Ethics Review

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In Buddhism, rights ________.

Belong to all living beings.

Which of the following arguments might a utilitarian use to support or oppose capital punishment?

Capital punishment should not be legal because it is costly and has no deterrent effect on crime.

"Perfect is the virtue that accords with the Constant Mean."


Which of the following is a basic tenet of American civil religion?

God is actively involved in history and has a special interest in America.

"The alternative language [of "rights of the poor"] represents a critical approach to the laissez-faire liberal doctrine to the effect that our society enjoys an equality that in fact does not exist."

Gustavo Gutierrez

At his trial, why did Nazi Adolf Eichmann argue that he had done nothing wrong?

He did not break any laws of his country.

Which of the following is the best example of someone following the doctrine of the mean?

Ishmael is self-confident and proud of his accomplishments without being vain.

"It is quite compatible with the principle of utility to recognize the fact that some kinds of pleasure are more desirable and more valuable than others."

John Stuart Mill

"The postconventional stage is characterized by a major thrust toward autonomous moral principles that have validity and application apart from the authority of the groups or people who hold them..." Which of the following theorists is most likely to have made this statement?

Lawrence Kohlberg

Which of the following people would a cultural relativist be most likely to label immoral?

Martin Luther King Jr.

Identify the person who said each of the following. "[Women's] first duty is to themselves as rational creatures."

Mary Wollstonecraft

In the context of the role of experience in acquiring moral knowledge, which of the following is a belief of positivists?

Moral judgments are simply expressions of an individual's emotions.

What does it mean to say that natural law is teleological?

Natural law is directed toward a particular vision of the natural order.

According to natural law ethicists, what is the relationship between human law and natural law?

Natural law is higher than human law.

"The caring for self, for the ethical self, can emerge only from a caring for others."

Nel Noddings

"Sexists violate the principle of equality by favoring the interests of their own sex. Similarly speciesists allow the interests of their own species to override the greater interests of members of other species. The pattern is identical in each case."

Peter Singer

"The superego retains the character of the father, while the more powerful the Oedipus complex was and the more rapidly it succumbed to repression... the stricter will be the domination of the superego later on—in the form of conscience or perhaps of an unconscious sense of guilt." Which of the following theorists is most likely to have made this statement?

Sigmund Freud

"What is pleasing to the gods, and the man that pleases them, are holy; what is hateful to the gods, and the man they hate, unholy. But the holy and unholy are not the same; the holy is directly opposite to the unholy."


"...there is in man an inclination to good, according to the nature of his reasons, which nature is proper to him: thus man has a natural inclination to know the truth about God, and to live in society...."

Thomas Aquinas

What does John Rawls mean by the "veil of ignorance"?

When coming up with principles of justice, we should try to ignore our background.

Communitarians regard this as the basis of morality.


The ethical theory that duty is the basis of morality is called ________.


Psychological egoism is weak as a theory because it:

does not meet the requirement of falsifiability.

Which of the following is an example of a noncognitive ethical theory?


An opinion is a statement that:

expresses how a person feels.

According to Thomas Hobbes, which of the following is one of "the passions that incline men to peace"?

fear of death

The primary purpose of the Socratic method is to:

find answers to philosophical questions.

In resolving a moral dilemma, we should first:

get our facts straight.

According to Aristotle, we acquire virtue primarily through:


At which level of thinking would one be most likely to hear the statement "Euthanasia must be immoral because it is illegal"?


In the context of moral analysis, the first of the three dimensions of Sheila Mullett's approach to ethical analysis is ________.

moral sensitivity

Ethical subjectivists differ from emotivists in that ethical subjectivists believe that:

moral truths exist.

In the context of morality and religion, natural law theory maintains that:

morality is autonomous and is independent of religion or God's commands.

The natural law theory states that:

morality is grounded in rational nature and can be accessed through the use of reason.

In the context of morality, the divine command theory claims that:

morality is relative to or dependent on God's will.

Which of the following prima facie duties would a utilitarian accept as morally binding?


A ________, one of the components of an argument, is defined as a statement that expresses a complete thought.


Which of the following theories maintains that we always act out of self-interest?

psychological egoism

Which of the following is the best example of a legitimate interest?

publishing an article on being gay, which many people find offensive, in the school newspaper

You and your visually-impaired mother, whom you love dearly, are attending a lecture by a scientist who is conducting groundbreaking research on a vaccine for AIDS when a fire breaks out in the lecture hall. A beam falls, trapping your mother, her seeing eye dog, and the scientist. You have time to save only one of them. A care ethicist would most likely advise you to:

save your mother; your relationship with her creates a special obligation to her.

In the context of the development of conscience, people who lack a conscience or a moral sense are known as:


Which of the following was inspired by natural rights ethics?

the American Revolution

Which of the following sources of information would probably be most important to a college student who is a cultural relativist in deciding whether to ban hate speech?

the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

What event led to a general disillusionment with the theory of cultural relativism?

the Nazi Holocaust

Which of the following organizations adopted natural law ethics in their Nuremberg Charter?

the United Nations

In the context of moral sentiments, moral indignation is defined as:

the anger an individual feels at the sight of others being harmed.

What, according to Confucius, is the fundamental source of moral knowledge?

the universal principle, or Tao

"Virtue, then being of two kinds, intellectual and moral, intellectual virtue in the main owes both its birth and its growth to teaching ... while moral virtue comes about as a result of habit...."


David Thoreau wrote, "The morally excellent, then, are constantly striving to discover and pursue the right. This is their whole duty, for, in the inquiry about what is right, reason alone can decide, and her [reason's] dictates are even identical with the dictates of duty." Which of the following philosophers is most likely to agree with Thoreau?


"The principle of Man's individual rights represented the extension of morality into the social system—as a limitation on the power of the state, as man's protection against the brute force of the collective, as the subordination of might to right. The United States was the first moral society in history."

Ayn Rand

Identify the person who said each of the following. "[O]ur survival is dependent on the realization that Mother Earth is a truly holy being, that all things in this world are holy and must not be violated, and that we must share and be generous with one another." Which of the following persons is most likely to have made this statement?

Eagle Man (Ed McGaa)

"The colonialist bourgeoisie had hammered into the natives' mind the idea of a society of individuals where each person shuts himself up in his own subjectivity, and whose only wealth is individual thought... [However] the interests of one will be the interests of all, for in concrete fact everyone will be discovered by the troops, everyone will be massacred—or everyone will be saved."

Frantz Fanon

In the context of cultural and sociological relativism, which of the following statements defines descriptive ethics?

It describes the moral beliefs of a given society without passing judgment on them.

Identify a common critique of divine command theory.

It is problematic because there are no independent criteria to determine if someone's actions were actually commanded by God.

"Nature made man happy and good, and society deprives him and makes him miserable."

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

"The interest of the community is one of the most general expressions that can occur in the phraseology of morals... The interest of the community then is, what?—the sum of the interests of the several members who compose it."

Jeremy Bentham

"The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges everyone; and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind who will but consult it, that, being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions."

John Locke

"Social and economic inequalities are to be arranged so that they are both (a) reasonably expected to be to everyone's advantage, and (b) attached to positions and offices open to all."

John Rawls

Identify the person who said each of the following. "We recognize that morality differs in every society, and is a convenient term for socially approved habits."

Ruth Benedict

Why does one of the critiques of divine command theory suggest that God as envisioned by the Christian tradition does not exist?

There is evil and suffering in the world.

Which of the following is a logical consequence of people adopting ethical subjectivism as a moral theory?

There is no moral obligation for a sadist to refrain from torturing people.

Which of the following, according to Kant, is a characteristic of moral maxims and duties?

They are universally binding.

In the context of natural rights, liberalism is:

a theory that opposes social and legal constraints upon individual freedoms.

In the context of natural law theory, which of the following do natural law ethicists stand against specifically on the grounds that it involves the direct and intentional killing of a person?

active euthanasia

Both Rand and Aristotle believed that happiness is an important goal for humans. However, unlike Rand, Aristotle believed that we can best achieve this goal through:

active membership in society.

The categorical imperative requires us to:

always treat humanity as an end in itself, never as a means only.

According to John Stuart Mill, it is better to be:

an unhappy human than a happy pig.

Ethical theories that place humans at the center of the moral community are known as:


According to Mo Tzu, the principle of love:

applies universally and equally to all people.

Opinions are:

based on feeling rather than on reason.

A liberty right is the right to:

be left alone to pursue our legitimate interests without interference from the government or from others.

According to Carol Gilligan, most women make moral decisions based on:

care and relationships.

According to Immanuel Kant, a ________ is a moral injunction that is unconditionally binding upon everyone.

categorical imperative

Which of the following professions would a Buddhist career counselor be most likely to advise you to avoid?

cattle rancher

In constructing moral arguments, we should begin by:

compiling a list of premises.

In response to complaints from students that some professors were allowing a few select students in their classes to do extra credit assignments to pull up their grades, the administration issues a memo telling professors that they cannot give extra credit assignments unless the whole class has an opportunity to earn extra credit. Which of the following duties of justice does the administration's decision typify?

distributive justice

According to Kant, members of the moral community or kingdom of ends include(s):

humans because they are rational.

Under natural law theory, something is morally right:

if it is consistent with reason.

In The Fountainhead, which trait does architect Howard Roark praise in people?


Which of the following considerations has the utilitarian concept of justice been criticized for failing to take into account?

individual integrity and personal responsibility

I fail to see why hunting should be considered cruel when it gives pleasure to so many people.

irrelevant conclusion

According to natural law theory, cloning is immoral because:

it is unnatural, and it breaks down the traditional family structure

According to divine command theorists, ________.

it was morally acceptable for the terrorists to bomb the World Trade Center on 9/11, if the command to do so came from God

The Kitty Genovese syndrome is characterized by:

moral indifference to others' distress.

You are hiring an assistant manager for your company. You have limited the pool of applicants to four equally qualified people. According to James Rachels, which of the following acts would be morally obligatory or acceptable if we accept the ethical egoists' definition of moral community?

nepotism, where you hire your daughter for the job because she's the one you created the job for in the first place

What are the two traditional subdivisions of moral philosophy?

normative ethics and metaethics

According to Henry David Thoreau, a criterion for civil disobedience is that:

only moral and nonviolent means must be used to achieve a goal.

Where is truth to be found in Plato's "Allegory of the Cave"?

outside the cave

In the context of natural law, the ________ states that an action which causes serious harm may be permissible if that harm is an unintended side effect of bringing about a particular good.

principle of double effect

Marlene often gets angry and storms off when people question her views on the morality of abortion. Marlene is in all likelihood using:

resistance to avoid analyzing her worldviews.

Henry believes that it is morally acceptable to impose Western culture's way of thinking on the tribal cultures in Southeast Asia. He argues that the social and technological progress of Western culture makes it clearly superior to tribal cultures. Henry believes these tribes are backward and unsophisticated because they follow ancient traditional practices based on nature worship. The views expressed by Henry reflect those of a:

social Darwinist.

In the current debate over the morality of stem cell research, a utilitarian would most likely hold that:

stem cell research is moral since the potential benefits outweigh any harm to nonsentient embryos.

In the context of religiosity, unlike heteronomous moral reasoners, truly moral people:

strive to be a good kind of person because they personally believe it is the right thing to do.

What, according to Friedrich Nietzsche, is the source of all virtue?

the will to power

Unlike the proponents of moral objectivism, absolutists believe that:

there are moral norms or principles that everyone should always obey.

According to ethical subjectivists, ________.

there are no objective moral standards

According to Aristotle, the natural and proper function of a virtuous person is:

to reason well.

According to deontologists, autonomous moral agents:

use their reason to discern moral principles and make moral decisions.

The 1995 Maternal and Infant Health Care Law is a Chinese law that bans marriages between couples "with certain genetic diseases of a serious nature" unless they agree to sterilization or long-term contraception. The law also requires doctors to "advise" parents to abort if an abnormality is detected in the fetus. The state justifies this law as a measure to "shed some of the economic burden" of caring for disabled people. This justification is based on which metaethical theory?


Which of the following theories gives moral consideration to cats, coyotes, and humans equally?


Which of the following approaches to ethics education is partly based on the assumptions underlying ethical subjectivism?

values clarification

The "Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions of the First Woman's Rights Convention" stated that women ought to have the legal right to:

vote in elections.

The just war theory is defined as a list of conditions in natural law theory to ensure that:

war is humanely conducted and directed toward the establishment of lasting peace.

Martin Luther King Jr. believed that:

we should practice nonviolent resistance, as taught by Gandhi, against our oppressors.

Jeremy Bentham developed the utilitarian calculus, which is a method of determining which actions are morally preferable by:

weighing the costs and the benefits of each action.

In the context of moral rights, ________ entails the right to receive primary social goods such as adequate nutrition, housing, education, and police and fire protection.


According to Mary Wollstonecraft, under what circumstances does moral development thrive?

when people's ideas and worldviews are challenged rather than uncritically affirmed

The primary purpose of rhetoric is to:

win an argument through persuasive speech.

What is it that, by definition, all philosophers love?


A while back, I accidentally locked the car keys in my daughter's car. I felt bad and offered to treat her to dinner and a movie because of the inconvenience I had caused her. According to Ross, which duty, if any, was I honoring?


In the context of moral sentiments, the capacity for and inclination to imagine the feelings of others is known as ________.


Identify the document that states: "...the people of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom..."

the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

In the moral philosophies of John Locke and Thomas Hobbes, a "state of nature" is:

the condition in which people lived before the formation of the state or government.

Virtue ethicists are concerned primarily with:

the improvement of their character.

What law did Susan B. Anthony, in 1872, protest as immoral?

the law prohibiting women from voting

According to John Locke, civil laws are needed for:

the protection of property rights.

According to Aristotle, what is our most important function as humans?

the pursuit of the good life

What is the conclusion in the following moral argument? "The United States is a democracy. Therefore, more gun control laws should be enacted in the United States because most citizens favor stricter gun control laws."

"...more gun control laws should be enacted in the United States..."

Identify the premise in the following argument: "All moral statements are meaningless because there are no objective criteria for measuring their truth or falsity."

"...there are no objective criteria for measuring their truth or falsity."

You were up late last night helping a friend who is depressed. As a result, you did not have enough time to study for your ethics test today. You are a good student and plan to go to a medical school next year and, after that, work in an inner-city clinic. You need to pass ethics in order to graduate. When you look at the test, you realize you will not be able to pass. However, you notice that you can see the answers of the student sitting in front of you. She is one of the best students in the class. Should you copy her answers? What would Kant say?

No, you should not copy the test answers because it is dishonest.

"No man can live for another. He cannot share his spirit just as he cannot share his body. But the second-hander has used altruism as a weapon of exploitation and reversed the base of mankind's moral principles." Which of the following philosophers is most likely to have made this statement?

Ayn Rand

"The failure to see the different reality of women's lives and to hear the differences in their voice stems in part from the assumption that there is a single mode of social experience and development." Which of the following theorists is most likely to have made this statement?

Carol Gilligan

________ maintains that morality is created collectively by groups of humans and that morality therefore differs from culture to culture.

Cultural relativism

Cultural relativists rejected social Darwinism because, unlike social Darwinists, they believed that:

Darwin's theory of evolution does not imply that primitive cultures are less morally evolved.

________ is a moral theory that states that it is difficult, if not impossible, to know the nature of moral truths or whether these truths exist.

Ethical skepticism

Identify the person who said each of the following. "My friends, I must say to you that we have not made a single gain in civil rights without determined legal and nonviolent pressure. History is the long and tragic story of the fact that privileged groups seldom give up their privileges voluntarily... We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed." Which of the following persons is most likely to have said this?

Martin Luther King Jr.

In the context of religion and society, with which of the following sentiments is Karl Marx most likely to agree?

Religion is a destructive force created by people to maintain the divisive and oppressive status quo in society.

Identify the person who said each of the following. "SR [Student Relativism] is not the same as some such philosophical position because it is simply not a position at all... To have a position (and especially a philosophical position) it is necessary in some sense to engage with questions and issues."

Stephen Satris

Identify the fallacy in the following argument: "I hear that the philosopher Jeremy Bentham donated his estate to the University of London on the condition that his body be present at all the board meetings. He must have been a real fruitcake. As far as I'm concerned his moral philosophy can't have any validity."


Identify the fallacy in the following argument: "You shouldn't take Wollstonecraft's criticism of Rousseau too seriously. After all, she was abused by her father and no doubt had a grudge against all men."


In the context of moral uncertainty, ethical skepticism differs from ethical subjectivism in that it:

accepts the possibility that universal moral truths exist, though they cannot be proved.

"I believe in the Golden Rule. Therefore, I have an inherent duty to do unto others as I would have them do unto me. If I were puzzled by a question on an examination, I would want the person sitting next to me to help me. So it was my duty, professor, to let my friend sitting next to me copy answers from my test. You surely aren't going to fail me simply for obeying the Golden Rule?"


In the context of metaphysical materialism, sociobiologists define biological altruism as:

an individual's tendency to go to great lengths to help those who share his or her genes

In the context of morality and religion, which of the following best defines spirituality?

an inner attitude of reverence or deep respect for the ultimate moral worth or sacredness of oneself and others

Buddhist metaphysics supports which of the following views of reality?

an interconnected web

Which of the following people is most likely to be a true moral reasoner?

an intrinsically religious person

Jean-Jacques Rousseau supported ethical subjectivism because he believed that people:

are basically good and will do the right thing if not corrupted by society.

People often go along with the attitudes or opinions of their peer group even if they disagree with them. Why do people tend to express such conformity or superficial tolerance?

because they are afraid that they will not be accepted by their peers if they disagree with them

The following argument is sometimes confused with ethical subjectivism: "Whatever a person believes is true for himself or herself is what that person believes is right for him or her." Which fallacy is committed in this argument?

begging the question

According to James Rest, a person who has integrated moral reasoning, moral sensitivity, and moral motivation into his or her personality has:

high moral character.

Identify the fallacy in the following argument: "All acts of so-called altruism, including Luigi's heroism, are motivated by psychological egoism. After all, you cannot prove that Luigi, who ran into a burning building to save a child, was not acting purely out of self-interest."


In the context of ethical egoism, ________ is an economic system based on the pursuit of rational and prudent self-interest, individual freedom, and minimal government interference.

laissez-faire capitalism

Sociological relativism observes that:

moral norms vary from culture to culture.

The pampered daughter of a wealthy businessman and a prominent Boston socialite joins the Peace Corps following college and spends one year working with orphans in a poverty-stricken nation. This experience deeply upsets her and, to her parents' dismay, leads her to question her childhood values. What, according to Sheila Mullett, is the daughter most likely experiencing?

ontological shock

In the context of informal fallacies, a circumstantial fallacy occurs when:

people argue that their opponents should accept a certain position because of special circumstances, such as lifestyle or religion.

In the context of moral reasoning, ________ involves the use of rhetoric, fallacies, and resistance rather than logical analysis.


Metaphysical dualists believe that:

reality is made up of two distinct substances: mind and matter.

What, according to Ayn Rand, is necessary for our survival as humans?


You see a laptop on a table in the library. No one is around. You would love to have a laptop but cannot afford one. If you were a cultural relativist, you would most likely:

refrain from stealing it because it is against the law.

Frank and Rosa are arguing about morality. According to Frank, moral truths are absolute and are true for all people, regardless of their nationality or culture. Rosa disagrees, arguing that what is considered moral by one group of people may be considered immoral by another group of people. Rosa's arguments are similar to the views expressed by:

relativist theories of morality

In the context of morality and religion, morality that is beyond what is normally expected of an individual is known as ________.


Which of the following is most likely to follow as a result of adopting cultural relativism?

suspicion and distrust of the norms and values of different cultures

Where would an empiricist be most likely to look for moral knowledge?

the scientific method

Which of the following expressions would you most likely hear utilitarians use to justify their actions?

"The ends justify the means."

In the context of religion's role in society, sociologist Robert Bellah coined the term ________, which he defined as an institutionalized set of beliefs, symbols, and rituals that provide a religious dimension to a nation's collective life.

"civil religion"

In the context of virtue ethics, Aristotle used the term ________ to refer to an individual's sense of happiness or psychological well-being that arises from the fulfillment of his or her function as a human.


According to Aristotle, being virtuous is important for the achievement of eudaemonia. Which of the following people best exemplifies what Aristotle meant by eudaemonia?

Abdul, Stacy's father, a content and thoughtful man who always strives to be true to himself

Identify the person who said each of the following. "We have seen that the adjustments of acts to ends... have been rising to a certain ideal form now approached by the civilized man."

Herbert Spencer

"So act as to treat humanity, whether in thine own person or in that of any other, in every case as an end in itself, never as a means only."

Immanuel Kant

During their exploration of Mars, American scientists discover what they label a "stone age" society of humans living in caves just under the surface. The people, who are peace loving and welcoming toward the visitors from earth, have no written language or organized religion. Also, they do not have weapons or a concept of war. Which of the following assessments would a social Darwinist most likely make regarding the morality of this society?

They are clearly morally inferior to earth's cultures because their culture is primitive and lacks both technology and a belief in God.

"The right of nature... is the liberty each man hath, to use his own power, as he will himself, for the preservation of his own nature; that is to say, of his own life..."

Thomas Hobbes

Which of the following analogies best fits Aristotle's, Confucius's, and Kant's vision of virtue?

a tree that bears good fruit

Which of the following is the best example of civil disobedience?

a woman refusing to pay her taxes because, in her opinion, the tax money was being used to wage an immoral war

Deontologists and natural law ethicists believe that rights:

are derived from duties.

Which of the following traits would you most likely find in a self-actualized person?


It is morally acceptable for parents to conceive a child in order to obtain blood or an organ tissue transplant to save the life of another of their children, because parents have the right to make their own decision about whether or not to conceive one child in order to save another child's life.

begging the question

One of the challenges to ethical egoism in the United States comes from ________, which is the theory that community is the basis of ethics.


According to deontologists, a prima facie duty is binding unless it:

conflicts with a more compelling moral duty.

Utilitarian theories are ________, which indicates that the outcome or consequences of one's actions are more important than one's intentions.


In the context of cultural relativism, when using a mandala to represent a culture's moral community, beings represented on the outermost edge of the mandala are:

considered morally inferior to beings toward the center of the mandala.

A cultural relativist most likely would base a claim of rights on:

court rulings.

The development of proper self-esteem (the duty of self-improvement) in deontology requires that we:

cultivate good will.

According to Robert Bellah, the morality supported by mainstream religion in the United States is primarily based on:

cultural relativism.

In the context of ethical subjectivism, ________ is the moral theory that moral statements are neither true nor false but simply expressions of feeling.


Identify the fallacy in the following argument: "According to Kant, we ought to do our duty. As a member of a fraternity, I have a sworn duty to stand by my brothers. Therefore, it would be unethical for me to testify against my brothers in the upcoming rape trial."


According to Thomas Aquinas's hierarchy of laws, ________ is the uncreated reason of God that guides the universe as it moves toward a particular goal or end.

eternal law

When serial killer Craig Price was asked if he thought what he had done was wrong, he replied, "[Morality] is a private choice." Which moral theory was Price adopting?

ethical subjectivism

In the context of utilitarian ethics, the act of painlessly bringing about the death of a person who is suffering from a terminal or incurable disease or condition is known as ________.


Roberta's husband had told her he was going out of town for a week to a business conference. Roberta misses him terribly and is looking forward to his return. You were also at the conference but left early because of other commitments. Roberta calls shortly after you return home and asks if you saw Jack at the conference. She was unable to reach him by phone and is very concerned. You know that he is not at the conference but, instead, is in Bermuda with her best friend, Joan. Do you lie and say he was at the conference, or do you tell Roberta the truth? Sissela Bok would most likely advise you to:

first ask yourself if you would want to be lied to if you were in Roberta's position.

A virtuous person is one who:

has a predisposition to act in ways that benefit oneself and others.

Your widowed and ailing father needs someone to look after him. Although he can afford to hire in-home care, he would prefer to have you, his only child, do it. However, you would rather live in your university's dorms. If you live at home, you would have to commute almost an hour to college and miss out on much of campus life. You turn to Confucius for advice. He would most likely advise you to:

live at home with your father and commute to school.

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