ENG 112 Midterm

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A red herring diverts the audience away from the path of the real argument by changing the direction or claim.


A straw man ignores the opposition's actual position, substitutes it with a false position, and argues against the false position rather than the true opposing argument.


Appeal to ignorance attempts to support a statement by simply repeating the statement in different terms.

Logical Fallacies

Are errors in reasoning that are based on poor or faulty logic

author & page number

Citing a source (in text) requires the following information


Creating a paraphrase involves changing or omitting a few words from the original source and providing a parenthetical citation.

Straw Man

Identify the logical fallacy in this statement: "My opponent wants to legalize marijuana. Clearly she does not care about the poverty and misery that drug addiction causes."

Begging the question

Identify the logical fallacy in this statement: "You are wearing a Black Lives Matter t-shirt, so you must hate the police, because people who support Black Lives Matter hate the police."


If you have citations in the body of your paper, you do not not need them anywhere else in the essay.


Is the close examination of the individual components that make up a whole, and the relationship they have to each other and to the whole.


It is a good idea to have a broad thesis so you can talk about as many things as possible.

1. giving credit to a source 2. not plagiarizing 3. establish your credibility as a writer through your sources

Reasons to cite sources

Ad Populum

This fallacy occurs when the speaker claims that something is true because many people, or even a small elite group of people, believe something is true without sufficient evidence supporting its veracity.

Appeal to Ignorance

This fallacy occurs when you argue that your condition must be true, because there is no evidence against it. This fallacy wrongly shifts the burden of proof away from the one making the claim


This rhetorical appeal is established through a variety of factors, including status, awareness, professionalism, celebrity endorsement, research, etc


A false dilemma asserts that because two events occur closely in time, one event must have caused the other.


A paraphrase uses an author's idea, but expresses it in your own words - without quotation marks, since it's no longer a word-for-word quotation.

a statement that can be argued

A thesis should be ________.

At the end of the introductory paragraph.

A thesis statement is typically found...


According to MLA style, On a Works Cited page, if there is no author, you begin the citation with the title.

Ad Populum

An unwarranted generalization is when an argument is based on too little evidence.


An unwarranted generalization is when an argument is based on too little evidence.

ideal audience

Author A writes a young adult fantasy novel for African American girls. The African American girls are Author A's __________________________.

Chia, Chee W. et al. "Chronic Low-Calorie Sweetener Use and Risk of Abdominal Obesity among Older Adults: A Cohort Study." PLoS ONE, vol. 11, no. 11, 23 Nov 2016, PLOS.org, dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0167241. Accessed 9 Jan 2020.

Choose the correct MLA citation for this source. A recent long-range study of the effects of using low-calorie sugar substitutes had some surprising results that could result in a major re-thinking of how to manage diets to avoid the growing obesity problems world-wide. According to one study, "Low-calorie sweetener use is independently associated with heavier relative weight, a larger waist, and a higher prevalence and incidence of abdominal obesity suggesting that low-calorie sweetener use may not be an effective means of weight control" ( ). Source Information Database: PLOS.org Publication: PLoS ONE vol. 11 no. 11 Publication Date: November 23, 2016 Article Title: "Chronic Low-Calorie Sweetener Use and Risk of Abdominal Obesity among Older Adults: A Cohort Study" Authors: Chee W. Chia, Michelle Shardell, Toshiko Tanaka, David D. Liu, Kristofer S. Gravenstein, Eleanor M. Simonsick, Josephine M. Egan and Luigi Ferrucci DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0167241 Access Date: 9 January 2017

Questionable Cause

Identify the logical fallacy in this statement: "Don't get your children vaccinated. My son was vaccinated, and now he is autistic."


If a speaker argues that wearing masks prevents the spread of disease and provides charts showing how there are fewer cases of disease among communities where people do wear masks, she is using which rhetorical appeal?


Immediately following a quotation from a source or a paraphrase of a source's ideas, you place the author's name followed by a space and the relevant page number(s).


In MLA style, referring to the works of others in your text is done by using what is known as parenthetical citation.

Alphabetically, by author's last name

In general, how is the Works Cited list arranged?

Rhetoric Analysis

Is a close examination of how language, images, and other components work together to attempt to persuade the consumer to adopt a point of view.

It is a question and not a debatable point.

Is cyberbullying worse than in-person bullying? Why is this not a strong thesis?


Is the art of using language, written or spoken, to persuade the audience to accept a certain point of view.


Submitting one of your own papers or assignments for more than one class can be considered plagiarism.


Taking someone's ideas or words, putting them into your own words, and crediting the source is not plagiarism.


The Works Cited page lists entries in alphabetical order according to author.


The analysis of a subpoint in a key idea can include examples, details, facts, critical views that need not be related to the topic sentence of the key idea. As long the subpoint relates to the general idea of the essay, it is okay.


The following sentence is a properly cited in-text citation according to MLA style:Human beings have been described as "symbol-using animals" (3).


The order of the entries in the Works Cited page should be in order of appearance in the paper.


The term that best describes when one text uses the language, ideas, or imagery from another text to give new meaning to both texts is

A topic, an opinion or assertion, and general supporting examples.

The three main components of a thesis statement are...

Irrelevant Authority

This fallacy is committed when you accept without proper support for his or her alleged authority, a person's claim or proposition as true. Alleged authorities should only be used when the authority is reporting on his or her field, and you have reason to believe he or she can be trusted.

Slippery Slope

This fallacy occurs when a course of action is rejected because with little or no evidence, one insists that it will lead to a chain reaction resulting in an undesirable end or ends.


This fallacy occurs when a person makes two contradictory statements.

Questionable Cause

This fallacy occurs when a speaker argues that one thing caused another thing without sufficient proof that there is a causal relationship.

Ad Hominem

This fallacy occurs when a speaker attacks his or her opponent, instead of the position of his or her opponent.

Begging the Question

This fallacy occurs when an argument's premises assume the truth of the conclusion, instead of supporting it. In other words, you assume without proof of the stand/position, or a significant part of the stand, that is in question. "Arguing in a circle"

Unwarranted Generalization

This fallacy occurs when an unwarranted generalization occurs when the person presenting an argument does so with insufficient supporting evidence.

Straw Man

This fallacy occurs when he or she replaces the argument of his or her opponent with an argument that is superficially similar to the original argument, but that is easier to attack.

Red Herring

This fallacy occurs when one of the individuals involved in argument introduces something that is not relevant to the topic at hand, in the hopes of distracting her or his opponent.

False Dilemma

This fallacy occurs when the arguer forces the listener to choose among simplified options, thus excluding a wider range of option.


This rhetorical appeal makes a person feel excited, sad, angry, motivated, jealous, or any other number of emotions that may persuade them to act.


This rhetorical appeal uses evidence to convince audience that what they are hearing or seeing is well researched, well built, otherwise worth their time.

At the end of the introduction

What is the most effective place for the thesis statement of the essay?


When a commercial asking for funding for a children's hospital shows pictures of sad, sick children, it is using which rhetorical appeal?


When a speaker begins a speech by discussing her long and illustrious career working in the civil rights movement, before arguing that voting rights need to be guaranteed for all, she is using which rhetorical appeal?


Which of the following is NOT considered part of Mise-en-scène?

(Jackson 12)

Which of the following is a correct in-text citation of a book with one author?

Junk food should not be served in school cafeterias

Which would be the strongest th

Eating breakfast is essential to being able to learn in school.

Which would be the strongest thesis?


You must have proper citations in your paper so that others can find your sources to check your facts.


Your topic sentences should usually be directly connected to your thesis, but sometimes it is okay if they don't.

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