ex.2 SG

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Which of the following statements regarding epinephrine administration via the intramuscular (IM) route is correct?

The 1:1000 concentration should be used.

In contrast to hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia:

can only be corrected in the hospital setting.

The spinal cord exits the cranium through the:

foramen magnum

A physiologic disorder that impairs bodily function when the body seems to be structurally normal is called a:

functional disorder

A patient who is experiencing receptive aphasia is:

unable to understand speech.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) typically does NOT affect the:

urinary bladder.

The effects of epinephrine are typically observed within _________ following administration.

1 minute

The adult epinephrine auto-injector delivers ______ mg of epinephrine, and the infant-child auto-injector delivers ______ mg.

0.3; 0.15

Your patient answers your questions appropriately, although her eyes remain closed the entire time. She moves each extremity on command, although her left side is weaker than the right. You should assign a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of:


The normal blood glucose level is between:

80-120 mg/dL

Which of the following patients would MOST likely have a delayed onset of an allergic reaction?

A 45-year-old male who ingested penicillin

Which of the following MOST accurately describes a focal-onset aware seizure?

A seizure that begins in one extremity

You are dispatched to a residence for a 40-year-old female who complains of lower abdominal pain, fever and chills, and a foul-smelling vaginal discharge. Which of the following additional assessment findings would increase your index of suspicion for pelvic inflammatory disease?

A shuffling gait when walking

EMTs are dispatched for a teenage male who is "not acting right." When they arrive, they are informed that the patient was huffing. Several cans of Freon are found near the patient. Which of the following is a unique consideration for this patient?

A sudden adrenaline release can cause a fatal dysrhythmia.

A patient tells you that he has a left ventricular assist device (LVAD). Which of the following conditions should you suspect that he has experienced?

Acute myocardial infarction

A 58-year-old male presents with confusion, right-sided weakness, and slurred speech. His airway is patent, and his breathing is adequate. His wife is present and is very upset. Which of the following has the MOST immediately priority

Asking his wife when she noticed the symptoms

Which of the following medications is commonly given to patients with chest pain to prevent blood clots from forming or getting bigger?


Which of the following is the MOST reliable method of estimating a patient's cardiac output?

Assess the heart rate and strength of the pulse

Which of the following MOST accurately describes the cause of an ischemic stroke?

Blockage of a cerebral artery

Which of the following is characteristic of peptic ulcer disease (PUD)?

Burning or gnawing stomach pain that subsides immediately after eating

Which of the following conditions would MOST likely lead to pelvic inflammatory disease if left untreated?


A 40-year-old man is in cardiac arrest. Your partner is performing CPR. You are attaching the AED when the patient's wife tells you that he has an automatic implantable cardiac defibrillator (AICD). The AED advises that a shock is indicated. What should you do?

Deliver the shock followed by immediate resumption of CPR

Which of the following signs is commonly observed in patients with right-sided heart failure?

Dependent edem

A 66-year-old woman presents with a stabbing pain in the middle of her chest that radiates to her back. She tells you that the pain suddenly began about 30 minutes ago and has been severe since the onset. She has a history of hypertension, but admits to being noncompliant with her antihypertensive medications. When you assess her, you find that her blood pressure is significantly higher in her left arm than it is in her right arm. What do these signs and symptoms MOST likely indicate?

Dissecting aortic aneurysm

Naloxone (Narcan) would reverse the effects of:

Hydromorphone (Dilaudid)

Which of the following would cause the greatest increase in cardiac output?

Increased heart rate and increased stroke volume

A 29-year-old pregnant woman has had severe vomiting for the last 2 days. Today, she is vomiting large amounts of blood. Her skin is cool and pale, and she is tachycardic. The EMT should suspect:

Mallory-Weiss tear.

Which of the following statements regarding pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is correct?

PID can scar the fallopian tubes, which increases the risk of an ectopic pregnancy.

Which of the following statements regarding rape is correct?

Rape is a legal term, not a medical diagnosis.

The ability of cardiac muscle cells to contract spontaneously without a stimulus from a nerve source is called:


Which of the following drugs is commonly referred to as "roofies"?


Which of the following is an example of a functional behavioral disorder?


The electrical impulse generated by the heart originates in the:

Sinoatrial node

Which of the following organs assists in the filtration of old red blood cells, serves as a blood reservoir, and produces antibodies?


Which of the following physiologic actions does epinephrine produce when given for an allergic reaction?

Vasoconstriction and bronchodilation

Which of the following questions would be least important during the initial questioning of a patient who ingested a substance?

Why was the substance ingested?

Organic brain syndrome is defined as:

a dysfunction of the brain caused by abnormal physical or physiological function

A 75-year-old male with type 1 diabetes presents with chest pain and a general feeling of weakness. He tells you that he took his insulin today and ate a regular meal approximately 2 hours ago. You should treat this patient as though he is experiencing:

a possible heart attack.

You are assessing a 49-year-old man who, according to his wife, experienced a sudden, severe headache and then passed out. He is unresponsive and has slow, irregular breathing. His blood pressure is 190/94 mm Hg, and his pulse rate is 50 beats/min. His wife tells you that he has hypertension and diabetes. He has MOST likely experienced:

a ruptured cerebral artery.

A raised, swollen, well-defined area on the skin that is the result of an insect bite or sting is called:

a wheal

A 37-year-old female with a history of diabetes presents with excessive urination and weakness of 2 days' duration. Her blood glucose level reads 320 mg/dL. If this patient's condition is not promptly treated, she will MOST likely develop

acidosis and dehydration.

A 35-year-old obese woman is complaining of localized pain in the right upper quadrant with referred pain to the right shoulder. The MOST likely cause of her pain is:

acute cholecystitis.

A 26-year-old female presents with heavy vaginal bleeding. She is conscious, but restless. Her blood pressure is 84/54 mm Hg, her pulse is 120 beats/min and weak, and her respirations are 22 breaths/min with adequate depth. She tells you that she inserted a tampon about 2 hours ago. You should:

administer high-flow oxygen, place a sterile pad over her vagina, keep her warm, elevate her lower extremities, and transport without delay.

A 19-year-old female was stung multiple times on the legs by fire ants. She states that she is allergic to fire ants, but does not carry her own epinephrine. The patient is conscious and alert and complains of pain to the area of the bites. Her blood pressure is 122/70 mm Hg, her pulse is 100 beats/min and strong, and her respirations are 18 breaths/min and unlabored. You should:

administer oxygen and transport her to the hospital.

A 73-year-old man presents with a generalized rash, which he thinks may have been caused by an antibiotic that he recently began taking. He has a history of coronary artery disease, hypertension, and emphysema. He is conscious and alert, his blood pressure is 144/94 mm Hg, and his pulse is 64 beats/min and regular. You auscultate his breath sounds and hear scattered wheezing, although he is not experiencing respiratory distress. You should:

administer oxygen if needed, transport the patient, and monitor him for signs of deterioration.

During your assessment of a 19-year-old male, you are told that he is being treated with factor VIII. This indicates that:

he has hemophilia A.

As a woman approaches menopause:

her menstrual periods may become irregular and vary in severity.

A 66-year-old female with a history of hypertension and diabetes presents with substernal chest pressure of 2 hours' duration. Her blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg, her pulse is 100 beats/min and irregular, her respirations are 22 breaths/min, and her oxygen saturation is 92%. The patient does not have prescribed nitroglycerin, but her husband does. You should:

administer oxygen, give her 324 mg of aspirin, and assess her further.

Older patients with abdominal problems may not exhibit the same pain response as younger patients because of:

age-related deterioration of their sensory systems.

A man with a prolonged history of alcohol abuse fell from a second-story balcony. His blood pressure is 80/60 mm Hg, his heart rate is 120 beats/min, and his skin is cool and pale. When caring for this patient, the EMT should recall that:

alcohol is a blood thinner and worsens internal bleeding.

The foreign substance responsible for causing an allergic reaction is called a(n):


An area of swelling or enlargement in a weakened arterial wall is called:

an aneurysm.

A 60-year-old female presents with a sharp, tearing pain in her lower back. Her skin is sweaty, and she is tachycardic. The EMT should suspect:

aortic aneurysm.

Pain that radiates to the right lower quadrant from the umbilical area, nausea and vomiting, and lack of appetite are MOST indicative of:


You are assessing a young male who was stung on the leg by a scorpion. He is conscious and alert, his breathing is regular and unlabored, and his blood pressure is 122/64 mm Hg. Assessment of his leg reveals a wheal surrounded by an area of redness. He states that he had a "bad reaction" the last time he was stung by a scorpion, and carries his own epinephrine auto-injector. You should:

apply oxygen as needed, clean the area with soap and water or a mild antiseptic, and transport him to the hospital.

In general, injected poisons are impossible to dilute or remove because they:

are usually absorbed quickly into the body.

Components of the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale include:

arm drift, speech, and facial droop

You respond to the residence of a 55-year-old woman with a possible allergic reaction to peanuts that she ate approximately 30 minutes ago. The patient is conscious and alert, but has diffuse urticaria and the feeling that she has a lump in her throat. As your partner applies oxygen to the patient, you should:

ask her if she has prescribed epinephrine.

A 66-year-old male presents with bizarre behavior. His daughter states that he did not seem to recognize her and was very rude to her. The patient is conscious, and has a patent airway and adequate breathing. You should:

ask the daughter how her father normally behaves.

After ensuring his or her own safety, the EMT's next priority when caring for a patient with a behavioral emergency is to:

assess the patient's response to his or her environment.

A 38-year-old woman was stung by a bee while at the park. Your primary assessment reveals that she is semiconscious; has labored breathing; and has a rapid, thready pulse. She has a red rash on her entire body, and her face is swollen. You should first:

assist her ventilations with 100% oxygen via BVM.

Law enforcement has summoned you to a nightclub, where a 22-year-old female was found unconscious in an adjacent alley. Your primary assessment reveals that her respirations are rapid and shallow and her pulse is rapid and weak. She is wearing a medical alert bracelet that identifies her as an epileptic. There is an empty bottle of vodka next to the patient. You should:

assist ventilations, perform a rapid exam, and prepare for immediate transport.

Kussmaul respirations are an indication that the body is:

attempting to eliminate acids from the blood.

A 47-year-old male presents with severe abdominal pain of 3 hours' duration. His abdomen is distended and guarded. Your MOST important consideration for this patient should be to:

be alert for signs and symptoms of shock

It is MOST important for the EMT to remember that suicidal patients may:

be homicidal as well.

In anticipation of receiving a fertilized ovum, the lining of the uterine wall:

becomes engorged with blood.

You and your EMT partner are the first to arrive at the scene of an unresponsive 70-year-old man. Your assessment reveals that he is apneic and pulseless. A paramedic unit is en route to the scene and will arrive in approximately 5 minutes. You should:

begin CPR, while your partner applies the AED, and deliver a shock if it is indicated.

You and your partner arrive at the scene of a middle-aged man who collapsed about 5 minutes ago. He is unresponsive, apneic, and pulseless. Bystanders are present, but have not provided any care. You should:

begin high-quality CPR and apply the AED as soon as possible.

You are dispatched to a residence for a 56-year-old male with an altered mental status. Upon arrival at the scene, the patient's wife tells you that he complained of chest pain the day before, but would not allow her to call EMS. The patient is semiconscious; has rapid, shallow respirations; and has a thready pulse. You should:

begin ventilatory assistance.

____________ is what you can see of a person's response to the environment.


General guidelines for managing a patient with a behavioral emergency include:

being prepared to spend extra time with the patient.

The onset of menstruation usually occurs in females who are:

between 11 and 16 years of age.

Activated charcoal is given to patients who have ingested certain substances because it:

binds to the substance and prevents absorption.

A construction worker complains of intense pain after a bag of dry powder was spilled on his arm. The EMT should:

brush the chemical from his arm and then flush the skin with water.

The EMT should assess for hypoglycemia in small children with a severe illness or injury because:

children cannot store excess glucose as effectively as adults.

When assessing a patient who is displaying bizarre behavior, the EMT should:

consider that an acute medical illness may be causing the patient's behavior.

Chemicals that are responsible for the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction to a bee sting include:

histamines and leukotrienes.

Urticaria is the medical term for:


A 19-year-old male complains of "not feeling right." His insulin and a syringe are on a nearby table. The patient says he thinks he took his insulin and cannot remember whether he ate. He is also unable to tell you the time or what day it is. His skin is diaphoretic. The glucometer reads "error" after several attempts to assess his blood glucose level. You should:

contact medical control and if they do not respond, administer oral glucose.

The myocardium receives oxygenated blood from the __________, which originate(s) from the __________.

coronary arteries, aorta

During your assessment of a 70-year-old woman, she tells you that she takes blood-thinning medication and has to wear compression stockings around her legs. This information should make you suspect that she has:

deep vein thrombosis.

A 49-year-old male presents with confusion, sweating, and visual hallucinations. The patient's wife tells you that he is a heavy drinker, but quit cold turkey recently, and that he might have had a seizure shortly before your arrival. This patient is most likely experiencing:

delirium tremens.

The single most significant factor that contributes to suicide is:


Signs of excited delirium include:

diaphoresis, tachycardia, and hallucinations.

A percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) restores blood flow to the ischemic myocardium by:

dilating the affected coronary artery with a small inflatable balloon.

Nitroglycerin relieves cardiac-related chest pain by:

dilating the coronary arteries and improving cardiac blood flow.

Diabetes is MOST accurately defined as a(n):

disorder of glucose metabolism

A patient whose speech is slurred and difficult to understand is experiencing:


Insulin functions in the body by:

enabling glucose to enter the cells.

Patients with uncontrolled diabetes experience polyuria because:

excess glucose in the blood is excreted by the kidneys.

t is common for young females who experience their first menstrual period to:

experience abdominal cramping, which may be misinterpreted.

Posttraumatic stress disorder can happen after:

exposure to or injury from a traumatic occurrence

Anaphylaxis is MOST accurately defined as a(n):

extreme allergic reaction that affects multiple body systems.

Ketone production is the result of:

fat metabolization when glucose is unavailable.

You arrive at a grocery store shortly after a 35-year-old male stopped seizing. Your assessment reveals that he is confused and incontinent of urine. The patient's girlfriend tells you that he has a history of seizures and takes topiramate (Topamax). When obtaining further medical history from the girlfriend, it is MOST important to:

get a description of how the seizure developed and how long it lasted

Whenever possible, a female sexual assault victim should be:

given the option of being treated by a female EMT.

The MOST significant risk factor for a hemorrhagic stroke is:


After the AED has delivered a shock, the EMT should:

immediately resume CPR.

Most poisonings occur via the __________ route.


You are dispatched to a residence for a 66-year-old male who, according to family members, has suffered a massive stroke. Your primary assessment reveals that the patient is unresponsive, apneic, and pulseless. You should:

initiate CPR and attach an AED as soon as possible.

A 78-year-old female presents with an acute change in her behavior. The patient's son tells you that his mother has type 2 diabetes and was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease 6 months ago. The patient's speech is slurred and she is not alert to her surroundings. You should:

inquire about the possibility of head trauma.

Diabetic ketoacidosis occurs when:

insulin is not available in the body.

You are treating a 40-year-old male with a documented blood sugar reading of 480 mg/dL. The patient is semiconscious and breathing shallowly, and is receiving assisted ventilation from your partner. You should recognize that definitive treatment for this patient includes:


If a woman with vaginal bleeding reports syncope, the EMT should assume that she:

is in shock.

Chronic renal failure is a condition that:

is often caused by hypertension or diabetes.

A 28-year-old female patient is found to be responsive to verbal stimuli only. Her roommate states that she was recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and has had difficulty controlling her blood sugar level. She further tells you that the patient has been urinating excessively and has progressively worsened over the last 24 to 36 hours. On the basis of this patient's clinical presentation, you should suspect that she:

is significantly hyperglycemic.

In contrast to the parietal peritoneum, the visceral peritoneum:

is supplied by nerves of the autonomic nervous system, which are less able to localize pain or sensation.

The AED is MOST advantageous to the EMT because:

it delivers prompt defibrillation to patients with ventricular fibrillation.

When documenting a call in which a female was sexually assaulted, you should:

keep the report concise and record only what the patient stated in her own words.

A young female presents with costovertebral angle tenderness. She is conscious and alert with stable vital signs. Which of the following organs is MOST likely causing her pain?


Injury to a hollow abdominal organ would MOST likely result in:

leakage of contents into the abdominal cavity.

Most patients with abdominal pain prefer to:

lie on their side with their knees drawn into the abdomen.

The physical examination of a sexual assault victim should be:

limited to a brief survey for life-threatening injuries.

Individuals with chronic alcoholism are predisposed to intracranial bleeding and hypoglycemia secondary to abnormalities in the:


Which of the following organs would MOST likely bleed profusely if injured?


An overdose of acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol, will most likely cause:

liver damage and failure.

A strangulated hernia is one that:

loses its blood supply due to compression by local tissues.

You arrive at the residence of a 33-year-old woman who is experiencing a generalized (tonic-clonic) seizure. She has a small amount of vomitus draining from the side of her mouth. After protecting her from further injury, you should:

maintain her airway with manual head positioning, suction her airway to remove the vomitus, insert a nasopharyngeal airway, and administer high-flow oxygen.

In contrast to bleeding caused by external trauma to the vagina, bleeding caused by conditions such as polyps or cancer:

may be relatively painless.

Your unit is dispatched to the county jail for an intoxicated inmate. Upon arrival, you find the patient, a 33-year-old male, lying supine in a jail cell. He is responsive to painful stimuli only and has slow, shallow respirations. You should be most concerned that this patient:

might vomit and aspirate.

You arrive at a local grocery store approximately 5 minutes after a 21-year-old female stopped seizing. She is confused and disoriented; she keeps asking you what happened and tells you that she is thirsty. Her brother, who witnessed the seizure, tells you that she takes valproate (Depakote) for her seizures, but has not taken it in a few days. He also tells you that she has diabetes. In addition to administering oxygen, you should:

monitor her airway and breathing status and assess her blood glucose level.

After administering 0.3 mg of epinephrine via auto-injector to a 22-year-old female with an allergic reaction, you note improvement in her breathing and resolution of her hives. However, she is still anxious and tachycardic. You should:

monitor her closely but recall that anxiety and tachycardia are side effects of epinephrine.

While auscultating breath sounds of a patient who was stung multiple times by a yellow jacket, you hear bilateral wheezing over all lung fields. This indicates:

narrowing of the bronchioles in the lungs.

Atropine sulfate and pralidoxime chloride are antidotes for:

nerve gas agents

In contrast to AMI, a dissecting aortic aneurysm:

often presents with pain that is maximal from the onset

When preparing to obtain a 12-lead ECG, the LL and RL electrodes should be placed:

on the thighs or ankles

A man finds his 59-year-old wife unconscious on the couch. He states that she takes medications for type 2 diabetes. He further tells you that his wife has been ill recently and has not eaten for the past 24 hours. Your assessment reveals that the patient is unresponsive. You should:

open and maintain her airway and assess breathing.

A 22-year-old male with a history of clinical depression called 9-1-1 and stated that he has attempted to kill himself. Your unit and law enforcement officers arrive at the scene simultaneously. You find the patient lying supine on the living room floor. He is unresponsive and cyanotic. An empty bottle of hydromorphone (Dilaudid) is found on an adjacent table. You should:

open the patient's airway and assess his respirations.

Potentially life-threatening consequences of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) include:

ovarian abscess and ectopic pregnancy.

Hypotension, hypoventilation, and pinpoint pupils would be expected following an overdose of:

oxycodone (Percocet).

When assessing a patient with abdominal pain, you should:

palpate the abdomen in a clockwise direction, beginning with the quadrant after the one the patient indicates is painful.

Which of the following organs lies in the retroperitoneal space?


Your EMS team is performing CPR on a 60-year-old male in cardiac arrest. You connect the AED, push the analyze button, and receive a "no shock advised" message. You should:

perform CPR for 2 minutes and reassess.

The MOST common and significant complication associated with an acute abdomen is:


When caring for a female patient who has been sexually assaulted, you should:

place any bloodstained clothing or other articles in separate paper bags.

Excessive eating caused by cellular "hunger" is called:


Status epilepticus is characterized by:

prolonged seizures without a return of consciousness.

A 30-year-old woman with a history of alcoholism presents with severe upper abdominal pain and is vomiting large amounts of bright red blood. Her skin is cool, pale, and clammy; her heart rate is 120 beats/min and weak; and her blood pressure is 70/50 mm Hg. Your MOST immediate action should be to:

protect her airway from aspiration.

A 29-year-old female presents with confusion and disorientation. She does not seem to be able to follow commands. Her respirations are rapid and shallow. She is markedly diaphoretic and has an oxygen saturation of 89%. You should first:

provide ventilatory support

Immediately after physically restraining a violent patient, the EMT should:

reassess the patient's airway and breathing.

An EMT's primary responsibility to the patient who has been poisoned is to:

recognize that a poisoning occurred.

When transporting a stable stroke patient with a paralyzed extremity, place the patient in a:

recumbent position with the paralyzed side down.

A technique used to gain insight into a patient's thinking, which involves repeating in question form what the patient has said, is called:

reflective listening.

You respond to a call for an unknown emergency. When you arrive at the scene, the patient's husband meets you at the door and states that his wife has been depressed and has locked herself in an upstairs bedroom. He further tells you that he keeps his handgun in the bedroom. You should:

remain in a safe place and request law enforcement.

A patient in cardiac arrest is wearing an external defibrillator vest, which is interfering with effective chest compressions. The EMT should:

remove the battery from the monitor and then remove the vest.

You are assessing a 49-year-old man who complains of chest pressure that began the night before. He is conscious, but anxious, and tells you he has a history of angina and hypertension. You expose his chest to auscultate his lungs and note that he has a nitroglycerin patch on his right upper chest. His skin is cool and pale, his blood pressure is 78/50 mm Hg, and his pulse is 110 beats/min and irregular. You should:

remove the nitroglycerin patch, administer oxygen, and place him in a supine position.

The kidneys help to regulate blood pressure by:

removing sodium and water from the body.

You have administered one dose of epinephrine to a 40-year-old female to treat an allergic reaction that she developed after being stung by a scorpion. Your reassessment reveals that she is still having difficulty breathing, has a decreasing mental status, and has a blood pressure of 80/50 mm Hg. You should:

request permission from medical control to give another dose of epinephrine.

Most AEDs are set up to adjust the voltage based on the impedance, which is the:

resistance of the body to the flow of electricity.

A 38-year-old male with a history of schizophrenia is reported by neighbors to be screaming and throwing things in his house. You are familiar with the patient and have cared for him in the past for unrelated problems. Law enforcement officers escort you into the residence when you arrive. The patient tells you that he sees vampires and is attempting to ward them off by screaming and throwing things at them. He has several large lacerations to his forearms that are actively bleeding. The MOST appropriate way to manage this situation is to:

restrain the patient with appropriate force in order to treat his injuries.

You respond to a residence for a patient who is "not acting right." As you approach the door, the patient, a 35-year-old male, begins shouting profanities at you and your partner while holding a baseball bat. The man is confused and diaphoretic, and is wearing a medical identification bracelet. You should:

retreat at once and call law enforcement.

The right coronary artery supplies blood to the:

right ventricle and inferior wall of the left ventricle.

Functions of the liver include:

secretion of bile and filtration of toxic substances.

In an apparent suicide attempt, a 19-year-old female ingested a full bottle of the antidepressant amitriptyline (Elavil). At present, she is conscious and alert and states that she swallowed the pills approximately 30 minutes earlier. Her blood pressure is 90/50 mm Hg, her pulse is 140 beats/min and irregular, and her respirations are 22 breaths/min with adequate depth. When transporting this patient, you should be most alert for:

seizures and cardiac dysrhythmias.

When a female has reached menarche:

she is capable of becoming pregnant.

In contrast to the sympathetic nervous system, the parasympathetic nervous system:

slows the heart and respiratory rates.

Solid abdominal organs include the:

spleen, kidneys, and pancreas.

The purpose of defibrillation is to:

stop the chaotic, disorganized contraction of the cardiac cells.

Which of the following sounds indicates swelling of the upper airway?


Patients with acute abdominal pain should not be given anything to eat or drink because:

substances in the stomach increase the risk of vomiting and aspiration.

Which of the following clinical signs is MOST suggestive of a ruptured aneurysm?

sudden, severe headache

In which position should you restrain a physically uncooperative patient?


A 42-year-old male is found unresponsive on his couch by a neighbor. During your assessment, you find no signs of trauma, and the patient's blood glucose level is 75 mg/dL. His blood pressure is 168/98 mm Hg, his heart rate is 45 beats/min and bounding, and his respirations are 8 breaths/min and irregular. The patient is wearing a medical alert bracelet that states he has hemophilia. You should:

suspect that he has intracranial bleeding, assist his ventilations, and transport rapidly to an appropriate hospital.

Symptomatic hypoglycemia will MOST likely develop if a patient:

takes too much of his or her prescribed insulin.

EMTs receive a call for a possible sexual assault. The patient is a young female who is conscious and alert and has no apparent injuries. She states, "I can't remember anything, but I know I was raped." The EMTs should suspect that:

the patient was given a drug prior to the incident.

Cardiac output may decrease if the heart beats too rapidly because:

there is not enough time in between contractions for the heart to refill completely.

You respond to a residence for a child who is having a seizure. Upon arrival at the scene, you enter the residence and find the mother holding her child, a 2-year-old male. The child is conscious and crying. According to the mother, the child had been running a high fever and then experienced a seizure that lasted approximately 3 minutes. You should:

transport the child to the hospital and reassure the mother en route.

The MOST important treatment for a patient with severe abdominal pain and signs of shock is:

transporting the patient without delay.

The principal clinical difference between a stroke and hypoglycemia is that patients with hypoglycemia:

usually have an altered mental status or decreased level of consciousness.

A 25-year-old man overdosed on heroin and is unresponsive. His breathing is slow and shallow and he is bradycardic. He has track marks on both arms. The EMT should first:

ventilate with a bag-mask device.

In the presence of ileus, the only way the stomach can empty itself is by:


Epinephrine is indicated for patients with an allergic reaction when:

wheezing and hypotension are present.

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