ES 112 Razi Final

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Doug Massey argues that America's immigration enforcement apparatus has become a central race-making institution on par with the criminal justice system for African Americans


The "unintended" consequences of progressive immigration reform policies actually constructed and narrativized a new kind of subject - the "illegal alien"


The sudden or gradual migration of white people out of areas becoming more racially and ethnically diverse is called

white flight

Who was largely credited with disproving the "extinction thesis"?

Track runner Jesse Owens at the 1936 Olympics

In the Ozawa case, how did the Supreme Court rule?

According to best known science, he was of the "Mongol" race, not Caucasian, and therefore could not be a citizen

All men are created equal" excludes which of the following groups:

African Americans Women Indigenous people Unpropertied white men

The shift from the era of Jeffersonian to Jacksonian democracy reveals

An expansion of white male citizenship and participation in the democratic process

Early 20th century immigration into the US marked a period where immigrants could economically ascend through industrial labor. Who benefited the most from this wave of immigration?


Rather than investing in for-profit prisons, money should be distributed into...

Health Care Housing Drug Programs Jobs & Education

Madrid, "The Unheralded History of the Lemon Grove Desegregation Case" main points

Lemon grove school district developed a plan to build a special school for mexican children No one told the kids, separated when they came back from winter break 95% of the mexican children segregated were born in the United States Rationale: overcrowding, sanity, moral disorders 1931: parents had a lawsuit to keep the schools separate The school for the mexican children was a two room barn and was dangerous Being separate helped the whites to stay superior

White privilege was established through the early colonial legislature in these concrete ways where whites only had The right to...

Literacy & land Carry out violence against Black people Bear arms Self defense

'An act prohibiting slaves to read' main points

The teaching of slaves to read and write has a tendency to excite dissatisfaction in their minds to produce rebellion

What are Thomas Jefferson's politics about slavery


War on Drugs phases:

1. Roundup Police conduct mass drug operations in primarily poor communities of color 2. Period of formal control Defendants are denied meaningful legal representation Pressured to plead guilty Once convicted, every aspect of their lives are monitored 3. Period of invisible punishment Once freed, laws prohibit convicted offenders from integrating themselves into mainstream, white society

What is the model minority myth?

A stereotype that Asians and Asian Americans will always succeed academically and professionally due to their culture

Miranda, "Lying to Children about the California Missions and the Indians" main points

1769: Spaniards began moving up the west coast establishing claims to rich resources before other nations could 21 missions were built along California's coast Californians have grown up trained to think of Indians as passive, dumb, & disappeared Miranda herself is a "Mission Indian"

Which period in the contemporary era began the dramatic increase of undocumented immigrants due to a new set of immigration policies?


Bonilla- Silva 'Colorblind racism' main points:

4 frames= abstract liberalism, naturalization, biologization of culture, minimization of racism Blacks faced less housing, education, social and commercial transactions, and wages and earnings Individualism: choices, universalism: meritocracy, work hard=success Egalitarianism: opportunity- everyone has it Meralism: status quo, US is perfect Is a level playing field

Which of these best illustrate what Tatum might call racism as a "social and structural" force rather than as an individual or psychological phenomenon

A high school in a majority non-white neighborhood receiving less funding than a majority white school in the same public school district

Robin D.G. Kelley, "Thug Nation: On State Violence and Disposability" main points

Arrested for a crime he didn't do Taken in at 16 released at 20, killed himself at 22 Constitutional guarantees of "equal protection" notwithstanding, Black and Brown bodies carry from birth the mark of "suspicion." It is not simply that our lives don't matter. We are a threat, an enemy, which largely explains why the police employ lethal force as a first resort. The point here is not just to punish Black communities but to mark them, to create a record of "criminal behavior," to transform them from citizens to thugs. Criminalization is to be subjected to regulation, containment, surveillance, and punishment, but deemed unworthy of protection. "Thug" works to both criminalize and dehumanize the dispossessed while masking the violent operations of the state and capital: criminal neglect by landlords and city officials.

What did the "extinction thesis" hypothesize about African Americans in the United States

Because Black people were innately infirm and biologically inferior, they were destined to disappear over time

Why were early biologists so interested in discovering the biological foundations of racial difference

Because if that's the premise you're starting with, that's the answer you'll always arrive at Because scientists are socially and culturally embedded actors - science has never been purely empirical, objective, and depoliticized

What is the current most-influential biological explanation for why human populations vary in the complexion of their skin?

Because sunlight is essential to having adequate vitamin D, human migration toward northern latitudes caused a gradual loss of dark melanin to absorb more of it

Which of these is associated with the Federal Housing Administration


In which US state did the majority of sterilization cases occur in and why?

California, because there was a large number of immigrants coming to the state

Rothenburg "How it happens: legal constructions..." main points:

Citizenship never guaranteed equality Americans could take indigenous land, indian removal act, black codes, race restriction for immigrants, chinese seen as incapable of progress, poor women couldn't have abortion Laws changed but took a long time to actually change, a period of hope

According to RPOI, a black person walking from Virginia to Florida to Alabama in the 19th century

Could transform from black to white to black again because of differences in the definition of blackness from state to state

Teaching Tolerance, "A Tale of Two Schools"

Cousins separated because some of them didn't look white enough During this era more than 80% of schools with a large mexican population in cali practiced segregation Mexican schools were run down, taught industrial schools and encouraged them to not continue after 8th grade The mendez fam led a class action lawsuit against westminster, garden grove, el moderna, santa ana boards of education due to great discrimination US district said that inferiority among them didn't exist, first desegregation state case

'Dred scott v Sandford, 1857'

Debate if a black man who has slave ancestors can be a citizen Public opinion didn't change after constitution Parents to be freed before the child is born Dred scott ultimately voted NOT a citizen

Elk vs. Wilkins main points

Debate on the 14th amendment, are they a citizen if they live in the US? Indian needs to completely separate from their tribe Still ruled not a citizen because they didn't have a political community

Bayoumi 'How does it feel to be a problem' main points:

Different eras of people being considered problems based on race The racialization of muslim, arab, and middle easterns as terrorists after 9/11 and afgantistan war People didn't care about arabs and muslims before, asians = foreigners, latino = illegal

RPOI 2 (history) main points:

Dred scott said no black, free or enslaved could be a citizen Democracy: coextensive with racial logic Jeffersonian: racialization of african americans Jacksonian: racialization of native americans Mexican american war: racialization of mexican americans Imperial: racialization og native hawaiians and philippine people

Buck "Derailing rebellion: Inventing white privilege main points:

Elites taught whites the value of whiteness Poor whites didn't have negatives Fear kept anyone from challenging this 'state of terror' Psychological wage= an advantage without something tangible

What is true about the hart cellar act?

For the first time, there were numerical limits imposed on immigration from the Western Hemisphere where there was none before, which made it much more difficult for Latin Americans to enter the US legally. Passed during the Civil Rights era, the law ended race and national origins restrictions on immigration, which historically favored European immigrants. Since the law's passage, most of immigration has come from Latin America and Asia.

' Ppl vs hall' main points

Free white citizen arrested due to chinese witness caused controversy If they are a citizen, they can testify

Davis, "Are Prison Obsolete? Abolitionist Alternatives" main points

Imprisonment was supposed to serve as an alternative to capital punishment, Letting go of the desire to discover one single alternative system of punishment is important Prison industrial complex: set of symbiotic relationships among correctional communities, transnational corporations, media conglomerates, guards' unions, and legislative and court agendas "Battered women's syndrome": argues that a woman who kills an abusive spouse should not be convicted of murder Amy Biehl Foreign student who dedicated her time to helping rebuild South Africa Stoned and stabbed to death by a crowd that was shouting antiwhite slogans Biehl parents took two of the boys in as their "children" after their apologies

Danticat 'Black bodies in motion and in pain' main points

In metaphor, blacks seen as warfare America has always had black white binary Black bodies were written out of belonging They said the back bodies were 'threatening' to justify constantly being placed under threat

U.S. Commission on Human Rights, "Indian Tribes: A Continuing Quest for Survival" main points

Indians started with everything and gradually lost what they need to be part of civilization Much of indian society is motivated to remain separate politically and culturally In history whites tried to "civilize" indians or remove them- common belief that indian society is the inferior lifestyle They also tried to christianize indians Boarding schools were created to separate indian children

What was the main purpose of the creation of the American Indian Boarding Schools?

It was a more inexpensive way to "kill off" native Americans and their culture instead of going to war

Lockhart, "Living While Black and the Criminalization of Blackness"

Living while black is a phrase that encompases the many ways black people are viewed with suspicion, profilled, and threatened with responses from police for minor infractions or less Focuses on how individual racism can play a role in larger acts of systemic racism Isolation simultaneously maintains and heightens white mistrust to nonwhite groups White people see that police protect, blacks see that police put them in danger Whites anxiety towards black people result in whites calling police more Can be fixed by not assuming

Brave Bird, "Civilize Them with a Stick"

Mary Brave Bird writes about her experiences when attending St. Francis's boarding school for Indians Transformed them into farmhands, laborers, & chambermaids who were willing to work for low wages Her grandmother endured similar experiences as her Anyone who disobeyed the nuns were severely punished (whips, isolation, starvation) Beating was the common punishment for not doing homework or running away Because of her past experiences, she mistrusted every white person on sight Racism breeds racism in reverse

Besides big wars, (blank) has been the most thoroughly implemented government program of our time.

Mass incarceration

RPOI 1 (science) main points:

No genetic markers define race Science can be based on bias Race is not based on biology, but an idea that we ascribe to biology Humans are the most genetically similar of species

'The problem discriminiation' main points

Nonwhites and women couldn't hold office, vote, serve on juries, or own property individual= unconscious bias, unintentional but prevalent organizational= business rules, policies, practices, not straight up, but unfair, structural=unknown Low culture= popular, high culture= elite

Michelle Alexander's "The New Jim Crow" main points

Obama said that fathers are absent from families and the real reason is because they are going to prison Black men are much more likely to go to prison than white men Moments in the expansion in democracy are coextensive with the expansion of racial thought Black fathers not living at home are more likely to keep in contact with their children than fathers of other ethnic/racial groups Mass incarceration works to trap African Americans in a virtual (and literal) cage all due to war on drugs

RPOI 3 (housing/immigration) main points:

Only free white americans could be US citizens Policed boundaries of whiteness, had to be proven Race played a large role in real estate (levittown) Blacks were placed in public housing in central cities 'veritcal ghettos' Green = far from minorities, red = close to minorities

'Lincoln the emancipation proclamation' main points

Order by lincoln to free slaves in 10 states only in confederate states that aren't under union control For southern states, slaves couldn't be free until union could defeat confederacy, sense of hope

Tatum "Defining Racism, Can we talk?" main points:

Race as an unstable decentered complex of social meanings transformed by political struggle Individual racism= prejudice, bigotry, stereotyping Structural racism= racism without racists, patterns of different outcomes for blacks Conveyor belt metaphor

Kochiyama 'Then came war' main points

Personal narrative of japanese internment shows the racialization of asians as perpetual foreigners Political violence stems from asian hate feelings during economic hardships, political crisis, and the resurgence of nativism Chinese exclusion act, japanese internment, AAPI hate crimes

The process by which social, economic, and political forces determine the content and importance of racial categories, and by which they are in turn shaped by racial meanings

Racial formation

Willoughby, "Brown v. Board - An American Legacy main points

Plessy v. Ferguson: opened the door to state-sanctioned racial discrimination across the South Dred Scott v. Sanford: ruled that black people, enslaved or free, were "so far inferior that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect." African Americans worried that desegregation would do little to eliminate the racism in people's hearts & minds Brown II: Supreme Court sent cases back to lower courts, asking states to desegregate their schools "with all deliberate speed" Many southern schools disobeyed this command since no official date was set Civil Rights Act of 1964: empowered federal government to cut funding to schools that refused to desegregate 1971: widespread integration began Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education: allowed school systems to bus students as a way of integrating schools in segregated neighborhoods

Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896 main points

Plessy wanted to be seated in the 'white coach' and then was convicted of violating the louisiana 1890 statue Plessy was ⅛ black, ⅞ europeans, defined as black in louisiana Conflicted with the 13th and 14t amendment 13th amendment was not violated because louisiana statue didn't rescind legal equality between races and didn't reestablish its previous system of involuntary servitude 14th was not violated because the privileges of blacks weren't denied Supreme court saw this as trespassing on a white man's property This case established 'separate but equal' Legal equality but not social equality

ccording to Douglas Massey, anti-immigrant hostility rises during period of

Political and economic uncertainty

Angela Davis's "Masked Racism" main points

Prisons don't disappear problems, they disappear human beings The expanding penal system can be characterized as a "prison industrial complex" More than 70% of the imprisoned population are people of color The fastest growing group of prisoners are black women As prisons take up more space, programs responding to social needs are being pushed out Prison labor is used by many companies as a source of "free labor" We need new health care, housing, drug programs, & educational opportunities... not prisons

Omi and Winant "Racial Formations" Main points:

Racial formation= the process by which socio economic and political forces determine where people belong in different racial categories, therefore shaped by racial meaning Racial meanings vary; not scientific racialization= the extension of racial meaning to a previously radical unclassified social practice or group Meaning transformed by political struggle

According to Pem Buch in "Derailing Rebellion," the psychological wage was implemented to give poor & landless whites a feeling of

Racial superiority

The term that refers to the extension of racial meaning to a previously racially unclassified group, relationship, or social practice is:


Massey ' Immigration enforcement as a race making institution main points:

Rise of latino threat narrative War on immigrants, militarization of border, expansion of detention system, mass deportations, moral panic These restrictions caused a race making institution

What was the ideology that validated the sterilization of thousands of Latina women

Saving the planet (stopping overpopulation)

Jefferson, Notes on the State of virginia main points

Says slavery is wrong (political) But blacks are still inferior to whites (racial) Fields 1. Slavery preceeded racial thought, slavery was not the result of racism Origin of racialism were in the revolutionary moment, even tho it existed for 150 years

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 1954 main points

Sc, virginia, delaware, district of columbia, kansas Segregated schools were not equal 14th amendment violation 'Separate but equal' was unconstitutional Said that plessy vs ferguson was wrong Supreme courts mandated that the schools must be segregated with deliberate speed Court case paved the way for equality Took until civil rights act of 1964

Teaching Tolerance, "Brown v. Board - Where Are We Now?" main points

School desegregation, celebrated as a historic accomplishment, is being abandoned in practice as much of urban America turns back to segregated neighborhood schools. The abandonment is driven, in part, by Supreme Court decisions ending desegregation orders. Nearly 90% of intensely segregated schools for Blacks and Latinos are also schools in which at least half of the student body is economically disadvantaged. Today our public schools are more segregated than they were in 1970, before the Supreme Court ordered busing and other measures to achieve desegregation. not to abandon desegregation, but to deepen it.

Race is primarily determined by


Noy Thrupkaew in "The Myth of the Model Minority" makes the following arguments about the model minority myth

Southeast Asians, making up only 14% of the Asian American population, challenge the myth since they don't fit the statistics of the Asian immigrants who come highly educated and with more resources. Southeast Asians disprove the myth with their growing insistence that it takes social supports and participation in the legacy of civil rights activism to survive in this country. The model minority stereotype of Asian Americans emerges during a time when the state is being called upon to invest in the uplift African Americans and other minorities.

'An act for better governing of negros and slaves' main points

Strict rules for slaves: masters can search every 14 days, cannot be with a white person, cannot go out on sundays 1st crime=publicly whipped 2nd crime= ears cut and branded 3rd crime= nose cut off 4th crime= killed

The Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) main points

Suspended Chinese immigration for a period of 10 years People who knowingly brought Chinese laborers to the US were fined $500 per laborer and potentially faced imprisonment of up to 1 year Law doesn't apply to Chinese laborers who were in the US on November 17th, 1880 Whenever a shipload of Chinese laborers who were allowed to be in the country leaves, the customs collector has to make a list of the Chinese laborers on the ship

Which of these phenomena might best be described as an effect of "abstract liberalism"?

The American Dream

Thrupkaew 'The myth of the model minority' main points

Undermines what black and brown people go through Has persisted because of conservatives 2 problems= discourse weaponized against black and brown people, homogenizes a heterogenous thing Victimizing themselves more than blacks

Chomsky 'Undocumented: How immigrants became illegal main points:

Unintended consequences of progressive immigration reform policies constructed a new kind of subject, the illegal alien

The intimate connection between race & real estate under the Federal Housing Administration

Was maintained in the post-Civil Rights era through practices such as blockbusting, white flight, & gentrification

Bonilla-Silva shows that it is much more likely that whites will downplay the salience of racism in US society than people of color


Coates, "Between the World and Me" main points

White american progress was built on looting and violence because of americas history Is not the betrayal of the people, but the means by which 'the people' acquired their names Racism is an innocent daughter of mother nature Race is the child of racism, not the father He was sad because this was just the hosts dream, was not true, there isn't real hope How to live in america in a black body answers itself, this question frees you from ghosts and terror, because there is no answer

Thousands of women were victimized by sterilization abuse. Which of these was NOT a way that sterilization procedures were performed for a significant amount of time: Women were misinformed and or uninformed about the true procedure taking place Medical schools used these procedures to give practice to medical students Doctors were financially motivated to perform these procedures by receiving reimbursement through programs such as Medicaid Women felt an obligation to get these procedures as a method of fertility control for financial reasons (ex: could not financially support a large family)

Women felt an obligation to get these procedures as a method of fertility control for financial reasons (ex: could not financially support a large family)

The primary issue decided in the 1857 Dred Scott v. Stanford US Supreme Court case revolved around


Only young, male Japanese Americans were incarcerated by the US federal government during WWII because they posed the clearest military threat to the nation


Sickle cell anemia, along with phenotypic differences (eye color, skin color, hair texture) are examples of how race is in fact rooted in biology and genetics


at certain points in our journey from the tropics to Norway, we can pinpoint important "tipping points" were the lighter and darker races begin and end.


The principle of "hypodescent"

is also known as the "one drop" rule accounts for why a white mother in the U.S. can give birth to a black child but a black mother cannot give birth to a white child suggests a persistent belief in Blackness as a form of contamination is inverted in Haiti, where having a single white ancestor is enough to guarantee a claim to whiteness

The percentage of the imprisoned population for people of color is

more than 70

At what age does Tatum say people start to gain prejudice and exposure to racist ideas


A set of interpretative codes and racial meanings, which operate in the interaction of daily life

racial etiquette

In the process of racialization, the principle of concordance

suggests "racial" features (e.g., skin tone, hair texture, eye shape, facial features, etc.) reflect deeper and more innate aspects of character and behavior

What metaphor was frequently employed to illustrate the submergence of ethnic Europeans into whiteness during the post-War era

the melting pot

the end result of a successful state-sponsored campaign of white affirmative action

the suburbs

According to Douglas Massey, the effect of increased immigration enforcement increased the net inflow of undocumented migrants by stopping the circular flow of migrants


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