ethics exam 4

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classes corresponded with

parts of soul

David hume century

18th centry

"square has 4 sides" what kind of statement

Tautologies statements

A.J. ayers 2 kinds of meaningful statements

Tautologies statements Empircal claims

Temperance to aquinas

curve passions

Which of the following philosophers is usually associated with metaethics a- mill b-artisotle c-kant d-ayer



4 cardinal virtues


when we used terms like good, we are describing properties or characteristic

• Temperance and justice found in

whole community rather then just one class.

In beginning of west ethics greek and romans focused on

whole human life and moral character needed to achieve whole good life

• Ideal community to plato

would have all 4 with justice as main

Issue of abortion ethical example

"is it ever morally permissible to terminate a pregnancy when this results in the death of the fetus?"

David hume statement of theroritical and practical

"you cannot derive an ought from an is. When u reading volumes of moral philosophy, u run into lots of facts with the word "is", then run into an "ought" and he can't see a connection between the two statemnts.


bad. pride vanity worldliness averace

Aquinas life

1225 - 1274 AD

Social contract theory influenced

Jefferson notion of agreement of people in the government

Philippa Foot is an ancient Greek philosopher (true/false)


Foot is a ____ century British philosopher, born in_____

20th 1920.

Platos Republic written

380 bc

Socrates life


The approach to ethics known as "Metaethics" is: A-primarily a 20th century movement. B-an ancient Greek approach largely discarded today. c-simply another name for deontologism.

A-primarily a 20th century movement.

Charles stevenson

American nondescriptivist

A.J. ayers wrote

Language, truth and logic.

A.J. ayers

british nondescriptivist

Diagreements about beliefs (facts)

refer to facts that cant be both true. Have a meeting, the 2 people say it was on different days, both cannot be right but u can resolve by verify it by checking

Disagreements about attitudes

refer to have either favorable or unfavorbe attitides, cannot resolve bc cant verify by checking, disagree about having a productive talk, one thinks productive one thinks not, is it a matter of attitude cant look up and verify

aquinas says we learn

says by habit. Learn to b good by developing good habita. And vice versa

the axillary class =

spirited soul


strength use when we r fearful and wanna turn back on ration, but don't

Foot says that virtues are needed because of

the many vices that tempt us. Virtues act as a corrective to these vices. If we weren't tempted by the vices, we wouldn't need the virtues.

Moore believes that we can just know what goodness is (true/false)


Plato and Philippa Foot agree that the virtues are important for humans to be well-balanced. (true/false)


Tautologies statements

true by definition. Logical statements, statements r true by the meaning of the term. Like square has 4 sides

• Telos

unique talent, end purpose, goal, - everyone has one, something they r born to do

• Democracy is ____ to Socrates


Empircal claims

verifiable, can be scientifically checked and confirmed, can be verified at least in principle, or statements where we have some notions what would count as verifiable

• We r tempted by bad things and

virtues correct it

Normative ethics

we have asked questions about norms and valules, whats good and right, what actions are morally justified

Have a meeting, the 2 people say it was on different days, both cannot be right but u can resolve by verify it by checking

Diagreements about beliefs (facts)

Charles stevenson 2 types of disagreements

Disagreements about beliefs (facts) Disagreements about attitudes

A.J. ayers argues that

Argues there r only two kinds of statements that are meaningful

heart of ethical dispute of abortion

Attitude questions not factual but value

What kind of disagreement Is present when people have ethical disagreement?

BOTH- but attitude dominants. Our attiude determines what belief is relevant , ethical disagreement will end when disagreement of attidude ends

to plato justice is

Justice is in whatever is in the intrest of the bigger group/ruler

"Good is nonnatural (cannot b seen or heard), but it is some sort of quality "


Disagreeing over raise- company says union has gotten a 2 % every year, union says only 1 Union can say that's not relevant bc its not enough bc cost of living has gone up more then that

Once they both agree how much a raise they should have, argument is resolved regardless if other facts are solved

4 cardinal virtues

Prudence Fortitude Temperance Justice

Main speaker in Platos republic


Can we tell something about values from facts?

Stevenson hopes if we can answer all facts, then we can all universally agree on the if abortion is or is not permissible. But it continues even after the facts are proven, even continues among scientists who r well versed in the facts.

Can science ever resolve ethical arguments? To think same way?

Stevenson says NO. he hopes we can hope in a the future we may know enough. That attitudes will be the same, problem is we have no reason to think it will happen- could agree on facts but never come to agreement on attidues. Diff attitudes on same facts. overall he says no.

4 virtues to plato

Wisdom, courage, temperance, justice

Which of these lists of philosophers is given in the correct order in which they lived? a- Kant, Mill, Moore, Ayer b-Stevenson, Mill, Moore, Kant c-Kant, Ayer, Mill, Moore

a- Kant, Mill, Moore, Ayer

Stevenson's "disagreements in belief" have to do with: a- facts which can be checked b-feelings which are subjective c-nothing at all.

a- facts which can be checked

Foot says that virtues are "correctives." Which of the following best describes what she means? a-We need virtues to correct the various vices we all have. b-When we correct other people, we need to speak of virtue. c-All virtues are correct.

a-We need virtues to correct the various vices we all have.


active reason


analysis of the language used to ask questions about norms. Instead of asking what things are good, what r we doing when we use the word good?

Union can say that's not relevant bc its not enough bc cost of living has gone up more then that

attitude (living is fact)

Courage is found in

axillarys. Knoweldeg is what is and is not to fear. Also intelligent people.

descriptivists are philosophers who believe that ethical terms such as "good" a-describe nothing at all b- describe ethical properties possessed by something; c-express feelings and nothing more.

b- describe ethical properties possessed by something;

"mountaind on far side of moon" what kind of statement

back then coudnt show, but could be verifiable

Courage is

btwn overconfidence and cowardness

G.E. Moore says that goodness is a-just a word that expresses a feeling; b-the same thing as pleasure; c- a simple, unanalyzable property.

c- a simple, unanalyzable property.

Ayer believes that utterances which are neither empirical nor analytic are; a-scientific; b-false c-"literal nonsense" and therefore neither true nor false

c-"literal nonsense" and therefore neither true nor false

Contemporary virtue ethics most closely resembles the position of which of these ethical systems? a-Mill's utilitarianism b-Kant's deontologism c-Ancient Greek ethics

c-Ancient Greek ethics

According to A.J.Ayer, the expression, "You were wrong in stealing that money," has the same meaning as which of the following? a-That money is now yours b-You did not steal that money c-You stole that money.

c-You stole that money.

For Stevenson, the main kind of disagreement found in ethics is a-disagreement in belief b-disagreement about definitions c-disagreement in attitude.

c-disagreement in attitude.

Disagreeing over raise- company says union has gotten a 2 % every year, union says only 1

can be verified. Facts

Plato virtues r what make

community ideal arête- excellence

Social contract theory

compromise to set upa government so people aren't harmed and also not unhappy right and just laws•


concerns w duty, mills, ethical language ayer and linguistic,

Foot is a

contempory british thinker

"Socrates is snub nosed" what kind of statement ?

described a characteristic he possessed.

"Helping people is good or right" what kind of statement

descriptive statement describing a characteristic a person has or possesses

metaethics divides into 2

descriptivism and nondescriptivism

ethical disagreement will end when

disagreement of attidude ends

vices are harmful to use in same way

diseases r harmful

• Unjust person has

disharmony and sprited side sides w physica rather then rational

"life in space" what kind of statement?

empirical claim it is verifiable if we can agree on what like is , even tho we cant today verifiy it, it can be in principle



Stevenson believes that someday we will definitely have a scientific solution to all ethical disagreements. (true/false)


"virtues r in some general way beneficial human beingd don't get on well without them nobody can get on well if he lacks courage and temperance and wisdom , while communities where justice and charity r lacking, are apt to be wretched places to live."


there is virtu of industrialness bc idelness is a temptation and also humaility bc men think too well of themselves. Hope is a virtue bc despair is a temptation."


• "one of the things a wise man knows that a foolish man does not is that such things as social positions, weath, and good opinon of the world r too dearly bod by health ad family ties"


"Socrates is good" what kind of statement

goodness is a similar characteristic that he possesses like snub nosed, like he possses weight, etc., so also making descriptive statement

G. E. Moore says

goodness is indeed a quality, possess, properties and things can possess goodness like Socrates can possess snub noseness however, goodness is different in certain ways. It is indefinable - cannot ideitify it with any natural characteristic. Unnatral statements about it are self eveident and we can know thrugh intuition whatis good

person is wise when

governed by rational oart of the soul

Wisdom is found in

guardian class

• Temperance of soul is the

harmony whne all part r in agreement

linguistic analysists

in England n US. Concerned to analyzing the language we use they differ in what they think we r doing when we use it, but all agree to clarify and analyze philosophical language

Charles stevenson focus

interested in wht dynamics happen when people disagree, says there r two kinds of disagreements

• Temperance to plato

or moderation, is the harmony when everyone agrees on who should rule

Attitude questions regarding abortion debate

is abortion permissible only before certain stages? Is abortion only permissible when certain procedures are used? Is abortion permissible when carrying to term is a finical/ physical /mental burden? Is abortion permissible when pregnancy occurred through certain ways? (if through rape or incest some argue yes permissible, some argue no) is abortion morally permissible to what extent is legally permissible? (is whatever legal is moral? Is whatever moral legal? Is abortion permissible only when no one claims the child? (if parents waiting list of adoption to claim child when born- is it impermissible?)

hare thinks ethical language

is important but has no meaing

disagree about having a productive talk, one thinks productive one thinks not

is it a matter of disagreement of attitude because cant look up and verify

In the 20th century, group of philosophers

linguistic analysists

Statement on which we cannot agree on what counts as confirming them , don't refer to facts or defintions, for ayer is

literal nonsense

Foot thinks

looks at life as a whole and looks at 4 virtues. Intention is key to virtue. "disposition of heart" - can be clever but use uf for bad. True wisdom sees whats good and go there.

• Ethas

means charcter root of ethics.

linguistic analysists say we should be doing


• Justice, to plato

most important virtue, the social arrangement which produces temperances. When everyone fullfils their telos

Mill makes a _____ fallacy.

naturalistic fallacy he Identifies good with a natural

linguistic analysists say ethics up until 20th centry has been

normative ethics

G. E. Moore

overlaps 19th and 20th centry british descriptivist philosopher

craftsmen class =

physical soul


platos brothers. Agrees w Socrates percimicus is not right. Justice is a compromise Most people would wanna do whatever and whenever they want. Sometimes harmful things to us if that's the case. So wouldn't b a happy world bc harm would be worse then the pleasure. So compromise to set upa government so people aren't harmed and also not unhappy right and just laws


platos teachers, was executed for corrupting the youth, of Athens, plato was 29 at the time spent the remaining 51 years of his life writing about things he inspired him

Foot is rejecting

previous generations, who analyzed ethical terms like "good" n right and way we use them in ordinary language at same time shes returning to ancient approach of plato and Aristotle in that shes concerned with whole person and the traits they need to be virteous therefore happy

• Justice in the soul is

principle that each part fulfilling telos

justice to aquinas

put order into operations . rightly use intellect.

parts of soul

rational spirited physical

• The guardian class =

rational soul

courageous person does

what he knows should b done

facts that can be proven in principle regarding abortion debate

what r various stages of fetal development? What point is fetus reach can feel/ sense pleasure n pain? What r some actual procedures done and what r effects on women n fetus? What r average financial costs of carrying till term? How many couples r on waiting lists to adopt a child? What r physical effects of pregnancy on a women? What r the reasons a women may request an abortion? What r the legal restrictions on abortion?

R. m . hare says

when we use ethical terms, we r expressing attitudes, but r primarily prescribing actions prescriptivism rather then emotivist

"Socrates is good" to hare

yes u are expressing feelings, but also saying u ought to be like him a

"Socrates is good" in nondescriotivism means that

you are not adding "good" to a list of things he possesses

Socrates says 3 classes of people assigned to their own telos

• Craftsmen, axillarys, rulers/guardians

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