Exam 1 (Ch. 1,2,3)

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kilogram is a measurement for...

involve several scientific disciplines

most natural phenomena we wonder about...


of the sciences known as physics, chemistry, and biology, the most basic is...


how many different elements are in a water molecule?


how many protons should be added to the nuclei of oxygen atoms so the resulting gas will glow red when there is an electric current through It?

19p 19e 21n

how many protons, electrons, and neutrons does potassium 40 have?


how many times smaller is an electron to a proton?


if a pair of helium nuclei are fused together, the result is

1 second

if a projectile is fired straight up at a speed of 10 m/s, the time It takes to reach the top of Its path is about


if one neutron is added to a helium nucleus, the result is

9.8 meters per second per second

if you drop an object, It will accelerate downward at a rate of 9.8 meters per second per second. if you instead throw It downwards, Its acceleration will be

orbital electrons

in an electrically neutral atom, the # of protons in the nucleus is balanced by an equal number of


in each second of fall, the distance a freely falling object will fall is


in science, an educated guess is a...

may change

in science, facts...

still not be able to see of photograph an atom

is we doubled the magnifying power of the most powerful optical microscope in the world, we would

related to one another, but not the same thing

science and technology are...

humankind's beginnings

science is a body of knowledge that goes back to...

all 3 have different domains

science, art, and religion do not contradict one another because...

neither a or b

scientists repeat experimental findings in order to... a. improve upon experimental design b. eliminate unseen errors c. both d. neither


smallest chemical property of a substance


ten seconds after starting from rest, a car is moving at 40 m/s. what is the car's acceleration in meters per second per second?

gaining new knowledge

the scientific method is a method for...


the statement, "there are regions beneath earth's crust that will always be beyond the reach of scientific investigation," is a ...


the synthesis of a large collection of information that contains well tested and verified hypotheses about certain aspects of the world is known as a scientific...

about 1.2 m

the vertical height attained by a basketball player who achieves a hang time of a full 1 s is

the whole world

there are about as many atoms of air in our lungs at any moment as there are breaths of air in the atmosphere of...

adds depth to our understanding and therefore adds to our appreciation of nature

using science to analyze nature...

5 x 10^-10 m

what is 5A in meters?

10^6 cm^3

what is a volume of 1m^3 in cubic cm?

0 m/s

what is the acceleration at constant velocity?


what is the smallest particle?

# of protons

what makes an element distinct?

size of atom

what measurement was not performed in ancient time?


what particle is electrically neutral?

velocity is 0 and Its acceleration is about 10 meters per second per second

when a rock thrown straight upwards gets to the exact top of Its path, its

gets no second chance in the scientific community

when a scientist is dishonest and reports false information, he or she...

undergoing acceleration

when there is one vector, what's happening to the object?

all of the above

which of the following involves passion, talent, and intelligence? 1. art 2. literature 3. music 4. science 5. all of the above

the moon is made of green cheese

which of the following is a scientific hypothesis? 1. the moon is made of green cheese 2. there are things we will never know about 3. matter is filled with undetectable particles 4. there are parts of the universe that will never be found by man


which of these atoms has the most mass? 1. hydrogen 2. iron 3. lead 4. uranium

about 180 m

It takes 6 seconds for a stone to fall to the bottom of a mine shaft. how deep is the shaft?

about 30 m/s

a pot falls from a ledge and hits the ground 45 m below. the speed with which It hits the ground is


a scientific hypothesis may turn out to be right or wrong. If It is a valid hypothesis, there must be a test for proving It _______

all of the above

a truly educated person is knowledgeable about... 1. science 2. art 3. religion 4. all of the above

10 m/s

an apple falls from a tree and hits the ground 5 meters below. It hits the ground with a speed of about

a carbon atom

an atomic mass unit is 1/12 the mass of

nuclear fusion

atoms heavier than hydrogen were made by

random motions of atoms and molecules

brownian motion has to do with the

400 ms

0.4s = how many millisec?

1. 30 m/s 2. 15 m/s 3. 45 m/s 4. 75 m/s

1. Drop a penny into a wishing well, and It falls for 3 sec before hitting the water. how fast is It going when It hits? 2. what is the penny's average speed during Its 3 sec drop? 3. how far down is the water surface? 4. Goes to a deeper well and throws a penny straight down into It at 10 m/s. how far does this penny go in 3 sec?

1. 125 m 2. 105 m

1. how high is the arrow when you shoot us at 50 m/s when It runs out of speed? 2. how high will the arrow be 7 sec after being shot up at 50 m/s?

1. 5 sec 2. 0 m/s 3. -10 m/s 4. -20 m/s

1. you shoot an arrow straight up at 50m/s. when will It run out of speed? 2. so what will be the arrow's speed 5 sec after you shoot It? 3. what will Its speed be 6 sec after you shoot It? 4. speed after 7 sec?


___________ is the magnitude of a force


a ball dropped from rest picks up speed at 10m/s per second. after It falls for 4 seconds, how fast is It going?


a ball is thrown straight down with an initial speed of 20m/s. after 3 seconds, how fast is It going?

about 50 m/s

a ball is thrown upwards. neglecting air resistance, what initial upward speed does the ball need to remain in the air for a total time of 10 seconds?

about 10 seconds

a ball thrown 125 meters upward and then falls the same distance back to earth. neglecting air resistance, Its total time in the air is

each bullet is 9.8 meters per second per second

a bullet is dropped from the top of the empire state building while another bullet is fired downward from the same location. neglecting air resistance, the acceleration of...


a car accelerates from rest for 5 seconds until It reaches a speed of 20 m/s. what is the cars acceleration in meters per second per second?


a car at rest goes to 20m/s in 10sec, what is the acceleration?

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