Email Basics

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What are Program Costs known as?

Period Costs

What will not carry over when you clone something?

Period costs

What are the types of tokens?

Person Tokens Company Tokens System Tokens Trigger Tokens Campaign and Program Tokens My Tokens Member Tokens

What are Person Tokens?

Person tokens allow you to insert data from any field in the person's Marketo record—anything from first name to how you received their name.

What does a smart campaign do?

Tells Marketo what success is so it can report on it

What are Member Tokens

The most common use of member tokens is to insert unique URLs for webinar attendees

Before you send any email, it is important to segment your audience for which of the following reasons?

To identify who you don't want to target To target the audience with a message that is as relevant as possible

You're building a form for potential customers requesting a quote, which type of form would work best?

A multi-page form A multi-page form would work best for potential customers requesting a quote or for when qualifiers are needed before bringing your form filler to the next step

How are auto-response emails used

allow you to automatically send content to your audience based on a variety of actions immediately follow up an activity like submitting a form, or downloading a resource from your website potential customer if they exhibit certain behaviors on your website, like looking at your pricing page three times in one week confirm that someone has been added or removed from a mailing list

What are Trigger Tokens

allow you to record interesting moments in Marketo by listening for user behaviors

Using filters in a smart campaign

allow you to select users that meet specific criteria—signed up for a mailing list, have a specific job title, or are in a specific phase in the sales funnel. - Filters are used to select people in a list who meet certain criteria - Use a "past tense" verb such as clicked, opened, filled out - Filters are green

What are System Tokens?

allow you to access the system's current date and time, as well as provide universal email link functions like forward and unsubscribe.

How do picklists help you keep data clean?

allows you to restrict values to the list you provide

What is cloning and what can you clone in Marketo?

make an identical copy of something. - Emails - Landing pages - Forms - Reports - Programs

What are static forms?

never change and ask each visitor to complete the same set of fields every time they view the form

What is Gated Content

online assets that require a user to fill out form (the gate) before they can access them

What is hint text on forms?

or placeholder text that lives inside the field use hint text sparingly!

What is a landing page?

pages where visitors land after they click an email link or online ad. They direct the visitor to take further action, like complete a form, or share with others

Marketo can automatically calculate the ROI for members, new leads, and program successes if you include what in your event program build?

period costs

What is Email deliverability?

refers to how an email reaches your customer's inbox

What are Email programs best used for?

typical batch 'n blast emails, newsletters Use criteria: When you are sending out a single email once to a group of leads at a specific date and time

What are smart lists?

dynamic lists that pull lead information from the database in real time They allow you to find specific groups of people using simple filters. A person can be in more than one smart list at the same time.

Duplicate records can be created by

A manual entry, CRM sync, or API sync creation of a duplicate record is possible

What is a smart campaign?

Automated logic that run your program

Email A/B testing allows you to set winner criteria except for?

Industry Segment

What are the types of forms?

Static Forms Progressive Forms Multi-page Forms

What can you A/B test on an email?

Subject Line Whole Email From Address Date/Time

What is the purpose of gating content?

- Add value to the content you're gating - Track a prospect's visits to our website - Help generate sales leads - Help filter out people who are just browsing with no intent to buy

What are Channels in Marketo?

- Are a required selection for every new program - Used to report on how your members moved through your program

Why use an Email Performance report instead of just using the Email Dashboard?

- Collect number of pending emails - Get information about hard and soft bounces - Collect multiple emails' statistics into a single report

What are the best Practices for Form Building?

- Consider whether to pre-fill form fields. - Determine how many forms you need. - Plan what follow-up page will be displayed after a form is submitted. - Decide how many fields to use.

What are the steps in building an email program?

- Determine when you want to send the email - Define your message and create a compelling email - Identify your audience - Approve the email send program

What can forms be used for?

- Downloadable content - Video Content - Monthly Newsletter - Product Demo

What are the different channels in Marketo?

- Email program channels - email sends, newsletter - Engagement program channels - nurture - Event program channels - live event, trade show, webinar - Default program channel - email blasts, list imports, online advertising, operational, web content, web form

What are the benefits of using gated content in your content marketing strategy?

- Generate sales leads - Differentiate between buyers and browsers - Learn more about your prospects

What are the Key Parts of a Landing Page

- Headline - first thing visitors see, clear relevent and catchy - Hero shot - banner image - Body text - promote service - CTA - encourage visitor to take an action - Signs of Trust/Credibility - Privacy policy T&Cs

What questions can help you determine what content should be gated?

- How will you use the information you collect? - Is the content valuable enough for a visitor to provide their information to access it? - What information will you require to ungate the content? - Is the content available elsewhere ungated?

What are Best Practices for running live events

- Identify target audience and purpose - Deliver value from first contact - Manage Costs

How do you determine which content to gate?

- Is the content valuable enough for a visitor to provide their information - Is the content available somewhere else ungated? - What information do you require to ungate the content - How do you plan to use the information you gather?

What are some best practices when performing an A/B test?

- Only test one variable at a time - Test as big as sample as possible for better stats - Run test at the same time and same time of the week - Allow enough time to run before declaring a winner (min 24hours)

When building a Live Event Program in Marketo you should update smart campaigns that do the following...

- Send out an email invite - Process registrations as they come in, setting peoples' status to "registered" - Send an invite reminder to people who were invited to the event, but who haven't yet registered. - Send a reminder to attend the event to people who registered

What is in a Landing Page Performance Report?

- Set up tab - where you'll refine your report by date or other filters - Conversions - the number of times a form was filled out. - Conversion % - Conversions / Total views - Subscriptions tab - you can send reports to any emails you like on a recurring basis - New Names - The number of people completing the form who are new contacts

What are some ways the webinar event program is different than the live event program?

- webinar program has an additional landing page for the on-demand recording - The webinar program has a dedicated webinar channel in Marketo - The webinar program has an additional smart campaign that tracks users who watch the webinar after the event.

What is the minimum duration of time needed between the time the test was sent and when the winning email will be sent?

4 hours

What are some of the processes that take place in a typical webinar program structure?

A confirmation email is sent to people after they register for your webinar. An email invitation is sent to your existing customers. A reminder email is sent to anyone who received the original invitation, but has not yet registered. A follow-up email is sent to those people who did or didn't attend.

You can use smart campaigns for what processes?

Automate the marketing activities for your webinar Manage the program status of your audience Follow up with those who attended the webinar

What is a required step when building your own event program?

Add period costs

What is not a step in creating content for your promo page?

Add your logo

What happens when you approve a landing page in Marketo?

Any activity on the page is tracked by Marketo. It is live and can be accessed by its URL. It can be a target for smart campaign activity. It can be used in a program.

Marketo Program has these (2) elements to make your marketing initiative work

Assets and Campaigns

What information can smart lists use to identify your target audience?

Behavioral - Web page visits, Form completions, Email opens Demographic - Region, Population, density, Age, Income, Status, Job Title, Role, Industry.

What are some common email metrics to watch when measuring your email deliverability data?

Bounces Clicks Opens Email delivery rate

What are the steps for setting up a gated content program in Marketo?

Choose Default Program - in web content channel Then create landing page (Form and thank you) Create email with link to gated content 2 smart campaigns (one to send out email, one change their program status)

What is not an example of a CTA or Call to Action?

Clear All

What are the five different methods by which known people can enter your Marketo database?

CRM Sync List imports Forms Manually API

After reviewing and approving the thank you page, what do you do next?

Clone the thank you page

Which Marketo feature makes setting up monthly or quarterly newsletters quicker and more consistent?


What are Company tokens?

Company tokens contain information about the company record, like address, annual revenue, industry, or other information.

Landing page Content should...

Define the problem Talk about the solution Deliver what you promised

What are Global Assets?

Design Studio Available to use on all program in Marketo

What are Clean Opt-in Methodologies

Don't buy or rent email addresses Use confirmed double or single opt-in Make it easy for people to update their preferences or unsubscribe Manage bounces, complaints, and unsubscribes Monitor bogus emails

What are Free-form landing pages?

Drag and drop whatever content you want, wherever you want to place it. Best used when you don't have a lot of time or technical resources at your disposal.

You can customize the content of your newsletter based on the individual recipient by using which feature?

Dynamic content

Which program type should you use to send a scheduled monthly newsletter?


What are better uses of field labeling?

Email and phone numbers can be personal or work-related - take the extra time to clarify and you'll receive better data

What are reason the email did not get sent or was a hard bounce?

Email invalid - email address doesn't exist Spam block - considers email is spam Technical - issue between sender and recipient

What are the four types of programs in Marketo?

Email, Event, Engagement, Default

What is a soft bounce?

Emails are returned to sender because the mailbox is either full or temporarily unavailable.

What should be included as a best practice when naming your email program?

For best practices, use a year and month followed by the Channel or Campaign Type, then Offer or Content Name

What useful ways to can you use to provide additional information in the form itself?

Form instructions Hint text

What are some main reasons to use webinars in your marketing strategy?

Generates interest in your products or services Convenient Boosts pipeline performance Inexpensive

People usually read what 3 things on a landing page

Headline Bullets Bio

What are Event programs best used for?

Helps you coordinate, facilitate and track your live and online events. Use criteria: When you are asking people to attend an event at a specific date and time

What can Email Deliverability impact?

Improving your email deliverability can have a big impact on revenue Successful email deliverability depends on a combination of best practices, email authentication, and reputation Learning how to optimize your email deliverability will help better engage your customers It's the single most critical factor to the success of your email campaigns

The call to action in an email can be created as what?

Image, Text, CTA button

What is a best practices when adding period costs to your program?

Include period costs even if it is zero

What are the three main communication phases in the event program?

Invites Reminders Follow-up emails

What do you use when connecting Marketo to your webinar provider?

LaunchPoint Partner (now called Adobe Exchange)

Using triggers in a smart campaign

Listen for audience activity like when someone visits a web page, opens an email, etc. - Triggers are used to react to audience actions in real-time - Use a "present tense" verb (clicks, opens, fills out) - Triggers are orange

What are Local Assets?

Marketing Activities These are intended for use in a specific program

What is a non-operational email

Marketing emails (promote your product, service, or brand) Must contain unsubscribe link Will not go out to unsubscribed leads

What is "de-duping" a record?

Marketo uses the email address field to detect an existing record for that person, and then updates the existing record with any new information

What are My Tokens

My Tokens are defined within a program, and are specific to it. They're editable within the program itself

What type of content do you usually gate?

Often includes whitepapers, eBooks, product demos, webinars, coupons, or instruction manuals

To help maintain clean data entry in forms you can use....


What are some ways you can measure the impact of your event?

Pipeline generated Opportunities created Opportunities won/loss

How can you be compliant with email regulations?

Practice clean opt-in methods for building your database Get your customer's permission to send emails to them Send your customers only content they signed up for

What are Guided landing pages?

Predefined layout/structure driven by the template. Only regions or variables defined as editable in the template can be customized in the editor. Code changes required to modify layout and add additional assets. Best used if you've coded or purchased responsive templates or wish to modify a pre-built Marketo template.

Live events might have costs that extend over two or more months. What's the correct way to record these costs in Marketo?

Record each month's costs in separate period cost entries it's better to track all costs in the month the event occurs rather than when costs are incurred.

Entering period costs in your program allows you to gather insights on your program's ROI. What should not be recorded as a period cost?

Salaries of marketing team members

What can you see on the Email performance dashboard?

See bounce and click rates Email metrics - email deliverability rate, bounce, click rates, open, what is risk of hitting Engagement data

What ways could use triggers to react to user behavior?

Send a notification to sales when a customer requests information Send email when user completes form

What do you need to create to measure the success of a program?

Smart Campaign to define success

What ways can you define the audience for your email?

Smart lists, imported list

What are the Types of Email Deliverability Issues?

Soft bounce Hard bounce Email invalid Spam block

What are Campaigns in Marketo?

The automation that tells Marketo who the audience is, when to send them the assets, and what other actions to do when the audience interacts with them.

What are Assets in Marketo?

The emails, landing pages, forms and other types of content people interact with in your marketing initiatives

What is a spam block?

The receiving inbox considers the email as unsolicited or inappropriate.

The deliverability of an email is affected by factors like:

The type of content in your email The quality of your database Spam filters and client-side filters Authentication and infrastructure Subscriber engagement Junk folders

What are some ways the webinar event program is different than the live event program?

The webinar program has an additional landing page for the on-demand recording The webinar program has a dedicated webinar channel in Marketo. The webinar program has an additional smart campaign that tracks users who watch the webinar after the event.

What reasons would your company want to host an event?

To build brand awareness To generate new names To engage with prospects and existing customers

What Marketo feature can you use to personalize your newsletter's subject line?


Tokens make it simple to update an entire program by editing a few fields in Marketo. What is true about tokens?

Tokens can be used in landing pages, emails, and smart campaigns

What ways can you personalize content?

Tokens, dynamic content

What offline events could benefit from an event program?

Trade shows Conferences Seminars

What is an operational email?

Transactional emails (sent to people because they purchased, filled out form, etc.) No unsubscribe link Will go out to unsubscribed leads

What can be changed on a form to better fit your brand?

Typeface Theme

How do you track the success of your newsletter program?

Use a Smart Campaign to update members' program status Review the Program Performance report

What is a recommended best practice for using forms?

Use progressive profiling to accumulate information about a lead over time

What are examples of email deliverability steps for success?

Use responsible methods to build your lists Manage your complaint rate Create engaging content

When importing the list of trade show attendees to your Marketo event program, what should you set your program member status too?

Visited booth

What is a spam block?

What happens when the receiving inbox considers the email as unsolicited or inappropriate.

What do smart campaigns define?

Who will qualify for your program What actions Marketo will take When the campaign is active

What is a hard bounce?

Your email was permanently undeliverable and no further attempts could be made.

What are tokens?

a variable that pulls in an actual data value from a person's record, such as their first name, when an email is sent.

What is A/B testing?

a way of determining which of two different emails—or elements in an email—is more effective and performs to your expected goals.

What are form insrutctions?

are tooltips that appear when a person hovers their mouse over the field Use only when needed to explain why information is required, or provide important information, like a link to your Terms and Conditions

What are Progressive Forms?

ask for additional information each time a visitor completes one. The form always presents the same number of fields, but the fields change so that over time you can build up a complete profile of your visitors.

Marketo will let you approve the email if what is already completed?

audience, email, and schedule are already complete.

Why are newsletter an effective way to communicate?

because they are cost effective way to share information with customers and stay top of mind

What is email Delivery?

describes how an email reaches someone's inbox. In technical terms, it's the measurement of your email rate of acceptance at the gateway of your subscribers

What is email Deliverability?

describes where an email lands after it's been accepted by the recipient's server. In technical terms, it's the rate of email delivered to your subscribers inbox rather than the spam, bulk, or junk folder.

What is progressive profiling?

fill in user info based on information collected from different forms at different times Forms are updated based on what info is missing in that leads profile Tell marketo how many fields to show lead and in what order

How Often Should You Check Performance of your tests?

generally three times to review the performance of any email marketing program - Immediately: Did you get the responses you expected? - 2-4 months: Did your program generate any opportunities? - Periodically: You will likely be getting successes and opportunities far past the date of your initial program deployment.

Multi-page Forms

have multiple questions that are broken up over one or more pages. An example use case would be when providing a trial license--on the first page the visitor creates their username and password, and on the second page they provide name, company, email address

What is Email deliverability is determined by?

sender reputation engagement bounce rates complaint rates

What are Engagement programs best used for?

to execute a long-term lead nurturing strategy, nurture programs Use criteria: When you want to nurture your leads at a set periodic schedule

What are Default programs best used for?

used to build out initiatives focused on web promotions, web content, list purchases, online advertising, and social media Use criteria: When your initiative does not meet the criteria for an event, engagement, or email program

What is Dynamic Content?

used to customize how different people see the same email based on the marketing segment to which they belong.

When should you use a Marketo default program?

used when the Email, Event, and Nurture programs aren't a good fit, like for non-digital marketing efforts, tracking internal initiatives, or web-based promotions like our gated content.

What do you do in the Flow Tab

you'll change the program status of the person to Registered and send the registration confirmation email

What do you do in the Smart List Tab

you'll use the Fills Out Form trigger, and set it up so that a person who filled out any form on your registration landing page will move on to the Flow step.

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