Ethics - Questionnaire One

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How exactly to we decide on a course of action according to Bentham?

Bentham developed a theory called the "Hedonic Calculus" to weigh seven aspects; 1- intensity, 2- duration, 3- certainty or uncertainty, 4- remoteness, 5- fecundity, 6- purity and 7- extent, when determining whether something would be pleasurable or painful. He thought that a person could use the formula to justify their own happiness.

Are utilitarian's universalists or relativist? Justify your answer.

I believe that utilitarians are universalist with their universal pursuit of happiness to be followed by everyone. Relativist believe the opposite, no moral code and the majority rules.

What is the ethical question we are going to answer in this course? Justify your answer.

I think by taking this course, we will learn that ethics is how we ought to live. Ethics is understanding our own perspective towards character and values.

Why is the question "why be moral" so crucial for our human condition?

If we didn't have morals, we could not function as a human race. There would be no society for humans without having morals. We would have destroyed ourselves from this planet a long time ago. Morals are needed to maintain controls of society in which to live by.

18. What is happiness for Mill compared to Bentham?

Mill felt that "people are not content with basic pleasures" and "that you don't find happiness by looking for it, but by enjoying life along the way". Bentham believed that using the hedonic calculus would help people make the right decisions towards happiness.

What is the difference between moral and non-moral values? How do we define values?

Moral values are knowing right from wrong. Non moral values are opinions or labels and likes or dislikes. Everyone may or may not agree that one is better than the other. It all depends on the individuals own preference. The definitions of values and morals are very similar except morals are determined by what a person values.

What is morality? What is the difference between moral and ethics?

Morality is the knowledge of right verses wrong, or being able to determine the difference between the two. The difference between morals and ethics is that ethics is more of a social term depending on the group involved. Where as morals refer to an individuals own beliefs of what is good/evil or right/wrong.

What is the difference between Psychological Egoism and Ethical Egoism?

Psychological Egoism is when people only do things to benefit themselves. Ethical Egoism is when people "should or ought" to do things to benefit themselves.

Explain Prof James Rachel's three universal values. Do we need to be moral relativist to tolerate other people's cultures?

The professor claimed that at least three universal values were common for all cultures: 1) Caring of infants for the continuation of the culture or race. 2) Rules against lying amongst the culture or race. 3) Values against murder amongst the culture or race. He felt that these three concepts were universal to carry on the culture or race in which the group participated for survival. Morality is what separates the human species as being civilized. My answer for being a moral relativist is Yes and No. It is easy to not hold judgment on other people's cultures until sacrifice or torture is being used, then you have to stand up and make a judgment to protect life.

Explain three shortcomings of Ethical Egoism?

The three shortcomings of Ethical egoism are: 1- it is self contradictory, 2- it carries no weight to solve moral conflicts, and 3- there is no moral sense without any involvement of our feelings. Another words, how do we stop ourselves from doing what we do.

Who was Thomas Hobbes and what was his main claim?

Thomas Hobbes was an English Philosopher who is famous for his political philosophy about how to establish a civil society to avoid the "evil discord" of human nature. He believed that humans are self interested by nature. His greatest work was the "Leviathan" that laid out his ideas about government or a "social contract" to keep things civil among humans in communities.

Compare Altruism and Self Interest? Are Selfishness and Self Interest the same?

Altruism is to do something for someone else and not think of yourself. Self Interest is when a person is only concerned for getting what they want without any concern for any one else. Self Interest and Selfishness are similar by benefiting for yourself without regard for any one else, but selfishness can be further defined when others become upset by the selfish act.

How is anthropology related to ethical relativism? Who was Ruth Benedict and what was her main claim?

Anthropology is related to ethical relativism in how the studied beliefs of cultures may be extreme to the anthropologist but normal to the studied culture. The anthropologist became ethical relativist by observing and noting the differences, and not placing any moral judgment. Ruth Benedict was an American Anthropologist who took a "giant leap" when describing certain cultures and beliefs, as "normal" in relation to their own cultural context. She stated "unthinkable" acts can be normal and culturally defined as acceptable in an "un-contaminated" society.

Who was Ayn Rand and what was her main claim? Why does she think Altruism is demeaning for human dignity?

Ayn Rand was a Russian-American Philosopher whose main claim was "Objectivism- the right of people to keep the fruits of their labor and not be held responsible for the welfare of others". Her belief was that only selfishness can make people mature, independent and self-sufficient. She felt altruism was demeaning when determining whether a life is valued enough for happiness.

How does Bentham's perspective differ from that of John Stuart Mill?

Bentham believed people should judge for themselves what is pleasurable and painful, based on their own life experience and social status. Mill wanted to revise this belief by making sure that everyone received an education. Mill felt education and personal achievement helped influence an individuals' realization of pleasure over pain.

Explain the principle of utility?

Utility is "what is useful is what is morally good" and "what makes yourself and others happy".

Analyze the following criticism over relativism: Majority Rule, No criticism from other cultures, and Problem from induction.

a. Majority Rule. Is when a society states it as their own rules. The rules are "THE RULES" when it comes to the majority, whether a person in that particular society agrees with them or not. b. No criticism from other cultures. To follow the ideas of ethical relativism, humans should not criticize any other culture from their own. c. Problem from induction. Is the lack of future knowledge or technology that may or may not be known.

Define first the following concepts: a. Moral Nihilism, b. Soft Relativism, c. Hard Universalism, d. Moral Subjectivism

a. Moral Nihilism - is the belief in nothing, that a person's opinion does not matter and there is no right or wrong. b. Soft Relativism - is the belief that there is no absolute truth or values. Each culture has its own set of rules for themselves. c. Hard Universalism - Is the concept that there is one universal moral code or beliefs that everyone should follow. d. Moral Subjectivism - is the belief that a person or group of people are right, simply because they feel they are right and everyone else is wrong.

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