English- The Crucible Act 1

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Who is Rev. Hale, and why was he sent for?

-Rev Hale is an expert on witchcraft. - He's a minister who can help them. - Rev Parris sent for him.

What do we learn from the conversation that Mercy, Abigail, and Mary Warren have while alone?

Abigail drank blood to curse/kill Elizabeth Proctor. Mercy danced naked. The girls conjured spirits with Tituba.

How do we see that Abigail is the acknowleged leader of the group?

Abigail threatens to hurt them if they tell on her. She's the most determined. They turn to her for advice.

What do Parris and Putnam say that terrifies Tituba and causes her to say that she told the devil she did not want to work for him?

Both men discuss killing her. Parris threatens to whip her to death. Putnam says she should be hanged. She confesses to avoid being killed.

In your opinion, what motivates Abby and Betty to begin denouncing everyone?

Get out of trouble. Place blame on others. Cause Hale's attention to shift to other people in Salem.

In his stage directions, what are some good and bad points that Miller observes about the Puritans?

Good:They were loyal to God, their dedication & discipline, willingness to work hard Bad: Gossiped about each other. They were snobs and superstitious.

The Rev. Hale enters. From his comments, where may we infer that he believes real authority resides, and what does this say of his personality?

He finds authority in books and in God. It says he's a logical and deeply religious man who believes one can do personal battle with the devil.

What innuendo does Rev. Parris make about Abigail's character?

He questions his niece about whether or not she has a bad reputation in town... is her name "pure"

Who is Giles Corey and how does Proctor treat him?

He's an old man that speaks his mind and doesn't mind insulting or suing others. Proctor likes him.

Why does Tituba come up with the names Goody Good and Goody Osburn as the two women she saw consorting with the devil?

Mrs. Putnam had accused these women earlier and suggested their names. She remembers these names and is trying to cast blame on someone other than herself.

How does Proctor's subsequent comment on Parris' fiery sermons cause an outburst from Rev. Parris?

Parris tells them he is not preaching for the children but to remind them what they owe.

When Abigail enters, she is described as a "strikingly beautiful girl... with an endless capacity for dissembling." What does the phrase "endless capacity for dissembling" suggest?

People never know who she really is. Very convincing in her lies. She figures out a way to get her way.

Why do Putnam, Parris and Proctor get into an argument?

Putnam is upset because Proctor never comes to town meetings, Parris is angry because Proctor doesn't come to church often. Proctor insults Parris' sermons. Putnam is mad about Proctor trespassing on his land taking his lumber.

How is Putman's materialistic ambition further revealed in his argument with Proctor?

Putnam wants to claim all of the land around him even though it belongs to others.

How does Abigail respond?

She becomes angry and says Elizabeth Proctor is a liar who is spreading rumors about her.

Why does Rev. Parris become upset at the thought that Betty's illness is a result of unnatural causes?

She could be involved in witchcraft. If the community thinks she's involved in witchcraft he could lose his job.

How does Goody Putnam move the plot along? "Goody is a term of address much like our "Mrs." it is short for goodwife."

She makes extreme accusations about the girls and hints that there are witches in Salem.

Rebecca Nurse walks to Betty's bed and quiets her by her calming presence. She is a voice of reason and rationality. To what does she attribute Betty's condition?

She says its a phase that all children go through and she'll grow out of it. She calls it a "silly season." She says Betty's just acting like a child because she is one.

As Abigail flirts with John Proctor, what does she say about Betty's illness?

She says they were "sportin" or playing in the forest and that Betty has only gone silly and just took a fright when her father jumped out at them.

Why has Abigail turned on Tituba and accused her of these things?

She was afraid when Hale began to question her and she wanted to remove suspicion from herself.

Who is Betty and what is wrong with her?

She's Reverend Parris' daughter & can't move or open her eyes.

What negative aspect of Parris' character does this reveal?

Stubborn, Self-centered. He's more concerned about his image than his own child.

What do we learn from the conversation that between Parris, Putnam and Proctor?

The Rev. Parris is a bitter man who feels cheated by the community. Putnam supports him and dislikes Mr. Proctor.

In what way do the two men find themselves aligned (in agreement) regarding the congregation's opinion of Parris?

They agree there are people against Rev. Parris.

What is the general attitude of Giles Corey and the others gathered in the Parris household?

They are tense, frightened, or worried.

Why are the Putnams unwilling to send Hale away?

They want to believe there's a reason (witchcraft/ murder) why she's lost 7 babies and to find the cause of their deaths.

Who is Tituba? Of what does Abigail accuse her?

Tituba is Parris' slave from the Barbados. Abigail accuses her of conjuring spirits and forcing Betty & herself to drink blood.

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