English Composition

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Jill thinks it is odd that John likes his steak well _____ done but loves sushi.

- hyphen

The chef on the cooking show prepared herb _____ crusted rack of lamb with roasted red potatoes.

- hyphen

Kyle asked _____ no, he begged ____ me to switch hours with him at work so that he could attend Abigail's party.

-- dash

The young child reacted in a predictable way when scolded by her parents _____ pouting.

-- dash

Which punctuation is used to signal an interrupting thought?

-- dash

My to-do list includes studying for a chemistry test, which will be given on Monday _____ completing a Web site evaluation project, which is due on Tuesday _____ and writing a research paper, which is needed by Wednesday.

; semi-colon

Which is the correct punctuation that separates two independent clauses in the same sentence?

; semi-colon

What should you include in the second paragraph of your cover letter?

Your qualifications for the job and reference to your resume.

Poor grammar and sentence skills can _____. all of these change the meaning of a sentence lessen a writer's credibility be distracting

all of these

A meteorologist's report about the reasons for and the aftermath of a blizzard is an example of a piece of writing that emphasizes _____.

cause and/or effect

In an essay that emphasizes_____, a writer examines the reasons something occurred and the results stemming from that occurrence.

cause and/or effect

A _____ is used to introduce yourself briefly and make an employer interested in you.

cover letter

Another name for clustering is:


A college admissions Web site page that breaks down and categorizes the geographical make-up of its incoming class is an example of writing that emphasizes _____.


For a report that presents examples of the ways different authors develop their characters, you would use writing that emphasizes both _____.

exemplification and comparison and/or contrast

A best practice for peer review includes making several of the same comments repeatedly on several parts of the paper.


Contractions are common in formal writing.


In the following sentence, modifiers are used correctly: true, or false? After sitting in traffic for several hours, the radio stations played the same songs a dozen times.


In the following sentence, modifiers are used correctly: true, or false? Before undergoing surgery, the nurse took the patient's vital signs.


In the following sentence, modifiers are used correctly: true, or false? Bridget decided to leave her career as an attorney and pursue acting during the meditation retreat.


In the following sentence, modifiers are used correctly: true, or false? Having diabetes, sugary sodas and fruit juices are not advisable.


In the following sentence, modifiers are used correctly: true, or false? Having turned eighty years old, I attended my great grandmother's grand birthday party.


In the following sentence, modifiers are used correctly: true, or false? Rich with exotic smells, I tasted many delicacies from local food vendors at the marketplace.


In the following sentence, modifiers are used correctly: true, or false? Rudy enjoys eating curries from the Indian delicatessen with a lot of spices.


In the following sentence, modifiers are used correctly: true, or false? The telemarketer persuaded the new homeowners to purchase extended warranties on all their new appliances on the phone.


In the following sentence, modifiers are used correctly: true, or false? When starting a new job, the personnel officer at your workplace should be consulted to discuss your employee benefits.


It is okay to only use internet sources in your research. You shouldn't try to diversify your sources.


Plurals that end in -s show possession by adding an apostrophe plus s


Synonyms are words that are different in meaning.


The first thing a reviewer should do is to identify what he or she thinks is the main idea in the draft. If that does not match what the writer intended, this information is not valuable to the writer.


When you want to make a word plural, add an apostrophe plus s.


You should support your thesis with general evidence.


Your paper should be in MLA format.


The peer reviewer brings a similar knowledge of writing and "__________" for the topic.

fresh eyes

A recipe is an example of a piece of writing that emphasizes _____.


If you want to tell your colleague how to save files on the company's new system, you would use writing that emphasizes _____.


In an essay that emphasizes_____, a writer explains clearly how to do or make something.


Match the following terms: slippery slope hasty generalization post hoc ergo propter hoc ad hominem Defintion: a person's or group's credibility is attacked rather Than the argument coming to a quick conclusion without specific evidence if one event should occur, that it will launch an event or series of events to follow, often with dire consequences one event occurred and another event occurred later. the first event must have caused the latter

slippery slope-if one event should occur, that it will launch an event or series of events to follow, often with dire consequences hasty generalization-coming to a quick conclusion without specific evidence post hoc ergo propter hoc-one event occurred and another event occurred later. the first event must have caused the latter ad hominem-a person's or group's credibility is attacked rather Than the argument

Whose address should be included on the cover letter?

the prospective employer

All types of information should be evaluated before inserting them into your paper as objective truth. It is necessary to check and double check your sources.


An in-text citation is found immediately after the material that is sourced.


In the following sentence, modifiers are used correctly: true, or false? After sitting in traffic for several hours, I heard the radio stations play the same songs a dozen times.


In the following sentence, modifiers are used correctly: true, or false? Before undergoing surgery, the patient had his vital signs taken by the nurse.


In the following sentence, modifiers are used correctly: true, or false? During the meditation retreat, Bridget decided to leave her career as an attorney and pursue acting.


In the following sentence, modifiers are used correctly: true, or false? Eric finally sorted through the personal belongings of his father, who passed away last August.


In the following sentence, modifiers are used correctly: true, or false? Hearing a loud bang, residents filled the street hoping to see what had happened.


In the following sentence, modifiers are used correctly: true, or false? I tasted many delicacies rich with exotic smells from local food vendors at the marketplace.


In the following sentence, modifiers are used correctly: true, or false? Kurt and his hockey teammates cooked nearly two hundred pancakes for the breakfast fundraising event.


In the following sentence, modifiers are used correctly: true, or false? Riko marveled at the impressive height of Mount Whitney towering into the sky.


In the following sentence, modifiers are used correctly: true, or false? Rudy enjoys eating curries with a lot of spices from the Indian delicatessen.


In the following sentence, modifiers are used correctly: true, or false? When starting a new job, you should consult with the personnel officer at your workplace to discuss your employee benefits.


It's best to acknowledge the strength of the point and then make your argument around it.


Which of the following should not be pointed out on a cover letter?


I probably _____ (wont, won't) renew my gym membership next year.


After planning and note-taking, the next step is to _______.

write the paper

Richard told his son, " ______ (Your, You're) young, but when you grow up, you'll understand."


The bus passenger was happy to give up his seat to the elderly woman, telling her, "It's all _____ (yours, yours')."


In what kind of essay might a writer consider the advantages and disadvantages of community college versus a four-year university?

comparison and/or contrast

If you omit words from a direct quotation, you should use _______.


My professor has a habit of saying " ______ (etc., et cetera)" when he ends a sentence.

et cetera

If you write to _____ an audience, you provide factual material about a subject. entertain persuade inform convince


As the saying goes, " ______ (Its, It's) hard to say goodbye."


The school is renovating _____ (its, it's) classrooms, so lectures are being held in the courtyard.


In emphatic order, the most interesting or important detail is placed:


The _____ is a list of all the holdings in the library.

library catalog

Jackson and Pedro thought the trophy was _____ (theirs, theirs') but were disqualified on a technicality.


The snack bar at the stadium charges _____ (3, three) dollars for a bottle of water.


Transitions signal the direction of the writer's thoughts. They are like road signs that guide travelers.


When reviewing online, make sure to check your annotations for typos before sharing them.


How many spaces do you skip between the inside address and salutation?


Write the correct form of the verb. In front of the chancellor's office _____ dozens of students protesting the university's new policies.


When writing a cover letter, you should include _____

only the high points from your resume

The body of an essay consists of _________.

paragraphs that support the thesis

The _____ progressive tenses are formed by adding have been, has been, or had been to the present participle.


A _____ is a summary of your personal background and your qualifications for a job.


When writing a research paper, you should first _______.

select a topic that you can readily research

Most library catalogs are online and can be accessed through a student's personal computer.


I learned in anatomy class that the adult human body contains 206 bones, and more than _____ (20, twenty) of them are located in the hand alone.


Mason and Noah will meet us at the basketball court by _____ (3:30, three-thirty).


About _____ (60, sixty) percent of my classmates work full time and commute to campus.


Kevin has two passions in life _____ making money and spending it.

: colon

Students should have, at least, how many sources?


Write the correct form of the verb. This car dealership sells hybrid sedans that _____ (go, goes) for the same price as gasoline-fueled vehicles.


Write the correct form of the verb. Everybody who _____ visited the Clothesline Project feels compelled to fight against domestic violence.


If you make one point and stick to that point, your writing will _____. have coherence have support have unity all of these

have unity

Choose the sentence that is too narrow to be an effective thesis for an essay. When I was eight years old, I got a parakeet. Wild cats do not make good house pets. Some people at zoos seem less civilized than the animals. There are three effective ways to housebreak a puppy.

When I was eight years old, I got a parakeet.

The plan of development in an essay is_________.

a preview of the major points that support the essay.

It is acceptable to shift verb tenses and point of view frequently in an essay.


Plagiarism is ok if you use a reference page


The following is a comma splice, "Because the temperature dropped below freezing last night, we had to bring our plants indoors.


Write the correct form of the verb. Neither of the two women who responded to my personal ad _____ (seem, seems) like a suitable match for my outgoing, athletic nature.


Write the correct form of the verb. A long line of people at the supermarket checkout usually _____ a customer's patience.


The underlined verb is correct; true or false? My new wool sweater shrank when I mistakenly threw it into the wash.


The underlined verb is correct; true or false? The shy boy would often try to shrink into a corner during a party.


In the sentence that follows, identify the correct verb tense. Madison has participated in Girl Scouts for six years.

present perfect

In the sentence that follows, identify the correct verb tense. I am trying to become more environmentally responsible by recycling my bottles, newspapers, and cardboard materials.

present progressive

If you organize and connect specific evidence, your writing will _____. have coherence have support have unity all of these

have coherence

In what process should a writer consider revising his or her sentence skills?


The subject of a sentence never appears within a prepositional phrase.


The following sentence contains nonstandard verb forms or incorrect verb tenses. Choose the correct form or tense from the choices. The journalist heared the news second hand, so he needed to verify the information. heard had heard hearded hear


Write the correct form of the verb. Optimism among the incumbent's supporters _____ high despite a recent drop in candidate polls.


Once the paper is written, the next step is to __________.

use an acceptable format and method of documentation

In the sentence that follows, identify the correct verb tense. Kalani and his friends were surfing on the day of the tiger shark attack.

past progressive

The _____ tenses are formed by adding have, has, or had to the past participle (the form of the verb that ends, usually, in -ed).


In the sentence that follows, identify the correct verb tense. Larissa is trying to learn Spanish before her trip to Mexico.

present progressive

The Thomas family needs a seven _____ passenger SUV but can only afford a sedan.

- hyphen

Sally loves spandex _____ blend yoga pants.

- hyphen

Every student should be using what type of style when citing sources?


What are two types of resumes?

Chronological or functional

What does each body paragraph begin with?

a topic sentence

Notes for your research paper can be in the form of: direct quotations summaries paraphrasing all of these

all of these

In questioning, you generate ideas about a topic by: asking as many questions as you can think of. reading to find the answers to your questions. writing for ten minutes or so without stopping. drawing boxes, arrows and circles to show relationships between ideas.

asking as many questions as you can think of.

Reviewers should try to think about what _______________ is targeted by the text and offer suggestions for ways that the writer might alter the organization of ideas, language, or overall tone to best fit that ___________.


When writing a resume and cover letter, be _____.

brief and to the point

_____ includes exemplification, process, cause and/or effect, comparison and/or contrast, definition, and division-classification. Description Narration Exposition Argumentation


_____ send a response when aggravated or angry.


In addition to the most common tenses, which are simple present, past, and future, there are _____ other tenses that enable us to express specific ideas about time.


Magazines, journals, and newspapers are _______.


If a student has information that is not supported by an in-text citation, it may be:


One _____ (tbsp., tablespoon) equals fifteen milliliters.


The security officer wondered _____ (whose, who's) cell phone and car keys were left in the restroom.


Which of the following are connecting words? repeated words pronouns synonyms all of these

all of these

Select the best choice. If commas are unnecessary, select "No commas needed. "Do you honestly believe," the police officer asked Zach, "that you weren't speeding?" No commas are needed. "Do you honestly believe," the police officer asked Zach "that you weren't speeding?" "Do you honestly believe" the police officer asked Zach, "that you weren't speeding?"

"Do you honestly believe," the police officer asked Zach, "that you weren't speeding?"

Amber paid _____ ($46.99, forty-six dollars and ninety-nine cents) for a used copy of her history textbook.


Jack's time overseas _____ 10 years _____ gave him a much better understanding of other cultures.

() parentheses

Manny went home _____ to his parents' house _____ for three weeks after his divorce.

() parentheses

The majority of union members _____ 60 percent _____ voted to ratify the proposed three-year contract, which includes a 2.5 percent pay increase and random drug testing.

() parentheses

Which punctuation do we use to show an in-text citation?

() parentheses

Verbs show:

Action or state of being of the subject

Which of the following are ways to vary your sentences? Adding a second complete thought to a sentence. Adding a dependent thought. Beginning with an opening word or phrase. Placing adjectives or verbs in a series.

All of the above

Which of the following are methods of introduction: Begin with a general statement of your topic. Start with an idea or situation that is the opposite of the one you will develop. Use a picture. Explain the importance of the topic to your reader.

Begin with a general statement of your topic Start with an idea or situation that is the opposite of the one you will develop. Explain the importance of the topic to your reader.

What are some common methods of organization? Chronological order Emphatic order Inverted Pyramid Both chronological order and emphatic order

Both chronological order and emphatic order

Which of the following is a fragment? Dramatic weather conditions do not always cause disasters. But at times create beautiful situations as well. Dramatic weather conditions do not always cause disasters AND But at times create beautiful situations as well. None of the above.

But at times create beautiful situations as well.

Titles are brief summaries of your paper. You should format them in the following way(s):

Capitalize all words except small connecting words

When adding summarized material to your paper, you must_________________.

Condense the original material, paying attention to the major points.

A writer should develop their supporting points with specific details because:

Details excite the reader's interest and details serve to explain a writer's point.

Which should you NOT ask yourself when revising sentences?

Did I outline well?

What is the controlling idea in the thesis statement "Media Violence is harmful to society"?

Harmful to society

When adding a quotation to your paper, you must_________________.

Include quotation marks and use the exact same words as the author

Which of the following questions should a peer reviewer ask?

Is evidence or support needed?

Questions the peer reviewer should ask include all but which of the following:

Is the writer serious?

Which of the following are reasons to do a peer review?

It gives the writer the point of view of the reader. Peer review provides another set of eyes on your paper. The peer reviewer brings a similar knowledge of writing and "fresh eyes" for the topic. Part of the benefit of peer review is that students will be exposed to new ideas.

Which of the following sentences is not an effective thesis because it contains more than one idea? People who live in small towns escape many of the hazards of the city. Living in a small town can be boring, but it can provide business opportunities. Moving to a small town required some major adjustments in my life. My roommate's small-town background did not prepare her for life at a large university.

Living in a small town can be boring, but it can provide business opportunities.

Which of the following sources can you always accept as objective truth? Personal experience or observation Statistical data Historical documentation None of the above

None of the above

Choose the sentence that is too broad to be an effective thesis for an essay. Our family outings tend to fall into three categories. A bicycle trip is a terrible way to spend a vacation. Recreation is an important part of the American lifestyle. Several steps should be taken to speed up baseball games.

Recreation is an important part of the American lifestyle.

If you disagree with the writer about a point they made in their text, the best practice is to:

Respectfully tell them why you feel their point isn't well supported.

Select the best choice. If commas are unnecessary, select "No commas needed. Sally likes the watermelon gum, but thinks it quickly loses, flavor. Sally likes the watermelon gum but thinks it quickly loses flavor. Sally, likes the watermelon gum, but thinks it, quickly loses flavor. Sally likes the watermelon gum, but thinks it quickly loses flavor.

Sally likes the watermelon gum, but thinks it quickly loses flavor.

_____ (Tess', Tess's) twin sister Tricia is quiet and reserved, but Tess is friendly and outgoing.


Which of the following sentences is an announcement rather than a thesis statement? Professional athletes are underworked and overpaid. My cousin has centered his life around becoming a professional basketball player. For several reasons, professional athletes today are a bad influence on young people. The importance of professional athletes is the subject of this paper.

The importance of professional athletes is the subject of this paper.

Select the best choice. If commas are unnecessary, select "No commas needed. The librarian shouted "Sir, please lower your voice!" No commas are needed. The librarian shouted, "Sir please lower your voice!" The librarian shouted, "Sir, please lower your voice!"

The librarian shouted, "Sir, please lower your voice!"

How do you order your work history on your resume?

The most recent job first

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using a computer to write a resume?

The use of fun fonts.

The role of the reviewer does not include:

To comment on the writer, not the writing.

Which is the following is true about an argumentative essay? Using tactful, courteous language is best. Being condescending will make the audience realize you are correct. Being rude or belittling emphasizes your thesis statement. You should always attack the opposition.

Using tactful, courteous language is best.

_____ is the process of taking many things and separating them into categories.


In freewriting, you should be concerned with:

constantly writing

You can look up a book in the library by: Title Author Subject All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following are prewriting activities? Clustering Mapping Brainstorming All of the these

All of the these

Plagiarism can result in: Failed assignments Failed courses A scar on your permanent record All of these answers.

All of these answers.

Which of the following are advantages of learning how to write essays? Makes you think more logically. Helps you write job application letters. Improves your chances of success on written tests. All of these answers.

All of these answers.

A paper is considered supported when: there are at least three separate supporting points for the thesis. there is specific evidence for each supporting point. there is plenty of specific evidence for each supporting point. All of these.

All of these.

When revising content, you should ask yourself______________. Is my essay unified? Is my essay supported? Is my essay organized? All of these.

All of these.

In what kind of essay might a writer consider the consequences of choosing a community college over a four-year university?

cause and/or effect

In an essay that emphasizes_____, a writer shows how two things are similar or different in order to understand each of the two things more clearly and, at times, make judgments about them.

comparison and/or contrast

Match the terms: List A: To avoid unintentional negative outcomes, peer reviewers should During a peer review, focus on Is evidence or support needed? Is the topic appropriate to the writing task? List B: Understanding what the author is trying to say before offering your suggestions Look for sweeping generalizations, unsupported claims that look like facts, and facts that are not common knowledge As you review the draft, ask yourself if the topic is too general or too specific Assume the writer is being serious when making claims even if the ideas are strange

To avoid unintentional negative outcomes, peer reviewers should-Assume the writer is being serious when making claims even if the ideas are strange During a peer review, focus on-Understanding what the author is trying to say before offering your suggestions Is evidence or support needed?-Look for sweeping generalizations, unsupported claims that look like facts, and facts that are not common knowledge Is the topic appropriate to the writing task?-As you review the draft, ask yourself if the topic is too general or too specific

The following sentence contains nonstandard verb forms or incorrect verb tenses. Choose the correct form or tense from the choices. Before my father remarried, he promised his fiancé that he would sold his pre-Civil War gun collection, which he quickly did online. solded sells selled sell


The past participle of shout is:


One of the benefits of the peer review is:

students will be exposed to new ideas

All the _____ (stylists, stylists') stations at the hair salon are furnished with posh leather chairs.


If you are researching a topic, then you should search by _____.


_____ are words formed from verbs and, like verbs, often express action.


Write the correct form of the verb. Stefano is one of those few people who _____ very civic minded and actively involved in community affairs.


Write the correct form of the verb. There _____ many career options available to me, but few options promise both wealth and happiness.


In the sentence that follows, identify the underlined word as a participle, an infinitive, or a gerund. If the underlined word is not a verbal, select "Not a verbal." To prevent cheating, my professor asked students to leave their cell phones on her desk during the final exam.


In the sentence that follows, identify the underlined word as a participle, an infinitive, or a gerund. If the underlined word is not a verbal, select "Not a verbal." After the hurricane, few people had running water.

gerund (wrong)

Which of the following is NOT a good way to conclude your paper?

Say that you are right and the reader should listen.

Select the best choice. If commas are unnecessary, select "No commas needed. No commas are needed. William Shakespeare's play, Much Ado About Nothing reminds me of modern romantic comedies. William Shakespeare's play, Much Ado About Nothing, reminds me of modern romantic comedies. William Shakespeare's play, Much Ado About Nothing, reminds me of modern, romantic comedies.

William Shakespeare's play, Much Ado About Nothing, reminds me of modern romantic comedies.

An introductory paragraph may ________. contain a quotation. relate an incident or a story. begin with an idea that is the opposite of the thesis. all of these

all of these

Whenever possible, write on a subject _____. all of these that interests you that you know something about that you have researched

all of these

A(n) _____ is a verbal picture of a person, place, or thing. argumentation narration exposition description


If you want to write to a friend about a beautiful sunset, you would use writing that emphasizes _____. argumentation narrative division-classification description


In an essay that emphasizes_____, readers are given a picture in words using sharp, colorful details that appeal to their senses. definition process narration description


A _____ must be written exactly as it appears in the original work.

direct quotation

A _____ uses a similar number of your own words in place of someone else's words.


An in-text citation is found in the text of the paper, next to the sourced material.


Select the best choice. If commas are unnecessary, select "No commas needed. During a geography quiz, Mark confused Jackson, Missouri, with Jackson City, Mississippi. No commas are needed. During a geography quiz, Mark confused Jackson, Missouri with Jackson City, Mississippi. During a geography quiz Mark confused Jackson, Missouri with Jackson City, Mississippi.

During a geography quiz, Mark confused Jackson, Missouri, with Jackson City, Mississippi.

Select the best choice. If commas are unnecessary, select "No commas needed. Kamil is the only person who listens intently to Professor Tam's long, boring, history lectures. No commas are needed. Kamil is the only person who listens intently to Professor Tam's long, boring, history, lectures. Kamil is the only person who listens intently to Professor Tam's long, boring history lectures.

Kamil is the only person who listens intently to Professor Tam's long, boring history lectures.

Select the best choice. If commas are unnecessary, select "No commas needed. Kristen who was my girlfriend in high school is now married, and has three children. Kristen, who was my girlfriend in high school is now married, and has three children. Kristen, who was my girlfriend in high school, is now married and has three children. No commas are needed.

Kristen, who was my girlfriend in high school, is now married and has three children.

What are some ways to conclude the paper?

end with a summary and final thought

A clause that begins with a subordinator (or dependent word) is an independent clause.


The underlined verb is correct; true or false? Jenny go to the doctor this morning and they gave her good news.


The underlined verb is correct; true or false? To get some rest between activities, it's a good idea to set down and take some deep breaths.


The underlined verb is correct; true or false? Before the guests arrived, Sarah sat a bowl of fresh gardenias from her garden on the coffee table.

false, the correct term is set

If you back up a main point with specific evidence, your writing will _____. demonstrate sentence skills have coherence have support have unity

have support

Write the correct form of the verb. Dental veneers made of porcelain or plastic can _____ chipped, stained, or crooked teeth.


What is the attitude in the thesis statement "Media Violence is harmful to society"?


The second step in writing a research paper is to _______.

limit your topic and make the purpose of your paper clear

In outlining, you must distinguish between major ideas and ________.

minor details

In an essay that emphasizes_____, a writer tells a story that illustrates or explains some point. definition process narration description


Stories and vignettes are examples of writing that emphasizes _____. cause and effect process argumentation narration


Match the terms: parallelism a consistent point of view active verbs varying your sentences Definitions: The subject of the verb performs the action of the verb Balancing the items of a sentence Different lengths of sentences in your paper Not shifting verb tenses unnecessarily

parallelism-balancing the items of a sentence a consistent point of view-Not shifting verb tenses unnecessarily active verbs-The subject of the verb performs the action of the verb varying your sentences-Different lengths of sentences in your paper

The fourth step in writing a research paper is to ____________.

plan your paper and take notes on your limited topic

You do not need a blueprint to create a strong thesis statement.


The underlined verb is correct; true or false? Joseph had lain down for a quick cat nap but ended up sleeping for several hours.

true, lain is the past tense of lie

Match the following items: unity support coherence sentence skills Definition: organize and connect the specific evidence support your point with specific evidence advance a single point and stick to it write clear, error-free sentences

unity-advance a single point and stick to it support-support your point with specific evidence coherence-organize and connect the specific evidence sentence skills-write clear, error-free sentences

Write the correct form of the verb. Moving among a sea of rumba dancers _____ my grandparents, who regularly attend ballroom dance classes at the senior center.


In Step 4 of writing an essay, you _____. use a clear plan to organize the essay revise your thesis statement all of these write clear, error-free sentences

write clear, error-free sentences

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