EMT: Chapter 39 [incident management]

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Level ___ hazardous materials would cause irritation on contact but only mild residual injury, even without treatment.


Which of the following patients should be assigned an immediate (red tag) category?

22-year-old male with blunt abdominal trauma, tachycardia, pallor, and diaphoresis

In preparing for a disaster, EMS systems should have enough supplies for at least a ____ period of self-sufficiency.


The JumpSTART triage system is intended to be used for children younger than _____ years or who appear to weigh less than _____.

8, 100 lbs

You are triaging four patients who were involved in a head-on motor vehicle crash. Which of the following patients should be assigned the highest (red) triage category?

a 49-year-old female with diabetes and difficulty breathing (NOT pulseless pt, pt with back pain and numb extremities, pt with closed femur deformities)

Which of the following is probably NOT a mass-casualty incident?

a MVC with two critically injured pts and two ambulances

Interoperability, an important feature of the NIMS, refers to the ability of:

agencies of different types or from different jurisdictions to communicate with each other

Which of the following MOST accurately describes a mass casualty incident?

an incident that greatly taxes or depletes a system's available resources

clues that you may be dealing with a hazardous material include all of the following EXCEPT:

animals on the scene (IS: dead grass, discolored pavement, visible vapors/puddles)

which of the following definitions of MCI is correct?

any call that involves three or more pts

According to the JumpSTART triage system, if a pediatric patient has a respiratory rate of 40 breaths/min, you should:

assess for a distal pulse

You and your partner arrive at the scene where a truck has crashed into a small building, injuring eight people. You immediately request additional ambulances and begin the triage process. The first patient that you triage is a young female who is unconscious and apneic. She has an open head injury and her pulse is weak and thready. You should:

assign her a low priority and continue triaging

While triaging patients at the scene of a building collapse, you encounter a young child who is conscious, alert , and breathing; his bilateral radial pulses; and has points to his severely angulated leg, which is not bleeding. According to the JumpSTART triage system, you should:

assign him a delayed (yellow) category and continue triaging the other pts

When a rehabilitation area is established at the scene of a mass casualty incident, it should:

be in a location that prevents visualization of the scene itself

Following proper decontamination, a 30 year old male is brought to you. He is semiconscious and has rapid, shallow respirations. A quick visual assessment reveals no obvious bleeding. You should:

begin some sort of positive-pressure ventilation

minimal pts are the third priority and are identified using the color:


pts who are dead or whose injuries are so severe that they have, at best, a minimal chance of survival, are categorized as what color?


rail tank cars, intermodal tanks, and highway cargo tanks are all considered:

bulk storage containers

Upon arriving at the scene of a possible hazardous materials (HazMat) incident involving several patients, you should:

carefully assess the situation

once you have performed a good scene size-up, ____________________ should be established by the most senior officer.


Historically, the weak point at most major incidents has been:


A carboy is a container that would MOST likely be used to store and transport:


A 49-year-old man has been removed from his overturned tanker, which was carrying a hazardous material. The tank ruptured and he was exposed to the material. When rescue personnel bring him to the decontamination area, they note that he is unconscious and has slow, shallow breathing. They should:

cut away all of the pt's clothing and do a rapid rinse to remove as much of the contaminating matter as they can

You and your partner are the first to arrive at the scene of a motor vehicle accident. As you approach the scene, you can see multiple patients, some walking and others who are still in their vehicles. You should:

declare a multiple-casualty incident and request additional resources

The process of removing or neutralizing and properly disposing of a hazardous material is called:


Which of the following activities occurs in the warm zone?


Which of the following is NOT a common role of the EMT at the scene of a HazMat incident?


During a motor vehicle collision involving multiple patients, the incident commander would MOST likely:

designate a safety officer, but retain other command functions

soap flakes, sodium hydroxide pellets, and food-grade materials are sometimes found in:


The purpose of the incident command system (ICS) is to:

ensure responder and public safety, achieve incident management goals, and ensure the effective use of resources

the primary duty of the triage division is to:

ensure that every pt receives an initial assessment

As the first-arriving senior EMT at the scene of an incident, you should perform a scene size-up and then:

establish command

You are approaching an overturned tanker truck to assess the driver, who appears to be unconscious. As you get closer to the vehicle, you note the smell of noxious fumes and find that you are in the midst of a vapor cloud. What should you do?

exit the area immediately and gather information for the HazMat team

Which of the following duties or responsibilities does NOT fall within the realm of the medical branch of the ICS?


which of the following statements regarding MSDS is FALSE?

facilities are no longer required by law to have an MSDS on file for each chemical used (DO: provide basic information about chemical makeup, list potential hazards of substance, list appropriate first aid in case of an exposure)

triaged pts are primarily divided into how many categories?


Injuries or conditions that would be classified as first priority (red tag; immediate) include all of the following, EXCEPT:

fractures of multiple long bones

The term used when individual units or different organizations make independent and often inefficient decisions regarding an incident is called:


which of the following is NOT a part of NIMS standardization?

funding (IS part: personnel training, resource classification, terminology)

Placards and labels on a storage container are intended to:

give a general idea of the hazard inside that particular container

in the incident command system (ICS), organizational divisions may include sections, branches, divisions and:

groups (NOT teams, platoons, squads)

A supervisor who has more than seven people reporting to him or her:

has exceeded an effective span of control and should divide tasks and delegate the supervision of some tasks to another person

which of the following is NOT a sign of stress a rehabilitation supervisor is responsible for recognizing?


Which of the following questions is of LEAST pertinence when the EMT is determining whether or not to declare a mass-casualty incident and activate the ICS?

how many paramedics are able to respond to the scene and provide advanced care?

Which of the following statements regarding communications at a disaster or mass-casualty incident is correct?

if possible, use face-to-face communications to minimize radio traffic

a pediatric pt who is breathing 12 breaths/min would be categorized as:


when using the START triage system, a pt who is breathing faster than 30 breaths/min is triaged as:


Which of the following statements regarding transport of patients from a multiple-casualty incident or disaster site is correct?

immediate-priority pts should be transported two at a time

According to the JumpSTART triage system, if a pediatric patient is not breathing, you should:

immediately check for a pulse

Which of the following statements regarding storage containers and hazardous materials is correct?

in most cases, there is no correlation between the color of the container and the possible contents

which of the following is considered a priority when determining "what needs to be done" during the scene size-up?

incident stabilization (NOT rescue operations, notifying hospitals, or establishing operations)

In order to accomplish the goal of primary triage, it is important to:

keep the triage assessment brief and pt categories basic

nonencapsulated protective clothing, eye protection, and a breathing device that contains an air supply fall into what level of PPE?

level B

Your work uniform is an example of what level of protection?

level D protection

major incidents require the involvement and coordination of all of the following EXCEPT:

local and national media

facilities, food, lighting, and medical equipment are the responsibility of:

logistics section

which of the following is NOT considered a function of the finance section in the ICS?

logistics unit

some materials are so hazardous that shipping any amount of them requires a placard. which of the following is NOT considered to be one of those hazards?

low-level radioactive substances (IS: poison gases, water-reactive solids, explosives)

control zones at hazmat incidents are labeled as all of the following except:

lukewarm (ARE: cold, warm, hot)

General principles for approaching a potential HazMat incident include:

maintaining a safe distance and viewing the scene with binoculars

"if you can hear my voice and are able to walk..." is said to immediately identify pts categorized as:


you are at the scene on a hazardous materials incident when your partner slips and falls, injuring his leg. he is alert and responds appropriately to your questions. his respirations are 20 breaths/min, and he has a radial pulse. what triage category does your partner fall into?


The FIRST step in the START triage system is to:

move all walking pts to a designated area

As a triage supervisor, you:

must not begin treatment until all pts have been triaged

Unlike a mass-casualty incident, a natural disaster:

often requires personnel to remain on scene for several days

According to the START triage system, what should you do if you encounter an unresponsive patient who is not breathing?

open the airway and reassess breathing status

At a very large incident, the _____ section is responsible for managing the tactical operations usually handled by the IC on routine EMS calls.


The development of an incident action plan is the responsibility of the:

planning section

Which of the following statements regarding the unified command system is correct?

plans are drawn up in advance by all cooperating agencies that assume a shared responsibility for decision making

which of the following statements regarding the function of the public information officer is TRUE?

positions headquarters away from the incident

The function of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) is to:

prepare for, prevent, respond to, and recover from domestic incidents

Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of the treatment supervisor?

primary assessment

38. A tour bus has overturned, resulting in numerous patients. When you arrive, you are immediately assigned to assist in the triage process. Patient 1 is a middle-aged male with respiratory distress, chest pain, and a closed deformity to his right forearm. Patient 2 is a young female who is conscious and alert, but has bilateral femur fractures and numerous abrasions to her arms and face. Patient 3 is an older woman who complains of abdominal pain and has a history of cardiovascular disease. Patient 4 is unresponsive, is not breathing, has a weak carotid pulse, and has a grossly deformed skull. What triage categories should you assign to these patients?

pt 1 - immediate (red) pt 2 - delayed (yellow) pt 3 - immediate (red) pt 4 - expectant (black)

immediate pts would be identified by using the color:


If an incident increases in scope and complexity, the IC should consider:

reliquishing command to someone with more experience

You have a critically injured patient in the back of your ambulance, ready to be transported. There are other injured patients at the scene and it will be approximately 10 minutes before other ambulances will arrive. Law enforcement personnel are at the scene. You should:

remain at the scene until at least one ambulance arrives

During a HazMat incident, you are working in the treatment area. As patients are removed from the danger zone, you should:

remain where you are and have the pts brought to you

A Level 4 hazardous material:

requires specialized gear designed for protection against that particular hazard

When victims involved in a mass-casualty incident are moved to the treatment area:

secondary triage is performed and the appropriate treatment is rendered

According to the JumpSTART triage system, infants or children not developed enough to walk or follow commands, including children with special needs:

should be taken to the treatment area for immediate secondary triage

Which of your senses can be safely used to identify a HazMat incident?

sight and sound

the US Department of Transportation uses all of the following for hazardous identification EXCEPT:

signals (USES: placards, labels, markings)

Which of the following statements regarding hazardous materials is correct?

some substances are not hazardous by themselves, but become toxic when mixed with another chemical

The ____ area is where incoming ambulances meet and await further instructions at the scene of a mass casualty incident.


A critical function of the safety officer is to:

stop an emergency operation whenever a rescuer is in danger

You are triaging patients at the scene of a multiple vehicle crash when you encounter a young male who is unresponsive and is not breathing. After you open his airway, he begins to breathe at a rapid rate. According to the START triage system, you should:

tag him as immediate (red), place him in the recovery position, and move to the next pt

After recognizing that an incident involves a hazardous material, you should contact the hazardous materials team and then:

take measures to ensure the safety of yourself and others

The reference used as a base for your initial actions at a HazMat incident is:

the Emergency Response Guidebook

After primary triage, the triage supervisor should communicate all of the following info to the medical branch officer, EXCEPT:

the recommended transport destination for each pt

A patient in respiratory arrest at the scene of a mass-casualty incident would typically be classified as a fourth priority (black tag; expectant) patient, unless:

there are enough resources to provide care for him/her

The _______ supervisor is responsible for notifying area hospitals and determining their availability and capabilities.


documenting and tracking of transporting vehicles, transported pts, and facility destinations is the responsibility of the:

transportation supervisor

Command functions under the ICS include all of the following, EXCEPT:

triage officer

According to the START triage system, which of the following patients should be triaged as an immediate priority (red tag)?

unresponsive with a respiratory rate of 34 breaths/min

The MOST appropriate location to park your ambulance at a HazMat incident is:

upwind at least 100 ft from the incident

Which of the following chemicals requires identification with a placard, regardless of how many pounds the shipment weighs?

water-reactive solids

what is one of the three main questions used during the scene size-up at a potential MCI?

what resources do I need?

A patient who has experienced a back injury, with or without spinal cord damage, would be triaged with a ___________ tag during a mass-casualty incident.


Burn patients without airway compromise and patients with multiple bone or joint injuries should be marked with a ______ triage at a mass-casualty incident.


delayed pts would be identified by using the color:


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