Event Exam 1- brenna's version

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First, you need to calculate how much space you actually have to work with after taking columns and other obstructions into consideration. -Measure the room to determine the shortest distances that form the rooms length and width

1st Step of Calculating the Capacity of Function Rooms: Determining the Clear Meeting Area

Assembly occupancies shall be provided with a minimum of one trained crowd manager where the occupant load exceeds _____ , additional trained crowd managers shall be provided at a ratio of ___:___

250; 1 crowd manager : 250 occupants

Currently _______ states and the District of Columbia have some sort of dram shop law in effect


A national organization has been issued a permit to demonstrate at the State capitol building. An opposing group has threatened to turn out to disrupt the demonstration. Public safety officials are concerned that the demonstration may turn violent. What should they do? A. Develop contingency plans to address the potentially violent situation. B. Forbid the opposing group from demonstrating. C. Activate the National Guard. D. Revoke the organization's demonstration permit.


A special event: • Is nonroutine. • Places a strain on community resources. • May involve a large number of people. • ___________________________________ A. Requires special permits or additional planning, preparation, and mitigation. B. Draws participants from outside the jurisdiction. C. Brings a large amount of revenue to the jurisdiction. D. Includes large numbers of vendors.


A special events hazard analysis should include analysis of: A. Special and unique hazards inherent in the event. B. Police staffing that is typical on that day of the week. C. Resources available through the State. D. Mutual aid agreements that are in place.


Because ___________________________ provide a less confrontational security presence, this technique has been effective with young audiences. A. Peer security personnel B. Younger uniformed police officers C. Private security guards D. Plain-clothes security guards


Because each special event is somewhat different from others, a hazard analysis should be conducted prior to each event. A. True B. False


Hampton is a rural community in the Midwest. The local high school football team has just won the State championship. The team has never won a championship in any sport before. The community is sponsoring a parade to celebrate the win. Thousands of people are expected to turn out for the event, including many from surrounding communities. There isn't much time to plan the parade, and the Mayor is concerned about whether Hampton's four- person police department can manage traffic and control the anticipated crowd. Is this event a special event? A. Yes B. No


Having a pre-event emergency plan in place will help: A. Reduce response times for first-response agencies. B. Increase revenue to the community by attracting out-of-town spectators. C. Sell an unpopular event to the community. D. The promoter or sponsor avoid paying for local emergency services.


Sponsors of organized auto races conducted by professional racing organizations at permanent facilities typically have sophisticated contingency plans available. A. True B. False


Spontaneous events present unique difficulties to public safety personnel because they offer no warning. A. True B. False


The use of ___________________________ is/are a good way to protect the bases of temporary structures from damage by vehicular traffic. A. Buffer zones B. Variable signs C. Orange snow fencing D. Yellow safety tape


User Pays policies are intended to: A. Offset the costs of public services at special events. B. Cover overtime costs for event staff employed by the promoter or sponsor. C. Discourage the promoters from making excessive profits. D. Transfer the costs of the event to the public safety agencies.


Room length ÷ 50

Stage Height Formula

One commanality is often the application of the ____________where a retailer knew or should have known that the patron was so intoxicated that more alcohol would cause danger to himself or to others.

"obvious intoxication test,"

8', 12', 16', 24', and 32'.

Common stage heights are:

10ft ; 6-9 people

Linear feet needed and number of people that can fit at 60" round

4' x 8' 6' x 8' 3' x 6'

Staging comes in three primary sizes

Rectangular tables are positioned to form a "U." Seating is usually on the outside of the U, but it's pos- sible to seat delegates on both inside legs of the U.

U Shape

Certain events, beyond the control of the parties, may inhibit the parties from fulfilling their duties and obligations under the project agreements.

force majeure

Force majeure events generally can be divided into two basic groups:

natural events and political events.

These may include terrorism, riots or civil disturbances; war, whether declared or not; strikes, change of law or regulation; nuclear or chemical contamination, pressure waves from devices traveling at supersonic speeds, failure of public infrastructures

political and special events

will vary from project to project and in relation to the country in which the project is to be located. The definition generally includes "risks beyond the reasonable control of a party, incurred not as a product or result of the negligence of the afflicted party, which have a materially adverse effect on the ability of such party to perform its obligations

the definition of force majeure

When assessing food safety measures at a special event, the planning team should consider the vendor compliance with appropriate State and local regulations related to food preparation, handling, distribution, and storing of food. A. True B. False


Whether you are handling a routine emergency, organizing for a special event, or managing the response to a major disaster, the five major management functions that must be covered are: • Command • ___________________ • Planning • Logistics • Finance/Administration A. Operations B. Response C. Tactics D. Control


is in the recognition of event management as a process

A major use for the EMBOK

International Special Events Society (ISES) offers the Certified Special Events Professional (CSEP) designation (ISES 2004), the International Festival & Events Association (IFEA) the Certified Festival & Events Executive (CFEE) certification (IFEA 2004), Meeting Professionals International (MPI) the Global Certification in Meeting Management (CMM)(MPI, 2003), the Convention Industry Council (CIC) the Certified Meeting Professional Program (CMP)(CIC, 2004b), and the International Association of Assembly Managers (IAAM) the Certified Facilities Executive (CFE) program (IAAM, 2004).

A number of associations have developed their own qualifications in an attempt to increase the credentials of their members and perhaps demonstrate their continuing professional development.

one of the fastest-growing and most important trends in the public relations profession

According to the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), event management is

Financial Human Resources Information Procurement Stakeholders Systems Time


60" 66" 72"

Available sizes of banquet rounds

A multidisciplinary planning team should be composed of the promoter or sponsor and all: A. Members of nongovernmental organizations that might be interested in the event. B. Agencies that hold a stake in the event. C. Vendors who wish to participate in the event. D. Community groups that may be affected by the event.


One area of great concern in special events planning is the physical setup of the event. Both temporary and permanents structures must comply with: A. The planning team's safety recommendations. B. Local building codes. C. Items pointed out during inspection. D. The Job Aid Manual included in this course.


To help reunite lost children with their parents or guardians, event planners should: A. Announce the names of lost children at the end of the event. B. Hire security personnel to look for lost children. C. Designate "meet me" locations throughout the site. D. Require children to be restrained by hand-holding or in strollers.


Which position is responsible for establishing incident objectives, strategies, and priorities and has overall responsibility for managing an incident. A. Event Planning Team B. Incident Commander C. Operations Section Chief D. Planning Section Chief


Guests are seated at round tables — usually 60", 66", or 72" in diameter.

Banquet Style

the setup of choice for most meal functions. In addition, it's appropriate for small com- mittee meetings and small breakout or study groups involv- ing group interaction and/or note taking.

Banquet Style

One of the many advantages of using a team approach to planning for special events is: A. Response agencies can agree on whether or not the event requires the use of an ICS structure. B. Public safety agencies can unite to oppose the event. C. Professional relationships developed during planning translate into better cooperation during emergencies. D. More people become aware of the promoter's or sponsor's intent and can determine whether a bond is necessary.


Planners should assign ___________________ to events that are expected to draw very large crowds and impact mobility throughout the community. A. A motorcycle squad B. A traffic management group C. Public transportation D. Volunteer traffic controllers


The Public Information Officer, the Safety Officer, and the Liaison Officer are all part of the: A. Operations Section. B. Logistics Section. C. Command Staff. D. General Staff.


The placement of launch pads for pyrotechnic displays must anticipate the: A. Level of audience control. B. Desirability of ground displays. C. Prevailing wind direction and strength. D. Time of year.


___________________________ is a main factor in determining stage configuration. A. The necessity to erect temporary platforms B. Whether temporary seating will be used C. Expected crowd behavior D. Whether the venue has a temporary or permanent stage


best setup for situations in which the presenter is expected to do most of the talking and/or delegates must take notes, refer to material in binders, or work on computer equipment. It's also the most comfortable design for very long sessions. It is not the pre- ferred setup for encouraging conversation among attendees

Classroom Style

rows of chairs facing the speaker. T he tables usually abut one another, although tables that extend beyond the stage ideally should be angled toward the speaker in order to pro- vide better viewing. Water pitchers and glasses are typically placed on the tables.

Classroom Style

Delegates are seated on all four sides of a table. For smaller groups (16 people or less), a single conference table is typically used. For larger groups, several 6' x 30" or 8' x 30" tables are often combined to create a solid rectan- gular table.

Conference Style

often used for board meetings, committee meetings, and other smaller functions at which interaction between participants is expected. T his design also can be used for high-level food and beverage functions with a small number of guests.

Conference Style

Attendees are seated at round tables — usually 60", 66", or 72" in diameter. The two or three chairs in which delegates would have their backs to the speaker are removed, thus forming a "crescent" of seating facing the speaker.

Crescent Style

This design works well when you need to use a room for meals and for an educational session that imme- diately follows. It's also appropriate for general sessions where attendees break into small discussion groups in the same room.

Crescent Style

A rock festival has been planned for this weekend. The promoter and sponsor have been advertising the festival for weeks. On the day before the event, large crowds of teens and young adults swarmed into the area. Many spent the night drinking and using drugs. By the morning of the event, several fights had already broken out between competing local gangs. The Mayor and City Council want to cancel the festival, but the sponsor is balking. Which statement below describes the preferable way to deal with such an event? A. Private security guards should have negotiated with the gangs. B. A barrier should have been erected to separate the gang members. C. The Mayor and City Council should have taken control and canceled the event. D. Agreement on who could cancel the event should have been reached during event planning.


At its initial meeting, the planning team should: • Develop a mission statement. • Develop the event objectives. • ____________________________ A. Determine where the Incident Command Post will be located. B. Determine the necessary components of the public safety plan. C. Determine whether the event will require that a curfew be imposed. D. Determine how many resources will be required to respond to incidents related to the event.


Crowds are complex social structures that can assume roles that are different from the personalities of the individuals. Those who provide verbal support for crowd leaders are called: A. The active core. B. Ring leaders. C. Observers. D. Cheerleaders.


If additional response resources are thought to be required for an incident at a special event, a good option for obtaining those resources is to: A. Purchase the needed resources. B. Obtain the resources through a DHS grant. C. Request the resources from the State. D. Develop mutual aid and assistance agreements with neighboring communities.


One reason for developing contingency plans for permit-approved special events is to: A. Prepare for events that may not run as planned. B. Determine if the event is too risky to approve. C. Ensure that nothing out of the ordinary occurs. D. Evaluate high-risk, high-impact events more thoroughly.


One way for special event planners to gather information about event specifics is to require the promoter or sponsor to: A. Provide testimonials from other venues. B. Survey potential event participants. C. Post a bond. D. Obtain permits.


The purpose of public safety special event planning is to: A. Increase the budget for public service agencies. B. Bring more events to the community. C. Ensure a successful event for the promoter or sponsor. D. Plan for incidents that might impact or result from the event.


laws that in most states allow victims of drunk driving accidents (or their families) to hold bars and alcohol retailers accountable for the death, injury, or any other damages caused by an intoxicated customer.

Dram Shop Laws

Number of people x 2 square feet per person (assuming about 1/3 of the group is dancing at any one time)

Dance Floor Formula

Content• Theme• Program• Environment• Production• Entertainment• Catering


-Its development will lead to a platform for curriculum development, consistent competency assessment, and career pathways and mobility for practitioners - offers a holistic three dimensional framework that draws knowledge domains together with the event planning process, which will enable the event management discipline to be mapped, defined and refined -Others argue that with the high risks to the general public and attendees at events, it is only through standardizing approaches will competency be assured.


A recognized international framework addressing the knowledge and skills essential to create, develop and deliver an event.


event management body of knowledge


_______ is playing a more significant role in the field of special events management


a multi-disciplinary occupation in an exciting and growing industry. Events have the ability to reflect and mold our society.

Event Management

Design, Administration, Marketing, Operations and Risk.

Event management is made up of five areas of management:

would provide the basis for course development and transferability of educational expertise, and identify competency areas required for event industry employees

For educators having EMBOK & standards

Number of booths x booth length x booth width x 2 (aisle space) ***The formula works in reverse. To determine how many 8' x 10' booths will fit in a 12,000-square-foot space, divide 12,000 by 2, then 8, then 10 (or simply divide once by 160) .You'll be able to fit 75 booths in the room.

Formula for Exhibit Booths

Think of poster boards as 3' x 8' booths ... and follow the above formula for exhibit booths. Example: 200 (posters) x 8 (length) x 3 (width) x 2 (aisle space) = 9,600 square feet of space required

Formula for poster boards

Number of people x 10 square feet per person

Formula for receptions

Think of tabletop exhibits as 6' x 8' booths ... and follow the above formula for exhibit booths. Example: 30 (booths) x 8 (length) x 6 (width) x 2 (aisle space) = 2,880 square feet of space

Formula for tabletop exhibits

30" are arranged in a in which the center of the design is empty.

Hollow Rectangle

Larger committee or board meetings of 17 to 30 people, at which interaction among attendees is important, can benefit from the this design. (Note: Avoid long straight sections of tables over 12 feet long. Octagons and hexagons work well to improve sight lines among attendees.)

Hollow Rectangle

job positions are cleverly concealed in organizations and departments seemingly unrelated to special events?

In event management its hard for people to find jobs because

10.5ft ; 8-10 people

Linear feet needed and number of people that can fit at 66" round

11 ft ; 9-11 people

Linear feet needed and number of people that can fit at 72" round

Are force majeure clauses standardized?

NO: Force majeure is often treated as a standard clause that cannot be changed. However, as the clause excuses a party from carrying out its obligations, it needs to be carefully thought through and tailored for the project in question.


National Fire Protection Association

These may include earthquakes, floods, fire, plague, Acts of God (as defined in the contract or in applicable law) and other natural disasters; These are events which are not within the control of the Host Government.

Natural events

1. Proof of sale of alcohol to the patron 2. Injuries sustained by the patron 3.Proximate cause between the alcohol sale and intoxication 4. Intoxication was at least one cause of the third-party damages

Plaintiffs invoking the Illinois Dramshop Act, to give an example, must be able to prove the following at trial:

Number of People: Space to add: -Less than 100 -1000 sq ft -100 to 200 -2000 sq ft -200 or more -3000 sq ft

Rear Screen Projection Formula

-standards for the event management industry are being defined by its disasters. -In the absence of consistent voluntary standards promulgated by international or industry organizations, governments are creating guidelines for events, which by virtue of their source become de facto regulations.

Searching for industry standards

laws which hold the hosts of private functions liable for injuries (or death) caused by their negligence in serving alcohol and/or failing to prevent an impaired guest from driving.

Social Host Liability Laws

Step 1: Determine the number of tables that can be accommodated. (clear room length) / (linear feet of the tables) = # of tables rounded down (clear room width) / (linear feet of the tables) = # of tables rounded down * Multiply these 2 numbers = # of tables that can be accommodated

Step 1 Banquet Style Formula

Step 1: Determine the number of rows that can be accom m odated. (clear room length) - (2 x screen height) - (distance from the back wall) = Usable room length (usable room length) / (distance per rows) = # of rows rounded down

Step 1: Classroom-Style Formula

Step 2: Subtract excess tables that need to be removed for staging, buffets, rear-screen projection, or chairs directly in front of an exit, etc.

Step 2 Banquet Style Formula

Step 2: Determine the number of chairs that can be set in each row. (room width) - (space for aisles; 15% of room width) = usable room width (Usable room width) / (distance per chairs) = # of chairs rounded down *Factor in length of tables provided by hotel (usable room width) / (length of table) = # of tables can fit * Then Adjust # of chairs based off number of people that can sit at the table

Step 2 Classroom Style Formula

Step 3: Multiply the number of tables by the number of chairs to be set at each table (number of tables) x (number of people at each table) = people that can be comfortably accommodated in the room

Step 3 Banquet Style Formula

Step 3: Multiply the number of rows by the number of chairs in each row. (# of rows) x (# of chairs) = # of people they can comfortable accommodate

Step 3 Classroom Style Formula

is to ensure that every attendee has an unobstructed view of the screen or speaker, easy access to his or her seat, and sufficient elbow room.

T he objective of all three formulas (theater-style, classroom-style, and banquet-style)

assessment (identification and analysis), selection (goal-oriented), monitoring (progress and status), communication (acquisition and distribution) and documentation (data and evidence).

The EMBOK process includes

are vast and cross into many educational disciplines including business, hospitality, tourism, arts, sports and leisure, sociology, public administration, and communications.

The prospects for career entry and curriculum development in event management

Chairs are lined up in rows facing the speaker. The rows can be straight, semi-circular, or herringbone (angled toward the front of the room); also used to maximize the seating capacity of meeting rooms or allow the audience to be as close to the speaker as possible. It is not recommended for taking notes, referring to material in binders, or any event at which food is served.

Theater Style

When attendees take on the characteristics of an audience (i.e., listening to a speaker or watching a slide presentation), _________ is the most efficient setup.

Theater Style

Adds two to three inches to the above standards, thereby increasing comfort and allowing a greater percentage of the seating area to be utilized.

Theater-Style Formula

Step 1: Determine the number of rows that can be accommodated. (room length) - (2 x screen height) - (distance from the back wall) = Usable room length (usable room length) / (distance between rows) = # of rows rounded down

Theater-Style Formula Step 1

Step 2: Determine the number of chairs that can be set in each row. (room width) - (space for aisles; 15% of room width) = usable room width (Usable room width) / (distance between chairs) = # of chairs rounded down

Theater-Style formula Step 2

Step 3: Multiply the number of rows by the number of chairs in each row. (# of rows) x (# of chairs) = # of people they can comfortable accommodate

Theater-Style formula Step 3

often used for board of directors meetings, committee meetings, and breakout ses- sions involving audio-visual presentations because all atten- dees can see the AV when the screen is placed at the open end of the U. It also can be used for banquets, with seating on all sides of the U.

U shape

It is necessary for an international alliance of educators and professionals to quantify the scope and framework of performance-based process standards built upon a researched, tested, three- dimensional model of event management functions, processes, phases, and core values. Teaching and doing the complex job of event management may finally be approached in a comprehensive manner. Utilizing this model will ensure all critical functional responsibilities, possibilities, and opportunities are addressed properly and competently.

Why we need EMBOK

proving fault of the alcohol vendor is

a relatively difficult task, because how do bartenders know whether a patron is drinking on an empty stomach, has a low tolerance or was intoxicated before entering the establishment? How do they know the patron even drove a car?

The drunk driver reportedly had a blood-alcohol concentration that was double the legal limit after leaving a New York Giants football game. It was determined that the ____________ shared the liability for the victim's serious injury.

concessionaire at Giants' Stadium

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