Ethics Final Chapter 16

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Types of programs companies are offering:

1) Child care 2) Elder care 3) Parental and family leave

Companies with effective diversity programs can avoid:

1) Costly lawsuits 2) Damage to their corporate reputations from charges of discrimination or cultural insensitivity

In 1998, the Supreme Court ruled that companies could deflect lawsuits by taking two steps: *Companies that took such steps would be protected from suits by employees who claimed harassment but had failed to use the complaint procedure.

1) Developing a zero-tolerance policy on harassment and communicate it clearly to employees 2) Establishing a complaint procedure—including ways to report incidents without retaliation—and acting quickly to resolve any problems

Service industries where women have broken into management ranks?

1) Finance 2) Insurance 3) Real estate 4) Retail businesses

Strategic Advantages of Managing Diversity and Inclusion Effectively

1) Having a widely diverse workforce boosts innovation, many executives believe. 2) The global marketplace demands a workforce with language skills, cultural sensitivity, and awareness of national and other differences across markets.

Critics of affirmative action say:

1) It is inconsistent with the principles of fairness and equality. -In some cases, one group could be unintentionally discriminated against in an effort to help another group. 2) These programs can actually stigmatize or demoralize the very groups they are designed to help.

Functions of a family-friendly corporation?

1) Job advantages would not be granted or denied on the basis of gender. 2) People would be hired, paid, evaluated, promoted, and extended benefits on the basis of their qualifications and ability to do the tasks assigned. 3) The route to the top, or to satisfaction in any occupational category, would be open to anyone with the talent to take it. 4) The company's stakeholders, regardless of their gender, would be treated in a bias-free manner. 5) All laws forbidding sex discrimination would be fully obeyed.

Why would adding women to boards improve performance?

1) More diverse boards avoid a rush to consensus and realistically consider alternative courses of action. 2) Women bring different life experiences to the table and are more likely to raise multiple stakeholder concerns. 3) Having more diverse boards also signals to the public a company's commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Examples of pink-collar ghetto

1) Preschool teacher 2) Hairdressers 3) Dental hygienists

Reasons for the Glass Ceiling?

1) Recruiters fill positions by word of mouth, using "old boys network." 2) Companies lack commitment to diversity. 3) Too little accountability for equal employment opportunity at top management levels

Possible reasons for gender pay gap:

1) Sex discrimination 2) Women's choices to pursue lower paying jobs or slower advancement 3) Occupational segregation(Inequitable concentration of a group in certain job categories)

Studies have found that child care programs help

1) To reduce absenteeism and tardiness 2)To improve productivity 3) To aid recruiting, by improving the company's image 4) To retain talented employees

Companies have also accommodated the changing roles of women and men by offering workers more flexibility through such options:

1) flextime 2) part-time employment 3) job sharing 4) working from home *These arrangements can benefit employers by attracting and retaining valuable employees, reducing absences, and improving job satisfaction.

Blacks make up __________ of educational administrators.


Equal Pay Act

1963 law that required both men and women to receive equal pay for equal work

Age Discrimination in Employment Act

1967 law that prohibits discrimination of employees 40 years and up.

By the mid-2010s, ________ of over 10 million U.S. businesses were owned or controlled by _____________

40% , women

Women still earned ___________ percent less than they otherwise would have in education, experience, race, industry, and occupation.

5 to 7

___________________________ companies include sexual orientation in their nondiscrimination policy, and two-thirds include gender identity.

89 percent of Fortune 500

In 2013 black men still earned only slightly more than __________ of white men's pay; black women earned about __________ , and white women ________

(3/4) , 69% , 82%

Sexual harassment at work occurs when:

1) An employee, woman or man, experiences repeated, unwanted sexual attention or 2) On‑the‑job conditions are hostile or threatening in a sexual way

Actions companies can take to manage diversity and promote inclusion effectively:

1) Articulate a clear diversity mission, set quantitative objectives, and hold managers accountable 2) Spread a wide net in recruitment, to find the most diverse possible pool of qualified candidates 3) Identify promising women and persons of color, and provide them with mentors and other kinds of support 4) Set up diversity councils to monitor the company's goals and progress toward them

Family and Medical Leave Act

Allows employees of government agencies and companies with more than fifty employees to take up to three months of unpaid leave during or after a pregnancy.

The one group that tops white men in median weekly earnings is _______________ men; they make about _________ more, on average. Important reason is _____________.

Asian-American , 20% , education

__________ are somewhat overrepresented in management ranks, particularly in the field of information systems.


[True / False] The pay gap for both Hispanic women and men increased by about 5 percent since 2000.

False , it has declined

__________________ adults in the United States now care for an older person.

Forty-two million

Among minority-owned firms active in the mid-2010s, _____________ -owned businesses were the most numerous, followed by _____________ -American and ______________ -owned businesses.

Hispanic , African American , Asian

______________ are best represented in food service management.


[Diversity trends] ________________ has profoundly reshaped the workplace *By __________ , more than one in seven residents are expected to be foreign-born; they are concentrated in the U.S. West and South.

Immigration , 2023

Equal Employment Opportunity Act (1972)

Increases power of the equal employment opportunity commission to combat discrimination

Glass ceiling

Invisible barrier that exists in reaching these higher levels has been named the glass ceiling.

[Diversity trends] ________________ are entering the workforce *Managers find Millennials to be ________________ and more technologically adept than their seniors, but also narcissistic (self-centered) and hard to ____________.

Millennials , quick learners , retain

[True / False] Although women and minorities are as competent as white men in management, they rarely attain the highest positions in corporations.


[True / False] Following World War II, the proportion of women working outside the home has risen dramatically.


[True / False] Lack of family-friendly policies made it for more difficult for mothers to work.


[True / False] Recent advances show some cracking of the glass ceiling.


[True / False] Women and men must receive equal pay for performing equal work, and employers may not discriminate on the basis of pregnancy.


[True / False] Workplace diversity represents both a challenge and an opportunity for businesses.


[True / False] Many firms offer referral services, dependent care accounts, long-term care insurance, and time off to deal with the often unpredictable crises that occur in families caring for children and elders.


[True / False] Many women and men have been reluctant to take advantage of various flexible work options. Fearing that this would put them on a slower track, sometimes disparagingly called the Mommy track or Daddy track.


[True / False] Under EEOC guidelines, ethnic slurs, derogatory comments, or other verbal or physical harassment based on race are against the law *if they create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment or interfere with an individual's work performance.


[True / False] Women have made great strides in entering professional occupations, however "pink collar ghetto" still exists.


[True / False] Labor force rates for minorities have always been high.

True *Change is that wider range of jobs are available to minorities as discrimination barriers have fallen.

Illegal, ________________ is empowered to sue on behalf of victims.


In 1950, about ____________ of adult women were employed. *Peaked at __________-- in 1999, stabilized for a few years, and then fell slightly to _________ in 2013.

a third (1/3) , 59% , 57%

Primary dimensions of Diversity

age, ethnicity, gender, mental or physical abilities, race, sexual orientation

Sexual harassment cases are settled in _________________ so the amounts paid are not ________________

arbitration hearings , made public

An example of women managers making gains in newer industries?


Secondary dimensions of Diversity

characteristics such as communication style, family status and first language

Men's work participation rates __________ between _________ and __________. *The proportion of adult men who worked fell from 86 percent to slightly less than 70 percent.

declined , 1950 , 2013

Today, the U.S. workforce is as ______________ as it ever has been.


Workforce diversity

diversity among employees of a business or organization

Women managers tend to be concentrated in occupations where women are numerous, like ____________ and ______________

education , and healthcare

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (2009)

eliminates certain time restrictions for filling pay discrimination lawsuits

Glass walls

fewer opportunities to move into positions that lead to the top; many women and minorities start in staff rather than line positions.

Family-friendly corporation

firms that would fully support both men and women in their efforts to balance work and family responsibilities.

More than _________________ of family caregivers are currently employed.

half (58%)

Government contractors must ____________________________________ plans detailing how they are working positively to overcome past and present effects of discrimination in their workforce.

have written affirmative action

One area of the economy where racial and gender discrimination seems stubbornly persistent is __________________

high technology

[Diversity trends] Ethnic and racial diversity is ________________ *_______________ are now the fastest-growing segment of the labor force.

increasing , Asians

An important step businesses can take is to support their ____________________________________________________________________

lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees.

Companies with a higher proportion of women on their boards were ________________ to be involved in corruption and earned ____________________ for management of carbon emissions, toxic releases.

less likely , higher scores

Executive order 11246 (1965)

mandates affirmative action for all federal contractors and subcontractors

The pay gap has __________________ over the past quarter century


[Diversity trends] The workforce will continue to get __________ *Between 2006 and 2016, the number of persons aged 65 to 74 who are still working is expected to jump ________

older , 84%

Civil Rights Act of 1964

outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin

Discrimination based on: 1. race 2. color 3. religion 4. sex 5. national origin 6. physical 7. mental disability 8. age race is ___________________ employment practices.

prohibited in all

Americans with Disabilities Act

prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) -2008

prohibits the use of genetic information in employment decisions

An example of affirmative action being controversial?

racial preferences at the University of Texas

Some companies are phasing out domestic partnership benefits in the wake of the legalization of _____________________

same-sex marriage.

Pink-collar ghetto

sex-typed jobs

Government regulations ban ________ and ___________ harassment

sexual , racial

Adding even a _____________________ to a board of directors improved corporate governance practices, with a particularly strong effect in traditionally male-dominated industries like mining and energy.

single woman

Pregnancy Discrimination Act

specifically outlaws discrimination on the basis of pregnancy

A major source of workplace ____________ for working parents is concern about their _____________.

stress , children

Some women and minorities have chosen to avoid the glass ceiling by opening ___________________

their own business

What is the purpose of affirmative action?

to reduce job discrimination by encouraging companies to take positive steps to overcome past discriminatory employment practices.


variation in the important human characteristics that distinguish people from one another.

Sexual harassment can be done ________________ , and through __________________________

verbal , suggestive touching *can also occur if a company's work climate is blatantly and offensively sexual or intimidating to employees

Pay gap

women and persons of color on average receive lower pay than white men do.

Diversity council

A group of managers and employees responsible for developing and implementing specific action plans to meet an organization's diversity goals.

Example of a women CEO?

Tina Wells, the Buzz Marketing Group founder

Racial harassment is illegal under ________________ of the Civil Rights Act

Title VII

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