English H Final

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ways that this poem engages/appeals to our senses in the metro

"wet, black bough" we can imagine what it feels like. "petals" - images of petals on the branch


(adj.) extremely poisonous; full of malice; spiteful


(adj.) not open to appeal or change;final


(adj.) skilled in handling difficult situations or people, polite


(adj.) very earnest, emotional, passionate; extremely hot


(n.) a brief statement written on a tomb or gravestone


(v.) to defeat in a battle or contest, overthrow; to overcome a feeling or condition


(v.) to rest; lie; place; (n.) relaxation, peace of mind, calmness


(v.) to think or believe without certain supporting evidence; to conjecture or guess; (n.) likely idea that lacks definite proof

A Rose for Emily

-Attributes of Miss Emily is she is reclusive, wasn't necessarily popular/people have affection and people went to her funeral because it was out of curiosity to know her business -Area her house was in a well-known fancy street but as time gone on it went down but the physical appearance of her house is old and run down and no taking care of it -"A tradition, duty, and care and hereditary obligation" people's relationship to her is that something you have to deal with, no choice to putting up with her -Colonel Sartorius decided once Emily father die, she doesn't have to pay taxes anymore -Reason mayor did this was because he's helping her financially even though Emily doesn't accept it -Mayor now says she needs to pay taxes and come over and figure things out---->her response is that she's not paying it -Furniture is unclean and old and can't afford furniture, cracking but they still have it and use to have some sort of wealth--->whole house decaying with time -Physical appearance is black dress and bloated body which happens to dead bodies so associated with death/funerals and is sick and on the heavy side/unhealthy -Not involved with the town and current events cause she didn't know the mayor died -Sweetheart left her and her father died -Relationship with men is complex of abandonment -Smell--lady stinks -New mayor now and new laws so she has to pay taxes now -3 older man and a young man met to discuss her and Steven was 80 and said dammit sir would you accuse a lady of smelling bad-----change as generations continue and level of respect for woman degraded -They view them as tablo--a frozen picture and frozen in people's minds and wouldn't have a conversation with someone in a "tablo" (unchanging) -Was humanized, viewing someone as a person and seeing it as a human being so people felt bad for her and humanized her (took pity) -Mental state, in denial about her father's death -In the house dead for 3 days and saying he's not -Scandalous relationship with Homer Barron because they would never expect her to go with him cause he's a Northerner and she's from the South and a day labor and denied everyone else -Day laborer and is scandalous because it's a high contrast between the two he's lower class and not good enough for her -"Over thirty by this time.."unstable relationship and she should have kids and getting married at this time and goes to the drug store asking for poison -Didn't tell druggist why she wanted arsenic (this is where she met Homer and before he leaves) ----he sold the poison to Miss Emily because in a sense is understanding she wants to end her life but he doesn't want to ask and get involved -On package he writes for rats, he already knows she's using it for something else -Town doesn't care really if she kills herself -Homer is gay and resistant in getting married -Emily is a pit stop to him -Buys him expensive shaving set and night shirt for him (people saying their definitely married and living in the same house therefore sleeping in the same bed) -Doesn't want a mailbox and has no interest in speaking to anyone and got mailboxes which shows the town has evolved -People pity her and her funeral is like a charity case

A Wagner Matinee

-Author Willa Cather -Grew up in Nebraska and had a difficult life Direct and indirect characterization Characters Description Conflict Clark narrator first person Embarrassed by aunt but feels bad since she's been nothing but kind and caring Aunt Georgina Pathetic and grotesque Linen duster black with soot and black bonnet gray with dust -Profession in Boston, a music teacher and gives it up for a guy and because she's flattered she follows him to Nebraska (gave up her career--music) Skin yellow from constant exposure to wind and alkaline water -Gets drinking water from well where Buffalo's drank Ill-fitting false teeth -Warns Clark at bottom of pg.655 when he's playing a song and says it's dangerous to love something that much because it can be taken from you Grotesque (twisted) -Went to Matinee Wagner program and was able to listen and enjoy experience so she had at least some of it (manual labor and helping her husband in the fields) Got parlor organ when Clark ashamed but fascinated by that she had a facial tick but always been so kind to him---would teach him music and helped him with Latin and be so tired but still helped him (embarrassed he's judgmental) -transforms negative cause Nebraska has physically transformed her Uncle Howard (minor characters) With letter, if he didn't notify Clark he would've missed picking her up from the train station so doesn't think of his wife first Procrastinates Bought her parlor organ and didn't have anything for 15 year anniversary (small and like he doesn't know her) -Narrator found a letter and found that his aunt is coming to town cause she inherited property and needs to go take care of it -Travel to Boston -When he reads to Aunt Georgina calls her pathetic and grotesque --arouses pity and grotesque figure like twisted and has physical illness (arthritis and facial tick) -Brought back to memory when he was a kid in Nebraska a parlor organ (preparing landlady telling her his aunt is coming in and she might look different) -Feels embarrassed by her appearance but respects her -Aunt Georgina goes back to Nebraska for organ and husband and only time she hears music is from farmhand and he traveled different places and heard latest Wagner piece and play it back for her and when she goes to Church -Ending says to Clark she doesn't want to go back home to Nebraska cause she now realized what she doesn't have and hurt her more than it helped her----never hear orchestra again Pg. 662 #6 -Clark emotions change towards his aunt cause in the beginning he was grossed out but later feels ashamed --compares her to other woman in Matinee, elegant looking like paint on a palette and she's dressed in dirty black dress out of place and grew to appreciate her (grows as a character) -Recognizes her love for music is not gone even though she can't listen to it anymore and feels regretful for being judgmental

The Life You Save May Be Your Own

-Isolated area -Mr. Shiftlet missing arm and grotesque figure -Daughter of mom has some sort of disability and unable to speak or communicate -Mr. Shiftlet tips his hat to her like she is just like every other girl--->not judging character's external experience and a kind character -Mr. Shiftlet characteristics, no arm, long black hair, big forehead and rest of his facial features smushed in -Old woman size of a cedar fence post, wide and short and no teeth -Daughter blue eyes, peacock neck, pink-gold hair, fat chubby helpless hands -Description of daughter is like a baby and doll-like and speaker is kind in description of her -Old woman says good evening and tramp just walks up to her and stares at her and silently stays there and looks at the sun -Mr. Shiftlet said the world is almost rotten meaning the way people treat each other is getting worse -Tom T. Shiftlet -Lucynell Crater old woman and daughters name is Lucynell Crater -Not well educated based off their grammar -Talks about doctor that cut out a heart and held it, horror and violence and the "interior" -Shiftlet concerned with lying about people's names because if someone's lying to you, you don't want to trust them and makes it seem like he's lying about himself and old woman comes away from this interaction not knowing what his name is ---->avoid telling her the truth of who he is -Assistant in funeral home (undertaking parlor) the man -Perceives his own moral compass as taking pride in everything he does and show cares, if he did all these things why is he poor and saying he served his country (some people don't care if they do one thing or another but he was raised to care) -Says woman are trash -Describes daughter as typical house wife and make her seem appealing to Mr. Shiftlet so he can marry her off -One bolt per man another bolt for another-->assembly line -Lucynell has a innocence and is deaf -Mother wants Mr. Shiftlet to marry Lucynell but he wants to be able to pay for her cause he was raised that way -Mother wanted a son-in-law very badly

Th Story of An Hour

-Story begins with Mrs. Mallard finding out her husband was killed and the sister thinks that because his name was under the list of "killed" in the accident-- Brently Mallard was supposed to be on the train -Breaks news to her and her immediate reaction was sobbing with wild abandonment -She's being told at first so she was at disbelief at first and says she's "free, free, free!"---> wants to be independent now -Positive by basically saying it's a new chapter in her life and talked about the blue sky, notes of a song reached her faintly (looked out window and saw promise and hope in her new life) -She feels free and looks forward to what her life is going to be like but knew she would weep again because he only looked at her with love and would feel guilty when she sees his kind hands folded in death (doesn't feel the same way about him) -Freedom and independence she's looking forward to that responsibility -Josephine thinks she's mourning so much she is getting sick but irony because she was dreaming and looking out the window -Breathed a quick prayer that while she was married, she wasn't looking forward to the rest of her life but ironic because she later dies instead of having the future she wants -Richards family friend that told her that Bentley died but Bentley opened the door and walks in without having a clue what happened---->far from scene of accident and Bentley wondering what was going on -She had a heart condition and tried to break the news gently but dramatic irony in last line -"Joy that kills" we know she dies of shock and sadness that all the hope she had is now gone and dies once she sees him **Controversial because 1800's women were supposed to stay single or stay in relationship and her editors Dramatic, situational, and verbal irony in this story Verbal- use of words to suggest an opposite meaning

example of the lieutenant's distance from the uninjured people around him

-sees the battle as though it were painful -looked at the others with wonder -doctor treats him with contempt once he realizes he was injured

My Bondage and My Freedom

1a) Mrs. Auld approves at first and actively supports it and initially very excited by helping her read, loves him like a son and even offers for him to sit on her lap b) In order to compensate she may hope to fool herself into thinking she is comfortable with suppressing the intellectual curiosity -If she originally felt motherly towards him, she needs to completely change her opinion of him to make it okay (brainwashing herself and becoming a victim of slavery by changing ultimately who she is) 2a) The Columbian Orator, a popular school book b)Opens his eyes to the pain and evil of slavery but gives him few tools with which he could escape 3a) Consumed by his desire of freedom b)- Education condemns the institution of slavery - Without Education he would remain ignorant to the evils of slavery 3a) She was the most kind and soft woman. Treated Douglass like a respectable human being at first. He leaned on her lap, felt loved; he could talk, sing, laugh, cry, reason, love, and hate - express himself freely to her. She was also pious, had integrity as a Christian woman, shared tears and joys with others; fed, clothed, and comforted those who needed it. b)Felt loved 4a) He liked her and appreciated/grateful he was taught the alphabet even though she shut him out/treated him horribly in the end "mental darkness" b) Douglass concludes he has been cheated in life by not knowing about freedom, he was tricked into thinking his life as a slave was all he was to live. 5) Mrs. Auld became morally corrupt and would describe how her views changed towards Douglass while Douglass is grateful for his education. Purpose for Douglas Writing his autobiography: He wants to show/inform all Americans that African Americans are as intelligent as everyone else and same emotions (they were equal and people too) Tone: author (mood is how reader feels) how he/she feels and tone is compassionate and passionate -Compassionate towards the boys by not naming their name -To Mrs. Auld and acknowledging the institution of slavery that it's not natural and making people hate each other -Slavery is not natural and goes against human nature and brainwash yourself to think it's okay -Technique to compliment Mrs. Auld and blames institution of slavery that is changing her

Spoon River Anthology

244 epitaphs for characters buried in the mythical Spoon River cemetery. Supposed to take place in rural southern Illinois. they are dramatic monologues - the speaker of the poem is a character who addresses the reader, the drama lies in what the speaker reveals about him/herself and how they died. these epitaphs paint a vivid portrait of the loneliness and isolation confronting people in small Midwestern towns around the turn of the century.

Summary of the Gettysburg Address

87 years ago the founding fathers signed the declaration of independence. this nation was conceived in liberty, and all men are created equal. now they are in the middle of a great civil war, and the nation, and whether it can endure, is being tested. a portion of the field where men have been buried is being dedicated. this is the final resting place for those who gave their lives so that the nation might live. the world may not remember what was said in the future, but that does not mean that what these men fought for and the fact that they fought should be forgotten. people should take increased devotion - doesn't want the men to have died in vain. the nation shall have a new birth of freedom. the government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.


A reference to another work of literature, person, or event


Adjective: based on guesswork


Anxious and hysterical

What does Farquhar visualize moments before he is hanged? How is his journey connected with this earlier vision?

Before he dies, Farquhar tries to close his eyes and think about his family, but he is distracted by all of the loud noises around him. His journey is connected because the whole point of it was to get back to his family.

The Negro Speaks of Rivers

Blue - sad Poem has somber tones Speaking of places of Africa Making allusions/references to these historical civilizations What is the effect on the reader? Shows that these people have been there for a while - have survived the test of time Dignified - ancient civilizations are often respected Saying his ancestors, his people have been around since ancient times and have built the pyramids What does mentioning the ancient civilizations imply about people of African ancestry Giving them credit - they've done a lot Listing their accomplishments and what they've given to society Saying that his people are important and that they HAVE contributed to society Basis of slavery is that they were not human and not capable of anything Based on this poem we see that he is proud of who he is and who he comes from Pride in his ancestors Pride in where he comes from Pride that they have survived this atrocious time in history "my soul has grown deep like the rivers" These times in human history have left marks on his soul He carries these emotions with him Disrespect towards his people Atrocious treatment All of this, and what African Americans have gone through, is a significant piece of his identity I too

what does Bone call the epitaphs?

Bone calls them "false chronicles" because they are false stories


Endless or unlimited space, time, or distance

To Build a Fire

Ex dramatic irony/ the temperature in this story is lower than the man thinks Setting is ominous cause no sun and dark and doesn't alarm man cause he knows he's not going to see it for awhile Quick and alert in life but not aware to the significance of things (not aware of value) and doesn't think ahead -He's spitting and its turning into ice so colder than he thinks -Dog has its instinct while man has knowledge but he's not using it External conflict- man vs nature and intensifies because it doesn't get warmer -Nature keeps getting colder and he made poor decisions while making the fire Internal conflict- man has internal conflict by giving up in the end and accepts his death -Traveling alone, he thinks he's capable of living and not listening to Sulphur and is too overconfident even though it's his first winter there -Over confidence and self and safety and when he's about to die, he realizes he should've listened to Sulphur -He gets soaking wet and order for him not to freeze and die, he needs to build the fire (does test area beforehand by making the dog go first Situational Irony-outcome different from mans or readers expectations (watching out for the hidden springs but falls in anyways and doesn't avoid it in the end) -Picked place under tree for fire and heat rising and melted the snow which caused fire to go out and cause it was a good fire and the location---eventually put out the fire -Can't make another fire because his hands were too frozen and as he's trying to light the matches he smells and see's the burning flesh --Dramatic irony with dog because the dog knows what's going to happen and relate with dog cause we know the man is in trouble -Remain nameless cause it's a story of naturalism and his fate controlled by his circumstance and nature's ruthless and just exists/doesn't help him Know dramatic irony 2 examples ---temperature colder than what he thinks and what the dog is thinking Setting of story contributes to conflict man vs nature by it being desolate, cold -Looking for springs but actually steps in one which is climatic cause he needs to build a fire

What details suggest that Farquhar's escape occurs in his mind?

Extreme neck pain and soreness, extreme pain in head, rhe fact that he was imagining freeing his hands and neck - It would've been so hard to do. Said he was underwater for an extremely long time

summary of part 1 of owl creek bridge

Farquhar is standing on a railroad bridge in Northern Alabama - Owl Creek Bridge. his hands are tied behind his back and there is a rope around his neck - he is about to be hanged. there is an army surrounding him, and they are silent because they know that he is close to his death. a sergeant is holding a plank, and when he moves his foot the man would be killed. Farquhar notices a piece of driftwood, and realizes that to him, the stream is moving slowly - distorted senses. he tries to think about his family before he dies, but he becomes distracted by everything around him. he begins to hear a metallic percussion sound almost like a ringing. pauses between the sound become longer and longer - this is the ticking of his watch. he opens his eys and comes up with a plan to escape. the sergeant takes his foot off the plank and he dies, but we are not told this until part 3.

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Form- poems structure Blank verse- unrhymed iambic pentameter Iamb- unstressed, stressed Chain rhyme- one rhyme in one stanza then carries it over to the next line so stanzas link -Meter is tetrameter --gives us a sense that we hear the horse galloping Theme/meaning in the poem: 1st Stanza: Someone going through the woods with his horse and going on someone's properties and man who owns that house isn't there and nature doesn't truly belong to anyone and he says--he won't find out he's walking on "his" woods which shows possession, who has ownership of nature Darkest evening of the year-- winter solstice -Eerie and dark, desolate feeling Last stanza: Woods are dark and deep, lovely to him cause he's taking time to take it in and feels isolation /peace "I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep" he can't stop and take it all in cause he has to go home since its going into darkness or still has a lot of life ahead and he's journey is not over with -Peaceful solitude and get away from your problems

The Soldier's Home

Hemingway examines the long-term consequences of war on humans that this story is not a joyful one with a happy ending. Instead, the examination of Krebs and how he has been impacted by the war gives this story a very bleak, pessimistic and depressing tone. Note in particular passages that present how difficult it is for Krebs to form any attachments whatsoever, and the way the he seeks to avoid commitment in any form: "He did not want any consequences. he did not want any consequences ever again. He wanted to live along without consequences."This of course does much to contribute to the spirit of nihilism that the story exudes. Krebs is presents as emotionally exhausted and desperate to do anything to avoid commitment. He finds himself in a world that he is unable or incapable of connecting with, and is left alone -sleeps late, no motivation , doesn't really want to talk to anyone, watches girls from porch but doesn't do anything -little interest, lack of connection


Impartial, disinterested; unconcerned, distant, aloof

This is Just to Say

In the first stanza, the narrator-writer of a memorandum asserts that he has eaten plums that were in the icebox. In the second stanza, the narrator addresses "you" and acknowledges that the reader of the note was probably saving the plums for breakfast. In the first line of the third and last stanza, the narrator-writer asks for forgiveness and then expresses his relish of the plums. -focuses on plums and apologizing for eating them

dramatic irony

Irony that occurs when the meaning of the situation is understood by the audience but not by the characters in the play.

"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" - T.S. Eliot

J. Alfred Prufrock --->character -Characters aren't living or participating in life, if his words were going to be heard then he would not speak for fear of disgrace (fear of judgement from others) 1st Allusion: Michelangelo, an artist and based off the women talking about him, his interpretation/opinion of the women is educated/sophisticated -Yellow fog and yellow smoke, negative and oppressing image and compares it to a dog or cat -There will be a time to prepare a face the meet the faces that you'll meet (first impressions and preparing yourself) -Repeat phrase there will be time because it calms yourself down and time to reflect/meditate and assure himself -Society shapes the individual, he's being self-conscious and all his insecurities are coming out and he's concerned on how others perceive him (self-destructive thoughts about showing his face) -Image is him being pinned against the wall and completely powerless and others seem to control him -Observes narrow streets and lonely men (allusion of closeness but not feeling close and the world closing in) -"Would have it been worth it" talks about relationship with that person and scared of rejection/telling someone how you feel -Calls himself politic, meticulous, fool, ridiculous and he overthinks things too much, low self-esteem

The Jilting of Granny Weatherwall

Jilting- abandon Weatherwall- preservers through everything and had an interesting/difficult life -Stories often set in the South and featured characters at pivotal moments in their lives, faced with dramatic change, constricting bonds of family and the weight of the past Stream of consciousness: When writer writes down what their thinking -Doctor treating her like a baby and she's older but seen as incapable and doctor is younger -Bones floating around, lack of movement and brokenness while doctor floats around and ease of movement (she is sick and immobilized) -Granny likes everything a certain way -George and John love letters -Come to terms with death when she was 20 -Granny level of consciousness is fading and in and out of this dream state -John and George, John is her husband -He died at a young age, she was a widow and he would look for a young Spanish woman with comb in her hair -Single mother, widow--strength -Memory and reality melting together -Relied on God, religion significant to her--comfort in death -Relationship with George, he left her at the alter and she associates being abandoned at the alter with hell -Hapsy is imaginary and imagining John George and Hapsy, people who are not there and Hapsy is her child but Hapsy passed away (lost child, fiancée, husband, power) -"Go find George, I found the husband, house and kids but there was something else besides them something not given back---> husbands commitment and love, her pride, trust in people and innocence) -Her time has come, talking to her dead husband -Priest shows up and getting ready -Becoming infant in end and holding onto sons hand with 2 fingers -Starting to repeat herself, (send 6 bottles of wine to Sister Borgia) -Use to having control but dies and can't control that

what does Josephine think Mrs. Mallard is doing in the room?

Josephine is worried that she is making herself sick by crying so much, but in reality she is excited, and thinking about her new life. IRONY

Gothic Literature

Life You Save May Be Your Own -Genre of fiction developed in Britain in the late 1700s -Features horror and violence -Traditional gothic tales are often set against dramatic, gloomy backgrounds -Acknowledges "evil" as a real force -Foreboding atmosphere (discomfort and anxiety) -Grotesque characters---> characters who are ugly, bizarre, or twisted in some way mentally/emotionally or physically -Focus on the "interior"

comparing the outlook of life expressed in "Lucinda Matlock" and "Richard Bone"

Lucinda lives her life to the fullest, she truly enjoyed it. Bone did not live his life to the fullest because he was not honest with himself, and others. Richard was also negative and a pessimist while Lucinda was positive and an optimist.

what will degenerate sons and daughters be denied?

Lucinda says that they will be denied a full life if they don't stop complaining. they will not be able to fully experience and love life if they are only looking at the negative side and spend all of their time complaining. she says that they need to toughen up.

What happens when Brently Mallard returns home?

Mrs. Mallard is shocked to see that he is alive - she dies. the doctor says that the cause of death was joy, when really it was shock or sadness. DRAMATIC IRONY because the people in the story think she died of joy but we know that she was actually upset that her husband was still alive.

how does Mrs. Mallard react when she hears the news?

Mrs. Mallard starts crying. Usually, people would be in shock, and in denial. she accepts the news as soon as she hears it. She locks herself in her room, where she has a realization.

I, Too

Only poem that says sing, darker brother, kitchen table Theme- racism; America should be ashamed of Eating in the kitchen is symbolic to being a servant; second class He has a voice, and his voice is valuable Why does the speaker eat in the kitchen, and what does eating in the kitchen represent? Being segregated against - pushing away Calls himself "the darker brother" He's still an American citizen, and is a piece of this family They are brothers, despite the color of his skin Why do they send him to the kitchen when company comes? Perceived as an embarrassment Suggests that he eats in the dining room with them other days, and he is a functional part of the household + necessary Brushed away when company comes "I eat well and grow strong" Underestimating him He is going to feed off of their bias and mistreatment and grow strong Laughs because tomorrow he will be at the table Shows that he is going to persevere, grow strong, come back, and show them that they were fools "they'll see how beautiful I am and be ashamed" Someday soon they are going to see his worth, and that he is their brother And they will feel ashamed of their treatment of African Americans "I too, am America." Last line - powerful He is also part of this country, he is a part of what makes America, America They play a big part in the history of our country America was built on the backs of slave labor Slavery was a huge piece of how the economy of the United States functioned Acknowledging that America worked this land and made it into what it is today

The Mending Wall

Pastoral Poems- poems with rural settings that typically present an idealized picture of country life Frozen ground swell under it and spills the upper boulders in the sun.." when frozen water comes the wall breaks apart and power of nature destroys this wall -Work of hunters come together and purpose of hunting for food or fun -Walls compatibility with nature or man made things -"None has seen or heard the gaps made but spring mending time we see them there...keep the wall between us as we go" meaning separation and him and his neighbor maintain this wall between them -Describing wall as a game and apple tree will keep them apart Speaker trying to tell neighbor that nature gives natural barriers "Good fences make good neighbors" means protect and isolate yourself from others "Like an old stone savaged arm" neighbor being compared to a holding 2 rocks and rebuilding the wall, to a savage who has a weapon "Moves in darkness as it seems to be" neighbor is threatening "Won't go behind his father saying " Good fences make good neighbor came from his father suggesting that our approach to handling things or to conflict is who we interact with or what did our parents do and set an example for us to follow and wont disobey his father

part three of owl creek bridge

Peyton falls straight downwards and loses consciousness. he is awakened by a sharp pressure on his throat, then a sense of suffocation. his head feels congested, and he has no thoughts - intellectual nature gone. now he can only feel, and all he is feeling is pain. the noose is suffocating him, he is able to get to the surface and free himself. extreme pain in neck and brain. he is able to make it up to the surface. he has now gained physical senses - now extremely aware of everything going on around him. soldiers begin to shoot at him - he dives under the water and continues to move down the stream, away from the soldiers and closer to safety. suddenly everything stars spinning. he was only able to keep going because of the thought of seeing his wife and children. he feels his neck and it is bruised and swollen from the noose. he finally gets close to the house, and sees his wife. he starts running towards her. as he is about to hold her he feels a blow on the back of his neck, light all around him, and a sound like the shock of a cannon. he is dead and swinging from the bridge.

summary of part 2 of owl creek bridge

Peyton supports the southern cause but cannot fight due to a circumstance not mentioned. he is upset that he cannot fight, but he thinks that his time to serve his country will come sooner or later. he does whatever he can to help the southern cause. one evening Farquhar is sitting outside of his house with his wife when a soldier comes up to the gate and asks for water. his wife goes to get it and while she is gone the soldier tells Peyton that the yanks are getting ready for another advance, and that they have reached owl creek bridge. he says that an order has been issued saying that any civilian who interferes with the bridges/railroads will be hanged. Peyton asks what he will get if he goes to the bridge. the soldier mentions the large amount of driftwood there due to a flood - this would be great for fire. the soldier who had told him all this was a federal scout - against them and setting him up.

where were the outcasts traveling to?

Sandy Bar

how did Mrs. Mallard feel when she was married?

She wanted to die

because I could not stop for death meaning

The narrator is too busy for death, so death kindly visits her. Death is personified. Narrator takes a carriage, and passes through many things which are a reminder of her life on earth. realizes she is no longer an active agent on this earth. The narrator has been dead for a long time, but feels as if it was only a day.

Identify one example of Farquhar's distorted perceptions. What caused it?

When Farquhar is on the bridge and about to be hanged, he looks down and notices a piece of driftwood. He then realizes that the river, which usually has rough waters, is now going slow. He also mistakes the ticking of a watch for a hammer. his distorted perceptions are caused by his fear about being hanged.

verse 51 meaning

Whitman acknowledges the fact that he contradicts himself. says we shouldn't be afraid of doing so, because we're human, and we continue to learn and grow everyday.

what was pictured on George Gray's gravestone?

a boat with a furled, or folded, sail at rest in the harbor


a brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing, or idea of historical, cultural, literary, or political significance.

Uncle Billy

a drunk and a thief. he steals all their provisions and mules on the second day and leaves them with nothing


a movement that emphasized emotion, imagination, and nature


a narrative in which every literal element has a symbolic meaning. it does not simply contain symbols, but it is a symbol in and of itself. it often helps communicate a theme.

what is being described in this poem?

a pear tree

dramatic monologue

a poem or speech in which a person addresses a silent listener


a statement that seems contradictory but is actually true, often used by Dickinson

stream of consciousness

a technique in which a character's thoughts represented as the mind experiences them - in short bursts without obvious logic. - when he imagines escaping

Peyton Farquhar

about 35 years old, attractive. a wealthy planter from the south who owns slaves. supports the southern cause. he cannot be a soldier because he did something that does not allow him to serve. married. he gets set up and hanged for trying to help the southern cause.


adjective having limits; lasting for a limited time


adjective showing great care and perseverance.


adjective well meaning and kindly.


adjective: warlike; inclined to quarrel; aggressive Synonyms : battleful , combative

verse 6 themes

all people are connected to each other. "over soul". life and death - people live their lives and evolve, when someone dies, their body returns to nature, and life keeps on going.

Whitman's epic theme

all people of all times are connected by their shared experience of life

why is there no capitalization or punctuation?

all these objects function together. no capitalization so that you don't stress that one thing is more important than the others. stream of consciousness. when you read things from top to bottom this is how you would read it.


an author's unique way of writing. many factors determine style, including word choice (diction), sentence structure, and the arrangement of words on the page.


an unproven principle or belief held to be true

the two figures in the story of anyone in a pretty how town

anyone (includes) no one (excludes) "anyone" is a man

why does Pound use the word apparition instead of appearance?

apparition sometimes means ghost. it gives us an image of something that is fleeting or evanescent. Pound uses the word apparition to show that people in the station keep moving, and that they are not solid beings. if you focus on one person, and then look away for a second, when you look again they will no longer be there.


appropriate behavior and ceremonies

symbolism in a Wagner Matinee

aunt Georgina's homestead in Nebraska. This is a symbol for her struggle for happiness. It represents a barrier that she must overcome to be happy again

feelings verse 9 provokes

barn symbolizes his feelings - happiness, rejuvenation, and childhood feeling

what is the narrator's tone towards Poker Flat's secret committee?

bitter towards them

how would you describe the setting?

bleak - it's silent, the streets are empty, and Prufrock is the only one around. even when he is at the gathering he is still alone, and he isolates himself from everyone else. he is distant from the rest of society

"an occurrence at owl creek bridge"

by Ambrose Bierce

Pear Tree

by Hilda Doolittle (H.D.)

The Red Wheel Barrow

by William Carlos Williams

"old age sticks"

by e.e. cummings. forces the reader to consider the words/lines more deeply because of its difficulty.

naturalism in poker flat

cannot control the weather - they get trapped in the snow. fate is out of their control (except for Duchess and Mr. Oakhurst)

what kind of poem is i hear america singing

catalogue and free verse

what can you infer about Oakhurst's character based on the way he treats Tom and Piney

compassionate, generous, and honorable

my life closed twice before its close theme

death - two major events in her life have made her feel closer to death, and like a piece of her has died. she doesn't know if she can survive a third event, and she talks about life after death. solemn tone.

verse 52 theme

death - whitman talks about turning into vapor at the end of the day, and returning to the grass. he says if we want to find him, to look around, and under our shoes. he will be all around us

because I could not stop for death theme

death and time. The speaker is dead and is sitting in a carriage driving past her memories/memories of the life she once lived. the concept of time disappears, and she feels like she has been dead for less than a day. Death is friendlier than she thought, and it is peaceful.

I heard a fly buzz when i died theme

death. The whole poem speaks about what happened to the reader before she died. examples of death throughout the poem - refers to people crying in the room, says God is present, talks about eyes closing for the last time.

local jargon

dialect, an accent from where you are from. in the story, Jim Wheeler and Uncle Billy speak in local jargon.

"laughed their cryings"

dismiss their emotions, and cover them up. they hide the fact that they are sad


dull, tedious, and repetitious; lacking in variety and interest.

why were his nails mentioned?

emphasizes the turtle's small existence

imagist poetry

established in the 1900s by Ezra Pound and other poets including WIlliam Carlos Williams and Hilda Doolittle. concentrates on the direct presentation of images or word pictures. expresses the essence of an object, person, or incident without providing explanations. freezes a single moment of time. imagist poets have an interest in the inner workings of the human mind (which is sometimes expressed through stream of consciousness). influenced by traditional Chinese and Japanese poetry. resembles haikus.

verse 14 theme

everything in the world has a purpose and we are all connected to each other through nature. expresses trancendentalism ideas in the way he believes people have knowledge about themselves and the world that goes beyond hearing, taste, touch, and feel.

what is the significance of the title in old age sticks

everywhere around you things are growing older, and you can't stop this from happening. lessons that the elderly teach to the young may stick with them. could also say that the old people are "sticks in the mud" - dull, unadventurous, and against change. they could be trying to control the youth and not let them do things their own way. they're very set in their ways.

what is it like in the metro/subway station?

fast paced, everyone is moving quickly. no one second or moment is exactly the same. this poem shows that everything is always moving fast and changing.

what happens when the turtle is in the middle of the road?

first, a car swerves off the highway to avoid hitting the turtle. Next a truck tries to hit the turtle, which makes the turtle go into its shell.

what kind of poem is the learned astronomer

free verse

"the turtle"

from "the grapes of wrath", which tells the story of the Joads, a family of farm workers struggling to survive the devastating drought in Oklahoma during the great depression.

What is Mr. Oakhurst's occupation?



given to much talking, tediously chatty


good-natured, playful joyousness


has some sort of love relationship with anyone. could be his wife or girlfriend


having excellent morals; righteous

how does Bone become an accomplice to the lies

he becomes an accomplice when he chisels the words onto the gravestones.

what does steinbeck capture in his writing?

he captures the poverty, desperation, and social injustice experienced by many working-class Americans during this time period

Richard Bone's occupation

he chisels the epitaphs on the stones in Spoon River

why does Pound use natural images to describe such a man made place?

he does this to show how everything comes back to nature, and how everything is connected to it.

verse 1 message and central idea

he is not speaking for himself. he is narrating for all, and he is representing the unity of all living things as a whole.

why is Prufrock afraid of telling someone how he feels?

he is scared of putting himself out there and being rejected, or being misunderstood.

what happens to tom in the end?

he makes it back to town. we know this because a party goes and discovers piney, the duchess, and Mr. Oakhurst all dead.

why doesn't Mr. Oakhurst drink?

he needs to be able to think clearly when he gambles. he can't afford to lose.

what does Richard Bone realize after a while in the town?

he realizes that they are not completely true, but he still chisels what they tell him to because he is being paid

what is the lieutenant's reaction when a soldier offers a helpful soldier? why does he act this way?

he refuses because he knows that he is helpless because he is injured, but he does not want to be portrayed this way. he is dreading amputation

how does George Gray feel about how he lived his life?

he regrets not living life to the fullest because he was afraid of what could go wrong. Gray realizes that messing up is better than not doing anything with your life. He doesn't have any memories to look back on because he never took any chances. Madness is preferable to life without meaning because if you don't take risks you'll spend your whole life wondering what could have happened. you just need to live your life to the fullest and take whatever you are given

why was tom happy to see Mr. Oakhurst

he remembered the time he had lost to Oakhurst but Oakhurst had given him his money back.

How does Bone compare himself to a historian?

he says that historians write without knowing the truth, or if they do, they hide some details to make one party look better. Bone implies that records from the past may not be accurate because the historian may be biased, and may not have seen the event from both sides.

how does Mr. Oakhurst die?

he shoots himself in the heart. He gives up, and he was at once the strongest but he died being the weakest. he wrote a note about him on a deuce of clubs about how he was handing in his checks. he is mentally weak - he doesn't want to suffer

what does Prufrock think of himself?

he thinks that he overthinks and fixates on things. he doesn't have a high self esteem. he is convinced that things will go wrong if he acts on what he wants to do. he sees himself as a burden to others, and is scared of what they might say about him. he reduces himself to something small and unimportant, and calls himself a background character in his own life - says he is not prince hamlet, but an attendant lord.

How is Oakhurst a gentleman?

he treats the prostitutes with respect, and he doesn't try to force tom to share provisions

what was George Gray afraid of?

he was afraid of experiencing emotions - both negative and positive

How does Mrs. Mallard find out that her husband is dead?

her husband's friend Richards found out about the train crash, and saw that his name was on the list of people killed in the crash. Josephine, her sister, breaks the news to her as gently as possible because she has heart problems.

themes in poker flat

hidden goodness - all of the characters were kicked out for being bad people - they all end up acting selflessly. indifference of nature - nature doesn't care that it's killing people - it shows no mercy. at points it clears up, and gives them false hope.

verse 17 theme

his ideas and thoughts belong to everyone - we are all connected

examples of natural images being used

humans are compared to petals, flowers shedding from a tree, and then forming a blanket on the ground, which symbolizes people in the metro forming a group and functioning as one - the natural life cycle


in a reclining position, lying down, in the posture of one sleeping or resting

setting of "an episode of war"

in the civil war, men are fighting



situational irony

irony involving a situation in which actions have an effect that is opposite from what was intended, so that the outcome is contrary to what was expected.

what is the second line in each stanza?

it is an object (except for the first stanza). the author does this to stress the importance of the object, and to draw the reader's eye to it. Using direct presentation - clear description, simple language. simplicity helps you to really think about it -deep thought.

how does this poem resemble a haiku?

it is very even or measured

what is the purpose of the repetition of the word "dragging" on the second page?

it makes it seem as if the shell is a burden, and that there is something burdensome about his motion.

what does the allusion of michelangelo show?

it shows that he thinks that the women are educated and sophisticated

what is the purpose of the image of a red ant crawling into the skin between the shell?

it shows that the turtle never catches a break. when it finally relaxes, more pain is inflicted on him. it shows that the shell is not serving its purpose because it is supposed to protect the turtle but the ant still gets through.

What does this symbolize?

it symbolizes his life because he never "fully opened his sail" or left the harbor. He stayed in the same place his whole life, and he never took any opportunities that were offered to him - including love, sadness, sorrow, and ambition.

how is the way Richard Cory dies ironic?

it was a violent act committed on a calm night. he was seen as a gentleman, and a gentleman wouldn't do such a thing. It also seemed like he had everything but if he really did have everything he wouldn't have taken his own life.

what was lucinda's life like?

it was very busy, she always had a lot to do. She was always doing something productive, and taking care of her children and gardening filled up her life.

verse 1 mood

joyful, contented, and relaxing and believing in the unity of everything and all living things

what lesson does this story convey?

just because people are accused of something does mean that they are bad people; tough times bring out the best in people

"children guessed but forgot as they grew"

kids do not discriminate, but as they grow old they begin to accept the beliefs of their parents


lacking sharpness of intellect; not clear or precise in thought or expression

Edgar Lee Masters

lawyer by day, poet by night. Wrote the spoon river anthology


long and tiresome; boring


making a loud, confused noise; uproarious

Lucinda Matlock

met her husband Davis at a dance, and she lived with him for 70 years. She had 12 children, and lost 8 out of 12 of them. she pushed through life- she was determined and tough, and she never complained about her life


n., a historical account of events of a particular time

My life closed twice before its close meaning

narrator has been faced with two major events that have caused her great pain.

"no one cared for anyone not at all"

no one cared for this man, lack of concern for other people. they don't care for anyone but themselves.

anyone dies

noone kisses his face, and busy folk buries them side by side. this name is impersonal, and shows that there is no connection, and that this person is just doing thier job.

setting of an occurrence at owl creek bridge

northern Alabama during the civil war


noun- a section or table of additional matter at the end of a book or document.


of great size; numerous; writing or speaking at great length

how would you describe these items in red wheel barrow

ordinary, but essential. So much depends on them, and they are necessary to people who live a certain lifestyle. The wheelbarrow helps carry stuff around the farm, and is a big aid in manual labor. Chickens produce eggs, which have protein, and they also help with farming, and they are very important.


patches of blue sky showing, the note of a distant song being sung, the delicious breath of rain

verse 52 tone


"they sowed their isn't and reaped their same"

people who are unwilling to change/grow. these people are planting the idea that others don't belong. they are forming groups of people who are the same, and they are pushing away what's different/what isn't. fear of difference.


people who participate in the action.

narrative poetry

poetry that tells a story and includes the same literary elements as narrative prose such as short stories and novels. In some narrative poems, one character acts as the speaker, or voice that tells the story.

verse 1 tone

praise. praises himself, individuality, and the joy and wonder of nature, and nature's divinity.

limited third-person point of view

readers' information is limited to what a single character feels, thinks, and observes. (whats going on in mans head)


related sequence of events driven by a conflict or problem

ding and dong

related to a clock. emphasis on the passage of time. two things that go together - used to describe anyone and noone


religious devotion

how does the author feel toward the tree?

reverent. it is a beautiful thing that the author cannot touch or fully experience.

what do flowers traditionally symbolize?

romance. white flowers usually symbolize purity and beauty.

verbal irony


song of myself verse 1 meaning

says that we are all the same, and that we are all connected. he celebrates the wonders of nature, and recognizes the unity of all living things as a whole. pushes away structure and intends to live freely.

use of realism in "an episode of war"

sergeant scolds the lieutenant. lieutenant is not given a name, which makes him like all people - he could be anyone. lieutenant is ashamed of losing his arm because of an accident that didn't happen in the action

how does the duchess react when Mr. Oakhurst kisses her?

she blushes, no one has ever truly cared for her. it is an innocent kiss, and she is flattered.

how did Lucinda feel about death?

she lived to be 96, so she felt like it was her time to go. death was a positive experience for her. She had lived a full life where she did everything she wanted to, and her husband had already passed.

what does Mrs. Mallard realize?

she realizes that she is now free. she says "free" over and over again, which shows that she acknowledges the fact that from now own, she is going to be independent, and will have no one else to live for. This was controversial at the time because women were supposed to be married, and accept the marriage that they were in. Mrs. Mallard is now looking positively into the future, and she is excited to live for herself. She feels guilty for a bit because she is happy after her husband's death, she tries to not feel as excited as she does.

what happens when the Duchess asks Piney to pray?

she says no. she has no hope, and she has already accepted her fate. the Duchess is relieved because now they are on the same level, and Piney has accepted what is going to happen.

what does Mrs. Mallard see when she looked out the window?

she sees positive things- the blue sky, fresh air, etc. She sees promise, hope, and a new life.

how does Mother Shipton die?

she starves herself- she saves all of her rations for Piney. She sees Piney as a child and feels the need to take care of her.

how did Lucinda feel about her life?

she was content with her life. Even though she felt challenged at times, she accepted it.

how is realism used in owl creak bridge

shows what is happening to Peyton in real life

why is the tree compared to silver?

silver is a nicer, higher quality metal that is worth a lot. the author is communicating the preciousness of this moment, and the preciousness of this image

what prevents them from continuing to travel?


"only the snow can begin to explain how children are apt to forget to remember

snow builds up and covers everything. the snow is a blanket of perfection over any imperfection or impurity. white represents purity. things are glossed over. out of sight, out of mind

what does Mr. Oakhurst give to tom?

snowshoes so that Tom can get to Poker flat and save himself and Piney. May be a selfless act, but it also may be him completely giving up hope because he knows he can't go back.

how would you imagine J. Alfred Prufrock to look?

sophisticated. Elliot may be basing the character off of himself.


sought to portray life as faithfully and accurately as possible, focusing on ordinary people suffering the harsh realities of life. life wasn't always positive, and there aren't always happy endings - same with writing. emerged during the mid to late 19th century in reaction to romanticism


sought to portray ordinary people's lives, but suggested that our surrounding, heredity and chance, or forces that they could neither understand nor control determined people's fate. Basically saying that our fate is out of our hands. one of the literary movements that emerged during the mid to late 19th century in reaction to romanticism.

"sun moon stars rain"

suggests a passage of time and also relates to nature - nature is a cycle

"Spring summer autumn winter

suggests a passage of time, shows that life is a cycle.

i hear america singing theme

taking pride in one's work and in one's contribution to America. the poem is about each common working singing their song. the song symbolizes their pride in their work.

verse 14 meaning

talks about all of the animals. whitman believes that the people tend to not take importance in discovering the meaning and symbolism behind nature, they are too busy to appreciate it. nature, freedom, animals, and having different points of view is being celebrated. tone is observation to realization

Gettysburg Address and the past, present, and future

talks about past, present, and future of the nation. past - 87 years ago the founding fathers signed the declaration of independence. present - the civil war is occurring, dedication ceremony, nation is being tested. future - people may not remember his words; they will have a new government on the side of the people


the author's choice and arrangement of words. gives the work its unique quality and helps the writer express ideas. it can be formal or informal, technical or plain, elevated or simple. influenced by the audience or purpose. the diction in the Gettysburg address is formal so that he is taken seriously and respected. he wants to respect and honor those who have died and show is support.

point of view

the author's perspective, or vantage point, from which a story is told. an author's choice of point of view affects every aspect of the story. different points of view convey different types of information

what is shown in this poem?

the cycle of life in the town - everyone lives, learns to ignore their dreams and hide their emotions, they grow old, and then they die. the two main characters are ignored and when they die everything keeps on going, and no one stops for them because dying is natural and apart of the cycle

who makes the rest of the group stop?

the duchess

the 2 groups of people in this story in old age sticks

the elderly and youth

what highlights the purity of the flowers?

the fact that if someone touches it, it takes away their purity. humans tend to mess things like nature up. these flowers are also fleeting, and will soon no longer exist.

what does the song tom and Piney sing foreshadow?

the fact that they are going to die

why might imagist poets be interested in the life cycle?

the idea of a life cycle is something that is there, and then it's not. the imagists want to capture these short moments. another short moment is the people being in the station. like flowers shedding from a tree, you blink and they're gone.

verse 51 theme

the individual is whole and we should be okay with our faults. we should embrace them instead of hiding behind them and acting like we've never made mistakes before

what is Tom Simson's nickname

the innocent. he is innocent, and he thinks that the duchess is Oakhurst's wife. he isn't sure how the world works, or he is very unaware.

why did the story end the way it did?

the last sentence mirrors the beginning because of the description of the turtle. it does not give us a sense of closure, he just walks away and continues on. we have only seen a tiny part of his journey, and his life will continue to go on. the story starts and ends in the same place but on opposite sides of the road.

use of naturalism in "an episode of war"

the lieutenant is a victim of fate and environment. he cannot avoid amputation, and just happens to be shot.

summary of episode of war

the lieutenant is separating the supply of coffee into equal parts for the men. they were taking their share when a man cries out. there is blood on the lieutenants shirt - he has been shot in the arm. the bullet came from the woods. the lieutenant takes his sword and holds it in his left hand. he tries to sheath it. some of the men offer to help, others are weary of him. the wound gives him a strange dignity. the lieutenant knows that he is the victim of a horrible accident, and he understands his helplessness. he leaves to go get help, and carries his arm like it is fragile, like it is glass. the hospital is made up of a bunch of tents around a school house. a lot of commotion around the hospital. a surgeon finally comes to help him. the surgeon tells him that he will be able to tend to him with same scorn in his voice as if he was saying that he was going to jail - shows that what is going to happen will not be good. the surgeon tells him that he is not going to amputate his arm, the lieutenant resists because he knows that it is going to happen eventually. his arm ends up getting amputated. when he goes back home, his wife, sisters, and mother all cry because his arm is gone. he tells them not to cry because it is not worth their tears.

how do the details of the injury make him a sympathetic character?

the lieutenant is wounded during a humble/daily task which seems unjust


the most powerful literary device in verse 9

I heard a fly buzz when I died meaning

the narrator is already dead. describing what it was like when she died, the mourning people, and the buzz she heard before she died. The tone is calm, which causes the reader to realize that death is not scary, and is a natural part of life.

omniscient point of view

the narrator is an observer who can relate everything that happens, as well as the private thoughts and feelings of all the characters. the opening scene of the story is related from an omniscient bird's eye perspective ex/ what he looks like, the rope and bridge etc

The decision to banish Mr. Oakhurst rather than hang him is made by which members of the committee?

the ones who won money from him

the two objects that dominate this poem in red wheel barrow

the red wheelbarrow and the chickens. Williams is calling attention to these everyday objects by looking at the core/essence of these objects. the poem is taking the time to stop, pause, and consider these objects, which would usually be found on a farm.


the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses

why are these two images directly next to one another?

the shell is shown as a burden, but ends up protecting him. there are two people in the same situation, each is faced with an obstacle in front of them. They both need to make a difficult decision, and they both handled it different ways. this shows that you may go through tough times, but its up to you how you handle these tough times.

which mountain range does "the outcasts of poker flat" take place in?

the sierras

Richard Cory

the speaker is one of the townspeople. Richard Cory was admired by all of the common people. he was a gentleman, he presented himself as clean cut and well put together, and he was down to earth. He did not ignore the poor. People thought that he had everything, and they wished that they were him. He had almost everything except for happiness - he was empty inside. He shoots himself one calm summer night.

main characters of "an episode of war"

the surgeon and the lieutenant


the time and place in which a story takes place

differences between these two groups

the youth are defiant, and careless. the elderly are hesitant and more conservative. they are more secluded, and want to keep others out

the level of movement at the beginning of the story

there is a lack of activity; passivity. juxtaposed to movement - things are capable of moving, but unable to move

where are Tom and Piney going when the outcasts meet them on the first day?

they are coming from Sandy Bar, and they are running away to Poker Flat to get married.

how do the Duchess and Piney die?

they are frozen to death. in death there is innocence, you cannot tell that one had sinned - they were equal/ shows that there is good in all of us.

"they said their nevers and they slept their dream"

they do not dream while awake. this suggests that people in this town are not following their dreams, that they believe their dreams are unachievable, and that they believe that their dreams are not meant to be lived

how did mrs. mallard feel about her husband

they got along, but she said that she only loved him sometimes. she says that she'll cry at his funeral because all her husband did was love her.

how do the youth treat the elderly and why is it ironic?

they ignore the warnings of the elderly, they mock them, and show no care towards them. it is ironic because they are going to end up in the same position. this shows that life is cyclical.

what activity may the elders be warning the youth against?

they may be trying to keep them out of trouble/stop them from making bad choices. (they were once in the same position, but they have learned). the signs may be trying to keep them on the right path, or they may be trying to warn them to not grow up too fast and to appreciate their youth.

what did the secret committee in Poker Flat do?

they rid the town of all "improper persons". they hanged or banned thieves, gamblers, and prostitutes.

what do the petals symbolize?

they symbolize the faces of people in the station - all flower petals are unique and different like humans.

"reaped their sowing and went their came"

they were here and now they're gone. their time has passed

"anyone lived in a pretty how town"

title shows that nothing sets anyone apart from another

why are "life" and "Life" juxtaposed?

to emphasize the fact that good and bad experiences make up life. "life" means the good and bad experiences that make up life, and "Life" means the experiences of life as a whole/our existences. Lucinda believes that in order to love life you must take both the good and bad experiences.

why does he repeat "there will be time"

to paint the image that time goes on forever and to calm people. it shows that there is time to do things, but time is always passing. says this because he is afraid to go and talk to the women.

purpose of the Gettysburg Address

to pay tribute and gain support for the war. trying to inspire people to keep fighting and gain support

themes of "an episode of war"

tragedy of war and harsh reality of war

when i heard the learn'd astroner meaning

trancendentalist ideas- narrator pursues own path

when i heard the learn'd astronomer theme

understanding the beauty of nature without knowing the analytical aspect. the poet is bored when the astronomer is explaining science, but when he went outside and actually saw the beauty of the stars he was in awe.

Audience of Gettysburg address

union supporters


v. To pour forth.


v. gathered; brought in

"someones marry their everyones"

vague words. shows that people fall in love, and that their love is usually no different from anybody else's love


verb. to intrude gradually or stealthily, often taking away somebody's authority, rights, or property


verb: cleverly find a way out of one's duties or obligations Synonyms : dodge , duck , elude , evade , fudge , hedge , parry , put off , sidestep , skirt

what does "till human voices wake us and we drown" mean?

we can drown in what other people say and think about us. in his mind, the only way human interaction can end is with death.

verse 51 message

we should learn how our actions from the past and present should not define who we are, and we should take it as a learning experience

what does Richard think of the people at first?

when Richard first came to Spoon River, he is skeptical of what they told him to write on the stones because he does not know them

verse 6 meaning

when we die, our lives do not end. through nature we help provide for the earth. whitman says that death is not bad thing, and he tries to make something negative into something positive. grass is the main objective of this poem, and it has various meanings

verse 9 theme

when whitman finds something that excites and energizes his spirit, he wants to be involved in it, and help it to keep the lasting sense of childhood. when people find something that makes them happy, they want to hold onto that feeling, because their spirit is renewed and they feel bliss for the moment being. Whitman's message is to search for something that excites you so much that you can let go and be happy.

slant rhyme

where the final sounds are similar but not identical, frequently used by Dickinson.

verse 17 meaning

whitman wants us to know his ideas aren't original to him, and that he isn't taking credit for them. he says that someone else has had his thoughts before, and that he isn't the first to think of them. if people don't take his thoughts as their own, they aren't worth anything. tone is unifying and cheerful

how does the poem start?

with an epigraph from Dante's "inferno"

"In the Station of the Metro"

written by Ezra Pound. short poem that consists of only two lines.

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