Environmental Science Study Set

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The most widely supported economic strategy for combatting climate change is:

"Putting a price on carbon" through a carbon tax or "cap and trade" mechanism.

Which of the following represents the NIOSH recommended exposure limit (REL) for noise exposure in the workplace during an 8-hour shift?

85 dBA

Which of the following describes SMOG?

A mixture of pollutants, principally ground-level ozone.

Which of the following describes temperature inversion?

An atmospheric condition during which a warm layer of air stalls above a cool layer.

Assessment, policy development, and _______ are the three core functions of public health, as defined by the U.S. Institute of Medicine (IOM).


When _______ is applied as a weed killer on field crops such as corn, runoff from irrigation and rainfall may carry this herbicide into waterways?


The materials that are most amenable to recycling include:

Automobile batteries, glass, landscaping materials, and paper.

Who is considered to be the "Father of Occupational Health"?

Bernardino Ramazzini

The process of _______ causes mercury levels to increase as the metal moves up the food chain and becomes more concentrated in aquatic invertebrates.


Childhood lead exposure is considered an environmental justice issue in the United States, because data show that _______. (Wheeler & Brown 2013)

Black children have higher blood lead levels than white children.

Just one case of what foodborne illness is considered an outbreak?


The _______ refers to urban areas and structures constructed by human beings, as opposed to undeveloped, rural areas.

Built environment

Which of the following is NOT one of the three primary objectives of environmental risk communication?

Calm/allay fears

In the United States, unintentional injuries are the top source of morbidity and mortality in what population?


According to Hill's Criteria of Causality, what criterion suggests that the cause and effect interpretation of our data should not seriously conflict with the generally known facts of the natural history and biology of disease?


_______ occurs when worker bees abandon their hive leaving behind the queen bee and young bees, resulting in the eventual death of the beehive.

Colony collapse disorder

An advantage of the complex nature and multiple federal, state, and local jurisdictions involved in the delivery of environmental public health services in the U.S. is the potential for developing _______ approaches.


According to the EPA, which of the following has the potential for greatly reducing the amount of materials that must be disposed of in landfills, as about one-quarter of household wastes consists of clippings from gardens and food waste?


What piece of legislation gave the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the power to seek out those parties responsible for any release and assure their cooperation in the cleanup?

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act

Rachel Carson's 1962 book, Silent Spring, popularized concern about long-term low-dose exposure to _______.


Which of the following is NOT one of the EPA's seven cardinal rules of risk communication?

Decline to answer leading questions from journalists

Many of the important prevention principles in environmental public health were formally articulated in 1992 at the United Nation Conference on _______.

Environmental and Development

Which of the following is a study in which the units of analysis are populations or groups of people rather than individuals?

Ecologic studies

In the United States, what agency is responsible for protecting human health and safeguarding the natural environment, including air, land, and water?

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Responsible for enforcing food safety regulations in the United States is spread across which combination of agencies.

FDA, USDA, EPA, state and local health departments

Which of the following is true regarding public belief in climate change?

Family and friends are powerful determinants of a person's beliefs about climate change.

The fact that children can bear a disproportionate burden of the adverse health effects of toxic environmental exposure is sometime referred to as a _______ issue.

Generational equity

What infectious agent produce cysts that transmit the condition via contaminated food and water and can survive for a long periods in cold water?

Giardia Lamblia

The cumulative impacts of social vulnerability, environmental exposure inequalities, and biological/physiological susceptibility combine to form _______ among racial/ethnic and socioeconomic groups.

Health disparities

Primary prevention in environmental public health involves which types of interventions (in contrast to secondary and tertiary prevention.)

Health promotion, specific protection

Among the elderly, falling is associated with _______, which often are linked to death soon afterward.

Hip fractures

The word ecology comes from the Greek word oikos meaning:

Home, place to live

In what sense is influenza a zoonotic disease?

It has animal reservoirs, especially birds and swine.

Scientific integrity, _______, and welfare are three modern ethics principles essentials to environmental health.


Which of the following is the most frequently employed method for disposal of hazardous wasters?

Land disposal units

Cutaneous _______ is a concern of the United States military personnel stationed in endemic areas such as Afghanistan, Iraq, and Kuwait.


A major concern of exposure to extremely low frequency radiation has been:

Leukemia risk

In risk characterization, the population cancer risk is calculated as the cancer slope factor multiplied by the _______.

Lifetime average daily dose (LADD)

Some millinery workers were exposed to mercury fumes in poorly ventilated rooms during the course of their careers and developed _______, a condition also known as mercurial erethism.

Mad-hatter's disease

The neurologic condition, which became known as _______, was characterized by numbness of the extremities, deafness, poor vision, and drowsiness, was attributed to discharges of mercury compounds into a bay by a plastics factory.

Minamata disease

In the United States, longitudinal studies of demographic disparities in hazardous facility siting provide evidence refuting the minority move-in hypothesis, which is the idea that _______.

Minorities move to locations with environmental hazards because of lower housing prices and other market dynamics.

Which of the following statements about climate change mitigation and adaptation is true?

Mitigation includes both reducing the emission of greenhouse gases, and promoting the removal of greenhouse gases from the air through sequestration.

Environmental health surveillance systems serve which one of the 10 essential services of environmental health (U.S. CDC 2008, 2011)

Monitor environmental and health status to identify and solve community environmental health problems.

The timeframe of environmental health has expanded to address _______ consequences of present practices.


What is the term that stems from the Latin word nausea and is a feature of modern life that at best is an annoyance and at worst can affect our health adversely?


In professional life, ethics is a _______ process of deciding what we ought to do or not do.


All of the following are examples of trends evaluated by the U.S. National Environmental Public Health Tracking program, EXCEPT

Nuclear weapons testing and radiation sickness

Because scientists and academics need to maintain their _______, and their reputation for it, they are cautions in making claims about the implications of data for behavior and policy.


What type of pesticides are persistent in the environment and bio-accumulate in the food chain?


What type of pesticides are related to "nerve gas" such as sarin, soman, and tabun?


_______, which has been linked to lung damage, bronchitis, and early mortality, also causes environmental degradation through the =deposition of soot on vehicles, clothing, and buildings.

Particulate matter

Which of the following is true regarding mental health in the context of climate change?

People with severe mental illness such as schizophrenia are at increased risk during heat waves.

Understanding food webs is important for environmental health in particular because:

Persistent pollutants can bio-accumulate or bio-magnify up the food web.

Which of the following was an affliction that occurred among workers who manufactured matches around the late 1900s?

Phossy jaw

Which of the following is TRUE about rabies?

Post-exposure prophylaxis has prevented human rabies successfully.

Risk is the _______ that some adverse event will occur (Rodricks, 2006), while risk assessment involves characterizing the _______ of those adverse effects in the population.

Probability, probability

The US National Academy of Sciences Silver Book (2009) added a fifth, up-front _______ step to the four-step risk assessment process.

Problem formulation

Complex systems exhibit emergent properties, which refers to

Properties that can only be observed when parts of the system are interacting with each other.

_______ -base insecticides, having low concentrations of the active ingredient, are used inside the home in aerosol cans, insecticide bombs, insecticidal pet shampoos, treatments for lice applied directly to humans, and mosquito repellents?


The landmark 1987 United Church of Christ report, Toxic Wastes and _______ in the United States, was the first national study of demographic disparities in the location of hazardous waste sites.


Environmental _______ produces one of the largest sources of human exposure to ionizing radiation and is thought to be one of the leading causes of lung cancer in the United States.


The US National Academy of Sciences book from 1983 that formulized the four-step risk assessment process is generally referred to as the _______ Book.


Air and water quality, climate, erosion, disease transmission, pest proliferation, and pollination are all examples of which category of ecosystem services, defined by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment.


Which of the following statements about heat waves is true?

Risk factors for death during heat waves are well defined.

Research shows that one of effective risk communication strategy after a major environmental disaster is providing clear, specific, prioritized instructions and action items that convey a sense of _______ and concrete things to do.


Persons afflicted with the lung disease _______ are at high risk of developing tuberculosis.


The idea that the wealthy set the standard for what constitutes a high-status lifestyle, leading others tp consume more, is an example of how _______ can contribute to environmental degradation.

Social inequality

What organism can thrive in an environment that has a heavy concentration of salt or sugar, and environment in which most other bacteria are unable to tolerate?

Staphylococcus auresus

Since 1991, who has assumed the primary role of regulating medical wastes by applying guidance acquired from the Medical Waste Tracking Act?

State regulators

The _______ legislation mandates the cleanup of hazardous waste sites in the United States.

Superfund or Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act

The field of Conservation Biology seeks to prevent species extinction, which becomes irreversible when

The death rate for all populations of that species exceeds the birth rate.

Which of the following statements about anthrax is FALSE?

The inhalational form is untreatable.

Which of the following statement is NOT accurate in view of research on the association between exposures to EMF and cancer?

The long-term effects are clear and definitive.

The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration's Hazard Communication Standard, and Consumer Confidence Reports required under the US Safety Drinking Water Act, are examples of policies enabling _______.

The right to know

Which of the following is the mot dangerous health effect linked to cell phone use?

Traffic crashes

Impaired driving can be caused by substance abuse as well as alcohol consumption.


Many consider the single most important factor for effective risk communication to be _______.


Within external causes of injury death, which of the following was the leading mechanism of injury mortality in 2014?

Unintentional poisoning deaths

A country faces which of the following when its annual supply of renewable freshwater is between 1,000 and 1,700 cubic meters per person?

Water stress

In the hazard identification step of risk assessment, a(an) _______ analysis judges the quality, nature, and strength of the scientific evidence that exposure to a particular contaminant causes an adverse health outcome.

Weight of evidence

_______ means that successful prevention strategies are disseminated widely in order to encourage their implementation on a broad scale.

Widespread adoption

What metal is believed to play a role in reducing the occurrence of common infections and is theorized to be necessary for children's growth and for maintaining the health of pregnant women?


Lemuel Shattuck's proposal set forth in the Report of the Sanitary Conditions of Massachusetts:

argued for the creation of state health departments. were extremely innovative for their time. ultimately were adopted by public health departments and are now in use. All of these are correct.

On Airs, Waters, and Places was significant because it:

emphasized the role of environment in people's health

The term abortive human rabies refers to a case that:

recovered without receiving intensive care.

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