exam 1 ch.4 psych

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Which of the following is NOT an example of a newborn reflex?


Today, ______ are likely to arrive at a pregnant woman's home during early labor and later work alongside hospital staff.


Jenny just learned that she is 6 weeks pregnant. She is in the _____ period of prenatal development.


The ____ period lasts from the third week through the eighth week of pregnancy.


Alice is pregnant and wants to ensure that she does everything she can to prevent the occurrence of a neural-tube defect in her child. She makes sure that she has the proper amount of _____ in her diet.

folic acid

The head appears in the _____ week after conception.


Which of the following is TRUE regarding rates for cesarean sections and epidurals? _____

They vary by doctor and by hospital.

Dr. Lopez is a researcher who focuses on teratology. Teratology is the science of ______.

risk analysis

When infants turn their heads and suck in response to a touch on the cheek, they are demonstrating the _____ reflex.


In which of the following countries are home births most common? _____

The Netherlands

Newborn babies do NOT have reflexes designed to _____.

adjust to the difference between day and night

The ______ is the age at which a fetus might survive outside the mother's uterus if specialized medical care is available.

age of viability

Newborn Sophie experienced a lack of oxygen during childbirth. This is called _____.


When Alexia was born, she had a lack of oxygen for a small amount of time. Alexia experienced _____.


The critical factor in attaining the age of viability is _____.

having a functioning central nervous system

In the fourth week after conception, a miniscule blood vessel that will become the _____ begins to pulsate.


Phil is holding his newborn child for the first time and is overwhelmed by the love he feels. Phil is experiencing _____.

the parent-infant bond

The strong, loving connection that forms as parents hold, examine, and feed their newborn is called _____.

the parent-infant bond

Which of the following structures develops first during the period of the embryo?

the primitive streak

A common reason that couples do not seek genetic counseling is that _____.

their pregnancy is unplanned

By the end of the ____ prenatal month, sex organs develop and are soon visible via ultrasound.


With respect to test results, a false positive is the result of a laboratory test that reports something as _____.

true when in fact it is not true

Jose and Keta recently learned that they were pregnant. The couple is very excited about the pregnancy and are eager to know the sex of the fetus. The doctor explains that she will be able to determine the sex by the end of the third month using _____.


Babies born slightly under 1,500 grams (3 pounds 5 ounces) are considered _____ -birthweight.

very low

Baby Olivia weighed 2 pounds, 8 ounces at birth. Olivia would be classified as ____ -birthweight.

very low

Nicolette, pregnant for the first time, wonders how long it will take to deliver her son. You can tell Nicolette that for first births, the average baby is born after ____ hours of active labor.


The germinal period ends approximately _____ after conception.

2 weeks

The age of viability occurs at about ____ weeks after conception.


Currently in the United States, newborn mortality is about 1 in ___.


On average, fetuses gain about _____ pounds during the last trimester of pregnancy, which brings the average birth weight to about 7.5 pounds.


About ___ percent of natural conceptions never implant.


Lin, in labor with her first child, is in a great deal of pain and has been experiencing strong contractions for nearly 12 hours with little progress toward birth. Although Lin was hoping for a natural birth, her doctor has urged her to use an epidural. Which of the following problems occurs most often following an epidural?

An epidural slows down the labor process.

The day after he was born, Brayden was given a test that measures responsiveness and records 46 behaviors, including 20 reflexes. This test is called the ______.

Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale

According to research on alcohol consumption, which of the following women is most likely to drink while pregnant?

Charlotte, a 35-year-old accountant with a master's degree

Regarding exposure to teratogens, which of the following affect when a threshold is crossed?

Dose, timing, frequency, and other teratogens

Which of the following statements about parent-infant bonding is true? _____

Early skin-to-skin contact is not essential for human nurturance.

Statistically, which woman is at greatest risk for having a low-birthweight baby?

Kate, who regularly misses meals

Which of the following is a protective factor in pregnancy?

Optimal weight gain

Which of the following statements about international rates of low birthweight is true?

The U.S. rate is higher than that of virtually every other developed nation.

_____ is/are implicated in 25 percent of all low-birthweight births worldwide.


Paternal experiences of pregnancy and birth are called ______, expected in some cultures, a normal variation in many, and considered pathological in others.


Anoxia refers to _____.

a lack of oxygen

Studies show that the timing of pregnancy may increase the risk of negative developmental outcomes. In one study, researchers found that second-born children are twice as likely to have _____ if they are born within a year of the first-born child.

autism spectrum disorder

By age 3, children born by cesarean section are twice as likely to _____.

be obese

Genetic counseling may be most useful to parents at which of the following stages?

before becoming pregnant

Chantal and her husband are considering having a baby. Chantal's obstetrician recommends that she stop using alcohol and update her immunizations _____.

before she gets pregnant

Jill is 5 years old. She has been diagnosed with ADHD and shows signs of learning problems. Her pediatrician suggests that Jill's problems could be the result of prenatal exposure to _____, though he stresses that the link is not straightforward at this time.

behavioral teratogens

Studies indicate that _____ may mitigate maternal depression.


In most cases, newborns _____.

breathe and cry on their own immediately

Postpartum depression _____.

can be mitigated by successful breast-feeding

When it comes to research on prenatal development and teratogens, scientists _____.

can disagree on the interpretation of research

During the embryonic period, the neural tube will become the _____.

central nervous system, brain, and spinal cord

Growth occurs in a _____ pattern, which means head-to-tail.


Sammy, age 5, spends his day in a wheelchair, assisted by an aid. Sammy can't control any of his muscles due to brain damage, but he is extremely intelligent. Sammy's condition has been evident since birth. Sammy has _____.

cerebral palsy

A surgical birth, in which incisions through the mother's abdomen and uterus allow the fetus to be removed quickly, is also referred to as a(n) _____.

cesarean section

Analysis of umbilical cord blood confirms that fetuses exposed to ______ have lower intelligence test scores and more behavior problems than other children.


While Bill's wife was pregnant, he experienced weight gain and indigestion. When she gave birth, he felt sharp physical pain as well. Bill was experiencing _____.


The first days and weeks after conception (the germinal and embryonic periods) are _____ for body formation, but health during the entire fetal period affects the _____.

critical; brain

Epidurals, often used in hospital births to manage pain during childbirth, have been shown to _____.

decrease the newborn's readiness to suck

Adults who were low-birthweight babies have higher rates of _____.


A person who supports a mother through the birth process from early labor at home through delivery at home or in a hospital is called a _____.


Tina went into labor at her home. Joan arrived soon after and began to time her contractions and give gentle massages. She assisted Tina and her partner when it was time to leave for the hospital and accompanied them through the birth process. Joan was Tina's _____.


The Apgar scale is used at one minute and five minutes after birth to _____.

evaluate the health of the newborn

Babies born under 1,000 grams (2 pounds 3 ounces) are considered _____.

extremely low-birthweight

The longest period of prenatal development is the _____ period.


The third period of gestation is the _____ period.


Mandy is pregnant yet she still has four alcoholic drinks each day. Her baby may be at increased risk for the development of _____ syndrome.

fetal alcohol

At around 38 weeks after conception, the _____ starts the sequence of events that prepares the fetus for delivery and starts labor.

fetal brain

A woman carrying dizygotic twins drinks alcohol. The twins' blood alcohol levels are equal, yet one twin may be more severely affected than the other because their alleles for the enzyme that metabolizes alcohol differ. This is evidence that the _____ influence the effects of teratogens.

genes of the embryo/fetus

In the United States, which is NOT a potential reason for the rise in the frequency of low-birthweight babies?

genetic factors

During the _____ period of prenatal development, the placenta must achieve implantation.


Cindy is doing a presentation on prenatal development. Cindy's presentation will focus on the following three periods, in the order of ______.

germinal, embryonic, and fetal

Some teratogens have a threshold effect, which means that they are _____.

harmless until exposure reaches a certain level

Bruno and Juliana moved to the United States from Mexico two years ago and just had their first baby. Although Bruno and Juliana's SES is lower than that of their native-born peers, their baby was born at a healthy weight. This phenomenon is called the _____ paradox.


Newborns born to immigrants are generally healthier in every way, including birthweight, than newborns of U.S.-born women. This phenomenon is called the ______.

immigrant paradox

Rita is one month pregnant and consults with her doctor about the different categories of teratogens. The doctor tells her that all of the following are categories of teratogens EXCEPT _____.


During the germinal period, the first task of the zygote's outer cells is _____.


Newborn Kendrell received an Apgar score of 4. This score indicates that Kendrell is ______.

in need of emergency care

With respect to prenatal development, teratogens _____ prenatal abnormalities.

increase the risk of

Compared to vaginal births, c-section births _____.

increase the risk of complications after birth

The frequency of low birthweight in the United States is _____.


Holly was two weeks over her due date. The doctor decided it was best for Holly to _____ labor due to the increasing size of the fetus.


Labor that is started, speeded, or strengthened with a drug is referred to as _____.

induced labor

A form of newborn care in which mothers (and sometimes fathers) rest their babies on their naked chests is called _____.

kangaroo care

Gwen is the mother of newborn Taylor. For the majority of the day, Gwen holds Taylor between her breasts, skin-to-skin. This allows Taylor to listen to Gwen's heartbeat, as well as feel her mother's body heat. Gwen is utilizing ____.

kangaroo care

A baby is assessed at one minute after birth using the Apgar scale. Three of the five vital signs are good, but the baby is weak and inactive and grimaces. The two vital signs the medical team is concerned about are _____.

muscle tone and reflex irritability

Low folic acid during pregnancy can result in _____.

neural-tube defects

In the United States, more than _____ of births occur via c-section.


Cooperation between a mother and a father based on their mutual commitment to their children is called _____.

parental alliance

Rebecca and Bob just had a baby. They agreed that they would each be responsible for the baby every other evening to give the other parent a break from child care. They have also discussed how to share responsibility for day-care drop-off and pickup once they are both back at work. Rebecca and Bob are demonstrating _____.

parental alliance

About a week after conception, the outer layer of the multiplying cells forms a protective circle, or shell, that will become the _____.


In the third stage of labor, the _____.

placenta is delivered

Carly just gave birth to her first child two weeks ago. Jeff, Carly's husband, has noticed that Carly is unable to sleep, talks excessively, and seems extremely concerned that something is wrong with the baby, despite being reassured by the doctor. Carly's behavior may indicate that she is experiencing ______.

postpartum depression

Julia had a baby three weeks ago. She has been feeling sad and inadequate as a mother, which has made caring for her newborn difficult. Julia may be experiencing _____.

postpartum depression

Kelley just had a baby and now is experiencing a sense of inadequacy and sadness. She may have _____.

postpartum depression

A teratogen is any agent or condition that increases the risk for _____.

prenatal abnormalities

A baby born three or more weeks early is called _____.


Prenatally, development happens in a near-to-far pattern known as _____.


Thresholds, as they relate to harm from any teratogen, are difficult to set because one teratogen may _____ the threshold of another teratogen.


A father's presence at a child's birth _____.

reduces the likelihood of birth complications

A baby whose birthweight is significantly lower than expected given the time since conception is referred to as _____.

small for gestational age

Drugs, viruses, pollutants, malnutrition, and stress during pregnancy are referred to as ______.


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