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Sympathy vs Empathy, The Gasp and Awe, The Mighty Fall, The Block and Tackle, The Boots and Shovel, If You Think Thats Bad, I Can Fix That

What are the 7 common empathy misses?

problem solving, me, experience

"I Can Fix That" is the empathy miss where my friend immediately jumps to ____ ____ rather than just being with ____ in my ____ .

connection, one up

"If You Think That's Bad" is the empathy miss where my friend confuses "____" with the opportunity to ____ ____ me.

bad for, feel with, more alone, connected

Sympathy is I feel ____ ____ you. Empathy is I ____ ____ you. Sympathy can make us feel ____ ____ . Empathy helps us feel ____ .

sympathy, empathy

Sympathy vs. Empathy is the empathy miss where the friend responds with ____ instead of ____

doesn't require, same situation, antidote, empathy

Empathy ____ ____ that we've experienced the ____ ____ that they are going through. Empathy is the ____ to shame. Shame can't survive ____ .

connecting, people, alone, struggle

Empathy is ____ with ____ so we know that we're not ____ when we're in ____ .

connect, emotion, experiencing, situation

Empathy is a way to ____ to the ____ another person is ____ , not the ____

grateful, shared, you

Let people know that you are ____ they ____ with ____ .

acknowledge, feelings, ask, support look like, person, struggle, opportunity, say

One helpful empathic reply is to ____ the ____ and ____ , "What does ____ ____ ____?" This gives the ____ in ____ the ____ to ____ , "Just listening helps" or "Can you help me figure this out?"

fix it, feel better, connecting, listening

Responding with empathy does not mean you need to ____ ____ or make people ____ ____ . Just ____ and ____ is powerful.

exaggerating, that bad, rock, perfect, loves you

Someone responding with the Boots and Shovel empathy miss might say "You're ____ . It wasn't ____ ___ . You ____ . You're ____ . Everyone ____ ____"

uncomfortable, vulnerability, criticize

The Block and Tackle is the empathy miss when my friend is so ____ with ____ that they ____ me

feel better, unable, connect, emotions

The Boots and Shovel is the empathy miss where my friend is trying so hard to make me ____ ____ that they're ____ to ____ with my ____

making it better, discomfort, acknowledge, terrible choices

The Boots and Shovel is the empathy miss where my friend who is all about ____ ____ ____ and, out of their own ____ , refuses to ____ that I can actually make ____ ____

shame for you, gasp, horrified, should

The Gasp & Awe is the empathy miss where the friend hears your story and feels ____ ____ ____ . They may ____ and tell you how ____ you ____ be.

you, perfect, let down, imperfections, disappointed, actions

The Mighty Fall is the empathy miss when your friend sees ____ as ____ therefore they are so ____ ____ by your ____ they become ____ in your ____ .

feeling, you, feel, same situation

To respond with empathy, try to understand how the person is ____ and not how ____ might ____ in the ____ ____ .

different, own, differ, situation

When it comes to empathy, we all have ____ needs and even our ____ needs may ____ depending on the ____ .

kind, curious

When practicing empathy it is important to be ____ and ____ .

not alone, feelings, never, experience, feeling

When responding with empathy, help people know that they are ____ ____ in their ____ . Even if you've ____ had that ____ , you might know the ____ .

sharing hard, look away, hard

When someone is ____ ____ feelings with me they might prefer I ____ ____ a little so it doesn't feel so ____ .

sharing hard, say something, standing there alone

When someone is ____ ____ feelings with me they might prefer I ____ ____ so they are not just ____ ____ ____ .

sharing hard, give, hug

When someone is ____ ____ feelings with me they might prefer I ____ them a ____ .

sharing hard, give, space

When someone is ____ ____ feelings with me they might prefer I ____ them some ____ .

sharing hard, listen, stay quiet

When someone is ____ ____ feelings with me they might prefer I just ____ and ____ ____ .

sharing hard, look right

When someone is ____ ____ feelings with me they might prefer me to ____ ____ at them.

make, feel better, asking, what I need

When someone responds to my story with the Gasp & Awe I feel the need to ____ them ____ ____ rather than them ____ for ____ ____ ____.

never expected, you

When someone responds with the Mighty Fall empathy miss they might say "I ____ ____ that from ____"

think you, didn't, well

When someone responds with the Mighty Fall empathy miss they might say "I didn't ____ ____ would ever be someone who ____ do ____"

most, struggle, often, help solving

____ of us ____ with the "I Can Fix That" empathy miss, especially if friends ____ come to us for ____ ____ problems.

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