Ethical Egoism

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What are the problems with psychological egoism?

1) CIRCULAR REASONING People are always motivated by self-interest Therefore, whatever people do must have been motivated by self-interest 2) PE IS NONFALSIFIABLE A theory that is falsifiable is a strong & good theory; a theory that is not falsifiable is weak 3) SOMETIMES, IT IS DIFFICULT TO KNOW THE MOTIVES OF OUR ACTIONS Mother Theresa of Avila 4) SOMETIMES, WE ACT AGAINST OUR SELF INTERST

Distinguish between universal egoism, individual egoism, and personal egoism.

1. PERSONAL ETHICAL EGOISM I ought to do what will most further my self-interest. 2. INDIVIDUAL ETHICAL EGOISM Every person ought to do what will further my self-interest 3. UNIVERSAL ETHICAL EGOISM Every person ought to do what will most further his or her own self- interest

What do you understand by "our best self-interest?"

Best self interest = rational self-interest E.E identifies happiness with the pursuit of rational self-interest Pursuit of our rational self-interest implies that: -we sit and think or ponder about what is best for us; -We do not just follow our feeling, emotions, and desires; -We may sometimes forego our immediate desires in order to fulfill our long-term interests and achieve happiness

What are the similarities and differences between ethical egoism and ethical subjectivism?

ES focuses on feelings & desires EE focuses on reason

egoism vs egotism

Egoism is not the same as Egotism. An egotist is an arrogant, boastful, inconsiderate, and self-centered person; Egotistical behavior is not necessarily in one's self-interest because it alienates others and limits the egotist's opportunities to happiness. Egotistical behavior stems from poor self- esteem and need for approval. An ethical egoist, on the other hand, would not engage in behaviors that will limit his opportunities to happiness. Ethical egoists usually have a high self- regard.

egoism vs solipsism

Egoism is not the same things as Solipsism Solipsism is the belief that we cannot prove the existence of anything outside of our own minds or ideas. All we can know with certainty is our own mind Thus, I am the only being in the universe - hence, solipsism: only-I-exist The outside world exists only as an object of my consciousness

egoism vs hedonism

Hedonism is a broad philosophical doctrine that considers pleasure to be the standard of value. Pleasure is identified with happiness; so whatever gives pleasure becomes the guide to our actions.

What do you understand by psychological egoism? Distinguish ethical egoism from psychological egoism.

Hobbes had a materialistic conception of human beings - driven by passion & selfishness So he regarded humans as basically egoists. Humans are basically selfish, aggressive, and quarrelsome. Without society we would all live in a "state of nature" in which life would be "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short." People form into societies only from fear of death and the need for security to pursue their interests. People do live within a society and agree to obey certain rules, but this does not mean that we are no longer egoists by nature. We agree to abide by the rules of society, or to live under a "social contract," only because it benefits us.

What do you understand by ethical egoism?

Morality consists in acting in our best self-interest. -An action is right if it is in the best self-interest of the individual; -An action is right if it benefits the individual actor; wrong if it does not benefit the individual actor. -We ought to act in our best self- interest

**Give an account of Ayn Rand's objectivist and rational egoist ethics, making sure that you identify where she is in agreement with Aristotle and where she is not. How would you evaluate her rational egoism?

Rand was an individualist She was interested in the respect for the integrity and reality of the Individual She preached an Objectivist Ethics - Objective Reality is the source of all values: right & wrong She first adopted Aristotle's view on Human Nature, namely that Reason sets us all apart from other species.

What would you identify as the basic motive that is driving all human actions in Hobbes's account? How true is this for you? What does Hobbes think about moral sentiments like compassion and sympathy? Do you agree with him? Why? Why not?


How would you represent the moral community of an ethical egoist on a mandala? How would you evaluate this moral community?

The Moral Community of an Ethical Egoist consists of only himself or herself and anybody who the ethical egoist thinks will help him/her attain his/her happiness. The ethical egoist is therefore very selfish and uses other humans as tools or objects towards the attainment of his/her goals. As such, EE should only be the beginning of our moral development, not the end or apex We should strive to have a more inclusive moral community The MC of EE has a wrong conception of the human person

Give an account of Hobbes state of nature. What do you understand by his laws of nature? State and explain his first three laws of nature. What is the connection between the state of nature and the laws of nature? Differentiate the right of nature from the law of nature.

The State of Nature is the first Condition that Humans found themselves at the Beginning of time It turned out that the State of Nature was a State of War People were constantly fighting and killing each other; Man was a wolf to fellow man There was no order or rule of law Anarchy was the Order of the Day 1) FIRST LAW OF NATURE: UNIVERSAL CALL TO SEEK PEACE & FOLLOW IT; 2)SECOND LAW OF NATURE: CALL TO LAY DOWN ALL RIGHTS TO ALL THINGS; ACCEPTANCE OF LIMITED LIBERTY 3) THIRD LAW OF NATURE: MAINTAIN YOUR COVENANTS

Relate the story of Gyge's ring in Plato's Republic. Do you think that if we were to become invisible that we would act in ways that benefited us only? Give reasons to support your answer.

we are acting selfishly, about self interest, steal if we want it, or pay to avoid internal consciousness

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