evolution: why sex? video guide questions
who was the first to recognize the evolutionary importance of sex
Charles Darwin
what is the importance of monogamy
The importance of monogamy is that both parents need to be there to survive
what have the lizards mastered
What is the key difference between males and females and sexual selection
females get to make a choice and males get composition
what is the theory of the "Red Queen"
have to run as fast as you can stay in the same place
what is the mystery of how animals pass on genes
how can you reproduce without men
based on whats qualities did human ancestors choose their mates
how they think or feel
why are humans unique
humans are unique because humans are the only one to care for a child whose genes or anything is not their own
what instincts did this come from
impressing the opposite sex
what are the dudes in the desert trying to "round up"
what are evolutionary psychologists instereted in
male choice, different kinds of beauty
what connects all life on earth
what is the strategy of the sperm
small sperm, large egg and lots of sperms
what do song bird that is different
the female cheats with her "husband" with the neighbor if the male bird has better traits than her "husband" so the child will get the better genes
what can the female do to increase the chances of survival for their offspring
they can choose a mate that they know will stay and take care of their offspring
why do female chips mate with multiple male chimps
to be dominant
what is the fact of life for chimpanzees
what is the evolutionary point of beauty
when someone looks good