Environmental Science: Water Pollution Quiz

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official document giving someone permission

Chemical Pollutant

organic and inorganic materials that enter water from agriculture

How are pollution concentrations different between point sources and nonpoint sources?

point sources are a main central location and non-point sources do not have one central location

physical pollutant

sent to landfills

non-point source

sources of water that come from no-certain location

What is the main source of biological pollutants in surface water?

the main source is untreated or improperly treated human or animal waste.

What is water pollution?

any physical, biological, or chemical change that degrades water quality

What are the three types of water pollutants?


What human activities can cause increased turbidity in water?

construction & the clear-cutting of forests

point source

main/central location where pollutant comes from

Cultural Eutrophication

man caused increase in nutrient levels that cause algae blooms/bacteria and low DO Level

total maximum daily load

maximum number of pollutant that waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards

Biochemical Oxygen Demand

measure of amount of oxygen required by bacteria too decompose organic matter in a sample of water


measure of how clear water is

water quality

measure/condition of water

Biological Pollutant

microrganisms that are harmful to humans or other living things

What are two environmental incidents in 1969 made Americans recognize that water pollution needed to be addressed?

- the Santa Barbara Oil Spill - the Cuyahoga River Fire

oxygen sag

A decline in dissolved oxygen concentrations downstream of a pollution source

What problems does turbidity cause in aquatic ecosystems?

It can decrease the growth of submerged aquatic plants and algae, lowering oxygen content and decreasing food supplies. Also sediments can clog fish gills, make prey less visible, and cover and kill fish and shellfish eggs.

thermal pollutant

Rise and fall in temperature in natural body of water caused by human activity

How can water quality be degraded?

Water quality can be degraded if pollutants adversely affect humans or other living organisms & It can also be degraded if the water is unsuitable for a desired use


liquid waste or (sewage) dumped into a river (point source)

water quality standards

rules/regulations on how water can be used/treated

How does the Tragedy of the Commons apply to water pollution?

the tragedy of the commons apply's to water pollution because it the using up of a main resource (water)- which everyone has acesses to

tragedy of the commons

using up of one resource


waste "water"

Impaired Water

water from which technology based requirements are not stringent

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