Energy Careers Education and Qualifications

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According to O*NET, what is the projected growth for this career (Electrical Powerline Installers & Repairers) between 2019 and 2029?

slower than average

According to O*NET, what are some common skills Petroleum Engineers need? Select four options.

speaking complex problem solving active listening reading comprehension

According to O*NET, what is the projected growth for this career (Loading Machine Operators) between 2019 and 2029?


According to O*NET, what is the most common level of education Petroleum Engineers earn?

bachelor's degree

According to O*NET, what are some common work styles Petroleum Engineers need? Select four options.

cooperation integrity analytical thinking dependability

According to O*NET, what are common work styles Heating and Air Conditioning Mechanics and Installers need? Select four options.

dependability integrity cooperation attention to detail

According to O*NET, what are some of the common tasks Air Conditioning Mechanics and Installers have to complete?

Testing electrical circuits or components for continuity, using electrical test equipment.

According to O*NET, what are common work styles Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers need? Select four options.

attention to detail self-control dependability leadership

According to O*NET, what is the projected growth for this career (Heating & Air Conditioning Mechanics & Installers) between 2019 and 2029?


According to O*NET, what is the projected growth for this career (Petroleum Engineers) between 2019 and 2029?


According to O*NET, what are common skills Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers need? Select three options.

active listening monitoring critical thinking

According to O*NET, what are common work styles Loading Machine Operators need? Select four options.

attention to detail leadership concern for others dependability

According to O*NET, what are the two most common levels of education Loading Machine Operators earn? Select two options.

high-school diploma or equivalent less than high-school diploma

According to O*NET, what are common skills Heating and Air Conditioning Mechanics and Installers need? Select four options.

installation troubleshooting equipment maintenance repairing

According to O*NET, how much preparation do Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers need?


According to O*NET, what are some common skills Loading Machine Operators need? Select two options.

operation and control operation monitoring

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