English Final

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T/F: Another ine!ective technique is to use one or two sentences in the introduction to acknowledge the alternative position.


T/F: Because propaganda is so effective, it is important to detect it and understand how it is used.


T/F: Did + not = don't


T/F: Frustrated by her friend's unhealthy diet, Frieda shouted: "Your never going to lose weight if you keep eating pudding!"


T/F: In terms of future plans, were saving up to buy a house.


T/F: It is always enough to not acknowledge other view points and present your own argument.


T/F: It is not a mistake to simply ignore points of view that conflict with yours.


T/F: It is not equally important to give the reader the impression that you are a reasonable person, willing to look at an issue from all sides.


T/F: On nights when the babysitter was in charge, the children needed to be in bed by (9) o'clock.


T/F: One e!ective technique is to forget to cite the opposing viewpoint in your thesis statement because it's is not needed in an argumentative essay.


T/F: Peter Pan instructed the Darling children that Neverland could be reached by taking "the (2nd) star to the right."


T/F: Regretfully, Richard explained, "If I could go back in time, I've have spent more time with my kids."


T/F: Semicolons are typically used to separate the quoted part of a sentence from the rest of the sentence.


T/F: The students studied for the midterm in a lounge outside the (psych dept.)


T/F: There are 6 strategies you can use to help win over readers whose viewpoint may differ from yours.


T/F: We manage to not to absorb advertisers' messages and images into our subconscious mind.


T/F: We may conclude, after close examination, that propaganda does not send a truthful, worthwhile message.


Whitney did________on her health exam today. well good none of these


T/F: A comma punctuates the end of a complete sentence.


T/F: After three long days of interviewing, everyone wondered who's application would be accepted.


Which of these sentences is correct? -"As an expert on "lm" said Jim "I'm certain that Casablanca is the greatest of all time." -"As an expert on "lm", said Jim, "I'm certain that Casablanca is the greatest of all time." -"As an expert on "lm" said Jim, "I'm certain that Casablanca is the greatest of all time." -None of these.

"As an expert on "lm" said Jim, "I'm certain that Casablanca is the greatest of all time."

For his audition, John prepared sixteen bars of ("corner of the sky" from pippin.) -"corner of the sky" from pippin -"Corner of the Sky" from Pippin -"Corner of the Sky" from pippin -No change

"Corner of the Sky" from Pippin

"If only one person was moved by the speech," the principal said, ("It will have been worth it.") "it will have been worth it." "It Will Have Been Worth It." "it will Have Been Worth It." No change

"it will have been worth it."

How many basic types of propaganda are there, according to the reading? A.7 B.4 C.4 D.none of these


According to the text, in an essay that emphasizes argument, you are attempting to persuade readers to_______. A. accept your viewpoint B. buy a car C. live their best lives D. join your bandwagon

Accept your view point

Clear thinking requires hard work: analyzing a claim, researching the facts, examining both sides of an issue, using ________ to see the flaws in an argument. A.explanation B. logic C. making sure you read carefully D. None of the these

B. Logic

This approach works because it appeals to our emotions, not to our minds. A. Bandwagon B. Plain Folks C. Emotional purchasing D. None of these.


This technique applies pressure, "Everyone's doing it. Why don't you?" This type of propaganda often succeeds because many people have deep desire not to be different.


As illogical as this technique is sometimes it is effective propaganda because we like the person much that we like the product too. A. Bandwagon B. Propoganda C. Testimonial D. None of these

C. Testimonial

This is when one side may suppress or distort evidence, tell half-truths, oversimplify the facts, or set up a "straw man"--a false target--to divert attention from the issue at hand.

Card stacking

Identify whether the underlined adjective is correctly used: Although Emma Stone had been named Best Actress, Chuck tried to argue that Meryl Streep was betterer.


Identify whether the underlined adjective is correctly used: Although the weather had been bad, we took comfort in the knowledge that it could get more better.


Identify whether the underlined adjective is correctly used: Mia is the most funniest friend i have; she's often the life of any party.


Identify whether the underlined adjective is correctly used: "Unchained Melody" is one of the most hardest songs to sing.


T/F: When the line cooks arrived to set up the kitchen, they were shocked to discover that the chefs signature spatula had been stolen in the night.


T/F:Advertisers lean heavily on word-of-mouth to sell products, whether the "products" are a brand of toothpaste, a candidate for o$ce, ora particular political viewpoint.


T/F:Identify whether the underlined adjective is correctly used: Dave is more taller than Mike.


T/F:Semicolons are typically used to separate the quoted part of a sentence from the rest of the sentence.


This type of technique uses vague terms that are difficult to define and that may have different meanings to different people: freedom, democratic, progressive, etc. A. Plain folks B. Testimonial C. Glittering Generalities D. None of these

Glittering Generalities

this is the opposite of name calling and used when advertisers surround their products with attractive people--and slippery words and phrases

Glittering Generalities

Which of these sentences is correct? -Layla announced "Tomorrow, I am going to quit my job." -Layla announced, "Tomorrow I am going to quit my job." -Layla announced, "Tomorrow, I am going to quit my job." -None of these.

Layla announced, "Tomorrow, I am going to quit my job."

Corporations also use the ______________technique when the sponsor prestigious shows on radio and television, so that they can reach an educated, in"uential audience and, perhaps, improve their public image by associating themselves with quality programming.

Name calling

This propaganda tactic is used when negatively charged names are hurled against the opposing side or competitor

Name calling

This type of propaganda is an effective way to damage the opposition whether it is another car maker or a congressional candidate because it arouses feelings of mistrust, fear, and hate in audiences. A. Hateful Tactics B. Name Calling C. Card Stacking D. Transfer

Name calling

In the summers, Eliza supplemented her income by working at (a seafood restaurant in her hometown.) a Seafood Restaurant in her hometown a seafood restaurant in her Hometown a Seafood restaurant in her Hometown No change

No change

My husband, who is at home with the flu, asked me to pick up a box of (kleenex tissues, a bottle of extra strength tylenol,) and a jug of orange juice from the supermarket. -kleenex tissues, a bottle of extra strength Tylenol -kleenex tissues, a bottle of Extra Strength Tylenol -Kleenex tissues, a bottle of Extra Strength Tylenol -No change

No change

Which of these sentences is correct? -On February 14 2020 we're getting married at 68 Park Avenue, Los Angeles, California. -On February 14, 2020, we're getting married at 68 Park Avenue, Los Angeles, California. -On February 14, 2020, we're getting married at 68 Park Avenue Los Angeles California. -None of these.

On February 14, 2020, we're getting married at 68 Park Avenue, Los Angeles, California.

In these types of ads, candidates wear hard hats, farmers' caps, and assembly-line coveralls. The ideas is to convince you that they are average people. A. Testimonial B. Relationship building C.Propaganda D. Plain Folks

Plain Folks

This approach, in effect, says, "Buy me or vote for me. I'm just like you!"

Plain Folks

When you point out common ground, you essentially are doing what, exactly? A. pointing out opinions that you share B. proving that you are from their same part of the city C. showing them that you are a nice person, too D. giving them a tour of the local museum you both like

Pointing out opinions that you share

___________ is a systematic effort to influence people's opinions, to win them over to a certain vew or side. A. Advertising B. Consumer reports C. Propaganda D. None of these


_____________simply want people to believe the messages being sent. A. Propagandists B. Ad agencies C. Consumer scientist D. None of these


this is one of advertisers' most-loved and most used. This capitalizes on the admiration people have for a celebrity to make the product shine more brightly--even though the celebrity is not an expert on the product being sold.


Identify whether the underlined adjective is correctly used: Dorothy Parker is a witty poet, but Oscar Wilde is perhaps the most clever of all the writers we've read this semester.


this type of technique is used when advertisers try to improve the image of a product by associating with a symbol most people respect


Identify whether the underlined adjective is correctly used: Even though I studied twice as hard, I did worse on the SATs the second time I took them.


Identify whether the underlined adjective is correctly used: Of all the obnoxious people I know, I can't think of anyone I like lesser than Liz.


Identify whether the underlined adjective is correctly used: Though many of her students were poorly behaved, Tina knew that Dominic was the worst in the class.


Identify whether the underlined adjectives are correctly used: Trey's artwork is more unusual than the work of his classmates, but their professor's is by far the most unusual.


T/F: A rebuttal can take (2) different forms


T/F: A third technique is to use a paragraph within the body of your essay to summarize opinions in greater detail.


T/F: Acknowledging other viewpoints strengthens your position in several ways.


T/F: Admit the merit of one aspect of the other argument while making it clear that you still believe your argument to be stronger overall.


T/F: Although propaganda may seem relevant only in the political arena, the concept can be applied fruitfully to the way products and ideas are sold in advertising.


T/F: An indirect quotation is a rewording of someone else's comments rather than a word-for-word direct quotation.


T/F: Because argument assumes controversy, you have to work especially hard to convince readers of the validity of your position.


T/F: By quickly establishing that you recognize the other side's position, you get your readers on board with you, ready to hear what else you have to say.


T/F: Commas and periods that end a quotation always go inside the quotation marks.


T/F: Contractions are formed when two words are combined.


T/F: Contractions are used to show the omission of letters in a contraction and/or to show ownership or possession.


T/F: I + am = I'm


T/F: If Roberta needs her package to arrive by Friday, she must drop it in the mail before (6:30) on Tuesday evening.


T/F: Jasmine has a collection of over (500) books.


T/F: One study reports that each of us, during an average day, is exposed to over 500 advertising claims of various types.


T/F: Over the years, it has become customary to leave a (20) percent tip for restaurant servers.


T/F: Quotation marks indicate either exact words or titles of short works.


T/F: Reader will be more likely to consider your viewpoint if you indicate a willingness to consider theirs.


T/F: Rudy met with his (professor) to appeal his failing grade.


T/F: When asked if her trainees were prepared to start working, Jackie replied: "They're ready."


T/F:A comma often marks a slight pause or break in a sentence.


T/F:Card stacking is a difficult form of propaganda both to detect and combat.


T/F:The Bandwagon approach in ads, shows a series of people proclaiming, "I'm voting for the senator. I don't know why anyone wouldn't." Again, the audience feels under pressure to conform.


T/F:You should begin by doing some library research to find information on both sides of an issue.


Sometimes an opposing argument contains a point whose ________you cannot deny. A. validity B. eating habits C. bacon D. eggs


Per your text, it is important to not ________ your audience by referring to them or their opinions in a rude or belittling terms. A. anger B. excite C. force D. slap


I worked ________ to make sure everyone felt welcomed. carefully careful none of these


You should pass the quiz________. easy easily none of these


David prepared____________ for breakfast. eggs, bacon, waffles, and pancakes eggs, bacon waffles and pancakes eggs bacon waffles and pancakes None of these.

eggs, bacon, waffles, and pancakes

To rebut means to ________. A. point out problems with an opposing view B. eat a good meal C. hit someone in the face D. argue with yourself and the reader

point out problems with an opposing view

The train's fourth car had been designated a _________ space for commuters who wish to relax. quiete quietly none of these


According to the section, "Point Out Common Ground", by pointing out the yours and the readers' common ground(s), it is more likely they will be ______ to your idea once they have considered how you and they think alike. A. receptive B. happy C. eager D. able to slap themselves


The ________strategy is to admit that the point is a______ one. A. strongest/ good B. easy/ bad C. hungry/ evil D. ugly/ bold

strongest/ good

Having done your research, you would be in a good position to write a paragraph_________ the opposing viewpoints. A. summarizing B. arguing C. looking at D. eating


Per the section, "Use Tactful, Courteous Language", you should stay away from what type of statements? A. sweeping statements B. gerrymandering statements C. rude statements D. prejudicial statements

sweeping statements

Per your text, at what point in your essay should you acknowledge opposing arguments? A. the earlier the better B. You don't have to; its your paper C. in the conclusion D. in the middle after you have spoken with the easter bunny

the earlier the better

In a strange coincidence, Adam's film class was watching (the film Gravity as his fundamentals of physics class was learning about Gravity.) -the film Gravity as his Fundamentals of Physics class was learning about Gravity. -the film gravity as his Fundamentals of Physics class was learning about gravity. -the film Gravity as his Fundamentals of Physics class was learning about gravity. No change

the film Gravity as his Fundamentals of Physics class was learning about gravity.

T/F: Amber paid ($46.99) for a used copy of her history textbook.


T/F: When you are dealing with an issue that your reader feels strongly about, you may need to rebut the opposing argument.


In the afternoon, it was Jenna's job to___________________. -walk the dog empty the dishwasher, clean her room and do her homework. -walk the dog, empty the dishwasher, clean her room, and do her homework. -Walk the dog, empty the dishwasher, clean her room and do her homework. -None of these.

walk the dog, empty the dishwasher, clean her room, and do her homework.

After my long bout of bronchitis was followed by leg surgery, I haven't been feeling ___________ in weeks. well good none of these


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