English 1129 Self Test

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(True or False) None of the major characters had a serious spiritual crisis.


What is the verbal that acts like a noun?


The falling action occurs in the _______________________.


The ancient Roman and Jewish world is the setting for the novel ____________________.


In His Steps was written by __________________________.

Charles M. Sheldon

The ___________________ opposes the main character.


What is the ending of all present participles?


What is it called when there is a word between "to" and the "verb" form?

split infinitive

List the five methods of developing a memorable character.

1. Give the character a single, outstanding character quality. 2. Tell how he responds to others and how others respond to him. 3. Relating thoughts. 4. Physical appearance. 5. Actions.

(True or False) The most challenging question posed was, "What would you do?"


(True or False) The most notable change in business practice seen in the novel was the determination to be financially blessed.


(True or False) The novel teaches that Christians make a mistake getting involved in political issues.


Hebrews 13:17

Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

(True or False) The four steps in following Jesus are obedience, faith, love, and imitation.


(True or False) The greatest conflict is within each Christian.


(True or False) The moral side is the most important side of any political issue.


(True or False) The novel teaches that true discipleship means suffering.


a. Charged with emotion, the Grand Rapids Mission reached thousands. b. Charged with emotion, Mr. Trotter saw his ministry reach thousands.

a. Dangling participle

a. To receive Christ as personal Saviour was the ultimate in Mr. Trotter's life. b. To never receive Christ as personal Saviour is an unforgivable sin.

b. Split infinitive

The __________________ is the highest point if tension and suspense.


A long, fictional prose narrative is called a ___________________________.


Time, place, and weather may be included in the ______________________ of a novel.


The liberal movement that replaced grace through faith for social programs is called ______________________.

social gospel

In determining whether a book is bad or good literature, we must compare it with the _________________________.


(True or False) The greatest hindrance to Christian discipleship is selfishness.


A story having a universal theme based on a Biblical truth is called a _______________________.

classic novel

What is the name of the verbal functioning only as an adjective?


What is the name of the verbal with "ing" ending and acts like an adjective?


Knowing the Lord establishes a sense of ______________ and ______________ in our lives.

purpose, security

The rising action is part of the ____________________.


The main character in the novel is the ___________________________.

Holy Spirit

Holland is the setting for ____________________________.

Hans Brinker or The Silver Skates

What form of speech has four principal parts and six tenses?


(True or False) The words that best depict the theme of the novel are surrender, sacrifice, and purpose.


What is the verbal with "to" plus a "verb"?


What is the verbal with multiple functions?


What are the suffixes for past and past participle of regular verbs?

d, ed

What is the faulty construction of participial modifier?

dangling participle

___________________ is the introduction to the characters in a story.


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