Exam 3

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What was the policy of détente that Social Democrats in Europe pursued?

A progressive relaxation of Cold War tensions

After years of scientific investigation and reflection, Charles Darwin concluded that

All life had gradually evolved from a common ancestral origin

What was the February Revolution in Russia in 1917?

An unplanned uprising of hungry and angry people in the capital

How did the Soviet Union and Eastern European Communist regimes treat displaced persons returning home after the war?

As politically unreliable because of their exposure to Western European society.

How did the role of Christian churches change in postwar Europe?

Church membership and attendance declined significantly

How did the electric streetcar affect the urban environment?

Cities could expand as even people of modest means could travel quickly and cheaply to new, improved, and less congested housing.

How did the culture of sports change in the late nineteenth century?

Cruel sports such as cockfighting declined, while commercialized spectator sports became popular

What agreement did the United States develop to resolve the economic problems of Germany and international tensions in Europe in 1924?

Dawes Plan

In 1954, Vietnam obtained independence from


What did the "war guilt clause" in the Treaty of Versailles declare?

Germany (with Austria) was solely responsible for the war and had to pay reparations.

What was the clearest sign that a family was middle class?

Having servants

How did Lenin gain popular support upon his return to Russia in 1917?

He appealed to soldiers, peasants, and workers.

How did Mao Zedong gain the support of the peasantry in China?

He promised to expropriate land from the large landowners.

Regarding the Vietnam war, what did Nixon do after his election inn 1968?

He sought to disengage America gradually from Vietnam. He pursued a policy of vietnamization which was designed to give south Vietnamese responsibility for the war and reduce the US. presence.

How did the great depression help the national socialists (Germany)

It brought the ascent of National Socialism. Hitler promised German voters economic and political salvation. The democratic government broke down which helped the Nazi's seize power.

What did the Marshall Plan accomplish?

It prevented economic collapse in Western Europe.

What was the British political party that emerged during the 1920s as the main opposition to the Conservative party?

Labour Party

What was companionate marriage?

Marriage based on romantic love and middle-class family values

What did the Petrograd Soviet Army Order No. 1 state?

Military officers were stripped of their authority and power was placed in the hands of elected committees of soldiers.

Who assassinated Grigori Rasputin in 1916?

Nationalistic aristocrats

The international military tribunal organized by the four Allied powers to try the highest-ranking Nazi military and civilian leaders was held in the city of


After the Second World War, the Soviet Union

Reestablished a harsh dictatorship.

The German Communist Party, noisy and active in the 1920s, reserved their greatest hatred and sharpest barbs for

Social Democrats.

Successors after Lenin: Stalin vs. Trotsky

Stalin won because he was more effective at gaining the all important support of the party. Stalin argued for more centralized Russian control of ethnic regions.

Khrushchev's speech at the Twentieth Party Congress in 1956 was a(n)

Surprising attack on Stalin and his crimes.

What was the Holocaust?

Systematic effort of Nazis to exterminate all European Jews

How did Lenin and the Bolsheviks' view of the Marxist party in Russia differ from the Mensheviks' view of the party?

The Bolsheviks wanted a small, disciplined party, while the Mensheviks wanted a democratic party with mass membership.

What was the immediate cause of British entry into the First World War?

The German invasion of neutral Belgium

What happened to Armenian inhabitants of the Ottoman Empire during World War I?

The Ottoman Empire ordered their mass deportation from their homeland, resulting in about a million Armenian deaths from murder, starvation, and disease.

What was the result of breaking the Berlin blockade in 1948-49?

The creation of two separate German States. West Germany and East Germany.

What did the New Left advocate?

The establishment of socialism with a human face that would avoid the worst excesses of capitalism or Soviet-style communism

Where did Nazi administrators initially gain experience in mass murder?

The murder of Germans with physical and mental disabilities

Why did the German military command recommence submarine warfare in the Atlantic despite knowing that it would lead the United States to enter the war against them?

They believed that improved submarines could starve Britain into submission before the United States could come to Britain's rescue.

Why did middle-class families spend considerable portions. Of their income on food?

They gave frequent, large dinner parties as their favored social activity.

Why did the Germans accept the Treaty of Versailles?

They had little alternative, especially as the naval blockade was still in place and the German people were starving.

How did France and Belgium react when Germany refused to make its second reparations payment?

They occupied the Ruhr district.

For artists such as the Dadaists and Surrealists, what was the purpose of art?

To expose the bankruptcy of modern society and produce radical social change

What was Mikhail Gorbachev's goal in bringing reforms to Russia?

To revitalize the Soviet system in order to save it

Which of the following describes Eastern Bloc living standards in the 1970s?

Well below those in the West but well above those in the developing world

The Brezhnev Doctrine stated that the Soviet Union and its allies...

had the right to intervene in any East Block country if necessary to preserve Communist rule


in Nazi Germany, special strike forces in the SS that played an important role in rounding up and killing Jews

In the early twentieth century, the traditional arts and amusements of people in villages and small towns was overshadowed by

modern mass media such as cinema and radio

What did President Franklin Roosevelt's National Recovery Administration (NRA) attempt to do?

plan and control the U.S. economy

Unemployment during the Great Depression


The Great Depression did not hit Britain as hard as the United States or Germany, in part because

the British economy had moved away from international markets and toward production of goods for the domestic market.

Established in 1949, NATO was

the anti-Soviet alliance of Western Governments.

In his writings on human psychology, Sigmund Freud asserted that

the id is the unconscious source of sexual and aggressive instincts.


the policy, followed by the European Nations in the Munich Conference, of accepting annexation of Austria and Czechoslovakia in the belief that meeting his demands would assure peace and stability

How was the Tet Offensive, launched by the Vietcong in January 1968, perceived in the United States?

As a sign that the war was not close to ending

Suicide rates (Durkheim)

Durkheim found that suicide occurred more often among unmarried people, especially unmarried men

In the 1950s and 1960s, what became the basic objective of all Western European governments?

Economic Growth.

How did the nature of marriage change by the late nineteenth century?

Married couples increasingly developed stronger emotional ties and based marriage decisions on sentiment and sexual attraction.

cult of the Duce

a film portraying mussolini as a powerful strong man who embodied the highest qualities of the italian people

Which of the following describes late nineteenth century prostitution?

it was a stage of life for many poor young women, which they moved beyond as they established their own homes and families.

what did the era of stagflation in the 1970s demonstrate about the social welfares in western europe?

the welfare state was capable of preventing mass suffering sustaining political stability and democracy

How did the Nazis manage the northern European states that they conquered?

they established puppet governments

How did the Nazis seek to legitimize their racial policies?

they established research institutes and academies

hygiene and sanitation MAYBE

this improved, along with improved medical care, further slowed deaths from disease

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