S1 Final Exam - Physical Science - 9th Grade

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How do you determine the number of neutrons in an atom?

# Neutrons = Mass Number-Atomic Number

Steps of the Scientific Method: 1. _______ _______ and _________ ___________ 2._____________ ___ ____________ 3. ______ ___ __________ 4. _______ ____ _________ 5. ________ ____ ____________

1. Make Observations and Ask Questions 2. Form a Hypothesis 3. Test a Hypothesis 4. Draw a Conclusion 5. Develop a Theory

1.2.1 Describe the Steps in a Scientific Method (Completion)

1. Making Observations and Asking Questions 2. Forming a Hypothesis 3. Testing a Hypothesis 4. Drawing Conclusions 5. Developing a Theory

_________ properties can be observed only when the substance in a sample of matter are changing into different substances. 1. atom 2. chemical 3. compounds 4. conductivity 5. elements 6. heterogeneous 7. homogeneous 8. malleability 9. physical *** From Ch. 2 Quiz

2. chemical

When a metal changes color because it has reacted with another substance, a (an) __________ change occurred. 1. atom 2. chemical 3. compounds 4. conductivity 5. elements 6. heterogeneous 7. homogeneous 8. malleability 9. physical *** From Ch. 2 Quiz

2. chemical *** A chemical change creates a new substance and a physical change doesn't change the type of substance, rather the appearance of the substance

Element 2, lithium, has one valence electron, and element 4, beryllium, has two valence electrons. Element 5, boron, has ____________ valence electrons. ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam


5.2.4 Describe how properties of elements change across a period in the periodic table and to properties of elements in those groups. (Multiple Choice)

3 different ways to classify elements: State: Solid (black symbol), liquid (purple symbol) or gas (red symbol) Occurance in Nature: elements that don't occur naturally (white symbol) General properties: Metal (blue background), Nonmetal (yellow background), metalloid (green background) Across a period from left to right the elements become less metallic and more nonmetallic in their properties

Boron is one block to the left of carbon in the periodic table. The atomic number of carbon is 6. The atomic number or boron is _________. ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam


A (An) ________________ change occurs when a material changes shape or size but the composition of the material does not change. 1. atom 2. chemical 3. compounds 4. conductivity 5. elements 6. heterogeneous 7. homogeneous 8. physical *** From Ch. 2 Quiz

8. physical

When metal changes color because it was heated a (an) _____________ change occurred. 1. atom 2. chemical 3. compounds 4. conductivity 5. elements 6. heterogeneous 7. homogeneous 8. malleability 9. physical *** From Ch. 2 Quiz

8. physical *** A chemical change creates a new substance and a physical change doesn't change the type of substance, rather the appearance of the substance

2.3.3 Distinguish chemical changes from physical changes (Multiple Choice)

A chemical change creates a new substance and a physical change doesn't change the type of substance, rather the appearance of the substance

10.4.3 Explain how nuclear reactors are used to produce energy. (Multiple Choice)

A nucleus becomes unstable or radioactive when the strong nuclear force can no longer overcome the repulsive electric forces among protons. nuclear fission - tremendous amounts of energy can be produced from very small amounts of mass. E=mc2 (E = energy; m=mass; c=speed of light) The conversion of a small amount of mass releases and enormous amount of energy. The total amount of mass and energy remain constant.

A small engine causes a .4 kg model airplane to accelerate at a rate of 10 m/s2. What is the net force on the model airplane? Show your Work *** From. Ch. 12 Test

A small engine causes a .4 kg model airplane to accelerate at a rate of 10 m/s2. What is the net force on the model airplane? Show your Work

11.2.4 Calculate the speed of the object using slopes. (Multiple Choice)

A steeper slope on a distance-time graph indicates a higher speed. Avg. speed = Distance/Time

11.3.1 Identify changes in motion that produce acceleration. (Multiple Choice)

Acceleration is a change in velocity Acceleration can be caused by increasing or decreasing speed Free fall = movement of object toward Earth solely because of gravity. A horse on the carousel is traveling at a constant speed, but it is accelerating because its direction is always changing. A roller coaster produces acceleration due to changes in both speed and direction

Suppose you are looking at elements in the periodic table in this order; element 23, element 24, element 25, element 26, and so on. Are you looking across a period or down a group? ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam

Across a period because the atomic number is increased by 1.

Isotopes of an element have the same atomic number but different ____ numbers because they have different numbers of neutrons.

Atomic Mass

To distinguish one isotope from another, the isotopes are referred to by their _____________.

Atomic Mass ***Because their atomic number is the same, they use atomic mass number to differentiate.

4.2.2 Distinguish the atomic number of an element from the mass number of an isotope and use those numbers to describe the structure of atoms. (Multiple Choice and Completion and Short Answer)

Atomic Number = # of protons in an atom of that element (all atoms of any given element have the same atomic number. For example, each hydrogen atom has 1 proton in its nucleus, so it is assigned the atomic number 1). Each element has a unique atomic number. Atoms are neutral, so each positive charge is balanced by a negative charge. Thus the atomic number of an element also equals the # of electrons. (Example: Sulfer has an atomic number of 16, so a sulfur atom has 16 electrons) Mass Number = Protons + Neutrons # neutrons = mass number - atomic number Isotopes = atoms of the same element that have same atomic number, but different numbers of neutrons and therefore, different mass numbers. To distinguish one isotope from another, the isotopes are referred by their mass numbers. For example, oxygen has three isotopes: Oxygen-16; Oxygen-17, and Oxygen-18

The mass of a newborn baby is 3.6 kilograms. What is the baby's weight? (the acceleration due to gravity at the Earth's surface is 9.8 m/s2). Show your work *** From. Ch. 12 Test

Baby's Weight = 35.28 N Weight (W)=mass (m)*gravity (g) W=m*g W=3.6kg * 9.8 m/s2 W= 35.28 N

11.3.2 Describe examples of constant acceleration (Completion)

Constant acceleration = steady change in velocity

5.2.1 Describe the arrangement of elements in the modern periodic table (Multiple Choice and Completion)

Elements are arranged by increasing atomic number (number of protons). Properties of elements repeat in a predictable way when atomic numbers are used to arrange elements into groups. Each row in the table of elements is a period Each column in the periodic table is called a group.

5.3.1 Relate the number of valence electrons to groups in the periodic table and to properties of elements in those groups (Multiple Choice)

Elements in a group have similar properties because they have they same number of valence electrons. Valence electrons - the electron that is in the highest occupied energy level of an atom. Valence electrons play a key role in how reactive an element is. The number of electrons increases from left to right. When the A groups in the periodic table are numbered from 1-8, the group number matches the number of valence electrons in the electron configuration of an element in that group.

3.2.3 Predict changes in gas pressure due to changes in temperature, volume and the number of particles. (Multiple Choice)

Gas pressure changes with temperature because the particles of the gas move at different speeds based on the temp. If the volume is greater, then the pressure will be less because it allows the particles to have more space to move around. The number of particles change the pressure because it changes the percentage that the particles bounce off of each other

12.1.4 Describe how Earth's gravity and air resistance affect falling objects. (Multiple Choice)

Gravity causes objects to accelerate downward whereas air resistance acts in the direction opposit to the motion and reduces acceleration.

2.2.2 Identify substances based on their physical properties (Multiple Choice and Completion)

If it's shiny or conducts electricity, then it's a metal

11.3.5 Classify acceleration as positive or negative (Multiple Choice)

If speed is decreasing, slope of the line is negative

4.3.1 Describe Bohr's model of the atom and the evidence for energy levels (Multiple Choice)

In Bohr's model, electrons move with constant speed in fixed orbits around the nucleus, like planets around a sun. Each electron in an atom has a specific amount of energy. An electron in an atom can move from one energy level to another with the atom gains or loses energy. energy levels = the possible energies that electrons in an atom can have An electron cannot exist between energy levels The movement of electrons between energy levels explains the light you see when fireworks explode. - Heat causes some electrons to move to higher energy levels - When those electrons move back to lower energy levels, they release energy. Some of that energy is released as visible light - Different elements emit different colors of light because no two elements have the same set of energy levels.

What happens when momentum is conserved during a collision?

In a collision, the total momentum stays the same. When Car A hits Car B, there is a force on Car B. However, there is an equal force in the opposite direction back onto Car A, so the total momentum doesn't change.

3.1.3 Explain the behavior of gases, liquids, and solids, using kinetic theory (Multiple Choice)

Kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to its motion The kinetic theory of matter says that all particles of matter are in constant motion Gas - The constant motion of particles in a gas, allows a gas to fill a container of any shape or size Liquid - A liquid takes the shape of its container because particles in a liquid can flow to new locations. The volume of a liquid is constant because forces of attraction keep the particles close together Solids - have a definite volume and shape because particles in a solid vibrate around fixed locations

5.2.3 Identify general properties of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids. (Multiple Choice)

Majority of elements on the periodic table are classified as metals. Across a period from left to right the elements become less metallic and more nonmetallic Metals = - good conductors of electric current and heat - solids at room temperature (except for Mercury) - most metals are malleable - Many metals are ductice (can be drawn into thin wires) Transition Metals = elements that form a bridge between the elements on the left and right sides of the table (such as copper and silver). Transition metals have ability to form compounds with distinctive colors. NonMetals = - poor conductors of heat and electric current - low boiling points (many are gases at room temp) - nonmetals that are solid at room temp, tend to be brittle. If hit with a hammer, they shatter or crumble. Metalloids = - fall between metals and nonmetals - ability to conduct heat varies with temp.

_______ ______ is the step in the scientific method that obtains information through the senses.

Making observations

Mass Number

Mass Number = Protons + Neutrons

12.2.3 Relate the mass of an object to its weight. (Multiple Choice)

Mass is a measure of the inertia of an object Weight is a measure of the force of gravity acting on an object Mass and Weight are related, but are not the same Weight = mass x acceleration due to gravity

A 32 kilogram canoe broke free of its dock and is now floating downriver at a speed of 2.5 m/s. What is the canoes momentum? Show your work *** From. Ch. 12 Test

Momentum = 80 Kg*m/s Momentum(p) = mass(m)*velocity(v) p=m*v p=32 kg * 2.5 m/s p = 80 kg*m/s

12.3.2 Calculate the momentum of an object and describe what happens when momentum is conserved during a collision. (Problem)

Momentum = Mass x Velocity If no net force acts on a system, then the total momentum of the system does not change. In a closed system (meaning other objects can't enter or leave the system), the loss of momentum of one object equals the same in momentum of another object - momentum is conserved.

What is the formula for a compound whose molecules contain a triple bond? ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam


What does a compound look like that doesn't contain molecules?

NaCl ***opposite sides of the table

12.2.1. Describe Newton's first law of motion and it's relation to inertia. (Multiple Choice)

Newton's First Law of Motion = Unless an unbalanced force acts, an object in motion remains in motion with the same speed and direction or an object at rest will remain at rest. Inertia = the tendency of an object to resist a change in its motion Test dummy illustrates inertia. When car crashes and the car slows and stops, the test dummy continues forward

12.4.3 Define Newton's law of universal gravitation and describe the factors affecting gravitational force. (Multiple Choice)

Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation = every object in the universe attracts every other object. Gravitational force depends on mass and distance

12.2.2 Describe Newtons second law of motion and use it to calculate acceleration, force, and mass values. (Completion and Short Answer)

Newtons Second Law of Motion = the acceleration of an object is equal to the net force acting on it divided by the objects mass. (Acceleration = Net Force/Mass) a = F/m The acceleration of an object is always in the same direction as net force. When a net force acts in the direction opposite to the objects motion, the force produces a deceleration.

Which elements contain stable electron configurations? ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam

Noble Gases

2.2.1 Describe physical properties of matter (Multiple Choice)

Physical property = any characteristic of a material that can be observed or measured without changing the composition of the substances in the material. Texture appearance malleability density melting point boiling point freezing point conductivity

2.1.4 Distinguish pure substances from mixtures (Multiple Choice)

Pure substances cannot be broken down into simpler substances and has a fixed composition because it contains only 1 type of atom. Mixtures can be broken down into simpler substances. Composition of a mixture is NOT fixed, so properties of a mixture vary.

1.1.1 Explain how science and technology are related. (Multiple Choice)

Science and technology are related because if someone finds an advancement in science and then an advancement has also been found in technology.

An organized plan for gathering, organizing, and communicating information is called a (an) ______________________. ***From Unit 1 Test

Scientific Method

substance a - particles are very close together and touching substance b - particles are further apart and not touching substance c - particles are even further apart and not touching Which substance above is a gas? Explain how you know. *** From Ch. 3 Test

Substance C because the molecules are the most spread out

11.2.1 Identify appropriate SI units for measuring speed. (Multiple Choice)

The SI unit of speed is meters per second (m/s)

11.3.4 Interpret Speed-time and distance-time graphs (Multiple Choice)

The slope of a speed-time graph is acceleration The slope of a distance - time graph is speed constant acceleration is represented on a speed-time graph by a straight line. The slope of the line is the acceleration If speed is decreasing, slope of the line is negative In a non-linear graph, a curve connects the data points that are plotted A distance-time graph of accelerated motion is a curve

If a person rides a bike 2 km in 1 hour and then 4 more km in 2.25 hours, what is their average speed? Show how you got that answer. *** From Ch. 11 Quiz

Their avg. speed is 1.846 km/hr. I got this by adding 2 km and 4 km, to get the total distance of 6 km. Then I added the times to get the total time, which was 3.25 hours. Lastly I divided 6 by 3.25 to get 1.846.

Why is the volume of a liquid constant? *** From Ch. 3 Test

There can't be more or less of the substance with a given amount of the liquid.

4.1.3 Explain how Thomson and Rutherford used data from experiments to produce their atomic models. (Multiple Choice)

Thomson - his experiments provided the first evidence that atoms are made of even smaller particles. - When some materials are rubbed, they gain the ability to attract or repel other materials and those materials have either a positive or negative charge. (like charges repel, opposite charges attract) Rutherford - found that all of an atom's positive charge is concentrated in its nucleus - gold foil experiement = - the positive charge of an atom is not evenly spread through an atom - positive charge is concentrated in a very small, central area - the nucleus of an atom is a dense positively charged mass located in the center of the atom

5.3.2 Predict the reactivity of some elements based on their locations within a group. (Completion and Short Answer)

Valence electron = electron that is in the highest occupied energy level of an atom. Elements in a group have similar properties because they have the same number of valence electrons. Valence electrons play a key role in how reactive an element is. The number of electrons increases from left to right. Group 1A - Alkali Metals - extremely reactive (reactivity of alkali metals increases from top of Group 1A to bottom) - 1 valance electron Group 2A - Alkaline Earth Metals - 2 valence electrons (harder metal than 1A). Differences in reactivity are shown by ways they react with water. Group 3A - contains metalloid Boron - 3 valence electrons Group 4A - contains nonmetal (carbon) and two metalloids and two metals - 4 valence electrons Group 5A - 5 valence electrons Group 6A - 6 valence electrons Group 7A - Halogens - 7 valence electrons Group 8A - Noble Gases - 8 valence electrons (except Helium only has 2) - colorless, odorless and extremely unreactive.

Formula for calculating weight of an object ***From Ch. 12 Notes

Weight = Mass x Acceleration due to gravity

Balance the equation and tell what type of reaction it is: ____H2 + _____O2 -----> ____H2O Synthesis or decomp? *** From Ch. 7 Test

__2__H2 + ____O2 -----> _2___H2O Synthesis Synthesis reaction: A + B -----> AB Decomp Reaction (opposite Synth): AB ------> A + B

Balance the equation and tell what type of reaction it is: ______N2 + ______O2 -------> _____N2O Synthesis or decomp? *** From Ch. 7 Test

___2___N2 + ______O2 -------> ___2__N2O Synthesis Synthesis reaction: A + B -----> AB Decomp Reaction (opposite Synth): AB ------> A + B

Balance the equation and tell what type of reaction it is: ______Na + ______H2O -------> _____NaOH + ______H2 Single Replacement or Double Replacement? *** From Ch. 7 Test

___2___Na + __2____H2O -------> ___2__NaOH + ______H2 Single Replacement Single-Replacement Reaction: A + BC ------- B + AC Double-Replacement Reaction: AB + CD ---- AD + CB

Balance the equation and tell what type of reaction it is: ______SiCl4 + ______H2O -------> _____H4SiO4 + _______HCl Single Replacement or Double Replacement? *** From Ch. 7 Test

___2___SiCl4 + __4____H2O -------> _2____H4SiO4 + ___8___HCl Double Replacement Single-Replacement Reaction: A + BC ------- B + AC Double-Replacement Reaction: AB + CD ---- AD + CB

Balance the equation and tell what type of reaction it is: ______Zn + ______HCl -------> _____ZnCl2 + ______H2 Single Replacement or Double Replacement? *** From Ch. 7 Test

___2___Zn + __4____HCl -------> __2___ZnCl2 + ___2___H2 Single Replacement Single-Replacement Reaction: A + BC ------- B + AC Double-Replacement Reaction: AB + CD ---- AD + CB

Balance the equation and tell what type of reaction it is: ______HgO + ______Hg -------> _____O2 Synthesis or decomp? *** From Ch. 7 Test

____2__HgO ------> __2____Hg + _____O2 Decomp Synthesis reaction: A + B -----> AB Decomp Reaction (opposite Synth): AB ------> A + B

Balance the equation and tell what type of reaction it is: _____N2 + ____H2 --------> ____NH3 Synthesis or decomp? *** From Ch. 7 Test

_____N2 + __3__H2 --------> __2__NH3 Synthesis Synthesis reaction: A + B -----> AB Decomp Reaction (opposite Synth): AB ------> A + B

Balance the equation and tell what type of reaction it is: ______S8 + ______O2 -------> _____SO3 Synthesis or decomp? *** From Ch. 7 Test

_____S8 + __12____O2 -------> __8___SO3 Synthesis Synthesis reaction: A + B -----> AB Decomp Reaction (opposite Synth): AB ------> A + B

Typically atoms gain or lose electrons to achieve... ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam

a stable electron configuration

At a temperature of 274 K, the gas in a cylinder has a volume of 4.0 liters. If the volume of the gas is decreased by 2.0 liters, what must the temperature be for the gas pressure to remain constant? a. 137 K b. 273 K c. 378 K d. 556 K ***From Review page

a. 137 K ***since the volume is decreased by half, the temperature can be decreased by half to keep the gas pressure constant.

At a temperature of 280K, the gas in a cylinder has a volume of 20.0 liters. If the volume of the gas is decreased to 10 liters, what must the temperature be for the gas pressure to remain constant? a. 140 K b. 273 K c. 560 K d. 5600 K ***Other question possibilities

a. 140 K ***since the volume is decreased by half, the temperature can be decreased by half to keep the gas pressure constant.

How many protons and electrons does Iron (Fe) have? a. 26 of each b. 56 of each c. 26 protons, 30 electrons d. 30 protons, 26 electrons *** From Ch. 4 Quiz

a. 26 of each

How many protons and neutrons does Boron have? a. 5 protons, 6 neutrons b. 6 protons, 11 neutrons c. 6 protons, 5 neutrons d. 5 protons, 5 neutrons *** From Ch. 4 Quiz

a. 5 protons, 6 neutrons ***5 protons because the atomic number is 5 6 neutrons because neutrons = Atomic Mass -Atomic # Neutrons for Boron = 10.811-5=5.811. This Is close to 6.

If an atom has 9 protons and 10 neutrons, what is its atomic number? a. 9 b. 10 c. 19 d. 1 *** From Ch. 4 Quiz

a. 9 Atomic Number = # of Protons

In an atomic model that includes a nucleus, positive charge is a. Concentrated in the center of an atom b. Spread evenly throughout an atom c. Concentrated on multiple sites in an atom d. Located in the space outside the nucleus ***From previous years student's final exam quizlet

a. Concentrated in the center of an atom

Which of the following Group 1A elements is the most reactive? a. Cs (cesium) b. Li (lithium) c. K (potassium) d. Br (bromine) ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam

a. Cs (cesium)

Forces of attraction limit the motion of particles most in a. solid b. liquid c. gas d. both b and c *** From Unit 1 Test

a. Solid this is because the particles are more closely packed in in a solid and can't move.

Which of the following is not a common type of evidence for a chemical change? a. a change of state b. a color change c. a gas produced d. a precipitate formed *** From Ch. 2 Quiz

a. a change of state

An expression for _______________ is v/t. a. acceleration b. average speed c. speed d. velocity *** From Ch. 11 Quiz

a. acceleration

An expression for ______________ is v/t. a. acceleration b. average speed c. speed d. velocity *** From Ch. 11 Quiz

a. acceleration Acceleration = Velocity/Time Acceleration = v/t

The total distance traveled divided by the total time is __________. a. average speed b. relative motion c. resultant vector d. speed *** From Ch. 11 Quiz

a. average speed Avg. Speed = Distance/Time V=d/t

In choosing a material for use as a wire to carry electric current, which physical property would be most important? a. conductivity b. malleability c. hardness d. boiling point *** From Ch. 2 Quiz

a. conductivity

Which of the following has the highest viscosity? a. corn syrup b. milk c. water d. orange juice ***From Unit 1 Test

a. corn syrup Viscosity is the state of being thick, sticky and semifluid in consistency.

Which of the following is a characteristic of a mixture? a. has varying properties b. has a fixed composition c. contains only pure substances d. both a and b ***From Unit 1 Test

a. has varying properties

The temperature and volume in a closed container of gas remain constant. If the number of particles of gas increased, the gas pressure will a. increase b. decrease c. remain constant d. cause a decrease in the average kinetic energy of the particles *** From Unit 1 Test

a. increase the volume of gas is directly proportional to its temperature if pressure and number of particles are constant. So if the number of particles of gas decreased, the gas pressure would decrease and vice versa.

As you move from left to right across a period, the number of valence electrons a. increases b. stays the same c. increases and then decreases d. decreases ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam

a. increases

In general, if the temperature of a chemical reaction is increased, reaction rate a. increases b. decreases c. cannot be predicted *** From Ch. 7 Test

a. increases

In Niels Bohr's model of the atom, electrons move a. like planets orbiting the sun b. like balls rolling down a hill c. like beach ball on water waves d. like popcorn in a popper ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam

a. like planets orbiting the sun

Matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape is a a. liquid b. solid c. gas d. plasma ***Other question possibilities

a. liquid

Which of the following will cause a decrease in gas pressure in a closed container? a. lowering the temperature b. reducing the volume c. adding more gas d. both a and b ***From Review page

a. lowering the temperature

Group 7A of the periodic table contains the a. most reactive nonmetals b. most reactive metals c. least reactive nonmetals d. least reactive metals ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam

a. most reactive nonmetals

A horizontal line on a distance-time graph means the object is a. moving at a constant speed b. slowing down c. moving faster d. at rest *** From Ch. 11 Test

a. moving at a constant speed

Atoms of the most reactive elements tend to have a. one or seven valence electrons b. eight valence electrons c. four valence electrons d. no valence electrons ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam

a. one or seven valence electrons

What is the process in which an unstable atomic nucleus emits charged particles or energy or both? a. radioactivity b. oxidation c. decomposition d. none of the above ***From Ch 10 Test

a. radioactivity

The substances that are present before a chemical reaction takes place are called a. reactants b. products c. coefficients *** From Ch. 7 Test

a. reactant

Boyle's law states that the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its pressure if the a. temperature and number of particles are constant b. temperature reaches absolute zero c. number of particles decreases d. temperature and number of particles are doubled ***From Review page

a. temperature and number of particles are constant

During nuclear fission, great amounts of energy are produced from a. very small amounts of mass b. tremendous amounts of mass c. a series of chemical reactions d. particle accelerators ***From Ch 10 Test

a. very small amounts of mass

A substance has a melting point of 0 degrees celsius and a boiling point of 100 degrees celsius. The substance is most likely a. water b. hydrogen c. gold d. table salt ***From Unit 1 Test

a. water

The velocity of an object moving in a straight line changes at a constant rate when the object is experiencing constant _______. *** From Ch. 11 Test


In Rutherford's gold foil experiment, some of the _________ ___________ aimed at gold atoms bounced back, suggesting that a solid mass was at the center of the atom. ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam

alpha particles

If an atom has 6 protons and 6 neutrons, what is its atomic mass? a. 6 b. 12 c. 0 d. none of these *** From Ch. 4 Quiz

b. 12 Atomic mass = # protons + # neutrons Atomic Number is just the # of protons

Lisa plotted time in seconds on the x-axis of a line graph and distance in centimeters on the y-axis. Her plot showed a straight line from (0,0) to (10, 20). What is the speed? a. .5 cm/s b. 2 cm/s c. 10 cm/s d. 20 cm/s *** From Ch. 11 Notes

b. 2 cm/s Distance is 20 (20-0) because distance is plotted on the y axis Time is 10 (10-0) because time is on the x axis. Speed = distance/time Speed = 20/10 Speed = 2 cm/s

How many protons and neutrons does Lithium have? a. 3 of each b. 3 protons and 4 neutrons c. 4 protons and 3 neutrons d. 3 protons and 7 neutrons ***From Ch. 4 Quiz

b. 3 protons and 4 neutrons

A 3600-N force causes a car to accelerate at a rate of 4 m/s2. What is the mass of the car? a. 600 kg b. 900 kg c. 14,400 kg d. 1200 kg

b. 900 kg weight = mass x accleration due to gravity 3600 = mass x 4 3600/4 = mass 900 = mass

Within a period of the periodic table, how do the properties of the elements vary? a. Metallic characteristics increase from left to right b. Metallic characteristics decrease from left to right c. reactivity increases from left to right d. reactivity decreases from left to right. ***From Ch. 5 Review Notes

b. Metallic characteristics decrease from left to right

Which of these statements best describes a physical change in a pure substance? a. the substance changes into one or more new substances b. Some of the properties of the substance change, but the material remains the same c. The properties of the material do not change, and the material remains the same d. The substance is separated into two or more simpler substances *** From Ch. 2 Quiz

b. Some of the properties of the substance change, but the material remains the same

To find the number of neutrons in an atom, you would subtract a. mass number from atomic number b. atomic number from mass number c. atomic number from electron number d. isotope number from atomic number ***From previous years student's final exam quizlet

b. atomic number from mass number

Which of the following are pure substances? a. solutions b. compounds c. homogenous mixtures d. colloids ***From Unit 1 Test

b. compounds

Objects in free fall near the surface of the Earth experience a. constant distance b. constant acceleration c. constant speed d. constant velocity *** From. Ch. 11 Test

b. constant acceleration

J.J. Thompson's experiment provided evidence that an atom ________. a. is the smallest particle of matter b. contains negatively charged particles c. has a negative charge d. has a positive charge ***Other possible questions

b. contains negatively charged particles

You see a structural formula in which the symbols for elements are connected by a long dash. You can assume that the chemical bonds in the compound are a. ionic b. covalent c. metallic d. unstable ***From prior year students quizlet for final

b. covalent

In which direction does Earth's gravitational force act? a. opposite the direction of motion b. downward toward the center of the Earth c. upward away from the center of the Earth d. in the direction of motion ***From Ch 12 Notes

b. downward toward the center of the Earth

Which statement accurately represents the arrangement of electrons in Bohr's atomic model a. Electrons vibrate in fixed locations around the nucleus b.electrons travel around the nucleus in fixed energy levels with energies that vary from level to level c.electrons travel around the nucleus in fixed energy levels with equal amounts of energy d.electrons travel randomly in the relatively large space outside the nucleus ***from previous years students final exam quizlet

b. electrons travel around the nucleus in fixed energy levels with energies that vary from level to level

Which of these properties is a chemical property of sulfer? a. yellow b. flammable c. brittle d. soft *** From Ch. 2 Quiz

b. flammable

What universal force is the weakest? a. electric b. gravitational c. magnetic d. strong nuclear ***From Ch. 12 Quiz

b. gravitational

The forces acting on a flying squirrel are a. air resistance and fluid friction b. gravity and air resistance c. gravity and static friction d. weight and rolling friction ***From Ch. 12 Quiz

b. gravity and air resistance

What is conserved when two objects collide in a closed system? a. acceleration b. momentum c. speed d. velocity *** From. Ch. 12 Test

b. momentum

When an unbalanced force acts on an object, a. the object's motion does not change b. the object accelerates c. the weight of the object decreases d. the inertia of the object increases ***From Ch. 12 Quiz

b. the object accelerates

What is the momentum of a 40 kg. ice skater gliding across the ice at a speed of 4 m/s? a. 320 kg*m/s b. 10 kg/m/s c. 160 kg*m/s d. 40 kg *** From. Ch. 12 Test

c. 160 kg*m/s Momentum(p) = Mass(m) * Velocity(v) p=m*v p=40 kg * 4 m/s p=160 kg*m/s

How many protons and electrons does Calcium have? a. 20 protons 40 electrons b. 40 of each c. 20 of each d. 40 protons 20 electrons

c. 20 of each

A car traveled 60 km. in 1 hour, 88 km. in the next 2 hours, and then 74 km in 1 hour before reaching its destination. What was the car's average speed? a. 178 km/h b. 222 km/h c. 56 km/h d. 888 km/h *** From Ch. 11 Test

c. 56 km/h Speed (V) = Distance/Time V = 222 km/4 hr. V - 55.5 km/hr.

If an atom has 34 protons and 40 neutrons, what is it's mass number? a. 40 b. 6 c. 74 d. 34 ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam

c. 74 Mass # = Protons + Neutrons 34+40=74

How are science and technology related? a. Technology is a branch of natural science b. Science is a branch of technology c. Advances In science may lead to advances in technology and vice versa. d. Science and technology are not related. **From Unit 1 Test

c. Advances in science may lead to advances in technology and vice versa

substance a - particles are very close together and touching substance b - particles are further apart and not touching substance c - particles are even further apart and not touching In which of the substances are the forces of attraction among the particles so weak that they can be ignored under ordinary conditions? a. Substance A b. Substance B c. Substance C d. All of the Above *** From Ch. 3 Quiz

c. Substance C

Which example identifies a change in motion that produces acceleration? a. a vehicle moving down the street at a steady speed b. a speed skater moving at a constant speed on a straight track c. a ball moving at a constant speed around a circular track d. a particle moving in a vacuum at constant velocity *** From Ch. 11 Test

c. a ball moving at a constant speed around a circular track the change in direction on the circular track could cause a change in acceleration (acceleration is a change in speed...up or down and/or a change in direction at a constant speed). The other options didn't include changing direction or speed

A material that is malleable and conducts electricity is most likely a. wood b. ice c. a metal d. motor oil ***From Unit 1 Test

c. a metal

Raising the temperature of a gas will increase its pressure if the volume of the gas a. and the number of particles are increased b. is increased, but the number of particles is constant c. and the number of particles are constant d. is constant, but the number of particles is reduced ***From Review page

c. and the number of particles are constant

The number of protons in one atom of an element is that elements a. mass number b. balanced charge c. atomic number d. isotope ***From previous years student's final exam quizlet

c. atomic number

In a compound, chemical energy is contained in the a. nuclei of the atoms b. unbonded electrons c. bonds *** From Ch. 7 Test

c. bonds

Which of the following is not a physical property? a. density b. boiling point c. flammability d. conductivity *** From Ch. 2 Quiz

c. flammability ***physical properties is a change that is not associated with it's chemical composition. flammability is a chemical property because combustion is a chemical change. The following are physical changes: texture appearance malleability density melting point boiling point freezing point electrical conductivity

Objects in __________ accelerate at 9.8 m/s2. a. acceleration b. average speed c. free fall d. speed *** From Ch. 11 Quiz

c. free fall

What type of nuclear decay releases energy but not a particle? a. alpha decay b. beta decay c. gamma decay d. electron decay ***From Ch 10 Test

c. gamma decay

If you move a substance from one container to another and its volume changes, the substance is a a. solid b. liquid c. gas d. solution ***From Review page

c. gas

The water molecule H2O is polar because it contains two polar single bonds and a. its molecule has a linear shape b. molecules that contain polar bonds are always polar c. its molecule has a bent shape d. the attractions between the water molecules are strong *** From Ch 6 Quiz

c. its molecule has a bent shape

Isotopes are atoms with a variable number of a. protons b. electrons c. neutrons d. nuclei e. ions or it may be asked this way: The nuclei of isotopes contain different numbers of ____________. ***From prior year students quizlet for the Final exam

c. neutrons

A gas has a. a definite volume, but no definite shape b. a definite shape, but no definite volume c. no definite shape or definite volume d. a definite volume and definite shape ***Other question possibilities

c. no definite shape or definite volume

A curve often connects data points on a(n) ________ graph. a. free fall b. linear c. nonlinear d. velocity

c. nonlinear

Two highly reactive elements in Period 2 are the metal lithium and the a. metalloid arsenic b. nonmetal selenium c. nonmetal fluorine d. nonmetal krypton ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam

c. nonmetal fluorine

What element is always present in a combustion reaction? a. nitrogen b. hydrogen c. oxygen d. carbon ***From prior year students quizlet for final

c. oxygen

What did Rutherford discover? a. neutrons b. the atom c. the protons d. the electron e. other:____________ *** From Ch. 4 Quiz

c. protons

Lisa plotted time on the x-axis of a line graph and distance on the y-axis. What does the slope of her graph represent? a. total distance traveled b. velocity c. speed d. displacement ***From Ch. 11 Notes

c. speed

Which of the following is unique for any given element? a. the number of neutrons b. the charge on the electrons c. the number of protons d. the mass of a neutron ***Other possible questions

c. the number of protons The number of protons and atomic number is unique for every given element. Even isotopes of the element keep the same atomic number (# of protons)

When an unbalanced force acts on an object a. the inertia of the object increases b. the object's motion does not change c. the object accelerates d. the weight of the object decreases *** From. Ch. 11 Test

c. the object accelerates

Which statement is true about oxygen-17 and oxygen-18? a. they don't have then same number of protons b. their atoms have an identical mass c. they are isotopes of oxygen d. they have the same mass number ***Other possible questions

c. they are isotopes of oxygen

Which of the following does NOT state what the arrow means in a chemical equation? a. forms b. conserves c. yields *** From Ch. 7 Test

c. yields

A ________ is the number that appears before a formula in a chemical equation. ***From prior year students quizlet for final


The motion of one particle of a gas is unaffected by the motion of other particles of the gas unless the particles are __________________. ***From Unit 1 Test


You see a structural formula in which the symbols for elements are connected by a long dash. You can assume that the chemical bonds in the compoud are ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam


6.2.1 Describe how covalent bonds form and the attractions that keep atoms together in molecules. (Multiple Choice)

covalent bond = chemical bond in which two atoms share a pair of valence electrons The attractions between shared electrons and protons in each nucleus hold the atoms together in a covalent bond. single bond - two atoms share 1 pair of electrons triple bond - When two atoms share 3 pairs of electrons (formula: N=N) molecule - neutral group of atoms that are joined together by one or more covalent bonds.

An object moving at 50 m/s takes 10 s to come to a stop. What is the object's acceleration? a. -50 m/s2 b. 5 m/s2 c. 50 m/s2 d. -5 m/s2 *** From. Ch. 11 Test

d. -5 m/s2 Acceleration (a) = (Final Velocity (vf)-Initial Velocity (vi))/time a=(vf-vi)/t a = 0-50/10 a = -50/10 a = -5 m/s2

An object moving at 50 m/s takes 10 s to come to a stop. What is the object's acceleration? a. -50 m/s2 b. 5 m/s2 c. 50 m/s2 d. -5 m/s2 *** From. Ch. 12 Test

d. -5 m/s2 Acceleration (a) = (Final Velocity (vf)-Initial Velocity (vi))/time a=(vf-vi)/t a = 0-50/10 a = -50/10 a = -5 m/s2

If a force of 4 N is applied to an object with a mass of 2 kg., the object will accelerate at a. 4 m/s2 b. 8 m/s2 c. .5 m/s2 d. 2 m/s2 *** From Ch. 11 Test

d. 2 m/s2 Force = Mass * Acceleration SO... Acceleration = Force/Mass Acceleration = 4/2 Acceleration = 2 m/s2

Who provided evidence for the existence of a nucleus in an atom? a. John Dalton b. J.J. Thomson c. Democritus d. Ernest Rutherford ***Other possible questions

d. Ernest Rutherford

Which statement best describes Rutherford's model of an atom? a. It is like an avocado with the pit representing the nucleus b. It is like an aquarium with swimming fish representing positive charges c. It is like a fried egg with the yolk representing the nucleus d. It is like a huge stadium with the positively charged marvel at the center ***Other possible questions

d. It is like a huge stadium with the positively charged marvel at the center

Suppose an atom has a mass number of 23. Which statement is true beyond any doubt? a. The atom has an odd number of neutrons b. The atomic number is less than 11 c. The atom is not an isotope d. The number of protons in the nucleus does not equal the number of neutrons ***From previous years student's final exam quizlet

d. The number of protons in the nucleus does not equal the number of neutrons Because Mass number = Protons + Neutrons. You can't add two equal numbers to get to the number 23, so the protons and neutrons can't be equal.

Rutherford's gold foil experiment provided evidence for which of the following statements? a. Negative and positive charges are spread evenly throughout an atom b. Alpha particles have a positive charge c. Gold is not as dense as previously thought d. There is a dense, positively charged mass in the center of an atom ***From previous years student's final exam quizlet

d. There is a dense, positively charged mass in the center of an atom *** he found that the nucleus of an atom is a dense positively charged mass located in the center of the atom

You can be certain that a chemical change has occurred when a. there is a visible change b. the change is irreversible c. the temperature changes d. a new substance is formed *** From Ch. 2 Quiz

d. a new substance is formed

The rate at which velocity changes is called a. vectors b. speed c. motion d. acceleration *** From Ch. 11 Test

d. acceleration

The slope of a speed-time graph indicates a. direction b. speed c. velocity d. acceleration *** From Ch. 11 Test

d. acceleration

The centripetal force acting on a satellite in orbit a. acts as an unbalanced force on the satellite b. changes the direction of the satellite c. is a center-directed force d. all of these ***From Ch. 12 Quiz

d. all of these

An object that is accelerating may be a. slowing down b. gaining speed c. changing direction d. all of these options *** From Ch. 11 Quiz

d. all of these options an object is said to be accelerating if it is increasing its speed, decreasing its speed or changing direction.

Moving from left to right across the row of the periodic table, which of the following values increases by one from element to element? a. Mass number b. atomic mass unit c. isotope number d. atomic number ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam

d. atomic number

What is true about the metalloid silicon? a. better conductor than silver b. doesn't conduct electricity c. conductivity doesn't vary with temperature d. better conductor than sulfur ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam

d. better conductor than sulfer

What type of change occurs when water changes from a solid to a liquid? a. phase change b. physical change c. irreversible change d. both a and b ***From Unit 1 Test

d. both a and b

Which of the following is not a characteristic of metals? a. ductile b. good electrical conductor c. typically solid a room temperature d. brittle ***From Ch. 5 Review Notes

d. brittle ***non-metals tend to be brittle if they are solid at room temp.

In a polar covalent bond, a. electrons are shared equally between atoms b. a cation is bonded to an anion c. electrons are transferred between atoms d. electrons are not shared equally between atoms ***From prior year students quizlet for final

d. electrons are not shared equally between atoms

Compared with Group 6A elements, Group 2A elements have a. more atoms in the ground state b. more valence electrons c. more isotopes d. fewer valence electrons ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam

d. fewer valence electrons ***Group 2A has 2 valence electrons and Group 6A has 6 valence electrons, so group 2A has fewer.

Which of the following is malleable? a. glass b. pottery c. ice d. gold ***From Unit 1 Test

d. gold malleable means to be hammered or pressed permanently of of shape without breaking or cracking it.

An open parachute increases air resistance of a falling sky diver by a. increasing the terminal velocity b. reducing fluid friction c. decreasing the weight of the diver d. increasing surface area ***From Ch. 12 Quiz

d. increasing surface area

A speed-time graph in which line goes up from bottom left to top right is an example of a(n) ________ graph with ________ acceleration. a. nonlinear, acceleration b. distance, negative c. frame of reference, negative d. linear, positive *** From Ch. 11 Quiz

d. linear, positive

A speed-time graph in which the line goes up from bottom left to top right is an example of a(n) _______ graph with ________ acceleration. a. nonlinear, acceleration b. distance, negative c. frame of reference, negative d. linear, positive

d. linear, positive

Water has a higher boiling point than expected because a. there is so much water vapor in the atmosphere b. water molecules are not very massive c. hydrogen and oxygen form single covalent bonds d. of the strong attractions between polar water molecules *** From Ch 6 Quiz

d. of the strong attractions between polar water molecules

Which of the following is a mixture? a. carbon dioxide b. silicon c. silicon dioxide d. sand ***From Unit 1 Test

d. sand

Common units for __________ include meters per second (m/s). a. acceleration b. time c. distance d. speed *** From Ch. 11 Quiz

d. speed

The slope of a line on a distance-time graph is a. distance b. time c. displacement d. speed *** From Ch. 11 Test

d. speed

What universal force is the strongest? a. electric b. gravitational c. magnetic d. strong nuclear *** From Ch. 12 Quiz

d. strong nuclear *** gravitational force is weakest

What did Thompson discover? a. neutrons b. the atom c. the protons d. the electron e. other: ______________ *** From Ch. 4 Quiz

d. the electron

An orange might roll off your cafeteria tray when you stop suddenly because of a. the balanced forces acting on the orange b. the centripetal force acting on the orange c. the friction forces acting on the orangeterm-223 d. the orange's momentum ***From Ch. 12 Quiz

d. the oranges momentum

Which of the following is a chemical change? a. ice melting b. ice being carved c. water boiling d. water breaking down into hydrogen and oxygen *** From Unit 1 Test

d. water breaking down into hydrogen and oxygen. A chemical change involves the rearrangement of atoms. a physical change can often be reversed, but a chemical change typically cannot except through more chemical reactions.

How would your mass and weight change if you were on the moon's surface? a. They wouldn't change. b. Your mass would remain constant, and your weight would increase. c. Your mass and weight would decrease. d. Your mass would remain constant, and your weight would decrease. ***From Ch. 12 Notes

d. your mass would remain constant, and your weight would decrease. ** because the gravity that you would multiply the mass by is less on the moon...making your weight less as well.

Measuring _____ can be used to test the purity of some substances


When two atoms of the same nonmetal react, they often form a... ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam

diatomic molecule

What are three characteristics of metals? ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam

ductile, malleable, and good conductors

In the isotope of Hydrogen-3, what does 3 tell you? Choose all that apply. a. the atomic number is 3 b. the mass number is 3 c. hydrogen has 3 protons d. hydrogen has 3 neutrons e. hydrogen has 2 neutrons *** From Ch. 4 Quiz

e. hydrogen has 2 neutrons b. the mass number is 3 Hydrogen has an atomic NUMBER of 1; but the 3 shows that the atomic MASS of the Isotope Hydrogen-3 is 3. Since we know that Hydrogen as an atomic number of 1 and an isotope of an element has the same atomic number as the element, we know that Hydrogen-3 has 1 proton. To figure out the number of neutrons you take Atomic Mass -# of protons. So, Hydrogen-3 has 2 neutrons (Atomic Mass of 3-1 Proton=2 Neutrons).

A polar covalent bond forms when _____________ are not shared equally between atoms. *** From Ch 6 Quiz


The atomic number of an element also equals the number of ___________.

electrons ***Atoms are neutral, so each positive charge (proton) is balanced by a negative charge (electron)

Pure substances are either _____________ or _________________. ***From Unit 1 Test

elements or compounds

The two most reactive groups of elements in the periodic table are the alkali metal and the ______________. ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam


When the data in an investigation doesn't support the original hypothesis the ______ is revised.


________ is the tendency of an object to resist a change in it's motion.


Most calcium atoms have an atomic number of 20 and a mass number of 40, but some calcium atoms have a mass number of 48. What word could you use to describe these two kinds of calcium atoms? ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam

isotopes *** because they have the same atomic number, but different mass numbers.

The ________theory of matter states that all particles of matter are in constant motion. ***From Unit 1 Test


7.1.1 Interpret Chemical equations in terms of reactants, products, and conservation of mass. (Completion)

law of conservation of mass - mass is neither created or destroyed in a chemical reaction (the substance is there before and after the reaction) reactant - the substance that undergoes the change product - the new substance formed as a result of that change During a chemical reaction, the mass of the product is always equal to the mass of the reactant. (balanced equation)

Please answer the following questions about this reaction H2+)2 ----> H2O + heat Which way to reactants (left) or to products (right) do the following changes force the reaction, according to Lechatlier ______________ adding heat *** From Ch. 7 Test


Please answer the following questions about this reaction H2+)2 ----> H2O + heat Which way to reactants (left) or to products (right) do the following changes force the reaction, according to Lechatlier ______________ taking out oxygen *** From Ch. 7 Test


On the moon, the acceleration due to gravity is only about 1/6th that on Earth. Thus, an object will weigh ___________ on the moon that it weighs on earth. ***From Ch. 12 Notes

less Weight - Mass x acceleration due to gravity If Mass of an object is 10 and acceleration due to gravity on earth is 10, acceleration due to gravity on the moon would be 1.666 since it's 1/6th of that on earth. weight on earth = 10 x 10 = 100 weight on moon = 10 x 1.666 = 16.66

A measure of an object's intertia is it's ___________________ ***From Ch. 12 notes


According to Newton's second law of motion, the acceleration of an object equals the net force acting on the object divided by the object's _____.


A material that is malleable and conducts electricity is most likely ______________. ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam


if a spoon gets hot quickly when it is used to stir a pot of soup, it is probably made of _________________. *** From Unit 1 Test


Elements can be classified as metals, nonmetals, and ____________________. ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam


If element Q has 11 protons, its atomic ____________________ is 11. ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam

number Atomic # = the # of protons

The pattern of repeating properties of elements revealed in the periodic table is known as ________________. ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam

periodic law

6.2.2 Compare polar and nonpolar bonds and demonstrate how polar bonds affect the polarity of a molecule. (Mulitiple Choice)

polar bond - a covalent bond in which electrons are not shared equally. Attractions between polar molecules are stronger than attractions between nonpolar molecules

All atoms of the same type have the same number of _________________ *** From Ch. 4 Quiz


Please answer the following questions about this reaction H2+)2 ----> H2O + heat Which way to reactants (left) or to products (right) do the following changes force the reaction, according to Lechatlier ______________ adding Hydrogen *** From Ch. 7 Test


Please answer the following questions about this reaction H2+)2 ----> H2O + heat Which way to reactants (left) or to products (right) do the following changes force the reaction, according to Lechatlier ______________ taking out water *** From Ch. 7 Test


Make an observation, ask a question, form a hypothesis, experiment, analyze data, conclusion are all steps in the _______ _____.

scientific method

Among the alkaline earth metals in Group 2A, which is more reactive- beryllium (element 4) or strontium (element 38)? ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam

strontium (element 38)

Projectile motion is caused by a. the downard force of gravity b. an initial forward velocity c. a final vertical velocity d. the downward force of gravity and initial forward velocity ***From Ch. 12 Quiz

the downward force of gravity and an initial forward velocity

Atomic Number

the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom

The prefix of dioxide indicates that the molecule contains... ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam

two oxygen atoms

Hydrogen does not have the typical properties of a metal. However, hydrogen is located above Group 1A because it has one ______. ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam

valence electron

The number of ___________ in the atom of an element determines it's chemical properties. ***From prior year student's quizlet for the Final Exam

valence electrons

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