English & Language Usage

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Active voice

The subject of the sentence performs the action


The words "extraterrestrial" and "terrain" both have the root word "terra" in common. What does "terra" mean?

4. overdone

The words over and done may be combined to form a compound word. What is the proper way to create this compound word? 1. doneover 2. done-over 3. over-done 4. overdone

4. definitely

Given the patient's symptoms, I would say he ___ has a serious infection. Which of these commonly misspelled words is the correct word and spelling for this sentence? 1. definately 2. defiantly 3. definitively 4. definitely

Comma splice

two sentences joined incorrectly with only a comma

One dependent clause and two independent clauses (HELP)

"Because he was late, he missed the field trip, and this caused him to fail the class." In this sentence, which numbers and kinds of clauses are included?

compound-complex sentence

"Bess, who can draw beautifully, loves art; but Grace, who thinks very logically, prefers science." This is an example of what kind of sentence structure?


"The tall man wearing a black raincoat, a yellow hat, and one red shoe entered the restaurant, walked to the back, and sat down alone at the smallest table farthest away from the staff and other patrons." This sentence has which of the following structures?

Throughout the song, he says, "Remember the better days," and he gives examples.

(1) Throughout the song, he says, "Remember the better days." (2) And he gives examples. What is the BEST way to combine sentence 1 & 2?

4. Vilifying *defaming means to damage the good reputation of someone *vilify means to speak or write about someone in an abusively disparaging manner (insult/attack/belittle)

After the lecture had officially ended, the professor surprised his student by defaming the guest speakers he had invited. Which of the following substitutions creates a more negative connotation of the underlined word? 1. gently mocking 2. embarrassing 3. Vilifying 4. mixing up

3. Although

Choose the best transitional word to fill the blank. "___ I love to read, spending my entire Saturday in the library wasn't ideal." 1. Since 2. Because 3. Although 4. Therefore

1. "This mystery concerns my friend Watson and me." (HELP)

Choose the sentence with the correct pronoun usage. 1. "This mystery concerns my friend Watson and me." 2. "This mystery concerns my friend Watson and I."

Christine's three dogs eat a lot of food. They consume two bags per week.

Correct the flaws in this sentence. "Christine's three dog eat a lot of food. It consumes two bags per week."

Narrow topics to a main idea, find which main points support the main idea, decide how to sequence main points, list all details supporting each main point, organize details in sequential order.

In composing an essay or similar piece, in which sequence should a writer do the following?

compound sentence

Joshua worked in sales for many years, so he applied for the management position.

compound sentence

Laura reminded her husband that the rent was due, and she looked up their checking account balance online.


Martin expressed his fear of diving in the deep ocean trench. What kind of sentence is this?

4. Stock-broker *correct spelling: stockbroker

Of these compound words, which is spelled incorrectly? 1. twofold 2. mother-in-law 3. ex-husband 4. stock-broker

2. Spread throughout

The students' excitement about the beginning of summer vacation pervaded the whole classroom. What does the underlined word in the following sentence mean? 1. Stood at attention 2. Spread throughout 3. Explained 4. Took note

soccer team; pizzas

Read this sentence and identify the subject and object respectively. "The soccer team ate the pizzas as if they were starving to death."

1. germane *means relative to the subject under consideration

Since the homecoming king and queen candidates had only a minute for speeches and their peers wanted to hear something meaningful, the student government advisor warned candidates that they had better keep their speeches ____ or face the wrath of an. 1. germane 2. urbane 3. eloquent 4. loquacious

it's, its

The clock shows ___ almost nine o'clock, so the bridal shop will soon be opening ___ doors.


The coffee they serve in Turkey is so robust I don't think I slept more than three hours any of the nights I stayed there. Which of the following is the meaning of the word "robust" as used in the sentence above?

comma splice

This sentence is an example of what common mistake in sentence structure? "Sarah and Tommy danced at the wedding, Sarah's mom took pictures."

4. occupied exclusively with

When the chancellor would become engrossed in reading the day's intelligence, it was impossible for his subordinates to distract him with even the most important news. Which of the following substitutions best captures the meaning of the underlined words? 1. confused by 2. excited about 3. bothered by 4. occupied exclusively with

3. intrude

Which of the following answer choices is spelled correctly? 1. wisen 2. aclimate 3. intrude 4. alude

4. The movie about the comic book superhero had never interested me until last week.

Which of the following is an example of a simple sentence? 1. The movie about the comic book superhero. 2. The movie about the comic book superhero that I watched last Friday night was very entertaining. 3. The movie about the comic book superhero fascinated me, but it bored my best friend. 4. The movie about the comic book superhero had never interested me until last week.

A summary of the issue that reinforces clearly its main points

Which of the following is essential in a concluding statement of an argument?

my sister Cheryl

Which of the following phrases follows the rules of capitalization? 1. her Great-Aunt 2. my sister Cheryl 3. grandma Beth 4. Meredith's Uncle

1. Last summer, my family went on a trip to Niagara Falls in New York.

Which of the following sentences contains proper capitalization? 1. Last summer, my family went on a trip to Niagara Falls in New York. 2. Last Summer, my family went on a trip to Niagara Falls in new york. 3. Last Summer, my family went on a trip to Niagara Falls in New york. 4. Last summer, my family went on a trip to niagara falls in New York.

2. The study found that children frequently chose to use the entire bags of marshmallows for their hot cocoa.

Which of the following sentences is correct? 1. The children all said that they had the best times of their life when they all lived together in the little two-bedroom bungalow. 2. The study found that children frequently chose to use the entire bags of marshmallows for their hot cocoa. 3. The astronomers found that the planets were following regular patterns and the philosophers argue about the nature of those paths. 4. The telescope accomplished amazing feats of enlargement, from showing the pock-marked face of the moon to the many moons of Saturn.

Johnny Depp is frequently considered to be a superb actor. He is perhaps best known for his role as Captain Jack Sparrow.

Which of these is an example of correct pronoun-antecedent agreement?

1. Had offered

Which of these is an example of the past perfect tense? 1. Had offered 2. Will describe 3. Has offered 4. Indicated

use of the word "you"

Which of these is an indicator of the second person point of view?

Adam chased the dog that had stolen his paper.

Which of these sentences is an example of active voice?

2. When I was twelve, my parents sent me to boarding school.

Which sentence is the clearest? 1. At the age of twelve, my parents sent me to boarding school. 2. When I was twelve, my parents sent me to boarding school.

his, hers

Which two words are examples of pronouns? "The backpack in the chair is his, but the lunchbox on the floor is hers."

Compound sentence

a sentence with two or more coordinate independent clauses, often joined by one or more conjunctions (and, so, but, or)


a word describing the position of two objects placed together for the purpose of comparing or contrasting.


contains two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses

past perfect tense

had + past participle

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