English 11a - Unit Two Exam

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What is a central idea in "NASA's Curiosity Rover Finds Clues to How Water Helped Shape Martian Landscape"?

The purpose of the Curiosity mission is to study ancient environments and the way the Martian environment has changed over time.

What is relevant evidence?

XXX evidence that is based mostly on opinions, with few facts

A central idea in "NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows on Today's Mars" is that life cannot exist without water. Which passage from the text best supports this central idea?

XXX "When most people talk about water on Mars, they're usually talking about ancient water or frozen water," he said. "Now we know there's more to the story ..."

Read this paragraph from "NASA's Curiosity Rover Finds Clues to How Water Helped Shape Martian Landscape." Despite earlier evidence from several Mars missions that pointed to wet environments on ancient Mars, modeling of the ancient climate has yet to identify the conditions that could have produced long periods warm enough for stable water on the surface. What is the key idea in the paragraph?

XXX Earlier Mars missions have suggested wet environments existed in the past.

In which sentence is symbiotic used correctly?

Barnacles and whales have a symbiotic relationship; barnacles attach themselves to whales for a safe place to live and transportation to food sources, and whales benefit from the protective barrier that barnacles provide.

Which event described in "NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows on Today's Mars" eventually led to the discovery of liquid water on today's Mars?

Lujendra Ojha noticed dark streaks on Mars in images from the MRO's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment.

What is a central idea in "NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows on Today's Mars"?

Water flows during warm seasons on present-day Mars.

Read this sentence. Once the fundraising campaign is complete, the committee will collaborate for several hours to ensure an equitable distribution of monies to the charities they support. Based on the function of the word equitable in the sentence, what is the most accurate definition of equitable?

fair and even

What is the impact of the scenario that begins the article "Your Average, Everyday Zombie"?

The vivid description from the roach's perspective adds interest and helps readers better understand parasitic relationships.

"NASA's Curiosity Rover Finds Clues to How Water Helped Shape Martian Landscape" describes what needs to happen for scientists to determine the environmental conditions that were present on Mars when lakes and rivers existed. Which passage from the text helps develop this description?

"As Curiosity climbs higher on Mount Sharp, we will have a series of experiments to show patterns in how the atmosphere and the water and the sediments interact. We may see how the chemistry changed in the lakes over time ..."

Which details from "NASA's Curiosity Rover Finds Clues to How Water Helped Shape Martian Landscape" help develop the central idea that lakes may have once existed on Mars? Select all that apply.

This interpretation of Curiosity's finds in Gale Crater suggests ancient Mars maintained a climate that could have produced long-lasting lakes at many locations on the Red Planet. The rock layers—alternating between lake, river and wind deposits—bear witness to the repeated filling and evaporation of a Martian lake much larger and longer-lasting than any previously examined close-up.

Read this passage. In 1922, the D'Arrigo brothers, immigrants from Italy, planted trial fields of broccoli in San Jose, California, shipping crates of their produce to Boston. Some people enjoyed the broccoli, while others didn't find the "new" vegetable very inviting. However, as time passed, people became enamored with it, and in 2002 the United States produced more than 1.7 billion pounds of broccoli! What does enamored mean as used in the passage?


According to "NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows on Today's Mars," what must be present for liquid water to form on Mars?

hydrated salts, because they lower the freezing point of a liquid brine

Read this paragraph from "Your Average, Everyday Zombie." First, the momma fly injects her eggs into the body cavity of the ant host. Once they hatch, the larvae make their way to the ant's head, where they feed on hemolymph (ant blood), muscle, and nervous tissue (aka brraaaaaiiiiiinnnnssss). The larval flies will spend weeks inside the head of their host, controlling its behavior while snacking on its brains until they have completely emptied the ant's head. The ant, meanwhile, wanders around in a zombie-like state. When the young fly decides it is ready to pupate, it releases an enzyme which decapitates the ant by dissolving the membrane which attaches its head to its body. The larva pupates in the ant's disembodied head for about two more weeks, then emerges as a full-grown adult, ready to mate and find its own zombie host. What is the organizational structure of the paragraph?


Read this sentence from "Your Average, Everyday Zombie." Gruesome as they might be, you gotta give the flies points for style. Why does the author use the phrase you gotta give the flies points for style in this sentence?

to be relatable to readers and to convey the idea that while the flies' abilities are horrific, they are also admirable

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