip of the glenoid fossa

Biceps Brachii Insertion

tuberosity of the radius and bicipital aponeurosis

Triceps Brachii Lateral Head Origin

upper 1/2 of the posterior surface of humerus

Anconeus Action

weak extension of elbow

Posterior Muscles

Triceps Brachii Anconius Supinator

elbow flexion

a typical movement of the pronator teres is pronation occurring simultaneously with ____ ____ i.e. bringing back of hand toward face

prime movers

all 3 heads of triceps brachii are __ __ for elbow extension

Proximal radioulnar joint

an articulation of the radial head and radial notch of ulna

Distal Radioulnar joint

an articulation of the ulnar head and the ulnar notch of the radius


as elbow reaches _____,the olecranon process of ulna is received by olecranon fossa of humerus

speed power

brachioradialis's main contribution to elbow flexion is to add ___ or ___ to the movement

Biceps Brachii Action

flexion of elbow supination of forearm weak shoulder flexion

Brachialis Action

flexion of the elbow

Brachioradialis Action

flexion of the elbow with forearm in neutral position Pronation or Supination to neutral position

Radioulnar Joint

formed by radius and ulna classivied as a pivot joint

long head 2 joint

the __ __ of the triceps brachii passes b/w the teres major and teres minor and originates on the scapula making it a ___ ___ muscle

Lateral head

the ___ __ of the triceps are recruited at moderate to high levels of resistance

medial condyle

the ___ ___ of the humerus provides a shallow groove (cubital tunnel) to house and contain the ulnar nerve


the action of tightening a screw right handed involves the _____ it is also involved in throwing a curve ball in baseball, most specifically just before the ball is released

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