Engineering (Science)
Risks of new technology
Electricity if it's mishandled, pesticides, pollution from airplanes.
What happens if your prototype passes all its tests?
It goes to production
Second step of design process
Plan and build a prototype
technology process
Series of steps used to achieve a goal or make a product
Why do you want to keep good records and drawings of your prototype
So you can replicate it.
Third step of the design process
Test the and improve the prototype.
The answer to a problem
Tools, parts, and processes that work together to achieve a goal
Problems of new technology
Trash and Distraction- Old electronics are so big and are rarely recycled meaning they end up in landfills that can release harmful chemicals into the environment; Driving while texting, too many video games
What comes after sketches, plans and the prototype
a prototype may undergo many rounds of this (steps 3 and 4)
a series of steps that result in a product
an original or test model on which a real product is based.
any designed system, product or process that people use to solve problems
technology product
anything designed to meet a need or desire
anything that helps people shape, build, or product things to meet their needs
anything that is put into a system to meet a goal
when does technology change
as the needs of people change
Goal of any new technology
better meet people's needs.
Final step of the design process
communicate to team members the details of the final prototype.
describe how the goal is achieved
What do engineers use the design process to do?
develop new technology and solve problems
easy to use
First step of design process
identify a need or problem. Ask the question "What if?"
What starts the design process ?
identifying a need or problem, then brainstorm and write ideas on how to plan and build a potential solution, with options select a solution to test
information that tells whether or not the output is successful
Does the first prototype usually pass all the tests
no - most times you have to rebuild and redesign the prototype.
designed world
part of your community that is designed and built by people; made up of all products of technology
What are important things you need for a prototype
plans, like early sketches with a rough idea, or detailed drawings
How to be responsible with new technology
set time limits on computer and game time, do not have your phone out while driving.
scientific & mathematical principles
something engineers need to be familiar with
the end product or service of a system
What happens if the prototype works
the real product is made
the use of scientific and mathematical principles to develop something practical
things that are made to meet a need
to conceive something and prepare the plans and drawings for it to be built
designed system
tools, parts and processes that work together; they help us travel and ship goods, communicate, grow our foods
what happens if a prototype fails to meet a design goal.
what the system aims to do