English Final 2015 (Revised)

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What job does Gene try to take to avoid playing actively on a sports team?

Assistant crew manager

Why doesn't Gene join the army?

He feels that Finny doesn't want him to.

How did Crooks get his name?

He has a crooked back.

Why is Candy unable to imagine getting rid of his old dog?

He has had the dog since it was a puppy.

What happens to Leper in the military?

He has hallucinations and then deserts.

Why does Curley wear a Vaseline-filled glove on one hand?

He wants to keep his hand soft for his wife.

What excites Lennie most about his dream life with George?

He will get to tend rabbits.

Whit enters the bunkhouse with a magazine featuring a man he used to work with. Why is the man in the magazine?

He wrote a letter to the editor, praising the publication.

What does Curley's wife offer to let Lennie touch?

Her hair

Rime means?


Where does Gene tell Finny his own version of what happened on the tree?

In Finny's home on the outskirts of Boston

What is a short story?

It is a work that yields a single overall "effect" and is short enough to be read in one sitting. Like the novel, though on a smaller scale, the short story takes the time to establish a setting and develop characters.

The Pearl Written by?

John Steinbeck

Who cared for Lennie before George?

Lennie's aunt Clara

Who testifies that Gene knocked Finny off the tree?


Where is The Pearl set?


What does Juana use as a poultice for Coyotito's wound?


What is the name of the town from which George and Lennie are fleeing when the story opens?



is the measuring of the patterns of accent or stress in poetry. The basic unit of meter is called a foot.


is the use of words to imitate the sounds they describe, such as clank, buss, babble, and sizzle.

Which of the following is not on the list of things Kino plans to buy with his newfound wealth? (A) An education for Coyotito (B) A sailboat (C) A rifle (D) A proper marriage in a church

(B) A sailboat


- is a reference to historical figures or actions, mythological creatures and happenings, or literary characters and events.


- is a tone---an implied attitude taken by a poet toward his or her subject. It may appear in poetry in three ways: verbal irony (the speaker seems to say one things but mean its opposite: "War is Kind"), situational irony (circumstances are ironic), and dramatic.


- one thing stands for something associated with it.

Trochaic Foot

-u (long short) PO em

Dactylic Foot

-uu (long short short) FRI vo lous

What is the best offer Kino gets for his pearl?

1,500 pesos

Five important elements in a short story?

1. Character 2. Plot 3. Setting 4. Conflict 5. Theme

Kinds of rhymes

1. Normal alternating or variation (ABCB) 2. Slant 3. Internal

How long did he go without catching a fish?

84 days

What does Finny wear that causes such a stir at Mr. Patch-Withers's tea?

A Devon School tie, encircling his waist as a belt

Why does Thomas refuse to tell his family what he thinks about the divorce and the Act of Supremacy?

Because he doesn't want them to have to lie if called to testify against him

Why doesn't Crooks allow Lennie to enter his room at first?

Because he says a white man shouldn't be allowed in his room since he is not allowed in the white men's bunkhouse

Where does Kino hide the pearl during the night?

Beneath his sleeping mat

What is the name of the game that Finny invents?


With what does Kino offer to pay the doctor?

Eight small pearls

Old Man and the Sea Written by?

Ernest Hemingway

Characters in A Man for All Seasons

More: More's historical refusal to swear to Parliament's Act of Supremacy is the play's main subject, but Bolt intentionally does not depict More as the saint or martyr of legend. Significantly, More makes no move to speak out against King Henry's divorce or to make any public gesture that indicates his opinion on the matter. The Common Man: The Common Man sporadically narrates the play, and he plays the roles of most of the lower-class characters: More's steward Matthew, the boatman, the publican (innkeeper), the jailer, the jury foreman, and the headsman (executioner). Richard Rich: In particular, Rich's meteoric rise to wealth and power is simultaneous with More's fall from favor. Unlike More, Rich conquers and destroys his conscience rather than obeying it. Norfolk: More's close friend. Norfolk is ultimately asked by Cromwell, and even encouraged by More himself, to betray his friendship with More. Cromwell: A crafty lawyer who is the primary agent plotting against More. Whereas Rich and the Common Man are driven to their immoral actions (conspiracy, execution, and so on) somewhat reluctantly at times, Cromwell is motivated more by an evil nature. He facilitates More's downfall with only a minimum of guilt.

What heretic does Cromwell attempt to associate with More?

The Holy Maid of Kent

Why does Norfolk participate in the persecution of his friend More?

The king ordered him to, so the trial wouldn't seem unfair

Where do Kino and Juana flee to escape the trackers?

Up the mountain

How does the doctor treat Coyotito's scorpion wound?

With a capsule filled with powder

Rime of the Ancient Mariner Written by? Drawn by?

Written by: Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth Drawn by: Gustave Dore

For what does Juana pray when she is in the canoe?

A big pearl

For what do the trackers mistake Coyotito's cry?

A coyote's cry

What is Old Susy's place?

A flophouse

Disappointed with her life, Curley's wife wonders where she would be if she had followed her dreams and become which of the following things?

A movie star

What stings Coyotito?

A scorpion

How does Finny die?

A small amount of bone marrow enters his bloodstream and stops his heart

Mens sana et mens corpus (or something like that)

A sound mind in a sound body. Become both smart and strong.

What kind of school record does Finny break in only one try?

A swimming record

What two places does Gene Forrester make a point of visiting when he returns to his school?

A tree and a flight of marble steps

Who tells More that he's behaving "like a printed book"?


What did a woman use to attempt to bribe More?

An Italian silver cup

Where do Kino and Juana first take refuge after their house burns down?

At Juan Tomás's house

What position does Cromwell offer Rich in exchange for Rich's false testimony at More's trial?

Attorney general of Wales

After killing Curley's wife, which of the following pairs does Lennie imagine appears to chastise his behavior?

Aunt Clara and a giant rabbit

A Nincompoop Author, Setting, and Plot Genre?

Author: Anton Chekov Setting: In the man's study Plot: The narrator asks his children's governess, Julia Vassilyena to meet him in his study. He starts off saying that they agreed on 30 rubles a month, she says forty. He says she hasn't been working for as long as she claims, always saying I have made a note of it. He keeps taking money away and ends up giving her 11 rubles. She says thank you, but then the man says, "I have cheated you!" and she says she never got money before so any amount is good. He gives her the full 80. Theme

Why does More suddenly let Roper marry his daughter?

Because Roper switches back to Catholicism

Who's There? Author, Setting, and Plot Genre?

Author: Arthur C. Clarke Setting: In a space station Plot: The narrator is told that there is an object in the orbital and that they must get it out. He decides to get it since they are behind. He gets into his space suit, passing the car. He goes out and hears noises not normal with the suit. He stars to panic and wonder is it is the same suit a friend died in, and if it is haunted. He calls for help - thinking something is wrong - not knowing what is going on. He feels something scruff his neck, scared he slams his head into a hard surface in his suit and passes out. He awakens in the space hospital and learns that the perceived tomcat is a female and the litter in his locker was hers. It was a cat! Plot

The Tell Tale Heart Author, Setting, and Plot Genre?

Author: Edgar Allan Poe Setting: Not specified Plot: A nameless person explains that he is and was extremely nervous, but is not and was not insane. Rather, the narrator has a "disease" which makes all his senses, especially his hearing, very sensitive. To prove that he isn't insane, the narrator shares an event from his past. Let's jump into his tale: The narrator has an idea that he can't shake. He loves the old man and has nothing against him. Except...his horrible eye, which is "pale blue [...] with a film over it" (2). The narrator hates the eye and decides to kill the old man to be free of it. To that end, the narrator goes to the old man's room every night at 12am, for seven days. Each night the narrator opens the man's door and puts in a lantern (the kind they don't make anymore, with panels that can be adjusted to release more or less light). After the lantern, the narrator puts his head through the doorway, extremely slowly, and then opens the lantern so a tiny beam of light shines on the old man's eye. Each night the old man doesn't open his eye, so the narrator feels that he can't kill him. On the eighth night, the old man hears the narrator at the door and wakes up. The narrator hangs out there in the dark for a long time, then, with a scream, plunges into the totally dark room, opening the lantern, and shining light on the old man's eye. The narrator drags the old man, who has only screamed once, off the bed, and then pulls the bed on top of the man. When the narrator hears the man's heart stop beating, he removes the bed and checks to make sure the old man is really dead, which he is. So the narrator cuts him up and hides his remains under the floor. Then three policemen come. A neighbor had heard a scream and called them. The narrator says he screamed while sleeping, and claims that the old man is out of town. After convincing the cops nothing bad is going down, the narrator brings them into the old man's bedroom, and they all sit down to chat. While they are all shooting the breeze, the narrator starts hearing a terrible ticking noise, which gets louder and louder until the narrator freaks out, confesses, and points the police to the old man's body, stating that the sound is coming from the old man's heart.

The Lady or the Tiger Author, Setting, and Plot Genre?

Author: Frank R. Stockton Setting: In a Roman-like arena Plot: A half-barbaric king, who is half civilized due to his Latin neighbors, has a "game". He places a suspect in the arena and tells him to open one of two doors. One door leads to the ferocious tiger, and the other leads to a lovely maid who would marry him, if her door would open. The man, however, loved the king's daughter, but he was quite poor. Before choosing, the man looked at the princess, who had worked hard to learn with door was which. However, she hated the women, for she gave the man looks, that he often returned. The princess gave him a notion to the right door, and he followed. Point of View

Home Author, Setting, and Plot Genre?

Author: Gwendolyn Brooks Setting: the porch of the house Plot: Maud Martha, Mama, and Helen, two sisters and the mom, rock on the front porch awaiting the arrival of their father, who is coming home from work, but during his lunch break went to see if they could get an extension on their mortgage payment. They begin to debate what they will do if it gets rejected, saying they will move into a nice apartment - knowing that it will be too expensive for them - Helen says she may have more friends over. Maud Martha remarks on how nice it was having a fireplace - makes everyone sad. She then said Papa would be sad to loose the hows he lived for the house, but Helen said that he lived for the family and that he would still be happy. The dad comes home, the mother follows him inside, and says that they got the house. Helen says she will have a party to show they are homeowners. The Heart of the Matter

The Princess and the Tin Box Author, Setting, and Plot Genre?

Author: James Thurber Setting: In a far kingdom Plot: In a far kingdom there lived a king, who had the most beautiful daughter in the world. She was showered with gifts throughout her whole life. But when she turned 18, her father said she would marry one of the princes from the 5 neighboring kingdoms, whom's gift she most liked. *Prince 1: Rode swift white stallion - enormous apple made of solid gold, taken from a dragon who had guarded it for a thousand years. Prince 2: came on a gray charge - nightingale made of a thousand diamonds. Prince 3: riding a black horse - great jewel box made of platinum and sapphires. Prince 4: rose a fiery yellow horse - made of rubies and pierced by an emerald arrow. Prince 5: Strongest and handsomest of all the five. But his father was a poor kind, and their kingdom had been overrun with mice, etc. He came on a plow horse - small tin box filled with rocks he had picked up on the way.* Many princesses laughed at his gift. But the princess was excited for she had always gotten nice things. But she picks the third prince who gave her the jewelry box. Tone

Why You Reckon? Author, Setting, and Plot Genre?

Author: Langston Hughes Setting: Not specified Plot: Two colored men are both hungry. They see a weak white man in his evening clothes, they push him into the basement and take his money and jewelry and shoes. The first one, rushes off an leaves the other with nothing. The young boy is happy about it, but the other black man does not understand why.

Thank You, M'am Author, Setting, and Plot Genre?

Author: Langston Hughes Setting: just on the street, 11 o'clock Plot: Its late and a large women carrying her very large purse walks down an empty street, where a boy tries to steal her purse, but its size throws him off balance and he falls. She takes everything back and asks if he is ashamed. He says yes, but didn't mean to steal the purse, not tricked the women says he lies. He has nobody at home, so she drags him off. He says to be released, but the women -Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones - keeps him in her grip. She takes him to his house and tells the boy - Roger - to wash his face, although seeing that the door is open, he washes his face. She asks if he was hungry- for why he took her stuff- he says he wanted blue suede shoes. She gets some food, he does not leave or steal - wants to be trusted- and then they eat. After she gives him money - 10 dollars for shoes- and he leaves, but says thank you right before he goes, and is never seen again. Character

The Bracelet Author, Setting, and Plot Genre?

Author: Yoshiko Uchida Setting: California, WWII Plot: Ruri, and her family are sent to a concentration camp for Japanese -Americans. Ruri's friend Laurie brings her a gift of a bracelet -gold chain with a heart charm -as a going away gift. She promises to never take it off. They arrive and go to a used up horse stable and realizes she lost the bracelet. She feels she lost Laurie, but while unpacking and seeing Laurie in the clothing, she realizes she doesn't need the bracelet to remember her friend. The Heart of the Matter

Why must Kino and his family flee from their neighborhood?

Because Kino kills a man

The Sniper Author, Setting, and Plot Genre?

Author: Liam O'Flaherty Setting: Dublin, Ireland, June, near the O'Connell bridge Plot: There is a civil war going on. Two snipers, one for the Free Staters and one for the Republicans sit on opposite rooftops. The Republican one is a young boy. He eats a meal, and lights a cigar, which reveals his position and he is shot at. A women gets out of a side street and talks to a man in the turret of the armored car, now right near him. The women points at the sniper, and the sniper shoots, knowing she is an informant, he hits the man in the car, he shifts and hits the women also. The car drives away, and the opposite sniper shoots at him once again, hitting him in the arm. He applies a bandage and shoots at the sniper, knowing he must leave, and killing the sniper is the only way. They shoot across the street, until the sniper shoots his opposite. Curiosity overcomes him and he goes toward the dead opposite. He turns over the body, and looks into his brothers face. Setting

War Author, Setting, and Plot Genre?

Author: Luigi Pirandello Setting: Rome -Sulmona, Italy WWI Plot: A couple joins on the carriage- train- the wife is large, husband small, they are leaving Rome to go to Sulmona. The wife is sad because their only son has gone off to war, to the front. The other passengers remark about how they have had children go a long time ago, or had many other loved ones go. They debate who suffers more the man with one son or two sons. One man says that if they die happy than what more can they ask. Everyone should stop crying. This man- old man- says that his son sent him a message saying that he was dying satisfied at habing ended his life in the best way he could have wished. That is why he is not in morning. The fat women asks if his son is really dead, he contemplates her questions and realizes his son is truly dead and cries. Turing Points

An Astrologer's Day Author, Setting, and Plot Genre?

Author: R.K. Narayan Setting: India, but at his workplace Plot: The astrologer awaits at his workplace to tell people's future. However, he is actually not psychic, but knows that it is normally marriage, money, or lies, that is causing people trouble. One day, a man confronts the astrologer -Guru Nayak is the customer's name- and requests a reading, promising to pay him more and more, based on how convincing it is. The astrologer says how he has been stabbed and left for dead, but he should leave now and not come back. Once the astrologer goes home, he has a lot of money, he says to his wife that he thought he had killed a man but he has not. *Astrologer was the one who stabbed Guru Nayak- the customer* Tales with a Twist

All Summer in a Day Author, Setting, and Plot Genre?

Author: Ray Bradbury Setting: Venus in a classroom Plot: This story is set on the planet Venus, where the sun shines for only two hours once every seven years. It opens on the day that the sun is due to make its appearance once again. Margot and the other children in her school on Venus are nine years old. Margot came from Earth to Venus five years ago. Therefore she accurately recalls the sun and the way it looked and felt as it shone on her when she was back in Ohio. However, this is not the case with the other children. They were far too young to remember what the sun was like when last it shone upon them. They can only imagine the warmness of that sun upon their arms and legs. Margot tells the others that the sun is round like a penny and hot like a fire in the stove. The other children accuse her of lying, and they show their resentment of her seeming superiority by locking her in a closet. When the Venus rains finally stop and the sun comes out, it sends a flaming bronze color throughout the jungle growth. The children soak up the life-giving sunshine until the rains start to fall again. The children now know that Margot was telling the truth about the sun. Then and only then do they remember that Margot is still locked in the closet. Because they get her out of the closet after the sun has passed, she misses it all. Setting

Rolls for the Czar Author, Setting, and Plot Genre?

Author: Robin Kinkead Setting: Saint Petersburg/Moscow Plot: Markov-a baker was known for his bakery, renowned throughout Russia. Rolls were pure white. The Czar was fond of the rolls, wanted to try one. He takes the steaming roll and splits it in half, where he sees a dead fly. He summons the Markov who says it is a rasin and eats it. Czar laughs and continues on. Tales with a Twist

The Lottery Author, Setting, and Plot Genre?

Author: Shirley Jackson Setting: A small, American, town Plot: Once a year, all of the members of the town put their names in to be picked out of the lottery. In this case, the Hutchinson family gets picked, so all of the members of the family go up and select again. After two rounds, it is found that Tessie Hutchinson is picked. She is then stoned and killed.

Charles Author, Setting, and Plot Genre?

Author: Shirley Jackson Setting: the home Plot: The mother - narrator - tells the story of her son, Laurie, begging of kindergarden. Laurie comes home everyday with a new story about how bad Charles, a classmate, has been. Charles is often spanked for being fresh, or hitting his teachers. Whenever he is punished all the students watch, and when he stays late all the students stay with him. From then on, whenever someone does something bad in their household they are compared to Charles. However, Charles then becomes a model student, student-teacher- helper and such. But then he returns back to normal and bad. When the PTA meetings arrive, the mom goes and tries to meet Charles' parents, but cannot find one, and learned from the teacher that Laurie has had trouble in kindergarden and there is no kind named Charles. Character

Ambush Author, Setting, and Plot Genre?

Author: Tim O'Brien Setting: Not specified Plot: The narrators daughter asks him if he has killed anyone. He says no. He imagines that when she is an adult he will tell her that when he was in the war he accidentally killed a man with a grenade, but he tells himself the man would have died anyway, but still seems him to this day. Theme

Appointment in Samarra Author, Setting, and Plot Genre?

Author: W. Somerset Maugham Setting: Marketplace in Baghdad Plot: A merchant's servant returns from the market, claiming he saw death, and that he must flee to Samarra to avoid his fate. The merchant agrees and after the servant leaves, he goes to the marketplace, approaches the speaker and says, "Why did you make a threatening gesture to my servant...?" The speaker says, "I was astonished to see him in Baghdad, for I had an appointment with him tonight in Samarra." *The narrator is death* Introduction

I Confess Author, Setting, and Plot Genre?

Author: Wei Wenjuan Setting: Classroom and teacher's office Plot: The class monitor says to the teacher, Mr. Wei - who used to go to the school and how is the head of 8th graders- that Wang Wei has written Chinese characters all over the desk. Mr. Wei has him sent in. Wang Wei claims it is not him, and they go to the office, where Mr. Wei realizes that it was he, along time ago during his school years, who wrote the characters on the table and ends the story with, "Yes, I confess..." Turing Points

Devon School Motto

Boys come in hope that they may become men.

Who organizes the "trial" to determine what caused Finny's fall from the tree?


How does Kino decide to make money when he realizes that the local pearl dealers are lowballing him?

By traveling to the capital to sell his pearl

Who discovers Curley's dead wife?


Whom do Lennie and George agree to let live on their farm?


Why does Carlson insist on shooting Candy's dog?

Carlson believes the dog is too old and decrepit to be of any use.

Before George meets Lennie in the woods in the final scene, whose gun does he take?


Henry's first queen is named


How does Finny break his leg the second time?

He falls down a flight of marble steps.

How did Kino acquire his canoe?

He inherited it

How does Coyotito die?

He is shot

How does Kino rid himself of the trackers?

He kills them

What is the first pearl dealer's nervous habit?

He manipulates a coin in his hands

How does Steinbeck foreshadow the death of Curley's wife?

He opens the chapter in which she dies with Lennie petting his dead puppy.

How does Kino react when Juana attempts to steal the pearl from him?

He punches her in the head and then kicks he

How does Kino react when the doctor snubs him?

He strikes the front gate with his fists, bloodying his knuckles

What does Kino do to conceal himself from the trackers?

He strips naked

What does George say to Lennie before shooting him?

He tells Lennie the story of their farm.

When Lennie drops down next to the pool of water as the story opens, what is George's advice to him?

He tells him not to drink too much water to avoid getting sick.

What does Kino do with the pearl at the novella's end?

He throws it back into the sea

What charge must Cromwell trump up in order to be able to execute Sir Thomas?

High treason

What does Curley wear to set himself apart from the other men?

High-heeled boots

What reason does the dealer give for not liking Kino's pearl?

It is too large

Who was the person Santiago admired?

Joe DiMaggio

A Separate Peace Written by?

John Knowles

Of Mice and Men Written by?

John Steinbeck

Explain the title of a Man for All Seasons

Just explains how More does not change his opinion and keeps his integrity.

Characters in The Pearl

Kino Juana Coyotito

What is the name of the town where Kino first attempts to sell his pearl?

La Paz

Characters in Of Mice and Men

Lennie - George's companion. However, because of his mental disability, he depends fully on George. George - a witty and clever man, who loves Lennie despite often claiming how much better his life would be without him. Candy - an old rich man. He lost his hand a while back, which effects his work. He offers to contribute to Lennie and George's farm fantasy. Slim - one of the workers, he is skilled and quite strong. He seems to be the only person who understands Lennie and George's relationship.

What is Roper's religion at the beginning of the play?


What position does Rich take after More first refuses his request for work?

Norfolk's librarian

Who isn't mentioned by the Common Man as someone who ends up being executed in the aftermath of the events depicted in the play?

Richard Rich

A Man for All Seasons Written by:

Robert Bolt

Old Man and the Sea Main Characters (brief description)

Santiago - cuban fisherman - old - who underwent the long journey of bad luck. Manolin - the boy who helps Santiago, but because of the bad luck is no longer allowed, by his parents, to be with Santiago. Young/Teenager

What job does More recommend that Rich take at the very beginning of the play?


To whom does Candy look for advice before allowing Carlson to shoot his dog?


Who is the only man to understand the bond between Lennie and George?


Difference between Tales with a twist and Turning Points?

Tales with a Twist is fast and at the end. Turning Points are so.

What is Finny's professed opinion of the war? (After his injury)

That it is a big conspiracy

What is the name of the club that Gene and Finny establish during the summer?

The Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session

What does Juana propose to do with the pearl?

Throw it back into the sea


a part of something substituted for the whole.


a way of describing one thing in terms of another... an object that stands for something beyond itself; a feeling, or an abstract idea, or an experience.


an intuitive perception of the similarity in dissimilar.


establishes the comparison by used like or as.


is a type of metaphorical comparisons in which abstract concepts or inanimate objects are invested with human properties.


is the order or sequence of words in a sentence. Syntactical arrangements can be inverted, balanced, or mimetic.


is the pulse or beat in line of poetry, prose or music. It is the pattern of regularly recurring accents or stresses on the syllables.


is the repetition of consonant sounds, especially at the beginning of words.


is the repetition of vowel sounds.


of poetry involves patterned arrangements of language.


the selection of words in a poem. - abstract or concrete - formal or informal - general or specific

Iambic Foot

u- (short long) hel LO

Anapestic Foot

uu- (short short long) ob so LETE

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