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Which letter represents the position at which the basketball has the greatest kinetic energy? Explain.

E because it was going the fastest and speed effects kinetic energy the most.

Law of Conservation of Energy

Energy cannot be created or destroyed

chemical energy

Energy stored in chemical bonds

nuclear energy

Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom

thermal energy

Heat energy

Is the potential energy of the pendulum increasing or decreasing at position E? Explain.

Increasing, because it is at the peak of the swing

If the pendulum is allowed to continue to swing, it will eventually come to a stop. Explain why.

It will come to a stop because of friction. The friction slows it down enough to eventually stop.

Energy is measured in units called




mechanical energy

Kinetic or potential energy associated with the motion or position of an object

Describe six different forms of energy.

Mechanical energy is energy associated with motion and position. Thermal energy is the total potential and kinetic energy of the particles in an object. Chemical energy is energy stored in chemical bonds that hold compounds together. Electrical energy is energy associated with moving charges, or electric current. Electromagnetic energy is the energy of radiation, including visible light and microwaves. Nuclear energy is stored in the nucleus of an atom.

Describe the energy of a bowling ball as it rolls toward and hits a bowling pin.

Mechanical energy is the energy the bowling ball and the pins have. The bowling ball does work on the pins as a result the pins fall over.

gravitational potential energy

Potential energy that depends on the height of an object

electrical energy

The energy of electric charges

How high must you lift a 25-newton book for it to have the same increase in potential energy as a 20-newton book that was lifted 0.5 m?

You would have to lift it to the same height so they fall at the same time at the same place.

An example of something that stores chemical energy is

a match

Which of the following has kinetic energy?

a rolling bowling ball

How would you calculate an object's mechanical energy?

add is kinetic and potential energies.

A baseball in play has its lowest gravitational potential energy

after it hits the ground

Energy is the ability to do work or cause


The breaking of _______ bonds in food releases energy for your body to use.


What type of energy transformation is taking place when natural gas is used to heat water?

chemical energy into thermal energy

The law of _______ of energy tells how much energy is present after electromagnetic energy changes to sound.


The law of ___________ states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.

conservation of energy

Energy can be neither destroyed nor


A stretched rubber band has ________ energy.

elastic potential

Electrical energy is the energy of _______

electric charges

Lightning is a form of ________ energy.


Fusion reactions in the Sun change nuclear energy into

electromagnetic energy

The ability to do work or cause change is called


kinetic energy

energy of motion

A change from one form of energy to another is called a(n)

energy transformation

A nuclear reaction in which the nuclei of atoms join together is called nuclear fission.


The kinetic energy of a book on a shelf is equal to the work done to lift the book to the shelf.


A mountain climber at the peak has _______ energy.

gravitational potential

Potential energy that depends on height is called

gravitational potential energy

A change in an object's speed has a ________ effect on its kinetic energy than a change in its mass.


The gravitational potential energy of an object is equal to its weight multiplied by its


As water runs over a waterfall, its potential energy is converted into ________ energy.


To find an object's mechanical energy, you add its

kinetic and potential energy

The ________ the temperature of an object, the lower its thermal energy.


A large truck and a small car are moving at the same speed. The truck has greater kinetic energy because its ____________ is greater.


Your body changes chemical energy into _______ energy when you walk up stairs.


What type of energy does a spinning turbine have?

mechanical energy

A form of energy NOT associated with the particles of objects is

mechanical energy.

Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom is called

nuclear energy

In a pendulum, a continuous change occurs between kinetic energy and

potential energy

The rate at which energy is transferred is called


Mechanical energy is associated with the motion, position, or ___________ of an object.


Potential energy results from the _______ or position of an object.


The kinetic energy of an object is equal to one half its mass multiplied by its speed


potential energy

stored energy

Nuclear fusion reactions occur in

the Sun


the ability to do work

elastic potential energy

the energy of stretched or compressed objects

To maintain your body temperature, your body converts chemical potential energy into ________ energy.


Whenever a moving object experiences friction, some of its kinetic energy is changed into _______ energy.


The total potential and kinetic energy of the particles of an object is the object's

thermal energy

Power is the rate at which energy is _____


When you do work on an object, some of your energy is ________ to that object.


When you use a match to light a candle, multiple ________ of energy occur.


All forms of energy can be __________ into other forms of energy.


A compressed spring has elastic potential energy.


In a machine, work output is less than work input because some energy is converted into thermal energy.


When work is done on an object, the object gains energy.


Electromagnetic energy travels through space in the form of


If the velocity of an object is doubled, its kinetic energy is multiplied by _______.


energy transformation

A change from one form of energy to another

Explain why a thrown football has both potential and kinetic energy. What is the combined energy called?

A football thrown has potential energy and kinetic energy because the kinetic energy is the ball moving and the potential energy is the ball about to hit the ground. The combined energy is called mechanical energy.

electromagnetic energy

A form of energy that travels through space as waves

Compare the sum of the kinetic and potential energies of the pendulum at position A to the sum at position C. (Ignore friction.)

A has no kinetic energy because it is not moving, but it has more potential energy. C is at the fastest point so it has more kinetic energy, but it has no potential energy.

Which letter represents the position at which the basketball has the greatest potential energy? Explain.

C because it is when the ball is furthest away from the ground.

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