ENGL 2110

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"his country is now that which gives him land, bread, protection and consequence."

Edwards God's pleasure

"there is nothing that keeps wicked men at any one moment out of hell, but the mere pleasure of God"

age of reason contributions

- national dedication to pragmatism and common sense - a vision of unique american destiny

John Smith American traits

1. Pragmatism 2. boastfulness 3. Disdain for elegance and fancy 4. exploration for environment 5. self sufficiency 6. Adventurous

Winthrop Power of love

1. love is divine and it makes us more closely resembles God 2. love among Christians is a real thing 3. love is absolutely necessary to body of christ 4. love is dependent on the welfare of the beloved

age of reason literary first

1st play- the prince of parthia 1st novel- Power of sympathy 1st comedy- The Contrast

John Smith Captivity

6 or 7 weeks he was held captive but the savages admired him more than their own gods.

Pilgrims/ Puritans dedication to bible

65 day trip, they dropped anchor at cape cod, establishing the colony at plymouth. 1/2 of the 102 colonist died 1st year. known as "people of the book" for their dedication to the bible

Columbus Title

Admiral of the Ocean Sea

For his success, the Spanish monarchy bestowed upon Columbus what title?

Admiral of the Ocean Sea

Winthrop ship


De Crevecour Farmers

Basically says that everyone in American is somewhat a Farmer. That no one is rich and there are no kings, Everyone loves in log cabins and lives life simple.

De Crevecour american revolution

Because of his support for British forced him to leave his family and sail for england

New England Primer Publication

Boston in Massachusetts bay

William Bradford Of Plymouth Plantation

Bradford was Governor and was re-elected 30 times. He followed Calvin's model on individual churches

Columbus Name given by king of natives


Winthrop university

Cambridge for two years

Cabeza de Vaca recipient of narrative

Charles V of Spain

Columbus thought he landed where?


De Crevecour Englishman

De Crevecour was an Englishman on american soil for fist time and describes his thoughts about how great it was for his point of view.

Edwards Sermons scriptural basis

Deuteronomy xxxii- their foot shall slide in due time

Columbus Natives' weapons

Didn't have real weapons used bamboo (cane) as spears

Edwards exhorted groups

Eldery, young men and women, and children

Paine nationality


John Smith Shield

He used one of his guides as a human shield when he was attacked by the Indians

What name does Columbus give to modern-day Cuba?


Wigglesworth occupation

Minister to same pulpit for 50 years

Cabeza de Vaca Mourning practices

Mourn over son for 1yr. once before dawn, once at noon, and once at sunset. They all gather to cry and weep

John Smith tribal emperor


At the end of his first 33-day voyage sponsored by Ferdinand and Isabella, Columbus landed on what modern-day country?

San Salvador

Columbus Modern-day countries

San Salvador Canary Islands Indies

De Crevecour main question

What is an American?

Winthrop Persons

a company professing ourselves fellow members of Christ.

William Bradford Unseaworthy


Columbus fathers occupation


Traditionally, Columbus's father was believed to have held what occupation?


Franklin Documents with signatures

- Declaration of Independence -Constitution - Treaty of alliance with France -Treaty of Peace with England

Pilgrims/ Puritans reason for leaving holland

- aging group was dying from hard work -search for distinct identity -remove kids from evil of dutch -felt compelled to spread gospel

Paine Reason to sever connection

- her enemies wouldn't be American enemies - America is too large to be ruled by GB -says relationship after war wouldn't be normal again

Colonization & Exploration Purpose of Literature

-Briefs concerning political intentions- explorers recorded their claims and conquest - justification for ignoring European policy- distance and communication often rendered European policy obsolete in the New World. - literature witness- text often record the grim reality of bloody conquest

De Crevecour Definition of America

-European or descendant of Europe - leaves behind prejudices and manners and receives new ones from new mode of life, new gov, and new rank.

Columbus Description of Espanola

-Many highlands, sierras, mountains, and rivers -Very beautiful

Pilgrims/ Puritans TULIP

-Total depravity -Unconditional election -Limited atonement -Irresistible grace Perseverance of saints

Jefferson political affiliations

-continental congress -governor of Virginia -American minister to France -Secretary of State -Vice president -president 1801-1809

Jefferson importance of writings

-drafted the declaration of Independence -voluminous correspondences of over 18,000 letters -his 'notes on state of Virginia' most important American political and scientific book of the age

Edwards wrath of God

-everlasting nature of the wrath -the misery that results -the fierceness of the wrath - whose wrath it is

Cabeza de Vaca Native Ailments

-great pain in the head -after healed the 1st one the rest came to be healed and brought food.

William Bradford reason for leaving netherlands

-members growing old and weak - hope to spread the Christianity

Pilgrims/ Puritans contributions to american religion

-quest for religious freedom -strength of faith - a devotion to preaching

Wigglesworth response of sinners

-roar -gnaw their tongues -gnash their teeth -wring their hands

Columbus Explorers vs natives

-transfer of disease -natives were very giving and took whatever scraps the explorers gave them

Cabeza de Vaca Narrative as report

-was meant as a report for charles V of spain -it told of native customs, life, dress, etc

Cabeza de Vaca Burial practices

1 year after the dead are preformed. then they wash and purify themselves from smoke. they bury everyone except physicians they burn them, then dance until the bones become powder. The dust is presented in water for the relatives to drink.

Colonization & Exploration Reasons

1. European religious controversy 2. the desire of monarchs to expand empires 3. human longing for land, adventure, and gold 4. Nations effort to rid themselves of surplus population

Cabeza de Vaca Name of Conquistadors

1. sierra 2. Diego lopez 3. Corral 4. Palacios 5. Goncalo Ruiz

Cabeza de Vaca death of natives

1/2 the natives died from the disease of the bowels they blamed Cabeza De Vaca and friends at first.

Franklin Dropout

10 years old dropped out of school to help his father in the candle making shop

New England Primer Questions/ answers

107 q & a covered matters of faith, the lords prayer, and 10 commandments

Jefferson College

17 yrs old attended college of William and Mary

Cabeza de Vaca Malhado

A island. Indians have no weapons stay here from Oct to Feb and eat fish and gather roots.

Columbus Description of natives

Awkward men full of wonder nice giving anxious need of saving

In the sailors' interactions with the natives, what does Columbus attempt to prevent?

Cheating the natives of their belongings

Columbus messengers from heaven

Columbus believed that he was a messenger to spread the word of God

Columbus describes the native people as "not well built and of handsome stature" but "marvellously timorous." In this context, what does "timorous" mean


Franklin American philosophical movement

Franklin invented this

Cabeza de Vaca Credit for survival


Columbus description of the New World

Garden of Eden

Franklin credit for happiness

Gives God's Providence credit for happiness

Paine Protection by britian

Great Britain protects them he says that her motives was interest not attachment; She didn't protect on our account but her enemies on her account.

Wigglesworth university

Harvard at 16

How does Columbus procure translators

He enslaves several natives

How does Columbus procure translators?

He enslaves several natives

Columbus Cuba

He landed there and named after him.

Columbus Hati/Dominican Republic

He named them Espanola

Winthrop Diversity

He says God makes people different so that people can help one another. The rich should help the poor and be generous and the poor should repay the rich and show gratitude

Franklin Subscription library

Invented this

Columbus Quaris

Island in the Indies where natives were cannibals

Columbus avan

Island where natives were born with tails (monkeys??)

Edwards implications of text for iseralite

Israelite were always exposed to sudden unexpected destruction; as he that walks in slippery places is every moment liable to fall

Columbus Nationality


What was the name of the first permanent English settlement?


John Smith colony

Jamestown 1606 from a charter from king james

Colonization & Exploration First English settlement

Jamestown, Virginia in 1607

Cabeza de Vaca Country of birth

Jerez, Spain

Pilgrims/ Puritans Calvinism

John Calvin's beliefs int the priest hood of all believers and that the idea that Christians needed no intermediaries for their relationship with God

John Smith credit for survival

John smith

John Smith Pocahontas

Kings daughter, when king was about to kill smith, she took his head in his arms and laid her own upon his to save him from death

Colonization & Exploration Microbes

Large number of native Americans died because of the "Colombian exchange" reference to the transfer of foreign biological matter to the native population by Columbus and other early explorers. This transfer of microbes decimated the native population.

De Crevecour Letters

Letters of an American Farmer - title of his book, very popular in France and England. Described the way of life for an "American Farmer"

Pilgrims/ Puritans City on a Hill

Matthew 5:14 "You are the light of thw world, A city on a hill.

William Bradford Boats

Mayflower speedwell

age of reason philosophers


Pilgrims/ Puritans God's chosen people

Non- separatist led by Winthrop, who thought they could purify the church from within. Puritans compared themselves to God's chosen people.

John Smith King of Pamaunkee


Pilgrims/ Puritans redeemer nation

Pilgrims belief that they were the new Israelite's

Pilgrims/ Puritans Separatist

Pilgrims, where called separatists because they left the church of england

John Smith Edward Wingfield

President for 1 yr beginning May 13, 1607. won the 1st election of the new world was let go because of petty charges.

Paine common sense

Published in 1776, He argued that the problems of colonies were not solved by submission to authority

Pilgrims/ Puritans non-separatist

Puritans were non-separatist because they decided to stay at the Church of England and purify it from within.

Paine fathers occupation

Quaker farmer and corset maker

Franklin Amusements

Reading - only one he allowed himself

William Bradford death in transit

Samuell Fuller - only separatist to die in transit.

John Smith Kecoughtan

Smith sent men to take over the indians. Indians came out to fight but was no match for the guns and they fled, Smith told them if they wanted to be friends to bring them food in return for their okee. They brought Vension, turkey, wild fowl, and bread.

John Smith netherlands

Smith went when he was 16 to serve as a mercenary for the dutch. He was sold into slavery, but murdered his master and escaped, then he returned to England.

Colonization & Exploration divisions & Characteristics of colonies

Southern colonies- included west indies to Virginia, required cheap labor to sustain agricultural and ultimately over 300,000 west Africans were sold to the North American Colonies. Middle Colonies- from the Chesapeake bay to the Massachusetts bay; the most ethnically & religiously diverse & were home to the dutch and Quaker populations. New England Colonies- no permanent colonies in this area until the arrival of the puritans & the pilgrims.

De Crevecour College

Started a ancient college; the first in this hempisphere

Edwards Religious movement

The great awakening

From where do the natives believe Columbus and his men have come?

The heavens

For what are the natives of "Quaris" known?

They are cannibals.

How did early texts of exploration function as propaganda?

They were used to secure funding.

Winthrop A Model of Christian Charity

Winthrop's sermon about the idea if harmonious Christian Community

William Bradford grampus

a large dolphin

Edwards sweet aspect of nature

after edwards got saved he said everything seemed sweeter. The clouds , the moon, the stars, etc

Cabeza de Vaca Advantages in proem

ambition and love of action

New England Primer Shorter Catechism

are used to instruct the faithful on how to act and pray etc

William Bradford flight from england

arrived in the Mayflower as a part of the 102 colonist

Franklin Bold and arduous project

arriving at moral perfection

Cabeza de Vaca Exhile

as governor of modern day Paraguay he clashed with the Spanish colonist over their exploration of the land and the native people. He was chained and sent to Spain in 1545 and then exiled to north Africa from Spain in 155.

Wigglesworth dropout

at age 10 he dropped out of school to help run the farm- his dad was bed ridden

Edwards Struggles with doctorine

because God could chose who got eternal life before they even lived their life and who didn't

Edwards significance of telescope

because heavenly objects are brought so much closer and wonderful discoveries have been made in the heaven and the increase of knowledge in heaven is good for church.

De Crevecour farm

bought a farm in orange county, New York and lived there until American Revolution

Columbus reports that the king of the land calls him what?


Paine Burial and body

buried on his farm in New York his body was eventually exhumed and transported back to England and subsequently lost.

Franklin fathers occupation

candle maker

Jefferson Born in

central Virginia

Paine treason

charged with treason for writing the "right of man"

Winthrop Act of mercy vs Act of Commerce

commerce together in meekness, gentleness, and patience

John Smith Instrument gift


William Bradford sailors vs colonist

conflict because the sailors wouldn't share their beer

Edwards state of birth


New England Primer Audience

converts and young

age of reason characteristics

cooling attitudes toward religion and growing criticism of government

Paine Pamphlets during revolution

during American Revolution he published 16 known pamphlets known a "crisis' suppose to encourage George Washington's Troops. "These are the times that try men's souls."

Winthrop Duty of mercy

duty if mercy is exercised in the kinds, giving, lending, and forgiving

Edwards Booth in swamp

edwards and some of his childhood classmates made a booth in the swamp as a place of prayer

age of reason alternate names

enlightenment neo-classic period

Franklin university

established University of Pennsylvannia

Cabeza de Vaca Marriage practices

every man has 1 wife except the physicians are allowed 2 or 3. From the time the daughter marries her husband is no longer allowed to speak or visit her family.

Jefferson neoclassical designs

evident in the Virgina state house, his home in Monticello, and the university of Virgina

William Bradford Season


William Bradford Dorothy

fell overboard and died

William Bradford shore party

first shore party after separatist arrived in new world

Winthrop Colony

formed Massachuestts bay colony in 1692 after leaving England because of social and economic depression

De Crevecour nationality


Wigglesworth left hand


What does Columbus promise to get for Ferdinand and Isabella, the recipients of his letter?

gold spices cotton

Edwards Spiritual retreat

he used to retire at a place on the Hudson river to pray and contemplate on divine things

Cabeza de Vaca meaning of name

head of cow

Franklin recipient

his son

age of reason Social contract

human must sacrifice some individual freedom to protect the natural right to life, liberty and property,

John Smith Okee

idol made of skins, stuffed with moss, painted and hung with chains and copper

Columbus promises to monarchy

if they gave him enough funding for a second voyage he could gather "immense riches"

Winthrop Giving

if time and money permits to give what God has blessed him with and that there is no such thing as giving too much.

William Bradford separatist

in 1608, he left with an outlaw group of separatist for amsterdam

Edwards Job after dismissal

in 1751, he was dismissed from preaching for calling out backsliders. He then served as a missionary to the native Americans for 7 years.

Jefferson Library of Congress

in college Jefferson began to collect books that led to over 10,000 volumes and started the basis of the library of congress

age of reason deism

informal, organized religious movement common among upper class men intellectuals during enlightenment . They saw God as a watchmaker

Colonization & Exploration Invention of exploration

invention of the printing press went hand in hand with expansion.

John Smith Tuftaffaty humorist

johns smiths description of oxford and Cambridge students; referring to their gold tassels they wore.

Winthrop Rules of action

justice and mercy

Winthrop Rules of conversation

justice and mercy

New England Primer Spiritual Milk

known as spiritual milk for american babes to help them learn to read the bible

William Bradford Social Contract

landed in New England, not Virginia, so original charter was void. created the mayflower compact which is used to govern new colony of plymouth

Winthrop father occupation


William Bradford Miles Standish

led the first shore party

Jefferson Declaration of Independce

members of the Continental Congress chose him to draft the Declaration of Independence .

Paine London

met Ben franklin in london and departed for America during a time of political and social unrest

Wigglesworth time of day


Jefferson self-evident truths

most popular verse of the Declaration of Independence

New England Primer National Tradition

most widely used school book in early america. helped establish national tradition

Franklin the new England courant

name of his brothers newspaper

William Bradford strangers

name that Bradford gave separatist that do not follow their religious beliefs

Wigglesworth family move

non conformist family, who came to America from England at age 7. settled in a farm in conneticut

Winthrop religious affilitation


John Smith George Cassen

one of smiths men who was suppose to stay with the boat but disobeyed orders and went ashore where he was caught and killed by Indians

William Bradford damage to boat

one of the main beams at mid-ship bowed and cracked

age of reason magazines

only 1 in 1741 and up to 91 in 1800

age of reason newspaper

only 1 newspaper in 1700 and up to 200 in 1800

William Bradford death rate

out of 100 passengers only 50 survived the 1st year.

Which of the following is not a purpose of the early literature of exploration?

postcards of the "wish you were here" variety Save

Edwards president

president of Princeton for two months before he died with smallpox

Franklin Social movement

primary figure in the creation of the 'Cult of Self- Reliance' social movement

Franklin Brother'r trade

printing (newspaper) at age 12 went to work for his brother

William Bradford Profane sailor

profane sailor, who taunts separatist is killed by disease and thrown over board

De Crevecour publication

published letters from an American Farmer first in London in 1782 and then in France in 1783. American edition at Philadelphia in 1793.

Paine Rescue from French prison

rescued by James Monroe (American Ambassador) and returned to New York.

De Crevecour Official return to US

returned to USA as a French diplomat in 1783. He found that his wife was dead and his farm in ruins.

Edwards covering over hell

rotten covering, places on covering so weak it can not bear their weight

Paine dependence

says colonies are dependent on Great Britain to examine that connection and dependence.

De Crevecour Citizen

says that the people who cane from Europe was nothing and broke, but when they came to America they became citizens. Because of new laws and freedom to do they receive ample rewards for labors and land for rewards.

Which of the following was not a reason for exploration and colonization?

scientific and engineering advancements in seafaring and ship-building

Wigglesworth right hand


New England Primer Contents

short verses, hymns, and prayers

John Smith Batering

smith gave the Indians two cannons and a grinding stone in return for land

Though it has been held historically that Columbus was Italian, more recent critical arguments contend that he may have been of what nationality?


New England Primer Billing

spiritual milk for american babes

John Smith Source of food

the "savages" brought such plenty of their fruits and provisions

What name is given to the transfer of microbes from the colonists to the native populations?

the Columbian Exchange

Columbus's legacy has been, in part, a description of the New World as what?

the Garden of Eden

Cabeza de Vaca Medicine men

the Indians tried to make Vaca a physician. they cured people by blowing in them. Even though Vaca told them he couldn't heal they withheld his food until he agreed.

Which of the colonies began with the arrival of the Puritans and Pilgrims?

the New England colonies

Edwards significance of trade

the changing of the course of trade and the supplying of the word with its treasures from America is a type and forerunner of what is approaching in spiritual things when the world shall be supplied with spiritual treasurers from America

Which of the following is not one of the three categories into which the colonies can be divided?

the eastern colonies

Columbus Exchange

the indians would trade Gold and the settlers would give them broken glass and things of no value.

What invention went hand-in-hand with exploration?

the printing press

John Smith Colonists and sailors

the sailors sold the colonist food to help them survivor , the sailors went they almost died.

Wigglesworth the elect

the saints

Winthrop Community of Peril

the same as before "justice and mercy but with more enlargement towards others and less respect toward ourselves

Which of the colonies used slave labor to sustain their agricultural economy?

the southern colonies

Franklin Satires

the use of humor to poke fun, ridicule, and criticize people

Cabeza de Vaca Starvation

the weather was so cold they had no food and no fish. they began to eat the ones who died.

Cabeza de Vaca Native customs

they all go naked. only a small cloth to cover the women. They have no chief. they met a weep and then give all they have to the 1st one that visited .

Cabeza de Vaca Quenching thirst

they drank pear juice to quench their thirst

Cabeza de Vaca Recitation for the ill

they give the physicians everything they have if he cures them. the practitioner sacrifices over the hurt individual and sucks the wound. Afterwards they blow on the spot and the patient is cured

John Smith reasons for lack of preparation

they thought it would only take two months to sail and when it took 5 months, they didn't have time to plant and missed the spring.

John Smith Native ceremony

they tied him to a tree and as many as could stand around him prepared to shoot him. But when the king held up his compass they all laid down their bow and arrows.

Pilgrims/ Puritans Errand into the wilderness

thought that their hardships would create unity between each other.

Cabeza de Vaca Tafficking

to make a better living Vaca would trade for the indians thats couldn't travel. He recieved food and goods for treatment because of it.

Colonization & Exploration Propaganda

to procure funding for future voyages

New England Primer Goal

to teach literacy so people could read and understand the bible. "millions to read and not one to sin"

Cabeza de Vaca Only duty

to write what has been seen and heard

Wigglesworth condition of world


New England Primer Rhyming alphabet

used the alphabet to rhyme verses to help with the teaching

Columbus slaves/ translators

used the natives as slaves to explore and help them translate when meeting new Indians.

Edwards Sarah Personality

very happy, always full of joy and pleasure. loves to be alone and to wander

John Smith colonial goverment

was elected governor of Jamestown. Served from 1608-1609

John Smith Powhatan

was emperor; sat with great robe and ordered smith to be clubbed

William Bradford governor

was governor of Jamestown for almost 30 years

John Smith Captivity

was imprisoned by Powhatan of Chesapeake bay Indians later it was seen as an adoption ceremony.

Cabeza de Vaca treasurer

was treasure on narvaez's expedition to establish spanish colony in fl

John Smith shift in explorer model

went from single exploration to larger companies of investors supporting exploration. It was market related and involved construction of colonial charters

Franklin arrival in philadelphia

when he made his initial tour of Philadelphia carried two puffy rolls of bread in each arm

William Bradford Charter

when the outlaw group, left Holland for america in 1602 with a charter from the Virginia

Edwards religious conversation in New York

while preaching in New York he stayed with Mrs. Smith and her son (john smith) for 8 months, he had such great christian conversations that they wanted him to stay forever.

Edwards Spider

wickedness makes you heavy as lead & if God lets you go you would sink & nothing could stop you. just like a spider web couldn't stop a rock from falling

Wigglesworth day of doom

wigglesworth poem (1662) that sold 1800 copies about hell fire, assurance of God's divine order, and basic puritan theology

Jefferson Rule of slavery

worked to end slavery

Jefferson Religious Intolerance

worked to establish religious freedom

Edwards Aspects of Gad's wrath

wrath of God is like great waters that are damned and increases more and more if he lets go the wrath would rush forward and even if if your the strongest, you would still be no match

Jefferson 'notes on the state of Virginia'

written in 1785, has been judged the most important American political and scientific book of the age.

Edwards University

yale at age 13

William Bradford fathers occupation


Edwards Sarah Pierpoint

young lady that 'speaks' to God and whom God loves and wants her with him. She does no wrong. Edwards wife.

Franklin lineage

youngest son of youngest son for 5 generations back

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