Ethical Leadership
• Five principles of ethical leadership
1. Respects others 2. Serves others 3. Shows justice 4. Manifests honesty 5. Builds community
Builds Community
Concern for common good means leaders cannot impose their will on others; they search for goals that are compatible with everyone.
Shows Justice
Ethical leaders are concerned with issues of fairness and justice; they place issues of fairness at the center of their decision making
Serves others
Follower-centered - Based on the altruistic principle of placing followers foremost in the leader's plans
Manifests honesty
Honest leaders are authentic but also sensitive to the feelings and attitudes of others
o How leaders affect followers
Leaders can affect followers' lives either negatively or positively based on the leader's character and behavior Capacity to influence numerous others Leaders influence followers in the pursuit of goals Leaders have to work toward common goals and treat people as individuals and with dignitiy
Respect others
Persons must be treated as having their own autonomously established goals and must never be treated purely as the means to another's personal goals."
• Defining Ethics
meaning customs, conduct, or character (from Greek word ethos)
Ethical Leadership
the process of influencing people through principles, values, and beliefs that embrace what we have defined as right behavior