Europe after the Fall of Rome

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What was an INDIRECT RESULT of the Crusades on Europe?

decline of feudalism

People who joined monasteries during the Middle Ages usually intended to

devote their lives to God

Charlemagne's conquest resulted in the

expansion of Christianity

Which of the following topics would NOT be included in a report about the Middle Ages?

exploration of the New World

Medieval literature, art, and architecture was characterized by

faith and religion

What service performed by the medieval Church would today be preformed by the United States government?

giving assistance to the poor and the sick

What was a RESULT of the Crusades?

growth of trade with the Middle East

Which helped to bring about an increase of trade within Western Europe during the 11th and 12th centureis?

increase in population

Three of the following could be found on a typical medieval manor. Which would NOT?

individually owned farms, each with its own farmhouse and barn

Three of the following were true of the Catholic Church in Europe during the Middle Ages. Which was NOT?

it had the power to select monarchs

Chivalry was a code of behavior for the medieval


The flef was an important basis for feudalism because it was the

land given by a lord to a vassal

Which of the following is found in Gothic, but NOT in Romanesque, churches?

large stained-glass windows

The Early Middle Ages in Europe (500-1000 A.D. ) are often called the Dark Ages because

literacy and education declined

Excomminication, interdict, and the Inquisition were

methods used by the Catholic Church to enforce religious discipline and fight heresy

Three of the following were forms of literature found in medieval Europe. Which was NOT?

novels about famous monarchs

In Roman times most people lived in small cities, while during the Middle Ages most people lived in the countryside. All the following are reasons for this change EXCEPT

people fled the urban centers because they had become too crowded and unsanitary

Three of the following were duties of serfs on medieval manors. Which was NOT?

performing military service as knights

What contribution did the Catholic Church make to society during the early Middle Ages

preserving learning

The Hanseatic League was created to

promote the trade of cities along the North and Baltic Seas

Guilds were organized in medieval towns to

regulate production or trade

What was the main subject of works of art during the Middle Ages?


After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Merovingian dynasty of the Franks

ruled over a kingdom including most of modern-day France, the Low Countries, and western Germany

The function of the "missi dominici" in Charlemagne'e empire was to

supervise the nobles in charge of local government

Peasants on a typical medieval manor lacked incentives to use new farming methods to produce a surplus of crops because

the absence of urban markets discouraged the production of a surplus

What accounts for the development of manorialism in Western Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire?

the breakdown of law and order

Three of the following were reasons for the great influence of the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages. Which was NOT?

the clergy represented an important military force under feudalism

Which of the following tended to protect serfs living on a medieval manor from ill-treatment by an unjust lord?

the customs and traditions of the manor

What was the chief reason for the monastic reform movements in the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages?

the desire to eliminate wealth and corruption from the Church

Homage and fealty were associated with

the feudal contract

What was the issue that caused the conflict between Pope Gregory VII and the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV?

the power of investiture of bishops

During the Middle Ages, popes and the monarchs disagreed most often about

the selection of Church officials

Feudalism arose in Western Europe because

there was a need for law and order

Three of the following were obligations owed by a vassal to his lord. Which was NOT?


Which of the following was the PRIMARY function of medieval craft guild?

to set standards of quality and just prices for goods

Which was limited by the Peace of God?

warfare between feudal lords

During the Early Middle Ages in Europe

warfare frequently occurred

Noble woman in the Middle Ages

were expected to bear and raise many children

Which of the following statements about woman in the European Middle Ages in MOST

woman and men worked equally hard on the manor

During which period of time did the conflict between Pope Gregory VII and the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV occur?

1050-1100 A.D.

The Kingdom of Germany that developed into the Holy Roman Empire is at which map location?


Scandinavia is the homeland of the Vikings who terrorized Europe during the 9th and 10th centuries. Scandinavia is found at which map location?


Select the answer that puts the events of the MIddle Ages in correct chronological order

2.) Charlemagne is crowned emperor. 3.) Viking and Magyar invasions of Europe 1.) first Crusade begins (1096 A.D.)

The Papal State, which were ruled by the papacy during the Middle Ages, can be found at which map location?


The part of Charlemagne's empire which later became the nation of France is at which map location


Palestine was the goal of the Christian Crusaders who tried to seize it from the Muslims. At which map location is Palestine?


During which century did the empire constructed by Charlemage become permanently divided among his descendants?

9th century A.D. (800-900)

Which of the following is an accurate description of a Gothic cathedral?

A stone building with tall spires, large stained-glass windows, and flying buttresses supporting the walls.

Why did the people of the medieval towns usually support a strong monarchy over the feudal system?

A strong central government would promote commerce

What was notable about the reign of Pope Innocent III (1198-1216)

Paypal power reached its greatest height during his reign

Which of the statements below is FALSE?

People looked to the monarch for justice.

Which of the following was NOT a reason for the First Crusade of 11th century?

Several European monarchs hoped to extend their kingdoms to the Middle East.

Which of these events related to the Christian Crusades occurred LAST in 1261?

The Byzantines recapture Constantinople and end the Latin Empire

Three of the following statements about the Crusades are correct. Which is NOT?

The center of European commerce shifted from the Mediterranean Sea to Atlantic Ocean.

Which statement about feudalism in Europe is CORRECT?

The feudal manor was self-sufficient

What position did serfs have in feudal society?

They could not leave the manor without the permission of their lords

Which statement about medieval cities is TRUE ?

They were crowded and unsanitary

The Black Death was

a disease that killed millions of Europeans during the 14th century

Three of the following were ideals of the medieval code of chivalry. Which was NOT?

a knight should treat all classes of society with courtesy and kindness

Unlike the system of justice in the United States, medieval justice sometimes relied upon

a trial by combat to determine guilt or innocence

Which of the following events occurred FIRST beginning 481 A.D.?

King Clovis unites the Franks and conquers mos of Gaul

What language was used by scholars and members of the clergy during the Middle Ages


Which of the following barbarian tribes established a kingdom in what is now France?


Three of the following were accomplished by Charlemagne. Which was NOT?

He succeeded in driving the Muslims out of North Africa

Three of the following were ways in which Charlemagne advanced learning. Which was NOT?

He wrote a history called "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"

Which of the following is an accurate statement about science in the Middle Ages?

alchemists believed that metal could be changed into gold

Medieval European cities usually grew

along trade routes

In the Middle Ages a person wishing to learn a craft would follow which of the following career paths?

apprentice, journeyman, master

What did townspeople demand of local lords?

charters safeguarding their rights

Feudalism arose in Western Europe because of

civil wars and foreign invasions

Which was a cause for the disintegration of Charlemagne's empire after his death?

civil wars between his successors

A CAUSE of the First Crusade was the

conquest of Asia Minor by the Seljuk Turks

Charlemagne was able to

create a strong and stable government

Troubadors played an important role in the Middle Ages by

creating a literature of chivalry

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