Episode 1- The First 8 Weeks

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2 weeks 5 days, the embryo is what size?

1/2 inch long

One week and the cell is 1/______th of an inch across and will implant in the mother's _________.

100 uterus

Out of the 22 members in the Da Silva family, _____ people have an extra finger on each hand.


Growth should be doubling in size every ______ days for the next ______ weeks.

14 6

Mother and father both give _____ chromosomes each


Day 15, the embryo is now less than 1/__________th of an inch.


The chances of having identical quadruplets: _____ million to one.


Nell got an extra growth gene from her father, which caused her to grow & grow. Since Nell's cells divide faster, what is she at risk of developing?


At 19 days, hair structures called _______ start spinning clockwise which tells every organ in the body where to go.


Why do Mother's genes restrict growth?

How big they become

What gene mutation causes Melanie's condition?


At 8 weeks, your sense of ____________ is created


At 6 weeks the Embryo is the size of a ___________.


Father genes are programmed for growth and determine how _____ and _______ strong we become.

big strong

In the first weeks of conception, some genes are turned off and some are turned on.......... which permanently affects how the body is ___________.


At three weeks, a flat disk of cells begins to fold and turns into a tube to develop the ____________________________________________________.

central nervous system

Around what day do cells split to make multiple identical births?

day 5

What the mother ______ during the first week of pregnancy, can determine how long we live our lives.


The embryo is now called a _______________


Babies born rural Gambia in the dry season are more likely to have a gene left on that prevents their bodies from ______________________________.

fighting infection

Heart organ begins to develop, which is the size of what?

grain of sand

Melanie genetic disorder occurred when the top layer of cells did not form correctly, that effects which parts of her body?

hair, skin, teeth

At 38 days, what begins to develop?

hands + fingers

If only a few of Randy's organs had switched sides, his __________ would have been severely affected.


The season in which you are born predicts a person's ____________________________ in rural Gambia.

life expectancy

Randy Foye was born with situs invertus, which caused his organs to develop how?

mirror image, flipped

At 7 weeks, a key protein called ________________________ is activated tells the fingers how to grow.

sonic hedgehog

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