Elearning Quizzes Ch. 1 - 6

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in which of the following instances is training most likely needed? a. employees lack the knowledge and skill to perform a job, but the other factors are satisfactory. b. employees have the knowledge and skill to perform a job, but they have inadequate input. c. employees have the knowledge and skill to perform a job, but they lack feedback. d. employees have the knowledge and skill to perform a job, but the consequences are inadequate.


the final step of the strategic training and development process involves ______________. a. identifying measures or metrics b. creating concrete training and development activities c. identifying the business strategy d. choosing strategic training and development initiatives


which if the following statements best differentiates formative evaluation from summative evaluation? a. formative evaluation focuses on how to make a training program better, whereas summative evaluation helps to determine the extent to which trainees have changed after training. b. formative evaluation includes measuring the monetary benefits that a company receives from a training program, whereas summative evaluation measures beliefs and opinions of the trainees. c. formative evaluation mainly involves collective quantitative data, whereas summative evaluation involves collecting qualitative data. d. formative evaluation takes place on the completion of training, whereas summative evaluation takes place during program design and development.


which training outcome relates to trainees providing feedback about their satisfaction with a trainer? a. reactions b. behavior and skill-based c. cognitive d. results


Which of the following is true of the Instructional System Design (ISD) model? a. the model eliminates the need for trainers to use their own judgment. b. the model specifies an orderly, step-by-step approach to training design. c. the model is generally universally accepted. d. the model has no underlying assumptions.


_____ is a person's judgment about whether he or she can successfully learn new knowledge and skills. a. self-concept b. self-efficacy c. self-actualization d. self-esteem


_____ is an example of tactic knowledge. a. knowledge of definitions b. personal knowledge based on experience c. knowledge of formal processes d. knowledge of formulas


front-line supervisors are likely most concerned with which training outcomes? a. return on expectations (ROE) b. behavior and skill-based outcomes c. reactions d. cognitive outcomes


if a firm measures its sales volume before and after a training program, which outcomes is it focused on? a. reactions b. results c. return on investment (ROI) d. return on expectations (ROE)


which of the following is an example of human capital? a. patent b. work-related competence c. customer loyalty d. corporate culture


which of the following is not included in the ADDIE model? a. implementation b. engagement c. design and development d. analysis


A(n) ______ gets learners into the appropriate mental state for learning and allows them to understand the personal and work-related meaningfulness of course content. a. ice breaker b. application assignment c. concept map d. request for proposal


ROI analysis is best suited for training programs that are _______. a. inexpensive and have limited visibility b. attended by few employees c. significant financial investments d. one-time events


appropriate outcomes need to discriminate. This means that _____. a. tests given to employees before and after a training program should differ b. trainees should be asked to take a reliable test that includes items for which the meaning or interpretation change over time c. trainees' performance on the outcome should actually reflect true differences in performance d. different employees should be given different tests for measuring their performance on the same outcomes


in the needs assessment process, organizational analysis deals with identifying _____. a. employees' personal characteristics b. the employees who require training c. the training resources that are available d. the conditions under which tasks are performed


the _____ considers four different perspectives: customer, internal, innovation and learning, and financial. a. SWOT analysis b. BCG matrix c. balanced scorecard d. value chain analysis


which of the following instances call for training with an emphasis on far transfer? a. securing offices and buildings b. handling routine client questions c. creating a new product d. logging into computers and using software


which of the following is a major aid in communicating tactic knowledge? a. procedure document b. product formula c. discussion d. manual


which of the following is a major cause for loss of explicit and tactic knowledge? a. creating Cheif Information Officer (CIO) and Cheif Learning Officer (CLO) positions b. requiring employees to give presentations to other employees c. older employees retiring d. use of social networking


which of the following is true of needs assessments? a. the needs assessment process fails to provide info regarding the outcomes that should be collected to evaluate training effectiveness. b. upper and mid-level managers are excluded from getting involved in the needs assessment process. c. the role of the needs assessment is to determine if training is the appropriate solution. d. a company's decision regarding outsourcing its training is independent of needs assessments.


which of the following statements is true of closed skills? a. they require the trainee to adapt the general principles to fit a wide range of circumstances. b. the refer to training objectives that are linked to general learning principles. c. they refer to skills that are to be identically produced by the trainee on the job. d. they are more difficult to train than open skills.


_____ involves determining whether performance deficiencies result from lack of knowledge or skills. a. task analysis b. organizational analysis c. performance analysis d. person analysis


_____ relates to the learner's decision regarding what info to attend to, how to remember, and how to solve problems. a. attitude b. motor skill c. verbal information d. cognitive strategy


according to the _____, transfer will be maximized when the tasks, materials, equipment, and other characteristics of the learning environment are similar to those encountered in the work environment. a. information processing theory b. cognitive theory of transfer c. stimulus generalization approach d. theory of identical elements


if training emphasizes total group discussion with limited presentation and no small-group interaction, a _____ seating arrangement will be most effective. a. classroom-type b. horeshoe c. fan-type d. conference-type


trainee's self-efficacy level can be increased by ______. a. letting them know that the purpose of the training is to identify areas in which employees are incompetent b. providing limited info about the training program prior to the actual training c. convincing them training is important d. showing them the training success of their peers who are now in similar jobs


which of the following methods is inexpensive and allows the collection of data from a large number of individuals? a. focus group b. observation c. interview d. survey


adult learning theory says that adults use a subject-centered approach to learning. t or f


companies should generally avoid involving unions in retaining and productivity-improvement efforts. t or f


evaluation designs without pre-tests or comparison groups are most appropriate when companies are interested in determining how much change has occured in trainees. t or f


it is generally advisable to design training materials at a reading level that is slightly above trainees' ability in order to "stretch" them during training. t or f


talent management professionals typically focus on training as well as team building, conflict management, employment development, and change management. t or f


the stimulus generalization approach emphasizes near transfer of training. t or f


the traditional classroom-type seating arrangement is good for role-play exercises that involve trainees working in groups of two or three. t or f


training objectives should consist of a condition, a criterion, and a standard. t or f


a comparison group refers to a group of employees who participate in the evaluation study but do not attend the training program. t or f


task analysis should be undertaken only after the organizational analysis has determined that the company wants to devote time and money for training. t or f


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